Belongs within: Coleoptera.
The Belidae are a group of elongate weevils with straight antennae, usually lacking a distinct club. Members of the subfamily Belinae have larvae that bore into wood whereas Oxycoryninae feed on the reproductive structures of their host plants.
Characters (from Lawrence & Britton 1991): Elongate, usually more or less parallel-sided, clothed with decumbent hairs. Rostrum usually moderately long (rarely short and broad); antennae straight, 10-segmented, lacking distinct club (rarely with weak, 4-segmented club), inserted at middle or near base of rostrum; labrum not visible; palps more or less rigid; gular sutures short and separate; pronotum without lateral carinae; fore coxae projecting, trochantins concealed, fore coxal cavities externally and internally closed; tibiae usually with row of small granules along outer edge and fore tibiae often with teeth on inner edge; tarsi pseudotetramerous; abdomen with five ventrites, none connate; pygidium concealed. Larvae broad, slightly flattened, ventrally curved, lightly sclerotised and hairy, with enlarged, strongly declivous prothorax. Head elongate with indistinct median endocarina; frons sometimes with median spine; labral rods absent; mala simple and rounded; maxillary palpifer well developed; protergum with sclerotised, keeled plate on posterior half; abdominal terga with two indistinct transverse folds.
| i. s.: Oxycraspedus cribricollis HR11
| Pachyurinus M94
|--Oxycoryninae [Oxycorynidae] B14
| | i. s.: Rhopalotria B14
| | |--R. mollis (Sharp 1890) B14
| | `--R. slossonae B14
| | Metroxena RD77
| `--Oxycorynini B14
| |--Hydnorobius hydnorae (Pascoe 1868) B14
| |--Oxycorynus B14
| |--Alloxycorynus B14
| `--Balanophorobius B14
`--Belinae [Belides, Pachyurinae] B14
| i. s.: Cyrotyphus Pascoe 1870 M94
| |--*C. fasciculatus Pascoe 1870 M94
| |--C. blandus (Faust 1892) M94
| `--C. tridens [=Agathinus tridens] M94
| Leba LB91
| Isacantha M86
| |--I. exigua Pascoe 1873 M86
| `--I. papulosa (Pascoe 1871) [=Pachyura papulosa] M86
| *Brachybelus undulatus M94
| *Sphinctobelus niger M94
| Dicordylus annulifer ML05
|--Agnesiotis LB91 [Agnesiotidini B14]
| `--A. pilosula M86
|--Pachyura M86 [Pachyurini B14]
| |--P. australis Hope 1833 M86
| |--P. cinerea Blanch. 1853 M86
| `--P. vestita Pascoe 1873 M86
`--Belini B14
|--Rhinotia Kirby 1819 B14, M94
| |--*R. haemoptera Kirby 1819 M94
| |--R. apicalis B14
| |--R. bidentata (Donovan 1805) M94 (see below for synonymy)
| |--R. corallina Pascoe 1872 M86
| |--R. cruenta Pascoe 1870 M86
| |--R. dermestiventris Buquet in Boisduval 1835 B35 [incl. R. fascicularis M86]
| |--R. elytrura Pascoe 1872 M86
| |--R. hemisticta ZS10
| |--R. kirbyi M86
| |--R. marginella B14
| |--R. parva B14
| |--R. pectoralis Erichs. 1842 M86
| |--R. perplexa B14
| |--R. pruinosa Pascoe 1871 M86
| |--R. semipunctata (Fabricius 1775) [=Curculio semipunctatus] Z93
| |--R. spinipennis Lacord. 1863 M86
| |--R. suturalis [=Orthorhynchus suturalis] Z93
| `--R. venusta Pascoe 1872 M86
`--Belus Schoenherr 1826 BR05
|--B. acicularis Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. amplicollis Jekel 1860 M86
|--B. anguineus Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. angustulus Germ. 1848 M86
|--B. apthosus Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. bimaculatus Pascoe 1871 M86
|--B. bispinosus Perroud 1853 M86
|--B. brunneus Guér. 1830 [incl. B. affinis Perroud 1853, B. melanocephalus] M86
|--B. centralis Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. congestus Pascoe 1871 M86
|--B. cyaneipennis Bohem. 1859 M86
|--B. divisus Pascoe 1885 M86
|--B. farinarius Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. filiformis Germ. 1848 M86
|--B. filum M86
|--B. fumigatus M86
|--B. ganglionicus Pascoe 1873 M86
|--B. gracilis M86
|--B. grayi M86
|--B. hemistictus M86
|--B. irroratus M86
|--B. linearis Pascoe 1870 M86
|--B. parallelus Pascoe 1872 M86
|--B. phoenicopterus M86
|--B. pica M86
|--B. plagiatus Pascoe 1870 M86
|--B. rhinotioides M86
|--B. scalaris M86
|--B. semipunctatus M86 [=Lixus semipunctatus B35; incl. Brentus lineatus Donov. 1805 B35, M86]
|--B. serpens Pascoe 1870 M86
|--B. sparsus M86
|--B. subparallelus Jekel 1860 M86
|--B. suturalis Boisduval 1835 B35
`--B. vetustus Pascoe 1870 M86
Rhinotia bidentata (Donovan 1805) M94 [=Lixus bidentatus M94, Belus bidentatus M94, Orthorhynchus bidentatus B35]
*Type species of generic name indicated
[B35] Boisduval, J. B. 1835. Voyage de Découvertes de l’Astrolabe. Exécuté par ordre du Roi, pendant les années 1826–1827–1828–1829, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville. Faune entomologique de l'océan Pacifique, avec l'illustration des insectes nouveaux recueillis pendant le voyage vol. 2. Coléoptères et autres ordres. J. Tastu: Paris.
[B14] Bouchard, P. (ed.) 2014. The Book of Beetles: A lifesize guide to six hundred of nature's gems. Ivy Press: Lewes (United Kingdom).
[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.
[HR11] Heraty, J., F. Ronquist, J. M. Carpenter, D. Hawks, S. Schulmeister, A. P. Dowling, D. Murray, J. Munro, W. C. Wheeler, N. Schiff & M. Sharkey. 2011. Evolution of the hymenopteran megaradiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 60: 73–88.
[LB91] Lawrence, J. F., & E. B. Britton. 1991. Coleoptera (beetles). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 543–683. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).
[ML05] Marvaldi, A. E., & A. A. Lanteri. 2005. Key to higher taxa of South American weevils based on adult characters (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 78: 65–87.
[M86] Masters, G. 1886. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Part V. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (3): 585–686.
[M94] May, B. M. 1994. An introduction to the immature stages of Australian Curculionoidea. In: Zimmerman, E. C. Australian Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) vol. 2. Brentidae, Eurhynchidae, Apionidae and a chapter on immature stages by Brenda May pp. 365–728. CSIRO Australia.
[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.
[ZS10] Zborowski, P., & R. Storey. 2010. A Field Guide to Insects in Australia 3rd ed. Reed New Holland: Sydney.
[Z93] Zimmerman, E. C. 1993. Australian Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) vol. 3. Nanophyidae, Rhynchophoridae, Erirhinidae, Curculionidae: Amycterinae, literature consulted. CSIRO Australia.
Last updated: 15 November 2020.