Showing posts with label Decapoda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decapoda. Show all posts


Enoplocytia leachii, from here.

Belongs within: Reptantia.
Contains: Astacida, Homarida.

The Astacidea are a clade of decapod crustaceans including the clawed lobsters and crayfish, with most modern representatives having well-developed chelae on the first pereiopods.

Characters (from Amati et al. 2004): Cephalothorax subcylindrical; rostrum and abdomen well developed; frontal portion of carapace not fused with epistome; antennae with five-segmented stalk and scale; third maxilliped pediform; pereiopods chelate, subchelate, or pseudochelate; first pereiopod longest; abdominal pleura well developed; exopods of uropods with diaresis; genital openings coxal.

Astacidea [Astacura, Nephropoidea]
    |  i. s.: Platychelidae BWW93
    |           |--Platypleon nevadense Van Straelen 1936 BWW93
    |           `--Platychela trauthi Glaessner 1931 BWW93
    |         Viriliastacus AFZ04
    |--+--+--Astacida AFZ04
    |  |  `--Homarida DAS03
    |  `--Thaumastochelida DAS03
    |       |--Thaumastochelopsis Bruce 1988 TS03
    |       |--Oncopareia Bosquet 1854 TS03
    |       |    `--O. bredai TS03
    |       `--Thaumastocheles Wood-Mason 1874 [Thaumastochelidae] TS03
    |            |--T. dochmiodon Chan & de Saint Laurent 1999 DAS03
    |            `--T. japonicus TS03
    `--+--Glypheoidea AFZ04
       |    |--Chimaerastacus Amati, Feldmann & Zonneveld 2004 [Chimaerastacidae] AFZ04
       |    |    `--*C. pacifluvialis Amati, Feldmann & Zonneveld 2004 AFZ04
       |    `--+--Neoglyphea inopinata Forest & de Saint Laurent 1975 AFZ04, DAS03
       |       |--Glypheidae FGS04
       |       |    |--Glyphea robusta AFZ04, P98
       |       |    |--Protoclytiopsis antiqua Birshtein 1958 BWW93
       |       |    `--Litogaster von Meyer 1847 [=Lithogaster (l. c.)] FGS04
       |       |         `--L. turnbullensis AFZ04
       |       `--Mecochiridae AFZ04
       |            |  i. s.: ‘Upogebia’ clypeata BWW93
       |            |--Mecochirus AFZ04
       |            |--Meyeria M’Coy 1849 BWW93
       |            `--Pseudoglyphea Oppel 1861 BWW93 [incl. Triasiglyphea van Straelen 1936 AFZ04]
       |                 `--P. mulleri (van Straelen 1936) [=*Triasiglyphea mulleri] AFZ04
       `--Erymoidea AFZ04
            |--Clytiopsis [Clytiopsidae] AFZ04
            |    `--C. argentoratensis Glaessner 1929 BWW93
            `--+--Pemphicidae AFZ04
               |    |--Pseudopemphix Wüst 1903 BWW93
               |    |    `--P. albertii (von Meyer 1840) BWW93
               |    `--Pemphix von Meyer 1840 FGS04
               |         `--P. sueurii (Desmarest 1822) BWW93
               `--Erymidae AFZ04
                    |  i. s.: Lissocardia von Meyer 1851 FGS04
                    |--Eryma von Meyer 1840 AFZ04, TS03
                    `--+--Phlyctisoma AFZ04
                       `--Enoplocytia McCoy 1849 AFZ04, E14
                            |--*E. leachii [=Astacus leachii] E14
                            |--E. terrareginae Etheridge 1914 E14
                            `--E. ventricosa E14

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AFZ04] Amati, L., R. M. Feldmann & J.-P. Zonneveld. 2004. A new family of Triassic lobsters (Decapoda: Astacidea) from British Columbia and its phylogenetic context. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 150–168.

[BWW93] Briggs, D. E. G., M. J. Weedon & M. A. Whyte. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea excluding Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 321–342. Chapman & Hall: London.

[DAS03] Dixon, C. J., S. T. Ahyong & F. R. Schram. 2003. A new hypothesis of decapod phylogeny. Crustaceana 76: 935–975.

[E14] Etheridge, R., Jr. 1914. The genus Enoploclytia in the Cretaceous rocks of Queensland. Records of the Australian Museum 10 (9): 271–273, pls 23–24.

[FGS04] Feldmann, R. M., A. A. Garassino & C. E. Schweitzer. 2004. The presumed decapod, Palaeopemphix Gemmellaro, 1890, is a unique member of the Phyllocarida (Palaeopemphicida: Palaeopemphidae). Journal of Palaeontology 78: 340–348.

[P98] Prothero, D. R. 1998. Bringing Fossils to Life: An introduction to paleobiology. WCB McGraw-Hill: Boston.

[TS03] Tshudy, D., & U. Sorhannus. 2003. Hoploparia, the best-known fossil clawed lobster (family Nephropidae), is a “wastebasket” genus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 700–711.


Potamon fluviatilis, copyright Fabio Liverani.

Belongs within: Gecarcinucidae.
Contains: Potamonautidae.

The Potamoidea are a group of freshwater and semi-terrestrial crabs found in tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. Members are characterised by males having the distal section of the second gonopods forming a closed tube.

See also: Crabs in rivers, crabs in trees.

    |--Sundathelphusidae H86
    |    |--Perithelphusa borneensis (von Martens 1868) H86
    |    |--Sundathelphusa tenebrosa Holthuis 1979 H86
    |    `--Holthuisana Bott 1969 H86
    |         `--H. alba Holthuis 1980 H86
    `--Potamidae [Sinopotamidae, Thelphusidae] BS05
         |  i. s.: Cerberusa Holthuis 1979 H86
         |           |--C. coeca Holthuis 1979 H86
         |           `--C. tipula Holthuis 1979 H86
         |         Paratelphusula Alcock 1909 (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           |--*P. dayana (Wood-Mason 1871) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           |--P. calvum (Alcock 1909) [=Potamon (Paratelphusula) calvum] BS05
         |           |--P. crenulifera (Wood-Mason 1871) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           |--P. feae (de Man 1898) [=Parathelphusa feae] BS05
         |           |--P. fungosum (Alcock 1909) [=Potamon (Paratelphusula) fungosum] BS05
         |           |--P. martensi (Wood-Mason 1875) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           |--P. panningi (Bott 1966) [=Potamon (Spinopotamon) panningi, Acanthopotamon panningi] BS05
         |           `--P. woodmasoni (Rathbun 1905) [=Potamon (Parathelphusa) woodmasoni] BS05
         |         Himalayapotamon Pretzmann 1966 BS05
         |           |--*H. atkinsoniana (Wood-Mason 1871) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           |--H. emphysetum (Alcock 1910) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |           `--H. sunkoshiense Brandis & Sharma 2005 BS05
         |         Potamiscus Alcock 1909 [incl. Ranguna Bott 1966, Terrapotamon Ng 1986] BS05
         |           |--*P. annandalii Alcock 1909 [=Potamon (*Potamiscus) annandalii] BS05
         |           |--‘Potamon’ abbotti Rathbun 1898 [=*Terrapotamon abbotti] BS05
         |           |--P. koolooense (Rathbun 1904) [incl. Potamon babaulti Bouvier 1918] BS05
         |           |--P. rangoonensis Bott 1966 [=*Ranguna rangoonensis] BS05
         |           `--P. sikkimensis (Rathbun 1905) (see below for synonymy) BS05
         |         Parapotamon de Man 1907 BS05
         |           `--*P. spinescens (Calman 1905) BS05
         |         Stoliczia BS05
         |         Archithelphusa punctulatus (Heer 1865) BWW93
         |         Pseudopotamon speciosum (Capellini 1874) BWW93
         |--+--Socotra pseudocardisoma DC06
         |  `--+--Johora tiomanensis DC06
         |     `--Geothelphusa DC06
         |          |--G. albogilva DC06
         |          `--G. dehaanii (White 1847) H86
         `--+--Potamonautidae DC06
            `--+--Isolapotamon [Isolapotamidae] DC06
               |    |--I. collinsi Holthuis 1979 H86
               |    `--I. consobrinum DC06
               `--Potamon Savigny 1816 DC06, BS05 [incl. Thelphusa Latreille 1819 BS05]
                    |--P. fluviatilis DC06
                    |    |--P. f. fluviatilis H86
                    |    `--P. f. algeriense Bott 1967 H86
                    |--P. rangoonense Rathbun 1904 BS05
                    `--P. sivaleuse G88

*Himalayapotamon atkinsoniana (Wood-Mason 1871) [=Telphusa atkinsoniana, Potamon (*Himalayapotamon) atkinsonianum; incl. P. (H.) atkinsonianum janetschekii Pretzmann 1966] BS05

Himalayapotamon emphysetum (Alcock 1910) [=Potamon atkinsonianum var. emphysetum; incl. P. (Himalayapotamon) atkinsonianum gordoni Pretzmann 1966, P. atkinsonianum var. ventriosum Alcock 1910] BS05

Paratelphusula Alcock 1909 [incl. Acanthopotamon Kemp 1918, Lobothelphusa Bouvier 1917, Spinopotamon Bott 1966] BS05

Paratelphusula crenulifera (Wood-Mason 1871) [=Paratelphusa crenulifera, Hydrothelphusa (*Lobothelphusa) crenulifera] BS05

*Paratelphusula dayana (Wood-Mason 1871) [=Paratelphusa dayana, Potamon (*Paratelphusula) dayanum, Telphusa (Parathelphusa) dayana] BS05

Paratelphusula martensi (Wood-Mason 1875) [=Paratelphusa martensi, *Acanthopotamon martensi, Potamon (Acanthotelphusa) martensi, Po. (Parathelphusa) martensi, Po. (*Spinopotamon) martensi] BS05

Potamiscus sikkimensis (Rathbun 1905) [=Potamon (Geothelphusa) sikkimensis, Potamon (Potamiscus) sikkimense; incl. Potamon tumidulum Alcock 1909] BS05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BS05] Brandis, D., & S. Sharma. 2005. Taxonomic revision of the freshwater crab fauna of Nepal with description of a new species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamoidea and Gecarcinucoidea). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85: 1–30.

[BWW93] Briggs, D. E. G., M. J. Weedon & M. A. Whyte. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea excluding Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 321–342. Chapman & Hall: London.

[DC06] Daniels, S. R., N. Cumberlidge, M. Pérez-Losada, S. A. E. Marijnissen & K. A. Crandall. 2006. Evolution of Afrotropical freshwater crab lineages obscured by morphological convergence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (1): 227–235.

[G88] Gray, J. 1988. Evolution of the freshwater ecosystem: the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62: 1–214.

[H86] Holthuis, L. B. 1986. Decapoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 589–615. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.


Red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, copyright Greg Peterson.

Belongs within: Astacida.

Procambarus is a North American genus of fairly generalised freshwater crayfish.

<==Procambarus Ortmann 1905 H86
    |--P. (Austrocambarus Hobbs 1972) H86
    |    |--P. (A.) cubensis H86
    |    |    |--P. c. cubensis H86
    |    |    `--P. c. rivalis (Faxon 1912) H86
    |    |--P. (A.) mirandai Villalobos 1954 H86
    |    |--P. (A.) niveus Hobbs & Villalobos 1964 H86
    |    |--P. (A.) oaxacae Hobbs 1973 H86
    |    |    |--P. o. oaxacae H86
    |    |    `--P. o. reddelli Hobbs 1973 H86
    |    |--P. (A.) rodriguezi Hobbs 1943 H86
    |    `--P. (A.) sbordonii Hobbs 1977 H86
    |--P. (Girardiella) simulans (Faxon 1884) H86
    |--P. (Leconticambarus Hobbs 1972) H86
    |    |--P. (L.) barbatus (Faxon 1890) [=Cambarus barbatus] H86
    |    `--P. (L.) milleri Hobbs 1971 H86
    |--P. (Lonnbergius Hobbs 1972) H86
    |    `--P. (L.) acherontis (Lönnberg 1894) H86
    |--P. (Ortmannicus Fowler 1912) H86
    |    |--P. (O.) acutus (Girard 1952) H86
    |    |    |--P. a. acutus H86
    |    |    `--P. a. cuevachicae (Hobbs 1941) H86
    |    |--P. (O.) erythrops Relyea & Sutton 1975 H86
    |    |--P. (O.) fallax (Hagen 1870) H86
    |    |--P. (O.) franzi Hobbs & Lee 1976 H86
    |    |--P. (O.) horsti Hobbs & Means 1972 H86
    |    |--P. (O.) leitheuseri Franz & Hobbs 1983 H86
    |    |--P. (O.) lucifugus (Hobbs 1940) H86
    |    |    |--P. l. lucifugus H86
    |    |    `--P. l. alachua (Hobbs 1940) H86
    |    |--P. (O.) orcinus Hobbs & Means 1972 H86
    |    |--P. (O.) pallidus (Hobbs 1940) H86
    |    |--P. (O.) toltecae (Hobbs 1943) H86
    |    `--P. (O.) villalobosi Hobbs 1969 H86
    |--P. (Remoticambarus Hobbs 1972) H86
    |    `--P. (R.) pecki Hobbs 1967 H86
    |--P. (Scapulicambarus Hobbs 1972) H86
    |    |--P. (S.) clarkii (Girard 1852) H86
    |    |--P. (S.) paeninsulanus (Faxon 1914) H86
    |    `--P. (S.) xilitlae Hobbs & Grubbs 1982 H86
    `--P. (Villalobosus) H86
         |--P. (V.) cuetzalanae Hobbs 1982 H86
         `--P. (V.) xochitlanae Hobbs 1975 H86

Procambarus incertae sedis:
  P. leonensis GR98
  Spiculifer group H56
    |--P. dupratzi Penn 1953 H56
    |--P. echinatus Hobbs 1956 H56
    |--P. natchitochae Penn 1953 H56
    |--P. penni Hobbs 1951 H56
    |--P. raneyi Hobbs 1953 H56
    |--P. spiculifer (LeConte 1856) H56
    |--P. suttkusi Hobbs 1953 H56
    |--P. versutus (Hagen 1870) H56
    `--P. vioscai Penn 1946 H56

*Type species of generic name indicated


[GR98] Giribet, G., & C. Ribera. 1998. The position of arthropods in the animal kingdom: a search for a reliable outgroup for internal arthropod phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 9: 481–488.

[H56] Hobbs, H. H., Jr. 1956. A new crayfish of the genus Procambarus from South Carolina (Decapoda: Astacidae). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (4): 117–121.

[H86] Holthuis, L. B. 1986. Decapoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 589–615. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.


Palaemonetes pugio, copyright Brian Gratwicke.

Belongs within: Palaemonidae.

Palaemonetes, glass shrimp, is a cosmopolitan genus of freshwater shrimp that typically lack a mandibular palp.

<==Palaemonetes Heller 1869 H86
    |  i. s.: P. antennarius (Milne Edwards 1837) H86
    |         P. argentinus CB93
    |         P. exilipes M85
    |         P. kadiakensis M85
    |         P. varians CS77
    |--P. (Palaemonetes) H86
    |    |--P. (P.) cummingi Chace 1954 H86
    |    |--P. (P.) intermedius M85
    |    |--P. (P.) paludosus (Gibbes 1850) M85, H86
    |    |--P. (P.) pugio Holthuis 1949 M85, M88
    |    `--P. (P.) vulgaris (Say 1818) M85, M88
    `--P. (Alaocaris Holthuis 1949) H86
         |--P. (A.) antrorum Benedict 1896 H86
         `--P. (A.) holthuisi Strenth 1976 H86

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CB93] Cash, C. E., & R. T. Bauer. 1993. Adaptations of the branchial ectoparasite Probopyrus pandalicola (Isopoda: Bopyridae) for survival and reproduction related to ecdysis of the host, Palaemonetes pugio (Caridea: Palaemonidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 13 (1): 111–124.

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[H86] Holthuis, L. B. 1986. Decapoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 589–615. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[M85] Markham, J. C. 1985. A review of the bopyrid isopods infesting caridean shrimps in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to those collected during the Hourglass Cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 7 (3): 1–156.

[M88] Markham, J. C. 1988. Descriptions and revisions of some species of Isopoda Bopyridae of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Zoologische Verhandelingen 246: 1–63.


Deep-sea prawn Nematocarcinus undulatipes, from Calman (1911).

Belongs within: Caridea.

The Nematocarcinoidea are a group of shrimps possessing strap-like epipods on at least the first three pairs of pereiopods, and a blunt molar process.

<==Nematocarcinoidea MD01
    |--Eugonatonotus MG-H11 [Eugonatonotidae MD01]
    |    `--E. chacei Chan & Yu 1991 MG-H11
    |--Xiphocaris H86 [Xiphocarididae MD01]
    |    `--X. elongata (Guérin 1855) H86
    |--Rhynchocinetidae MD01
    |    |--Lipkius holthuisi Yaldwyn 1960 C85
    |    `--Rhynchocinetes MG-H11
    |         |--R. brucei Okuno 1994 MG-H11
    |         `--R. enigma Okuno 1997 MG-H11
    `--Nematocarcinus Milne Edwards 1881 [Nematocarcinidae] B04
         |--N. ensifer M85
         |--N. productus Bate 1888 MG-H11
         |--N. tenuirostris Bate 1888 MG-H11
         `--N. undulatipes Bate 1888 MG-H11

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B04] Boyko, C. B. 2004. The Bopyridae (Crustacea, Isopoda) parasites of the Stylodactylidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea). Zoosystema 26 (2): 199–210.

[C85] Chace, F. A., Jr. 1985. The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine expedition, 1907–1910, part 3: Families Thalassocarididae and Pandalidae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 411: 1–143.

[H86] Holthuis, L. B. 1986. Decapoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 589–615. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[M85] Markham, J. C. 1985. A review of the bopyrid isopods infesting caridean shrimps in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to those collected during the Hourglass Cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 7 (3): 1–156.

[MD01] Martin, J. W., & G. E. Davis. 2001. An updated classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum Los Angeles County, Science Series 39: 1–124.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.


Individual of Synalpheus fritzmuelleri infected by bopyrid isopod, copyright Arthur Anker.

Belongs within: Alpheoidea.

Synalpheus is a pantropical genus of snapping shrimp, commonly found living in association with sessile marine animals such as sponges, corals or crinoids. The genus was erected on the basis of the absence of epipods on the thoracic appendages (Dardeau 1984).

See also: Kneel before the shrimp queen.

<==Synalpheus Bate 1888 D84
    |--S. agelas Pequegnat & Heard 1979 D84
    |--S. anasimus Chace 1972 [=S. anisimanus (l. c.)] D84
    |--S. androsi Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. apioceros Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. barahonensis Armstrong 1949 D84
    |--S. bousfieldi Chace 1972 D84
    |--S. brevicarpus (Herrick 1891) D83
    |--S. brevifrons Chace 1972 D84
    |--S. brooksi Coutière 1909 [incl. S. brooksi eleutherae Coutière 1909, S. brooksi strepsiceros Coutière 1909] D84
    |--S. comatularum (Haswell 1882) MG-H11
    |--S. curacaoensis Schmitt 1924 D84
    |--S. disparodigitus Armstrong 1949 D84
    |--S. dominicensis Armstrong 1949 D84
    |--S. filidigitus Armstrong 1949 D84
    |--S. fritzmuelleri Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. gambarelloides (Nardo 1847) [incl. Alpheus laevimanus Heller 1862, S. laevimanus] D84
    |--S. goodei Coutière 1909 [incl. S. osburni Schmitt 1933] D84
    |    |--S. g. goodei D84
    |    `--S. g. occidentalis Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. hastilicrassus Coutière 1905 TSH09
    |--S. heardi Dardeau 1984 D84
    |--S. hemphilli Coutière 1908 D84
    |--S. herricki Coutière 1909 (see below for synonymy) D84
    |--S. longicarpus (Herrick 1891) (see below for synonymy) D84
    |--S. lophodactylus Coutière 1908 MG-H11
    |--S. macclendoni Coutière 1910 D84
    |--S. minus (Say 1818) D84
    |--S. neomeris (de Man 1897) MG-H11
    |--S. neptunus MG-H11
    |    |--S. n. neptunus MG-H11
    |    `--S. n. germanus Banner & Banner 1975 MG-H11
    |--S. nilandensis Coutière 1905 MG-H11
    |--S. obtusifrons Chace 1972 D84
    |--S. pandionis Coutière 1909 [incl. S. pandionis extentus Coutière 1909, S. grampusi Coutière 1909] D84
    |--S. paraneptunus Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. parfaiti Coutière 1898 [=S. laevimanus parfaiti] D84
    |--S. pectiniger Coutière 1907 D84
    |--S. rathbunae Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. sanctithomae Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. scaphoceris Coutière 1910 D84
    |--S. sladeni Coutière 1908 D84
    |--S. spongicola Banner & Banner 1981 D84
    |--S. stimpsoni (de Man 1888) TSH09
    |--S. streptodactylus Coutière 1905 MG-H11
    |--S. tenuispina Coutière 1909 D84
    |--S. theano de Man 1910 MG-H11
    |--S. townsendi Coutière 1909 D84
    `--S. tumidomanus (Paul’son 1875) TSH09
         |--S. t. tumidomanus KK03
         `--S. t. africanus Crosnier & Forest 1965 KK03

Synalpheus herricki Coutière 1909 [incl. S. herricki angustipes Coutière 1909, S. herricki dimidiatus Coutière 1909, S. tanneri Coutière 1909] D84

Synalpheus longicarpus (Herrick 1891) [=Alpheus saulcyi var. longicarpus, S. laevimanus var. longicarpus; incl. S. longicarpus approxima Coutière 1909] D84

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D84] Dardeau, M. R. 1984. Synalpheus shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). I. The Gambarelloides group, with a description of a new species. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 7 (2): 1–125.

[KK03] Kocataş, A., & T. Katağan. 2003. The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas. Zoology in the Middle East 29: 63–74.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[TSH09] Titelius, M. A., A. Sampey & C. G. Hass. 2009. Crustaceans of Mermaid (Rowley Shoals), Scott and Seringapatam Reefs, north Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 145–176.


Glass anemone shrimp Periclimenes brevicarpalis, copyright Hectonichus.

Belongs within: Caridea.
Contains: Macrobrachium, Palaemonetes.

The Palaemonidae are a group of shrimps with well-developed, prominent chelae on the first pair of pereiopods, as well as normal chelae on the second pair. They have been divided between the largely free-living Palaemoninae and the commensal Pontoniinae.

    |  i. s.: Pseudoclimenes holthuisi Bruce 2008 MG-H11
    |         Bechleja rostrata Feldmann et al. 1981 BWW93
    |--Pontoniinae TSH09
    |    |--Lipkebe holthuisi M85
    |    |--Hamodactylus TSH09
    |    |--Neopontonides TSH09
    |    |--Vir philippinensis Bruce & Svoboda 1984 TSH09
    |    |--Palaemonella Dana 1852 H86
    |    |    `--P. burnsi Holthuis 1973 H86
    |    |--Pontonia M85
    |    |    |--P. flavomaculata Heller 1864 KK03
    |    |    |--P. margarita Smith 1869 M88
    |    |    `--P. pinnophylax (Otto 1821) KK03
    |    `--Periclimenes Costa 1844 H86
    |         |--P. aleator Bruce 1991 MG-H11
    |         |--P. americanus (Kingsley 1878) M88
    |         |--P. amethysteus PP64
    |         |--P. brevicarpalis Schenkel 1902 TSH09
    |         |--P. iridescens Lebour 1949 M88
    |         |--P. longicaudatus (Stimpson 1860) M88
    |         |--P. magnus Holthuis 1951 M88
    |         |--P. perryae M85
    |         |--P. pholeter Holthuis 1973 H86
    |         |--P. scriptus (Risso 1822) KK03
    |         `--P. yaldwyni HS01
    `--Palaemoninae H86
         |--Macrobrachium H86
         |--Palaemonetes H86
         |--Creaseria Holthuis 1950 H86
         |    `--C. morleyi (Creaser 1936) H86
         |--Neopalaemon Hobbs 1973 H86
         |    `--N. nahuatlus Hobbs 1973 H86
         |--Troglindicus Sankolli & Shenoy 1979 H86
         |    `--T. phreaticus Sankolli & Shenoy 1979 H86
         |--Bithynops Holthuis 1973 H86
         |    |--B. luscus Holthuis 1973 H86
         |    `--B. perspicax Holthuis 1977 H86
         |--Troglocubanus Holthuis 1949 H86
         |    |--T. calcis (Rathbun 1912) H86
         |    |--T. eigenmanni (Hay 1903) H86
         |    |--T. gibarensis (Chace 1943) H86
         |    |--T. inermis (Chace 1943) H86
         |    |--T. jamaicensis Holthuis 1963 H86
         |    `--T. perezfarfanteae Villalobos 1974 H86
         `--Palaemon DM11
              |  i. s.: P. adspersus Rathke 1837 (nom. cons.) H86 [incl. Cancer squilla Linnaeus 1758 (n. o.) G03]
              |         P. affinis Milne Edwards 1837 H86
              |         P. biunguiculatus Lucas 1846 E12
              |         P. concinnus Dana 1852 H86
              |         P. elegans Rathke 1837 KK03
              |         P. jamaicensis F15
              |         P. lar L02
              |         P. longirostris Milne-Edwards 1837 KK03
              |         P. macrodactylus Rathbun 1902 OM03
              |         P. northropi [=Palaeander northropi] M85
              |         P. pandaliformis M85
              |         P. paucidens De Haan 1844 OM03
              |         P. ritteri CB93
              |         P. serratus (Pennant 1777) PH03
              |         P. squilla L02
              |         P. suttkusi SC17
              |         P. varians B64
              |         P. xiphias Risso 1816 KK03
              `--P. (Eupalaemon) DM11
                   |--P. (E.) dux Lenz 1910 DM11
                   |--P. (E.) foai Cout. 1902 DM11
                   |--P. (E.) lanchesteri De Man 1911 (see below for synonymy) DM11
                   |--P. (E.) lenzii De Man 1911 DM11
                   |--P. (E.) macrobrachion Herklots 1851 DM11
                   `--P. (E.) ‘paucidens’ Hilgendorf 1893 non De Haan 1844 DM11

Palaemon (Eupalaemon) lanchesteri De Man 1911 [=P. paucidens Lanchester 1901 nec De Haan 1844 nec Hilgendorf 1893] DM11

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B64] Brady, G. S. 1864. On the zoology of Hylton Dene, near Sunderland. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33 (Notices and Abstracts): 100.

[BWW93] Briggs, D. E. G., M. J. Weedon & M. A. Whyte. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea excluding Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 321–342. Chapman & Hall: London.

[CB93] Cash, C. E., & R. T. Bauer. 1993. Adaptations of the branchial ectoparasite Probopyrus pandalicola (Isopoda: Bopyridae) for survival and reproduction related to ecdysis of the host, Palaemonetes pugio (Caridea: Palaemonidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 13 (1): 111–124.

[DM11] De Man, J. G. 1911. On the West-African species of the subgenus Eupalaemon Ortm. Notes from the Leyden Museum 33: 261–264.

[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[F15] Fowler, H. W. 1915. Cold-blooded vertebrates from Florida, the West Indies, Costa Rica, and eastern Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (2): 244–269.

[G03] Grave, S. de. 2003. Historical patterns in the description of north east Atlantic Decapoda. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 669–677.

[HS01] Hayward, B. W., A. B. Stephenson, M. S. Morley, W. M. Blom, H. R. Grenfell, F. J. Brook, J. L. Riley, F. Thompson & J. J. Hayward. 2001. Marine biota of Parengarenga Harbour, Northland, New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum 37: 45–80.

[H86] Holthuis, L. B. 1986. Decapoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 589–615. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[KK03] Kocataş, A., & T. Katağan. 2003. The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas. Zoology in the Middle East 29: 63–74.

[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.

[M85] Markham, J. C. 1985. A review of the bopyrid isopods infesting caridean shrimps in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with special reference to those collected during the Hourglass cruises in the Gulf of Mexico. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 7 (3): 1–156.

[M88] Markham, J. C. 1988. Descriptions and revisions of some species of Isopoda Bopyridae of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Zoologische Verhandelingen 246: 1–63.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[OM03] Oh, C.-W., C.-W. Ma, R. G. Hartnoll & H.-L. Suh. 2003. Reproduction and population dynamics of the temperate freshwater shrimp, Neocaridina denticulata denticulata (de Haan, 1844), in a Korean stream. Crustaceana 76 (8): 993–1015.

[PH03] Pinheiro, M. A. A., & G. Y. Hattori. 2003. Embryology of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Brachyura: Ocypodidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 729–737.

[SC17] Schwentner, M., D. J. Combosch, J. P. Nelson & G. Giribet. 2017. A phylogenomic solution to the origin of insects by resolving crustacean-hexapod relationships. Current Biology 27: 1818–1824.

[TSH09] Titelius, M. A., A. Sampey & C. G. Hass. 2009. Crustaceans of Mermaid (Rowley Shoals), Scott and Seringapatam Reefs, north Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 145–176.

Last updated: 13 March 2022.


Narval shrimp Plesionika narval, from HCMR.

Belongs within: Caridea.

The Pandalidae are a cosmopolitan family of shrimp found primarily in colder waters (including deep waters in tropical regions).

Characters (from Chace 1985): Rostrum well-developed, laterally compressed, variable; antennular flagella simple, without accessory branches; mandible with palp and with incisor and molar processes deeply separate; first maxilliped with flagellum on exopod; second maxilliped normal, two distal segments not arising side by side from penultimate segment; first pereopod simple or microscopically chelate; second pereopod chelate, carpus subdivided into two or more articles; first male pleopod with endopod normal, not unusually enlarged or elaborately convoluted.

    |--Dichelopandalus Caullery 1896 B04
    |    `--D. leptocerus K-M02
    |--Chlorocurtis Kemp 1925 C85
    |--Pandalina C85
    |    |--P. brevirostris (Rathke 1843) KK03
    |    `--P. profunda Holthuis 1946 KK03
    |--Austropandalus C85
    |--Procletes levicarina (Bate 1888) MG-H11
    |--Dorodotes Bate 1888 [Dorodoteidae] C85
    |    `--*D. reflexus Bate 1888 C85
    |--Heterocarpoides De Man 1917 [Heterocarpoididae] C85
    |    `--*H. levicarina (Bate 1888) (see below for synonymy) C85
    |--Stylopandalus Coutière 1905 C85
    |    `--*S. richardi (Coutière 1905) (see below for synonymy) C85
    |--Chlorotocella Balss 1914 C85
    |    |--*C. gracilis Balss 1914 C85
    |    `--C. spinicaudus (Milne Edwards 1837) MG-H11
    |--Chlorotocus Milne Edwards 1882 C85
    |    |--C. crassicornis (Costa 1871) (see below for synonymy) C85
    |    `--C. novaezeelandiae (Borradaile 1916) C85
    |--Pandalus Leach 1814 B04
    |    |--P. borealis MF02
    |    |--P. brevis Rathbun 1906 C85
    |    |--P. jordani B78
    |    `--P. montagui AMI02
    |--Heterocarpus Milne Edwards 1881 [Heterocarpidae] C85
    |    |--*H. ensifer Milne Edwards 1881 C85
    |    |    |--H. e. ensifer C85
    |    |    `--H. e. parvispina De Man 1917 C85
    |    |--H. affinis Faxon 1893 C85
    |    |--H. alexandri Milne Edwards 1883 C85
    |    |--H. dorsalis Bate 1888 [incl. H. affinis Borradaile 1915 non Faxon 1893, H. alphonsi Bate 1888] C85
    |    |--H. gibbosus Bate 1888 C85
    |    |--H. grimaldii Milne Edwards & Bouvier 1900 C85
    |    |--H. hayashii Crosnier 1988 MG-H11
    |    |--H. hostilis Faxon 1893 C85
    |    |--H. laevigatus Bate 1888 C85
    |    |--H. laevis Milne Edwards 1883 C85
    |    |--H. lepidus De Man 1917 C85
    |    |--H. longirostris MacGilchrist 1905 C85
    |    |--H. oryx Milne Edwards 1881 C85
    |    |--H. reedi Bahamonde 1955 C85
    |    |--H. sibogae De Man 1917 C85
    |    |--H. signatus Rathbun 1906 C85
    |    |--H. tricarinatus Alcock & Anderson 1894 C85
    |    |--H. unicarinatus Borradaile 1915 C85
    |    |--H. vicarius Faxon 1893 C85
    |    `--H. woodmasoni Alcock 1901 C85
    |--Notopandalus Yaldwyn 1960 B04
    `--Plesionika Bate 1888 [incl. Nothocaris Bate 1888, Parapandalus Borradaile 1899; Plesionikidae] C85
         |--P. ensis (Milne Edwards 1881) [=Acanthephyra ensis; incl. *P. uniproducta Bate 1888] C85
         |--P. acanthonotus (Smith 1882) [=Pandalus acanthonotus] C85
         |--P. acinacifer Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. adensameri (Balss 1914) C85
         |--P. alcocki (Anderson 1896) [=Pandalus alcocki] C85
         |--P. antigai Zariquiey 1955 C85
         |--P. assimilis De Man 1917 C85
         |--P. beebei Chace 1937 C85
         |--P. bifurca Alcock & Anderson 1894 [=Pandalus bifurca] C85
         |--P. binoculus (Bate 1888) [=Nothocaris binoculus] C85
         |--P. brevirostris Bate 1888 C85
         |--P. costelloi (Yaldwyn 1971) C85
         |--P. edwardsii (Brandt 1851) (see below for synonymy) C85
         |--‘Pandalus’ escatilis Stimpson 1860 C85
         |--P. exigua (Rathbun 1906) C85
         |--P. filipes (Calman 1939) C85
         |--P. fimbriata Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. gigliolii (Senna 1903) BRP03
         |--P. gracilis (Zarenkov 1971) C85
         |--P. grandis Doflein 1902 [=Pl. spinipes var. grandis] C85
         |--P. heterocarpus (Costa 1871) C85
         |--P. holthuisi Crosnier & Forest 1968 C85
         |--P. hypanodon Doflein 1902 C85
         |--P. indica De Man 1917 [=P. longipes var. indica] C85
         |--P. intermedia Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. izumiae Omori 1971 C85
         |--P. kensleyi Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. longipes C85
         |--P. lophotes Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. martia (Milne Edwards 1883) C85
         |    |--P. m. martia C85
         |    `--P. m. orientalis Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. mexicana Chace 1937 C85
         |--P. minor Calman 1939 C85
         |--P. multispinosus (Zarenkov 1971) C85
         |--P. narval (Fabricius 1787) (see below for synonymy) C85
         |--P. ocellus (Bate 1888) [=Nothocaris ocellus; incl. Pandalus sindoi Rathbun 1906, Plesionika sindoi] C85
         |--P. orientalis Chace 1985 MG-H11
         |--P. ortmanni Doflein 1902 C85
         |--P. pacifica Edmondson 1952 C85
         |--P. parvimartia Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. persica (Kemp 1925) C85
         |--P. philippinensis Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. pumila Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. quasigrandis Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. reflexa Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. rostricrescentis (Bate 1888) [=*Nothocaris rostricrescentis] C85
         |--P. semilaevis Bate 1888 [=P. martia var. semilaevis] C85
         |--P. serratifrons (Borradaile 1899) [=Pandalus (*Parapandalus) serratifrons] C85
         |--P. simulatrix Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. spinensis Chace 1985 C85
         |--P. spinidorsalis (Rathbun 1906) C85
         |--P. spinipes Bate 1888 [=Parapandalus spinipes] C85
         |--P. tenuipes (Smith 1881) [=Pandalus tenuipes] C85
         |--P. ‘tenuipes’ (Borradaile 1899) non Pandalus tenuipes Smith 1881 C85
         |--P. trispinus Squires & Barragan 1976 C85
         `--P. unidens Bate 1888 C85

Chlorotocus crassicornis (Costa 1871) [=Pandalus crassicornis; incl. C. gracilipes var. andamanensis Alcock & Anderson 1899, *C. gracilipes Milne Edwards 1882, C. incertus Bate 1888 (n. d.)] C85

*Heterocarpoides levicarina (Bate 1888) [=Dorodotes levicarina, Heterocarpus (Heterocarpoides) levicarina; incl. Heterocarpus (Heterocarpoides) glabrus Zarenkov 1971] C85

Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt 1851) [=Pandalus (Pontophilus) edwardsii; incl. Pandalus (Parapandalus) longirostris Borradaile 1899] C85

Plesionika narval (Fabricius 1787) [=Astacus narval, Pandalus narval, Parapandalus narval; incl. Pl. pristis (Risso 1816)] C85

*Stylopandalus richardi (Coutière 1905) [=Pandalus richardi; incl. Pan. (Plesionika) gracilis Borradaile 1915, Parapandalus gracilis, Par. zurstrasseni Balss 1914] C85

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AMI02] Anger, K., G. S. Moreira & D. Ismael. 2002. Comparative size, biomass, elemental composition (C, N, H), and energy concentration of caridean shrimp eggs. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 42 (2–3): 83–93.

[BRP03] Bottari, T., P. Rinelli & A. Panebianco. 2003. Trawling lesions in some decapod crustaceans: considerations with regard to government inspections. Crustaceana 76 (8): 927–933.

[B04] Boyko, C. B. 2004. The Bopyridae (Crustacea, Isopoda) parasites of the Stylodactylidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea). Zoosystema 26 (2): 199–210.

[B78] Brusca, R. C. 1978. Studies on the cymothoid fish symbionts of the eastern Pacific (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) II. Systematics and biology of Lironeca vulgaris Stimpson 1857. Occasional Papers of the Allan Hancock Foundation New Series 2: 1–19.

[C85] Chace, F. A., Jr. 1985. The caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda) of the Albatross Philippine expedition, 1907–1910, part 3: Families Thalassocarididae and Pandalidae. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 411: 1–143.

[K-M02] Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002. Silver hakes. Family Merlucciidae. In: Collette, B. B., & G. Klein-MacPhee (eds) Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 3rd ed. pp. 217–222. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[KK03] Kocataş, A., & T. Katağan. 2003. The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas. Zoology in the Middle East 29: 63–74.

[MF02] Martini, F. H., & D. Flescher. 2002. Hagfishes. Family Myxinidae. In: Collette, B. B., & G. Klein-MacPhee (eds) Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 3rd ed. pp. 9–16. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.


Fossil Hoploparia gabbi, from here.

Belongs within: Astacura.
Contains: Hoploparia.

The Homarida, clawed lobsters, are a group of sometimes large marine decapods. Members of this group have the seventh and eighth thoracic somites fused together (Dixon et al. 2003).

    |--Enoplometopus [Enoplometopidae, Enoplometopoidea] DAS03
    |    `--E. occidentalis (Randall 1840) DAS03
    `--Nephropidae DAS03
         |  i. s.: Paleonephrops Mertin 1941 CF06
         |         Nephropsis MG-H11
         |           |--N. acanthura Macpherson 1990 MG-H11
         |           `--N. stewarti Wood-Mason 1872 MG-H11
         |--‘Hoploparia’ buntingi (Feldmann & Holland 1971) TS03
         `--+--+--+--‘Hoploparia’ antarctica Wilckens 1907 TS03
            |  |  `--‘Hoploparia’ tennesseensis Rathbun 1926 TS03
            |  `--+--‘Hoploparia’ bellatrix TS03
            |     `--‘Hoploparia’ shastensis (Rathbun 1929) TS03
            `--+--‘Hoploparia’ gabbi Pilsbry 1901 TS03
               |--‘Homarus’ klebsi TS03
               `--+--Thymopides grobovi TS03
                  |--Hoploparia TS03
                  `--+--‘Hoploparia’ beyrichi (Schlüter 1862) TS03
                     `--+--Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus 1758) AFZ04, BRP03
                        |--Homarinus Kornfield 1995 TS03
                        |    `--H. capensis (Herbst 1792) [=Homarus capensis] TS03
                        `--Homarus Weber 1795 TS03
                             |--H. americanus Milne Edwards 1837 PH03
                             |--H. gammarus (Linnaeus 1758) DAS03
                             `--H. morrisi TS03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AFZ04] Amati, L., R. M. Feldmann & J.-P. Zonneveld. 2004. A new family of Triassic lobsters (Decapoda: Astacidea) from British Columbia and its phylogenetic context. Journal of Paleontology 78 (1): 150–168.

[BRP03] Bottari, T., P. Rinelli & A. Panebianco. 2003. Trawling lesions in some decapod crustaceans: considerations with regard to government inspections. Crustaceana 76 (8): 927–933.

[CF06] Crawford, R. S., R. F. Feldmann, D. A. Waugh, B. M. Kelley & J. G. Allen. 2006. Decapod crustaceans from the Maastrichtian Fox Hills formation. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 47 (1–2): 3–28.

[DAS03] Dixon, C. J., S. T. Ahyong & F. R. Schram. 2003. A new hypothesis of decapod phylogeny. Crustaceana 76: 935–975.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[PH03] Pinheiro, M. A. A., & G. Y. Hattori. 2003. Embryology of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Brachyura: Ocypodidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 729–737.

[TS03] Tshudy, D., & U. Sorhannus. 2003. Hoploparia, the best-known fossil clawed lobster (family Nephropidae), is a “wastebasket” genus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 700–711.


Callianassa tyrrhena, from here.

Belongs within: Reptantia.

The Thalassinida, mud shrimps, are a group of thin-shelled decapods that construct complex burrows in muddy substrates. The first pereiopods of Thalassinida are chelate or subchelate; the second pereiopods are simple or subchelate in Laomediidae, Upogebiidae and Thalassinidae, but chelate in members of the remaining families.

Synapomorphies (from Dixon et al. 2003): Eyes of apposition type. Pereiopod 1 with curved articulation between ischium and merus; row of setae present on pereiopod 2. Seventh thoracic sternite enlarged and lobate.

<==Thalassinida [Axiidea, Callianassoidea, Thalassinidea] DAS03
    |--Jaxea [Laomediidae] DAS03
    |    `--J. nocturna Nardo 1847 DAS03
    `--+--+--Thalassina [Thalassinidae, Thalassinoidea] DAS03
       |  |    `--T. anomala (Herbst 1804) DAS03
       |  `--+--Eiconaxius acutifrons Bate 1888 DAS03
       |     `--Axioidea MD01
       |          |--Strahlaxiidae MD01
       |          |--Micheleidae MD01
       |          |    |--Michelea MG-H11
       |          |    `--Tethisea MG-H11
       |          |--Calocaris DAS03 [Calocarididae MD01]
       |          |    |--C. barnardi K-MC02
       |          |    `--C. macandreae Bell 1846 DAS03
       |          `--Axiidae MG-H11
       |               |--Calastacus myalup Poore & Collins 2009 MG-H11
       |               |--Axiopsis tsushimaensis Sakai 1992 MG-H11
       |               |--Bouvieraxius keiensis Sakai 1992 MG-H11
       |               |--Calaxius acutirostris Sakai & de Saint Laurent 1989 MG-H11
       |               |--Paraxiopsis pumilus (Sakai 1994) MG-H11
       |               |--Planaxius brevifrons Komai & Tachikawa 2008 MG-H11
       |               |--Axius stirhynchus H62
       |               |--Australocaris Poore & Collins 2009 MG-H11
       |               |    `--*A. pinjarup Poore & Collins 2009 MG-H11
       |               `--Acanthaxius MG-H11
       |                    |--A. gathaagudu Poore & Collins 2009 MG-H11
       |                    `--A. ningaloo Poore & Collins 2009 MG-H11
       `--+--Upogebia Leach 1813 DAS03, B55 [Gebiidea, Upogebiidae MD01]
          |    |--U. ancylodactyla de Man 1905 MG-H11
          |    |--U. bowerbankii (Miers 1884) MG-H11
          |    |--U. deltaura (Leach 1815) DAS03
          |    |--U. holthuisi Sakai 1982 MG-H11
          |    |--U. pugettensis H47
          |    |--U. pusilla (Petagna 1792) DAS03
          |    |--U. rostrospinosa Bott 1955 B55
          |    `--U. tipica (Nardo 1869) KK03
          `--+--Callianidea [Callianideidae] DAS03
             |    `--C. typa Milne Edwards 1837 DAS03
             `--Callianassidae MD01
                  |--Lipkecallianassa MG-H11
                  |--Callichirus Stimpson 1866 [Callichirinae] CF06
                  |    |--*C. major (Say 1818) [=Callianassa major] CF06
                  |    |--C. symmetricus (Feldmann & Zinsmeister 1984) [=Callianassa symmetrica] CF06
                  |    `--C. waagei Crawford, Feldmann et al. 2006 CF06
                  `--Callianassa Leach 1814 DAS03, B55
                       |--C. australiensis [=Trypaea australiensis] G75
                       |--C. eiseni (Holmes 1904) [=Lepidophthalmus eiseni] B55
                       |--C. filholi O81
                       |--C. sahul Poore 2008 MG-H11
                       |--C. seilacheri Bott 1955 B55
                       |--C. setimana (de Kay 1842) DAS03
                       |--C. truncata Giard & Bonnier 1890 KK03
                       `--C. tyrrhena (Petagna 1792) DAS03

Thalassinida incertae sedis:
  Ctenochelidae CA04
    |--Anacalliax MD01
    `--Callianopsis de Saint Laurent 1973 CA04
         |--C. australis Casadío, de Angeli et al. 2004 CA04
         |--C. clallamensis (Withers 1924) CA04
         |--C. goniophthalma (Rathbun 1902) CA04
         |--C. inornatus Schweitzer & Feldmann 2001 CA04
         |--C. muratai (Nagao 1932) (see below for synonymy) CA04
         `--C. titaensis (Nagao 1941) CA04
  Thomassiniidae MD01

Callianopsis muratai (Nagao 1932) [incl. Callianassa elongatodigitata Nagao 1941, Callianassa kusiroensis Nagao 1941] CA04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B55] Bott, R. 1955. Dekapoden (Crustacea) aus El Salvador. 2. Litorale Dekapoden, außer Uca. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36: 45–70.

[CA04] Casadío, S., A. de Angeli, R. M. Feldmann, A. Garassino, J. L. Hetler, A. Parras & C. E. Schweitzer. 2004. New decapod crustaceans (Thalassinidea, Galatheoidea, Brachyura) from the Middle Oligocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Annals of Carnegie Museum 73 (2): 25–47.

[CF06] Crawford, R. S., R. F. Feldmann, D. A. Waugh, B. M. Kelley & J. G. Allen. 2006. Decapod crustaceans from the Maastrichtian Fox Hills formation. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 47 (1-2): 3–28.

[DAS03] Dixon, C. J., S. T. Ahyong & F. R. Schram. 2003. A new hypothesis of decapod phylogeny. Crustaceana 76: 935–975.

[G75] Grant, E. M. 1975. Guide to Fishes. The Co-ordinator-General's Department: Brisbane (Australia).

[H62] Häntzschel, W. 1962. Trace fossils and problematica. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt W. Miscellanea: Conodonts, Conoidal Shells of Uncertain Affinities, Worms, Trace Fossils and Problematica pp. W177–W245. Geological Society of America, and University of Kansas Press.

[H47] Hatch, M. H. 1947. The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. University of Washington Publications in Biology 10 (5): 155–274.

[K-MC02] Klein-MacPhee, G., & B. B. Collette. 2002. Scorpionfishes. Family Scorpaenidae. In: Collette, B. B., & G. Klein-MacPhee (eds) Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine 3rd ed. pp. 331–338. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[KK03] Kocataş, A., & T. Katağan. 2003. The decapod crustacean fauna of the Turkish seas. Zoology in the Middle East 29: 63–74.

[MD01] Martin, J. W., & G. E. Davis. 2001. An updated classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum Los Angeles County, Science Series 39: 1–124.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[O81] O'Brien, C. O. 1981. A. A. Book of New Zealand Wildlife: A guide to the native and introduced animals of New Zealand. Lansdowne Press: Auckland.


Immature Hoploparia gammaroides, from here.

Belongs within: Homarida.

Hoploparia is a diverse genus of fossil lobsters from the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. It is poorly defined, having been used for almost all unspecialised fossil Nephropidae, and Tshudy & Sorhannus (2003) suggested that it is paraphyletic to the Recent genera Euphephrops and Metanephrops.

<==Hoploparia McCoy 1849 [incl. Eunephrops Smith 1885] TS03
    |--H. gammaroides McCoy 1849 TS03
    |--H. riddlensis Feldmann 1974 TS03
    `--+--Nephropides Manning 1969 TS03
       |    `--N. caribaeus TS03
       `--+--‘Eunephrops’ cadenasi TS03
          |--H. pusilla Secretan 1964 TS03
          `--+--+--H. gladiator Pilsbry 1901 TS03
             |  `--+--H. sculpta Secretan 1964 TS03
             |     `--+--H. mesembria Etheridge 1917 TS03
             |        `--+--H. brittonestris (Stenzel 1945) TS03
             |           `--H. collignoni (van Straelen 1949) TS03
             `--+--‘Eunephrops’ bairdii TS03
                `--+--H. bearpawensis Feldmann 1977 TS03
                   `--Metanephrops Jenkins 1972 TS03
                        |--M. binghami TS03
                        |--M. boschmai (Holthuis 1964) MG-H11
                        |--M. rossensis TS03
                        `--M. velutinus Chan & Yu 1991 MG-H11

Hoploparia incertae sedis:
  *H. longimanus (Sowerby 1826) [=Astacus longimanus] TS03
  H. alpinus (van Straelen 1936) TS03
  H. arbei Aguirre-Urreta 1989 TS03
  H. aspera Harbort 1905 TS03
  H. bennetti Woodward 1900 TS03
  H. biserialis Fritsch 1887 TS03
  H. blossomana Rathbun 1935 TS03
  H. columbiana Beurlen 1938 TS03
  H. corneti van Straelen 1921 TS03
  H. dentata (Roemer 1841) TS03
  H. dentonensis Rathbun 1935 TS03
  H. edwardsi (Robineau-Desvoidy 1849) TS03
  H. fraasi (Böhm 1891) TS03
  H. gadzicki Feldmann & Crame 1998 TS03
  H. georgeana Rathbun 1935 TS03
  H. groenlandica Ravn 1903 TS03
  H. hakelensis (Fraas 1878) TS03
  H. hemprichi (Mertin 1941) TS03
  H. intermedia Secretan 1964 TS03
  H. johnsoni Rathbun 1935 TS03
  H. kamuy Karasawa & Hayakaya 2000 TS03
  H. mcnairyensis Rathbun 1929 TS03
  H. micklesoni Bishop 1985 TS03
  H. minima Tribolet 1876 TS03
  H. miyamotoi Karasawa 1998 TS03
  H. muncki Pelseneer 1886 TS03
  H. pelseneeri (van Straelen 1936) TS03
  H. schluteri Tribolet 1874 TS03
  H. senonensis Forir 1887 TS03
  H. stokesi (Weller 1903) TS03
  H. travisensis (Stenzel 1945) TS03
  H. triboleti Borissjak 1904 TS03
  H. trigeri (Milne-Edwards 1886) TS03
  H. tshudyi Schweitzer & Feldmann 2001 TS03
  H. wardi Quayle 1987 TS03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[TS03] Tshudy, D., & U. Sorhannus. 2003. Hoploparia, the best-known fossil clawed lobster (family Nephropidae), is a “wastebasket” genus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23 (3): 700–711.