Showing posts with label Euoscines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euoscines. Show all posts


Yellow thornbill Acanthiza nana, copyright Patrick K59.

Belongs within: Acanthizidae.

Acanthiza, the thornbills, is an Australasian genus of small birds with a thin, moderately long beak and commonly with olive or grey upperparts and pale underparts.

<==Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield 1825 CC10
    |  i. s.: A. cinerea OF19
    |--+--A. lineata BKB15
    |  `--+--A. murina BKB15
    |     `--A. nana JT12
    `--+--A. chrysorrhoa (Quoy & Gaimard 1830) BKB15, WS48 [=Saxicola chrysorrhoa WS48]
       |    |--A. c. chrysorrhoa WS48
       |    |--A. c. alexanderi (Mathews 1921) (see below for synonymy) WS48
       |    |--A. c. ferdinandi (Mathews 1916) [=Geobasileus chrysorrhous ferdinandi] WS48
       |    `--A. c. multi Mathews 1912 WS48
       `--+--+--A. apicalis BKB15
          |  `--+--A. ewingii JT12
          |     `--+--A. katherina JT12
          |        `--A. pusilla (Shaw 1790) JT12, WS48 [=Motacilla pusilla WS48]
          |             |--A. p. pusilla WS48
          |             |--A. p. apicalis Gould 1847 [incl. A. pusilla dundasi Mathews 1922] WS48
          |             |--A. p. archbaldi M03
          |             |--A. p. dawsonensis M03
          |             |--A. p. diemenensis M03
          |             |--A. p. leeuwinensis Campbell 1922 [incl. A. pusilla northi Mathews 1922] WS48
          |             |--A. p. whitlocki North 1909 (see below for synonymy) WS48
          |             `--A. p. zietzi M03
          `--+--+--A. iredalei Mathews 1911 BKB15, WS48
             |  |    |--A. i. iredalei (see below for synonymy) WS48
             |  |    |--A. i. hedleyi M03
             |  |    `--A. i. rosinae M03
             |  `--A. robustirostris Milligan 1903 JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
             `--+--A. uropygialis Gould 1838 BKB15, WS48
                |    |--A. u. uropygialis (see below for synonymy) WS48
                |    `--A. u. augusta Mathews 1912 [incl. A. uropygialis murchisoni Mathews 1912] WS48
                `--+--A. inornata Gould 1840 BKB15, WS48
                   |    |--A. i. inornata [incl. A. inornata submastersi Mathews 1912] WS48
                   |    `--A. i. mastersi North 1901 WS48
                   `--A. reguloides JT12
                        |--A. r. reguloides M03
                        `--A. r. squamata M03

Acanthiza chrysorrhoa alexanderi (Mathews 1921) [=Geobasileus chrysorrhous alexanderi, A. pallida Milligan 1903 (preoc.)] WS48

Acanthiza iredalei iredalei Mathews 1911 [incl. A. inornata carnarvoni Mathews 1913, Geobasileus tenuirostris uranie Campbell 1925] WS48

Acanthiza pusilla whitlocki North 1909 [incl. A. pusilla nullarborensis White 1922, A. pusilla peroni Mathews 1918] WS48

Acanthiza robustirostris Milligan 1903 JT12, WS48 [incl. Milligania robustirostris liberia Mathews 1916 WS48]

Acanthiza uropygialis uropygialis Gould 1838 [incl. Geobasilieus uropygialis moora Campbell 1922, A. uropygialis nea Mathews 1912] WS48

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Black-faced cuckooshrike Coracina novaehollandiae, copyright Brett Donald.

Belongs within: Campephagidae.
Contains: Coracina papuensis.

Coracina, cuckooshrikes, is a genus of insectivorous birds, most diverse in insular southeast Asia and Australasia, with predominantly grey plumage and often more or less dark faces.

Coracina Vieillot 1816 CC10 [incl. Ceblepyris Cuvier 1816 B94, Graucalus Cuvier 1816 B94; Ceblepyridae, Graucalidae]
    |--+--C. cinerea JT12
    |  `--+--C. pectoralis BKB15
    |     `--+--C. caesia BKB15
    |        `--C. graueri Neumann 1908 BKB15, L03
    `--+--+--C. caeruleogrisea JT12
       |  |    |--C. c. caeruleogrisea L03
       |  |    `--C. c. adamsoni Mayr & Rand 1936 L03
       |  `--C. longicauda JT12
       `--+--C. temminckii JT12
          `--+--C. lineata (Swainson 1825) BKB15, L03 [=Paragraucalus lineatus L03]
             |    |--C. l. lineata [incl. Paragraucalus lineatus austini Mathews 1916] L03
             |    |--C. l. gracilis Mayr 1931 L03
             |    |--C. l. makirae Mayr 1935 L03
             |    |--C. l. malaitae Mayr 1931 L03
             |    `--C. l. ombriosa (Rothschild & Hartert 1905) [=Graucalus pusillus ombriosus] L03
             `--+--+--C. bicolor BKB15
                |  `--C. maxima (Rüppell 1839) JT12, L03 (see below for synonymy)
                `--+--C. boyeri JT12
                   `--+--C. atriceps BKB15
                      |--C. welchmani BKB15
                      `--+--C. novaehollandiae (Gmelin 1789) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
                         |    |--C. n. novaehollandiae [incl. C. melanops tasmanica Mathews 1911] L03
                         |    |--C. n. melanops (Latham 1802) L03 (see below for synonymy)
                         |    `--C. n. subpallida Mathews 1912 L03 [incl. C. gascoynensis Ashby 1930 WS48]
                         `--+--C. ingens (Rothschild & Hartert 1914) BKB15, L03 (see below for synonymy)
                            `--+--*C. papuensis CC10, BKB15
                               `--+--C. caledonica BKB15 [=Graucalus caledonicus S13]
                                  |    |--C. c. caledonica L03
                                  |    |--C. c. bougainvillei (Mathews 1928) [=Artamides welchmani bougainvillei] L03
                                  |    |--C. c. kulambangrae Rothschild & Hartert 1916 L03
                                  |    `--C. c. seiuncta Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
                                  `--+--+--C. macei JT12 [=Graucalus macei L03]
                                     |  |    |--C. m. macei L03
                                     |  |    `--C. m. larvivorus (Hartert 1910) [=Graucalus macei larvivorus] L03
                                     |  `--C. striata JT12
                                     |       |--C. s. striata L03
                                     |       |--C. s. bungurensis (Hartert 1894) [=Graucalus bungurensis] L03
                                     |       |--C. s. difficilis (Hartert 1895) [=Graucalus sumatrensis difficilis] L03
                                     |       |--C. s. enganensis (Salvadori 1892) [=Graucalus enganensis] L03
                                     |       |--C. s. guillemardi (Salvadori 1886) (see below for synonymy) L03
                                     |       |--C. s. sumatrensis (Müller 1843) (see below for synonymy) L03
                                     |       `--C. s. vordermani (Hartert 1901) [=Graucalus vordermani] L03
                                     `--+--C. schistacea BKB15
                                        `--+--C. larvata BKB15
                                           |    |--C. l. larvata L03
                                           |    `--C. l. normani (Sharpe 1887) [=Graucalus normani] L03
                                           `--C. leucopygia BKB15

Coracina incertae sedis:
  ‘Ceblepyris’ cana S66
  C. fortis JT12
  C. javensis JT12
  ‘Graucalus’ lifuensis S13
  C. melas JT12
    |--C. m. melas L03
    |--C. m. goodsoni (Mathews 1928) [=Edolisoma melan goodsoni] L03
    |--C. m. meeki (Rothschild & Hartert 1903) [=Edoliisoma melas meeki] L03
    |--C. m. tommasonis (Rothschild & Hartert 1903) [=Edoliisoma melas tommasonis] L03
    `--C. m. waigeuense (Stresemann & Paludan 1932) [=Edolisoma melan waigeuense] L03
  C. parvula JT12
  C. personata JT12
    |--C. p. personata L03
    `--C. p. alfrediana (Hartert 1898) [=Graucalus floris alfredianus] L03
  C. schisticeps JT12
    |--C. s. schisticeps L03
    `--C. s. vittatum (Rothschild & Hartert 1914) [=Edolisoma schisticeps vittatum] L03

Coracina ingens (Rothschild & Hartert 1914) BKB15, L03 [=Graucalus papuensis ingens L03, C. papuensis ingens L03]

Coracina maxima (Rüppell 1839) JT12, L03 [=Ceblepyris maxima WS48, Pteropodocys maxima WS48; incl. Pteropodocys maxima neglecta Mathews 1912 L03, P. maxima pallida Mathews 1912 L03]

Coracina novaehollandiae (Gmelin 1789) BKB15, CC10 [=Turdus novaehollandiae CC10; incl. Colluricincla concinna Hutton 1871 CC10, Graucalus concinnus CC10]

Coracina novaehollandiae melanops (Latham 1802) L03 [=Corvus melanops WS48, Graucalus melanops CC10; incl. Coracina novaehollandiae connectens Mathews 1912 L03, Coracina novaehollandiae didimus Mathews 1912 L03, Coracina novaehollandiae kuehni Hartert 1916 L03, Coracina novaehollandiae westralensis Mathews 1912 L03]

Coracina striata guillemardi (Salvadori 1886) [=Graucalus guillemardi, Artamides guillemardi] L03

Coracina striata sumatrensis (Müller 1843) [incl. Graucalus crissalis Salvadori 1894] L03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[L03] LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Irenidae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Dulidae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 278: 1–156.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[S66] Schlegel, H. 1866. Communication from, on mammals and birds collected in Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 419–426.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Male white-winged triller Lalage sueurii, copyright David Cook.

Belongs within: Campephagidae.
Contains: Lalage leucomela, Lalage maculosa.

Lalage, the trillers, is a genus of small insectivorous birds, found in southern Asia and Australasia, that are commonly patterned in black, grey and white.

Lalage Boie 1826 [incl. Diaphoropterus Oberholser 1899, Symmorphus Gould 1838 non Wesmael 1836] CC10
    |  i. s.: L. aurea JT12
    |         L. banksiana S13
    |         L. moesta JT12
    |         ‘Diaphoropterus’ naevius S13
    |           |--D. n. naevius S13
    |           `--D. n. simillimus Sarasin 1913 S13
    |--+--+--L. atrovirens BKB15
    |  |  `--L. leucomela JT12
    |  `--+--L. maculosa BKB15
    |     `--+--L. sharpei Rothschild 1900 JT12, L03
    |        |    |--L. s. sharpei L03
    |        |    `--L. s. tenebrosa Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |        `--+--L. tricolor (Swainson 1825) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |           `--+--L. leucopyga (Gould 1838) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |              |    |--L. l. leucopyga L03
    |              |    |--L. l. albiloris Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |              |    `--L. l. deficiens Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |              `--L. sueurii (Vieillot 1818) BKB15, WS48 [=Turdus sueurii WS48]
    `--+--L. melanoleuca BKB15
       `--+--L. leucopygialis JT12
          `--+--L. nigra BKB15 [incl. Turdus orientalis CC10, *L. orientalis CC10]
             `--+--+--‘Coracina’ newtoni JT12
                |  `--‘Coracina’ typica JT12
                `--+--‘Coracina’ melanoptera BKB15
                   `--+--‘Coracina’ melaschistos BKB15
                      `--+--‘Coracina’ fimbriata BKB15
                         `--‘Coracina’ polioptera JT12

Lalage leucopyga (Gould 1838) BKB15, CC10 [=*Symmorphus leucopygus CC10, *Diaphoropterus leucopygus CC10, Lalage naevia leucopyga CC10; incl. Campephaga longicaudata Pelzeln 1860 CC10]

Lalage tricolor (Swainson 1825) BKB15, L03 [=Ceblepyris tricolor CC10, L. sueurii tricolor WS48; incl. L. tricolor indistincta Mathews 1912 L03, Karua leucomela mayi Ashby 1914 L03]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[L03] LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Irenidae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Dulidae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 278: 1–156.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Female leaden flycatcher Myiagra rubecula, copyright Aviceda.

Belongs within: Monarchidae.

Myiagra is a genus of flycatchers found in Australasia, members of which have blue or blue-black, crested crowns, often with blue upperparts and pale underparts.

<==Myiagra Vigors & Horsfield 1827 CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |--+--M. alecto JT12
    |  |    |--M. a. alecto J06
    |  |    |--M. a. chalybeocephala J06
    |  |    |--M. a. longirostris J06
    |  |    |--M. a. melvillensis [incl. M. a. nitida] M03
    |  |    `--M. a. wardelli M03
    |  `--M. hebetior JT12
    `--+--+--M. caledonica JT12 [incl. M. perspicillata S13]
       |  |    |--M. c. caledonica S13
       |  |    |--M. c. mareensis Sarasin 1913 S13
       |  |    |--M. c. uveaensis Sarasin 1913 S13
       |  |    `--M. c. viridinitens [incl. M. intermedia, M. luguieri] S13
       |  `--M. cyanoleuca (Vieillot 1818) BKB15, CC10 [=Platyrhynchos cyanoleucus CC10, Submyiagra cyanoleuca CC10]
       `--+--M. inquieta (Latham 1801) BKB15, WS48 [=Turdus inquietus WS48, Seisura inquieta WS48]
          |    |--M. i. inquieta [incl. Seisura inqueita westralensis Mathews 1912] WS48
          |    `--M. i. nana (Gould 1870) M03, WS48 [=Seisura nana WS48; incl. S. inquieta rogersi Mathews 1921 WS48]
          `--+--M. ferrocyanea BKB15
             `--M. rubecula (Latham 1801) BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
                  |--M. r. rubecula [incl. M. r. okryi, M. r. yorki] M03
                  `--M. r. concinna M03

Myiagra incertae sedis:
  M. albiventris JT12
  M. atra JT12
  M. azureocapilla JT12
  M. cervinicauda JT12
  M. erythrops JT12
  M. freycineti FR98
  M. galeata JT12
  M. melanura S13
  M. oceanica JT12
  M. plumbea R87
  M. pluto JT12
  M. ruficollis (Vieillot 1818) WS48 (see below for synonymy)
  M. vanikorensis JT12 [=Platyrhynchos vanikorensis CC10, *Submyiagra vanikorensis CC10]

Myiagra Vigors & Horsfield 1827 CC10 [incl. Seisura Vigors & Horsfield 1827 B94, Submyiagra Mathews 1913 CC10; Seisuridae]

Myiagra rubecula (Latham 1801) BKB15, WS48 [=Todus rubecula WS48; incl. M. rubecula broomei Mathews 1912 WS48, *M. rubeculoides CC10]

Myiagra ruficollis (Vieillot 1818) WS48 [=Platyrhynchos ruficollis WS48; incl. M. latirostris tormenti Mathews 1912 WS48, M. alecto tormenti M03]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[FR98] Fritts, T. H., & G. H. Rodda. 1998. The role of introduced species in the degradation of island ecosystems: a case history of Guam. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29: 113–140.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[J06] Johnstone, R. E. 2006. The birds of Gag Island, Western Papuan islands, Indonesia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23 (2): 115–132.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[R87] Ramsay, E. P. 1887. List of Western Australian birds collected by Mr. Cairn, and Mr. W. H. Boyer-Bower, at Derby and its vicinity, with remarks on the species. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1085–1100.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Black-faced monarch Monarcha melanopsis, copyright David Cook.

Belongs within: Monarchidae.

Monarcha is a genus of monarch flycatchers, commonly with dark upperparts and rufous underparts, found in Australasia.

<==Monarcha Vigors & Horsfield 1827 CC10
    |--+--M. godeffroyi BKB15
    |  `--M. takatsukasae BKB15 [=Metabolus takatsukasae OF19]
    `--+--Metabolus rugensis BKB15
       `--+--M. cinerascens BKB15
          `--+--+--M. castaneiventris BKB15
             |  `--M. richardsii JT12
             `--+--M. frater BKB15
                `--M. melanopsis (Vieillot 1818) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
                     |--M. m. melanopsis M03
                     `--M. m. pallida M03

Monarcha incertae sedis:
  M. albiventris Gould 1866 G66 [=M. trivirgatus albiventris M03, Piezorhynchus albiventris R87]
  M. alecto (Temminck 1827) [=Drymophila alecto] WS48
    |--M. a. alecto WS48
    `--M. a. nitidus (Gould 1840) [=Piezorhynchus nitidus; incl. M. alicto tormenti Mathews 1912] WS48
  M. boanensis JT12
  M. brehmii JT12
  M. browni JT12
  M. castus JT12
  M. erythrostictus JT12
  M. everetti JT12
  M. infelix JT12
  M. julianae JT12
  M. leucurus JT12
  M. loricatus JT12
  M. menckei JT12
  M. pileatus JT12
  M. sacerdotum JT12
  M. viduus JT12

Monarcha melanopsis (Vieillot 1818) BKB15, CC10 [=Muscicapa melanopsis CC10; incl. Muscipeta carinata CC10, *Monarcha carinata CC10]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[G66] Gould, J. 1866. Additions to the list of the avifauna of Australia, with descriptions of three new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 217–218.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.

[R87] Ramsay, E. P. 1887. Descriptions of Australian birds' eggs. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1141–1152, pl. 19.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


White-breasted woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus, copyright T. R. Shankar Raman.

Belongs within: Corvides.

Artamus, the woodswallows, is a genus of plump, highly aerial birds with long, pointed wings found in southern Asia and Australasia.

Artamus Vieillot 1816 CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |  i. s.: A. fuscus JT12
    |         A. insignis JT12
    |         ‘Lanius’ leucogaster [=Ocypterus leucogaster] W66
    |         A. maximus JT12
    |         A. melanoleucus S13
    |         A. mentalis JT12
    |         A. monachus JT12
    |         A. papuensis [=Ocypterus papuensis] W66
    |--+--A. personatus (Gould 1841) BKB15, CC10 [=Ocypterus personatus CC10]
    |  `--A. superciliosus (Gould 1837) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    `--+--+--*A. leucorynchus (Linnaeus 1771) CC10, BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
       |  |    |--A. l. leucorynchus WS48
       |  |    `--A. l. leucopygialis Gould 1842 [incl. A. leucorhynchus harterti Mathews 1912] WS48
       |  `--A. cyanopterus (Latham 1801) BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
       `--+--A. cinereus Vieillot 1817 BKB15, WS48
          |    |--A. c. cinereus WS48
          |    |--A. c. albiventris [incl. A. c. dealbatus, A. c. normani] M03
          |    |--A. c. melanops Gould 1865 [incl. A. tregallasi Mathews 1911] WS48
          |    `--A. c. venustus Sharpe 1878 WS48
          `--A. minor Vieillot 1817 BKB15, WS48 [incl. A. minor derbyi Mathews 1912 WS48]

Artamus Vieillot 1816 CC10 [incl. Leptopteryx Horsfield 1821 B94, Ocypterus Cuvier 1816 B94; Leptopterygidae, Ocypteridae]

Artamus cyanopterus (Latham 1801) BKB15, WS48 [=Loxia cyanoptera WS48; incl. Angroyan cyanopterus perthi Mathews 1915 WS48, Artamus cyanopterus perthi M03]

*Artamus leucorynchus (Linnaeus 1771) CC10, BKB15, WS48 [=Lanius leucorhynchus CC10, Leptopteryx leucorhynchus W66; incl. L. dominicanus W66, L. manillensis W66]

Artamus superciliosus (Gould 1837) BKB15, CC10 [=Ocypterus superciliosus CC10; incl. Campbellornis superciliosus pallida Mathews 1916 WS48]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[W66] Walden, A. 1866. Notes on birds collected in Tennasserim and in the Andaman Islands. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 537–556.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Drakensberg rockjumper Chaetops aurantius, copyright Brendan Ryan.

Belongs within: Euoscines.
Contains: Melanocharitidae, Petroicidae, Sylviida, Muscicapida, Passerida.

The Passerides are a diverse clade of passerine birds supported by molecular data, including the majority of songbird lineages found in the Northern Hemisphere.

<==Passerides OF19
    |--Cnemophilus De Vis 1890 B94 [Cnemophilidae OF19]
    |    |--C. macgregorii JT12
    |    `--+--C. loriae JT12
    |       `--Loboparadisaea sericea JT12
    `--+--Melanocharitidae OF19
       `--+--+--Notiomystis Richmond 1908 CC10 [=Pogonornis Gray 1846 non Billberg 1828 CC10; Notiomystidae OF19]
          |  |    `--*N. cincta (du Bus de Gisignies 1839) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |  `--Callaeidae [Callaeadides, Callaeatidae, Creadionidae, Creationtidae, Heteralochidae] OF19
          |       |--Callaeas Forster 1788 [=Callaeus Gray 1840, Calloeas Daudin 1800, Glaucopis Gmelin 1788] CC10
          |       |    |--*C. cinerea (Gmelin 1788) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |       |    `--C. wilsoni (Bonaparte 1851) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |       |--Heteralocha Cabanis 1851 (nom. cons.) [=Neomorpha Gould 1837 (nom. rej.)] CC10
          |       |    `--H. acutirostris (Gould 1837) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |       `--Philesturnus Geoffroy St-Hilaire 1832 (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |            |--*P. carunculatus (Gmelin 1789) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |            `--P. rufusater (Lesson 1828) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          `--+--+--Eupetidae [Picathartidae, Picathartii, Picathartinae] OF19
             |  |    |--Eupetes Temminck 1831 OF19, B94
             |  |    |    `--E. macrocerus JF07
             |  |    `--+--Picathartes Lesson 1828 OF19, B94
             |  |       |    |--P. gymnocephalus JF07
             |  |       |    `--P. oreas JT12
             |  |       `--Chaetops OF19
             |  |            |--C. aurantius Layard 1867 [=C. frenatus aurantius] B93
             |  |            `--C. frenatus JF07
             |  `--Petroicidae OF19
             `--Eupasseri [Thryothoridae, Timaliini, Tryothorinae] EIJ03
                  |--Sylviida OF19
                  `--+--Muscicapida OF19
                     `--Passerida OF19

*Callaeas cinerea (Gmelin 1788) [=*Glaucopis cinerea, Ca. cinereus; incl. Cryptorhina callaeas Wagler 1827] CC10

Callaeas wilsoni (Bonaparte 1851) [=Glaucopis wilsoni, C. cinerea wilsoni; incl. C. olivascens Pelzeln 1867, Glaucopis olivascens] CC10

Heteralocha acutirostris (Gould 1837) [=*Neomorpha acutirostris, N. gouldii Gray 1841, *Heteralocha gouldi; incl. N. crassirostris Gould 1837] CC10

*Notiomystis cincta (du Bus de Gisignies 1839) [=Meliphaga cincta, *Pogonornis cincta, Ptilotis cincta; incl. Pt. auritus Lafresnaye 1839, Notiomystis cincta hautara Mathews 1935] CC10

Philesturnus Geoffroy St-Hilaire 1832 [=Oxystomus Swainson 1837 non Fischer v. Waldheim 1803; Philesturnidae] CC10

*Philesturnus carunculatus (Gmelin 1789) [=Sturnus carunculatus, Creadion carunculatus, *Oxystomus carunculatus, Philesturnus carunculata, Xanthornus carunculatus, Creadion novaezealandiae Stephens in Shaw 1826, Cr. pharoides Vieillot 1817; incl. Cr. cinereus Buller 1865] CC10

Philesturnus rufusater (Lesson 1828) [=Icterus rufusater, Creadion carunculatus rufusater, Philesturnus carunculatus rufusater; incl. I. novaezealandiae Lesson & Garrot 1829 non Creadion novaezealandiae Stephens 1826] CC10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[B93] Brooke, R. K. 1993. Annotated catalogue of the Aves type specimens in the South African Museum. Annals of the South African Museum 102 (10): 327–349.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[EIJ03] Ericson, P. G. P., M. Irestedt & U. S. Johansson. 2003. Evolution, biogeography, and patterns of diversification in passerine birds. Journal of Avian Biology 34 (1): 3–15.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF07] Jønsson, K. A., J. Fjeldså, P. G. P. Ericson & M. Irestedt. 2007. Systematic placement of an enigmatic southeast Asian taxon Eupetes macrocerus and implications for the biogeography of a main songbird radiation, the Passerida. Biology Letters 3 (3): 323–326.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.


Pink robin Petroica rodinogaster, copyright Tom Tarrant.

Belongs within: Petroicidae.

Petroica, the Australasian robins, is a genus of small, stout birds whose males often have contrasting colour patterns with dark upperparts and whitish underparts; a number of species are also bear red markings.

See also: The Australasian not-robins.

<==Petroica Swainson 1830 (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  i. s.: P. archboldi JT12
    |         P. bivittata JT12
    |         P. longipes (Garnot in Duperrey 1827) (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |--P. goodenovii (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    `--+--+--P. macrocephala (Gmelin 1789) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
       |  |    |--P. m. macrocephala (see below for synonymy) CC10
       |  |    |--P. m. chathamensis Fleming 1950 CC10
       |  |    |--P. m. dannefaerdi (Rothschild 1894) (see below for synonymy) CC10
       |  |    |--P. m. marrineri (Mathews & Iredale 1913) (see below for synonymy) CC10
       |  |    `--P. m. toitoi (Lesson 1828) (see below for synonymy) CC10
       |  `--P. traversi (Buller 1872) JT12, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
       `--+--P. australis (Sparrman 1788) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
          |    |--P. a. australis (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |    `--P. a. rakiura Fleming 1950 [=P. (Miro) australis rakiura] CC10
          `--+--+--P. phoenicea BKB15
             |  `--+--*P. multicolor (Gmelin 1789) CC10, BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
             |     |    |--P. m. multicolor (see below for synonymy) CC10
             |     |    `--P. m. campbelli Sharpe 1898 WS48
             |     `--P. boodang BKB15 [=P. multicolor boodang M03; incl. P. multicolor leggi M03]
             `--+--P. rodinogaster BKB15
                `--+--P. rosea BKB15
                   `--Eugerygone rubra BKB15

Petroica Swainson 1830 [incl. Miro Lesson 1831, Myiomoira Reichenbach 1850, Myioscopus Reichenbach 1850, Nesomiro Mathews & Iredale 1913] CC10

Petroica australis (Sparrman 1788) BKB15, CC10 [=Turdus australis CC10, Aplonis australis CC10, Miro australis CC10]

Petroica australis australis (Sparrman 1788) [incl. Turdus albifrons Gmelin 1789, Miro albifrons, Muscicapa albifrons, Myioscopus albifrons, Petroica albifrons, Miro bulleri Sharpe in Buller 1905, M. australis bulleri, Turdus ochrotarsus Forster in Lichtenstein 1844, Miro ochrotarsus, Muscicapa saxicolina Bonaparte 1851] CC10

Petroica goodenovii (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) BKB15, WS48 [=Muscicapa goodenovii WS48; incl. P. ramsayi Sharpe 1879 WS48, P. goodenovii ruficapilla Mathews 1912 WS48]

Petroica longipes (Garnot in Duperrey 1827) [=Muscicapa longipes, *Myioscopus longipes, P. (*Miro) australis longipes, Myiothera novaezelandiae Lesson 1828] CC10

Petroica macrocephala (Gmelin 1789) BKB15, CC10 [=Parus macrocephalus CC10, Miro macrocephala CC10, Muscicapa macrocephala CC10, Myiomoira macrocephala CC10, Petroeca (l. c.) macrocephala CC10, Rhipidura macrocephala CC10, Pachycephalus australis Stephens in Shaw 1826 CC10]

Petroica macrocephala dannefaerdi (Rothschild 1894) [=Miro dannefaerdi, M. dannefordi, Nesomiro traversi dannefaerdi] CC10

Petroica macrocephala macrocephala (Gmelin 1789) [incl. Miro dieffenbachii Gray in Dieffenbach 1843, Myiomoira macrocephala dieffenbachii, Petroica dieffenbachii, Miro forsterorum Gray in Dieffenbach 1843, Turdus minutus Forster in Lichtenstein 1844, Muscicapa minutus] CC10

Petroica macrocephala marrineri (Mathews & Iredale 1913) [=Myiomoira macrocephala marrineri; incl. M. macrocephala enderbyi Mathews 1930] CC10

Petroica macrocephala toitoi (Lesson 1828) [=Muscicapa toitoi, Miro toitoi, *Myiomoira toitoi, Petroeca (l. c.) toitoi; incl. Muscicapa albopectus Ellman 1861] CC10

*Petroica multicolor (Gmelin 1789) CC10, BKB15, CC10 [=Muscicapa multicolor CC10, Petroeca (l. c.) multicolor CC10, M. erythrogastra Latham 1790 CC10, Petroica erythrogastra CC10]

Petroica multicolor multicolor (Gmelin 1789) [incl. Muscicapa dibapha Forster in Lichtenstein 1844, P. modesta Gould 1838, P. pulchella Gould 1840, Muscicapa rhodogastra Latham 1802] CC10

Petroica traversi (Buller 1872) JT12, CC10 [=Miro traversi CC10, Myiomoira traversii CC10, *Nesomiro traversi CC10, Petroica traversii CC10]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Savi's warbler Locustella luscinioides, copyright Ron Knight.

Belongs within: Sylviida.

The Locustellidae, grass warblers and grassbirds, are a group of slender, brownish birds with usually long tails found around the Old World. They are supported as a clade by molecular analyses (Jetz et al. 2012). Locustellids are secretive birds, often living concealed among tall grasses (hence the vernacular name). Members include the bush warblers of the genus Bradypterus, smaller species found in warm regions of Africa and Asia.

Locustellidae [Megaluridae, Megalurinae]
    |--Robsonius OF19
    |    |--R. rabori OF19
    |    `--R. sorsogonensis JT12
    `--+--Locustella Kaup 1829 OF19, B94 [Locustellinae]
       |    |--+--+--L. amnicola BKB15
       |    |  |  `--L. fasciolata JT12
       |    |  `--+--L. pryeri (Seebohm 1884) JT12, I92 [=Megalurus pryeri BKB15]
       |    |     `--+--L. certhiola BKB15
       |    |        |    |--L. c. certhiola VP89
       |    |        |    `--L. c. rubescens VP89
       |    |        `--+--L. ochotensis JT12
       |    |           `--L. pleskei Taczanowski 1889 JT12, I92 [=L. ochotensis pleskei I92]
       |    `--+--‘Megalurus’ gramineus (Gould 1845) BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy) WS48
       |       |    |--M. g. gramineus M03
       |       |    `--M. g. goulburni M03
       |       `--+--+--L. lanceolata BKB15
       |          |  `--+--L. fluviatilis BKB15
       |          |     `--L. luscinioides JF06
       |          `--+--+--‘Bradypterus’ luteoventris BKB15
       |             |  `--+--‘Bradypterus’ tacsanowskius BKB15
       |             |     `--+--‘Bradypterus’ major BKB15
       |             |        `--L. naevia BKB15
       |             `--+--+--‘Bradypterus’ castaneus BKB15
       |                |  `--‘Bradypterus’ caudatus JT12
       |                `--+--+--‘Bradypterus’ alishanensis BKB15
       |                   |  `--+--‘Bradypterus’ mandelli BKB15
       |                   |     `--‘Bradypterus’ montis BKB15
       |                   `--+--‘Bradypterus’ davidi BKB15
       |                      `--+--‘Bradypterus’ kashmirensisi BKB15
       |                         `--‘Bradypterus’ thoracicus BKB15
       `--+--+--+--Cincloramphus Gould 1838 BKB15, B94 [incl. Ptenoedus Cabanis 1851 B94; Ptenoedinae]
          |  |  |    `--C. cruralis (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |  |  `--‘Megalurus’ timoriensis Wallace 1863 BKB15, WS48
          |  |       |--M. t. timoriensis WS48
          |  |       `--M. t. alisteri Mathews 1912 WS48
          |  `--+--Eremiornis carteri Noreth 1900 BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |     `--Bowdleria Rothschild 1896 [Bowdleriinae] CC10
          |          |--*B. punctata (Quoy & Gaimard in Dumont d’Urville 1830) CC10 (see below for synonymy)
          |          |    |--B. p. punctata [incl. Sphenoeacus fulvus Gray 1862, B. fulva, Megalurus fulvus] CC10
          |          |    |--B. p. caudata (Buller 1894) [=Sphenoeacus caudatus] CC10
          |          |    |--B. p. stewartiana Oliver 1930 (see below for synonymy) CC10
          |          |    |--B. p. vealeae Kemp 1912 CC10
          |          |    `--B. p. wilsoni Stead 1936 CC10
          |          `--B. rufescens (Buller 1869) (see below for synonymy) CC10
          `--+--+--‘Cincloramphus’ mathewsi Ireland 1911 BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
             |  `--Megalurus Horsfield 1821 OF19, B94
             |       |--M. albolimbatus JT12
             |       `--M. palustris BKB15
             |            |--M. p. palustris GC09
             |            `--M. p. toklao GC09
             `--+--Schoenicola BKB15
                |    |--S. brevirostris JT12
                |    `--S. platyurus JT12
                `--Bradypterus Swainson 1837 BKB15, B94 [Bradypterinae]
                     |  i. s.: B. accentor JT12
                     |         B. alfredi JT12
                     |         B. grandis JT12
                     |         B. palliseri JT12
                     |         B. seebohmi JT12
                     |         B. timorensis JT12
                     |--+--B. bangwaensis BKB15
                     |  `--+--B. cinnamomeus BKB15
                     |     `--+--B. lopezi BKB15
                     |        `--B. mariae BKB15
                     `--+--+--Dromaeocercus brunneus BKB15
                        |  `--B. sylvaticus BKB15
                        `--+--+--B. tongensis BKB15 [=B. baboecala tongensis AE06]
                           |  `--B. transvaalensis BKB15 [=B. baboecala transvaalensis AE06]
                           `--+--B. carpalis BKB15
                              |--B. graueri BKB15
                              `--+--B. baboecala BKB15
                                 `--B. barratti BKB15

*Bowdleria punctata (Quoy & Gaimard in Dumont d’Urville 1830) CC10 [=Synallaxis punctata CC10, Megalurus punctatus BKB15, Sphenoeacus punctatus CC10]

Bowdleria punctata stewartiana Oliver 1930 [=B. punctata stewartiae; incl. B. punctata insularis Stead 1936] CC10

Bowdleria rufescens (Buller 1869) [=Sphenoeacus rufescens, B. punctata rufescens, Megalurus rufescens] CC10

Cincloramphus cruralis (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) WS48 [=Megalurus cruralis WS48; incl. C. cantillans R87, C. cruralis clelandi Mathews 1912 WS48, C. cruralis rogersi Mathews 1912 WS48]

Cincloramphus’ mathewsi Ireland 1911 BKB15, WS48 [=C. rufescens mathewsi WS48; incl. C. mathewsi alisteri Mathews 1912 WS48, Anthus rufescens Vigors & Horsfield 1827 (preoc.) WS48, Ptenoedus rufescens R66, C. mathewsi subalisteri Mathews 1912 WS48]

Eremiornis carteri Noreth 1900 BKB15, WS48 [incl. E. c. assimilis Montague 1913 WS48, E. c. rogersi Mathews 1913 WS48]

Megalurus gramineus (Gould 1845) BKB15, WS48 [=Sphenoeacus gramineus WS48; incl. M. striatus Milligan 1903 WS48, M. gramineus thomasi Mathews 1912 WS48]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AE06] Alström, P., P. G. P. Ericson, U. Olsson & P. Sundberg. 2006. Phylogeny and classification of the avian superfamily Sylvioidea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38: 381–397.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[GC09] Gelang, M., A. Cibois, E. Pasquet, U. Olsson, P. Alström & P. G. P. Ericson. 2009. Phylogeny of babblers (Aves, Passeriformes): major lineages, family limits and classification. Zoologica Scripta 38: 225–236.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.

[R66] Ramsay, E. P. 1866. Remarks upon the new species of Atrichia and on A. clamosa of the west coast. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 439–440.

[R87] Ramsay, E. P. 1887. List of Western Australian birds collected by Mr. Cairn, and Mr. W. H. Boyer-Bower, at Derby and its vicinity, with remarks on the species. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1085–1100.

[VP89] Viney, C., & K. Phillipps. 1989. Birds of Hong Kong 5th ed. Government Printer: Hong Kong.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


European stonechat Saxicola rubicola, copyright Alun Williams.

Belongs within: Muscicapidae.

Saxicola, the stonechats, is a genus of small birds found in Eurasia and Africa with a straight bill longer than the middle toe, long tarsi, long compressed claws, and white or rufous coloration at the base of the tail.

<==Saxicola Bechstein 1803 M02 [incl. Pratincola Koch 1816 B94; Pratincolinae]
    |  i. s.: ‘Pratincola’ atrata B66
    |         S. axillaris JF06
    |         S. borbonica Sch66
    |         S. hemprichii Sch66
    |         ‘Pratincola’ indica Sch66
    |         S. macrorhynchus JT12
    |         S. pastor Sch66
    |         S. picata Blyth 1847 CC10
    |         ‘Motacilla’ sybilla Sch66 [=Pratincola sibylla Scl66]
    |--+--S. gutturalis JT12
    |  `--+--S. ferreus BKB15
    |     `--S. jerdoni JT12
    `--+--S. rubetra BKB15
       `--+--+--S. caprata BKB15 [=Pratincola caprata S89]
          |  `--S. insignis JT12
          `--+--S. torquata (Linnaeus 1766) BKB15, S05 [=Muscicapa torquata M02, S. torquatus S05]
             |    |--S. t. torquata S05
             |    |--S. t. albofasciatus Rüppell 1840 [=S. albofasciata] S05
             |    `--S. t. stejnegeri VP89
             `--+--S. leucurus BKB15
                `--+--S. tectes BKB15
                   `--+--S. maura (Pall. 1776) BKB15, M01 [=Motacilla maura M01, Pratincola maura M01]
                      `--+--S. dacotiae BKB15
                         `--S. rubicola BKB15 [=Motacilla rubicola Sch66]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[B66] Bulger, G. E. 1866. List of birds observed at Wellington, Neilgherry Hills, about 6000 feet above the level of the sea, during the months of April and May, 1866. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 568–571.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[M01] Madarász, J. 1901. Madarak [Vögel]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 21–39. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[S89] Salvadori, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea nella Birmania e nelle regioni vicine. XIX.—Uccelli raccolti nei Monti Carin a nord-est di Tounghoo, nel Pegù presso Rangoon e Tounghoo e nel Tenasserim presso Malewoon. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 369–438.

[Sch66] Schlegel, H. 1866. Communication from, on mammals and birds collected in Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 419–426.

[Scl66] Sclater, P. L. 1866. Report on birds collected at Windvogelberg, South Africa, by Capt. G. E. Bulger, C. M. Z. S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 21–23.

[S05] Steinheimer, F. D. 2005. Eduard Rüppel’s avian types at the Natural History Museum, Tring (Aves). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 233–264.

[VP89] Viney, C., & K. Phillipps. 1989. Birds of Hong Kong 5th ed. Government Printer: Hong Kong.


Asian fairy bluebird Irena puella, copyright Jason Thompson.

Belongs within: Passerides.
Contains: Nectariniidae, Dicaeidae, Chloropsis, Ploceidae, Viduidae, Estrildidae, Prunella, Passeridae, Motacillidae, Fringillidae, Emberizoidea.

The Passerida (used here in the restricted sense of Oliveros et al., 2019, equivalent to the Passeroidea of other authors) is a clade of passerine birds recognised by molecular analyses. The core of the Passeroidea is the nine-primaried oscines, a group of passerines characterised by the possession of nine rather than ten primary wing feathers. The nine-primaried oscines also include a large proportion of the granivorous passerines. Also included in the Passerida are basal families such as the Irenidae, Nectariniidae and Promeropidae. The Promeropidae are a small African family including the long-tailed, nectarivorous sugarbirds of the genus Promerops.

<==Passerida [Passeroidea, Tanagridae] OF19
    |--Promeropidae BKB15
    |    |--Promerops Brisson 1760 JT12, B94 [incl. Ptiloturus Swainson 1836 B94; Promeropinae, Ptiloturidae]
    |    |    |--*P. cafer B94
    |    |    `--P. gurneyi JT12
    |    `--+--+--Arcanator orostruthus JF06
    |       |  `--Kakamega poliothorax BKB15
    |       `--Modulatrix JT12
    |            |--M. orostruthus JT12
    |            `--M. stictigula JT12
    `--+--+--Nectariniidae JT12
       |  `--Dicaeidae BKB15
       `--+--+--Chloropsis OF19
          |  `--Irena Horsfield 1821 JT12, B94 [Irenidae]
          |       |--I. cyanogaster L03
          |       |    |--I. c. cyanogaster L03
          |       |    `--I. c. ellae Steere 1890 L03
          |       `--I. puella JT12
          `--+--Peucedramus Henshaw 1875 BKB15, B94 [Peucedramidae, Peucedraminae]
             |    `--P. taeniatus KJL00
             `--+--Urocynchramus Przewalski 1876 B94 [Urocynchramidae OF19, Urocynchraminae]
                |    `--U. pylzowi JT12
                `--+--+--Ploceidae OF19
                   |  `--+--Viduidae BKB15
                   |     `--Estrildidae JT12
                   `--+--Prunella OF19
                      `--+--Passeridae OF19
                         `--+--Motacillidae OF19
                            `--+--Fringillidae OF19
                               `--Emberizoidea OF19

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[KJL00] Klicka, J., K. P. Johnson & S. M. Lanyon. 2000. New World nine-primaried oscine relationships: constructing a mitochondrial DNA framework. Auk 117: 321–336.

[L03] LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Irenidae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Dulidae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 278: 1–156.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.