Showing posts with label Hygrophila. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hygrophila. Show all posts


Shells of Chilina fulgurata, from Pilsbry (1911).

Belongs within: Heterobranchia.
Contains: Physidae, Lymnaeinae, Amphipepleinae, Bulinidae, Planorbidae, Burnupia.

The Hygrophila are a clade of air-breathing freshwater molluscs, characterised by the presence of a post-tentacular sense organ, a diaulic genital system (with separate male and female gonoducts), and an atrium in the pallial cavity (Salvini-Plawen & Steiner 1996). Molecular phylogenies support division of the clade between two major subgroups, the Chilinoidea and Lymnaeoidea.

<==Hygrophila (see below for synonymy)
    |  i. s.: Espiphylla BR05
    |         Lomastoma BR05
    |--Chilinoidea [Chilinoidei] BR05
    |    |  i. s.: Proauricula Huckriede 1967 B91
    |    |           `--*P. jaccardi (de Loriol 1865) [=Auricula jaccardi, Ellobium jaccardi] B91
    |    |--Latia Gray 1850 [Latiidae, Latiinae, Latioidea] BR05
    |    |    `--*L. neritoides Gray 1850 P61
    |    `--Chilina Gray 1828 I97 (see below for synonymy)
    |         |--*C. dombeiana (Bruguière 1789) [=Bulimus dombeianus] BR17
    |         |--C. angusta (Philippi 1860) [=*Archaeochilina angusta] I97
    |         |--C. antiquata Orbigny 1842 P63
    |         |--C. aurantia Marshall 1924 RGG06
    |         |--C. fluctuosa Gray 1828 I97
    |         |--C. fluminea (Maton 1809) I97
    |         |    |--C. f. fluminea RGG06
    |         |    `--C. f. tucumanensis RGG06
    |         |--C. fulgurata Pilsbry 1911 RGG06 [incl. C. oldroydae P63]
    |         |--C. gallardoi Castellanos & Gaillard 1981 RGG06
    |         |--C. gibbosa Sowerby 1839 RGG06
    |         |--C. guaraniana Castellanos & Miquel 1980 RGG06
    |         |--C. megastoma Hylton Scott 1958 I97
    |         |--C. mendozana Strobel 1874 RGG06
    |         |--C. neuquenensis Marshal 1933 RGG06
    |         |--C. parchappii (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
    |         |--C. patagonica Sowerby 1874 RGG06
    |         |--C. perrieri Mabille 1833 RGG06
    |         |--C. portillensis Hidalgo 1880 RGG06
    |         |--C. rushii Pilsbry 1911 RGG06
    |         |--C. simplex P63
    |         |--C. stenostylops Parodiz 1963 P63
    |         `--C. strebeli Pilsbry 1911 RGG06
    `--Lymnaeoidea [Branchiopulmonata, Planorbacea, Planorboidea, Planorboinei] BR17
         |  i. s.: Acroloxidae [Acroloxacea, Acroloxoidea, Acroloxoinei] BR17
         |           |--Pseudancylastrum G88
         |           `--Acroloxus Beck 1838 BR05 (see below for synonymy)
         |                |--*A. lacustris (Linnaeus 1758) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
         |                |--A. nuttalli [=Velletia nuttalli] C64
         |                |--A. tetensi (Kuščer 1932) BV86
         |                `--A. velkovrhi (Bole 1965) BV86
         |         Clivunella Katzer 1918 BR05 [Clivunellidae BR17]
         |           `--*C. katzeri (Gorjanović-Kramberger 1906) [=Valenciennesia katzeri] BR17
         |--Physidae BR17
         `--+--Lymnaeidae [Gehydrophila, Limnacea, Limnaeana, Lymnaeoidea, Lymnidia] BR17
            |    |  i. s.: Austropeplea Cotton 1942 KKW12
            |    |           |--A. lessoni (Deshayes 1830) [=Limnaea lessoni] KKW12
            |    |           `--A. tomentosa KKW12
            |    |         Simlimnea Iredale 1943 P61
            |    |           |--*S. brazieri [=Limnaea brazieri] P61
            |    |           `--S. tomentosa (Pfeiffer 1855) (see below for synonymy) P61
            |    |                |--S. t. tomentosa P61
            |    |                `--S. t. waikariensis (Cumber 1941) P61
            |    |         Undulotheca G88
            |    |         Velutinopsis G88
            |    |         Provalenciennesia G88
            |    |         Stagnicola G40
            |    |           |--S. bulimoides B63 [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) bulimoides C64, Lymnaea bulimoides PF15]
            |    |           |    |--S. b. bulimoides PF15
            |    |           |    |--‘Lymnaea’ b. cockerelli PF15
            |    |           |    `--S. b. techella [=Lymnaea (Stagnicola) bulimoides techella] B63
            |    |           |--S. caperata (Say 1829) P88
            |    |           |--S. catascopium (Say 1817) P88
            |    |           |--S. glabra (see below for synonymy) G40
            |    |           |--S. jacksonensis B65
            |    |           `--S. reflexa (Say 1821) P88
            |    |--Lymnaeinae BR05
            |    |--Amphipepleinae BR17
            |    `--Lancinae [Lancidae] BR05
            |         |--Fisherola G88
            |         `--Lanx Clessin 1880 BR05
            |              |--*L. patelloides (Lea 1856) [=Ancylus patelloides] BR17
            |              |--L. nevadensis G88
            |              `--L. undulatus (Meek 1870) TTE93
            `--+--+--Bulinidae BR17
               |  `--Planorbidae BR17
               `--Burnupia BR17

Nomen nudum: Acroloxus vruljae Bole & Velkovrh 1986 BV86

Acroloxus Beck 1838 BR05 [=Calytra Westerlund 1885 PB27, Helicon Westerlund 1885 PB27; Acroloxinae]

*Acroloxus lacustris (Linnaeus 1758) BR17 [=Patella lacustris BR17, Ancylus lacustris PB27, *Calytra lacustris PB27, Crepidula lacustris G40, *Helicon lacustris PB27, Velletia lacustris G40; incl. Patella oblonga G40, Crepidula oblonga G40]

Chilina Gray 1828 I97 [incl. Acyrogonia Rochebrune & Mabille 1889 P63, Archaeochilina Valdovinos & Stuardo 1995 I97, Pseudochilina Dall 1870 P63; Chilinidae S-PS96, Chilininae]

Hygrophila [Limnaeida, Limnaeidae, Limnostreae, Lymnaeida, Lymnaeiformes, Lymnaeiformii, Lymnaeoidei, Lymnaeoinei, Lymnostreae]

Simlimnea tomentosa (Pfeiffer 1855) [incl. Myxas ampulla, M. arguta, M. ampulla globosa, Limnaea leptosoma] P61

Stagnicola glabra [=Buccinum glabrum, Limnaeus (Stagnicola) glaber; incl. Bulimus leucostoma, Lymnaea leucostoma, Helix octanfracta, Stagnicola octanfracta] G40

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B91] Bandel, K. 1991. Gastropods from brackish and fresh water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition (a systematic reevaluation). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A 134: 9–55.

[B65] Beetle, D. E. 1965. Molluscan fauna of some small ponds in Grand Teton National Park. Nautilus 78 (4): 125–130.

[BV86] Bole, J., & F. Velkovrh. 1986. Mollusca from continental subterranean aquatic habitats. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 177–208. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[B63] Branson, B. A. 1963. Notes on snail distribution and leech feeding habits in Oklahoma. Nautilus 76 (4): 148–149.

[G40] Gray, J. E. 1840. A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds. By William Turton, M.D. A new edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans: London.

[G88] Gray, J. 1988. Evolution of the freshwater ecosystem: the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62: 1–214.

[I97] Ituarte, C. F. 1997. Chilina megastoma Hylton Scott, 1958 (Pulmonata: Basommatophora): a study on topotypic specimens. American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1): 9–15.

[KKW12] Köhler, F., V. Kessner & C. Whisson. 2012. New records of non-marine, non-camaenid gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from islands off the Kimberley coast, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (1): 21–39.

[P63] Parodiz, J. J. 1963. New fresh-water Mollusca from the Eogene of Chile and Patagonia. Nautilus 76 (4): 145–148.

[PB27] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. Bequaert. 1927. The aquatic mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological account of Congo malacology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 53 (2): 69–602, pls 10–77.

[PF15] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. H. Ferriss. 1915. Mollusca of the southwestern states, VII: the Dragoon, Mule, Santa Rita, Baboquivari, and Tucson Ranges, Arizona. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (2): 363–418, pls 8–15.

[P88] Pip, E. 1988. Niche congruency of freshwater gastropods in central North America with respect to six water chemistry parameters. Nautilus 102 (2): 65–72.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[RGG06] Rumi, A., D. E. Gutiérrez Gregoric, V. Núñez, I. I. César, M. A. Roche, M. P. Tassara, S. M. Martín & M. F. López Armengol. 2006. Freshwater Gastropoda from Argentina: species richness, distribution patterns, and an evaluation of endangered species. Malacologia 49 (1): 189–208.

[S-PS96] Salvini-Plawen, L. v., & G. Steiner. 1996. Synapomorphies and plesiomorphies in higher classification of Mollusca. In: Taylor, J. D. (ed.) Origin and Evolutionary Radiation of the Mollusca pp. 29–51. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 19 February 2022.


White ramshorn Gyraulus albus, copyright Gail Hampshire.

Belongs within: Planorbidae.
Contains: Planorbis (Planorbis).

The Planorbini are a group of freshwater snails characterised by a lack of pallial folds in the mantle and absence of the penial flagellum.

<==Planorbini [Planorbeae] BR05
    |--Choanomphalus Gerstfeldt 1859 [Choanomphalidae, Choanomphalinae] BR05
    |    |--*C. maacki Gerstfeldt 1859 BR17
    |    `--C. valvatoides B50
    |--Indoplanorbis Annandale & Prashad 1920 PB27
    |    `--*I. exustus (Deshayes 1834) PB27, MD13, TC89 (see below for synonymy)
    |--Orygoceras Brusina 1882 [Orygoceratidae] BR05
    |    |--*O. cornucopiae Brusina 1882 BR17
    |    `--O. fuchsi (Kittl 1886) BR05
    |--Gyraulus Charpentier 1837 PB27, KKW12 [incl. Caillaudia Bourguignat 1883 PB27, Nautilina Stein 1840 PB27]
    |    |  i. s.: G. abyssinicus (Jickeli 1874) (see below for synonymy) PB27
    |    |         G. acronicus WM07
    |    |         G. adansonii (Gray 1850) [=Planorbis adansonii] PB27
    |    |         G. aethiopicus (Bourguignat 1883) [=Planorbis aethiopicus] PB27
    |    |         G. anderssoni (Ancey 1890) [=Planorbis anderssoni] PB27
    |    |         G. apertus (v. Martens 1897) [=Planorbis apertus] PB27
    |    |         G. chudeaui (Germain 1907) [=Planorbis chudeaui] PB27
    |    |         G. circumstriatus (Tryon 1866) P88
    |    |         G. cockburni (Godwin-Austen 1883) [=Planorbis cockburni] PB27
    |    |         G. coretus (Adanson in Dautzenberg 1890) [=Planorbis coretus] PB27
    |    |         G. costulatus (Krauss 1848) (see below for synonymy) PB27
    |    |         G. crawfordi (Melvill & Ponsonby 1893) [=Planorbis crawfordi] PB27
    |    |         G. crista (Linnaeus 1758) L06
    |    |         G. deflectus (Say 1824) P88
    |    |         G. dongcunensis YZ83
    |    |         G. essingtonensis (Smith 1883) KKW12
    |    |         G. fouladougouensis (Germain 1917) [=Planorbis (Paraspira) fouladougouensis] PB27
    |    |         G. gardei (Germain 1909) [=Planorbis gardei] PB27
    |    |         G. hesperus (Iredale 1943) [=Glyptanisus hesperus] KKW12
    |    |         G. hirsutis (Say 1817) B97
    |    |         G. kigeziensis (Preston 1912) [=Planorbis kigeziensis] PB27
    |    |         G. kisumiensis (Preston 1912) [=Planorbis kisumiensis] PB27
    |    |         G. lamyi (Germain 1905) [=Planorbis lamyi] PB27
    |    |         ‘Caillaudia’ letourneuxi PB27
    |    |         G. leucochilus (Melvill & Ponsonby 1903) [=Planorbis leucochilus] PB27
    |    |         G. liasinus G88
    |    |         G. loryi (Coquand 1855) (see below for synonymy) B91
    |    |         G. mauritianus RW84
    |    |         G. misellus (Morelet 1868) [=Planorbis misellus] PB27
    |    |         G. natalensis (Krauss 1848) [=Planorbis natalensis; incl. P. natalis Sowerby 1877] PB27
    |    |         G. parvus (Say 1817) B97
    |    |         G. sperabilis (Preston 1912) [=Planorbis sperabilis] PB27
    |    |         G. spirorbis G63
    |    |         G. tilhoi (Germain 1911) [=Planorbis (Diplodiscus) tilhoi] PB27
    |    |         G. toukotoensis (Germain 1917) [=Planorbis (Paraspira) toukotoensis] PB27
    |    |         G. vermicularis E68
    |    |--G. (Gyraulus) PB27
    |    |    |--G. (G.) albus (Müller 1774) L06 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--G. (G.) avakubiensis (Pilsbry & Bequaert 1927) [=Planorbis (G.) avakuebiensis] PB27
    |    |    `--G. (G.) gibbonsi (Nelson 1878) [=Planorbis (G.) gibbonsi, P. (Tropidiscus) gibbonsi] PB27
    |    `--G. (Omalodiscus Benson 1855) [=Spirorbis Swainson 1840 non Daudin 1800] Ba63
    |         `--G. (O.) leucostoma (see below for synonymy) Ba63
    |--Menetus C64
    |    |--M. cooperi E68
    |    |--M. dilatatus Br63
    |    `--E. opercularis [=Planorbis (Menetus) opercularis; incl. P. planulatus] C64
    `--Planorbis Müller 1774 BR05 [incl. Anisus Studer 1820 Ba63, Planorbia Moore 1901 PB27]
         |  i. s.: *Planorbia’ albertensis Moore 1901 PB27
         |         P. antiguensis PB27
         |         P. arizonensis Pilsbry & Ferriss 1915 [=P. filocinctus Pilsbry & Ferriss 1906 (preoc.)] PF15
         |         P. atkinsoni Johnston 1878 P79a
         |         P. ‘boissyi’ Deshayes 1864 non Potiez & Michaud 1838 PB27
         |         P. caribaeus PF15
         |         P. carinatus Müller 1774 L06 (see below for synonymy)
         |         P. centrimetralis PB27
         |         P. coenosus PB27
         |         P. contortus (Linnaeus 1758) D56, L58 [=Helix contorta G40; incl. H. crassa G40]
         |         P. corinna Gray 1850 P61
         |         P. deflectus W79
         |         P. dilatatus S01
         |         P. duenasianus Tristram 1861 C64
         |         P. dufourii [incl. P. metidgensis, P. corneus var. metidjensis] PB27
         |         P. exacutus W79
         |         P. glabratus D56
         |         P. guadelupensis PB27
         |         P. haldemanni C64
         |         P. havanensis G79
         |         P. imbricatus G40 (see below for synonymy)
         |         P. jugleri Dunker 1849 B91
         |         P. kahuica Finlay & Laws 1931 P61
         |         P. lacustris P79b
         |         P. laevis G40
         |         P. lentus W79
         |         P. liebmanni [incl. P. gracilentus] C64
         |         P. lineatus H79
         |         P. lutescens G40
         |         P. marginatus G40 (see below for synonymy)
         |         P. meridionalis Brazier 1875 [incl. P. tasmanicus Tennison Woods 1875] P79a
         |         P. multivolvis W79
         |         P. olivaceus PB27 [=Anisus olivaceus Ba63]
         |         P. parvus PF15
         |         P. peregrinus O05
         |         P. purpura PB27
         |         P. rotundatus S79
         |         P. scalaris [=Paludina scalaris] PB27
         |         P. schmackeri PB27
         |         P. scottiana Johnston 1878 P79a
         |         P. septemgyratus D56
         |         P. spirorbis (Linnaeus 1758) PB27, L58 [=Helix spirorbis G40, Anisus spirorbis L06]
         |         P. tenuis PF15
         |         P. traskii Lea 1856 C64
         |         P. truncatus W79
         |         P. tumidus [incl. P. affinis] G79
         |         P. umbilicatus [=*Anisus umbilicatus] Ba63
         |         P. utahensis Meek 1860 W77
         |         P. vortex (Linnaeus 1758) D56, L58 (see below for synonymy)
         |         P. wyldi Tristram 1861 C64
         |--P. (Planorbis) PB27
         |--P. (Hippeutis Agassiz in de Charpentier 1837) PB27
         |    |--P. (H.) fontanus PB27 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--P. (H.) benguelensis Dunker 1845 [incl. P. bengalensis Sowerby 1877] PB27
         |    `--P. (H.) junodi (Connolly 1922) [=Hippeutis junodi] PB27
         `--P. (Tropidiscus) socotrensis Godwin-Austen 1883 PB27

Nomina nuda: Orygoceras sketi Bole & Velkovrh 1986 BV86
             Planorbis caffer Krauss in Morelet 1889 PB27

Gyraulus abyssinicus (Jickeli 1874) [=Planorbis abyssinicus; incl. P. (Gyraulus) abyssinicensis Germain 1922, P. abyssinicus var. gravieri Germain 1904] PB27

Gyraulus costulatus (Krauss 1848) [=Planorbis costulatus; incl. *Caillaudia angulata Bourguignat 1883, P. stelzneri v. Martens 1869] PB27

Gyraulus loryi (Coquand 1855) [=Planorbis loryi; incl. P. coqandianus de Loriol 1865, P. fisheri Forbes in Arkell 1942, Anisopsis fisheri] B91

Gyraulus (Gyraulus) albus (Müller 1774) L06 [=Planorbis albus PB27, Helix alternata var. alba W79, H. rotundata var. alba T79, G40, *Nautilina alba PB27; incl. Planorbis glaber G40, P. hispidus PB27, *Gyraulus hispidus PB27, P. reticulatus G40]

Gyraulus (Omalodiscus) leucostoma [incl. *Spirorbis vulgaris Swainson 1840, *Omalodiscus vulgaris, Planorbis vulgaris] Ba63

*Indoplanorbis exustus (Deshayes 1834) PB27, MD13, TC89 [=Planorbis exustus PB27; incl. P. indicus Benson 1836 TC89, P. exustus var. maculatus Godwin-Austen 1883 PB27]

Planorbis carinatus Müller 1774 L06 [=Helix carinata G40; incl. H. contortuplicata G40, Planorbis disciformis G40, Helix planata G40, P. planatus G40]

Planorbis imbricatus G40 [incl. P. cristatus G40, P. nautileus var. cristata H79, Helix nautileus G40, Turbo nautileus G40]

Planorbis marginatus G40 [=Omalodiscus marginatus Ba63; incl. Helix cochlea G40, P. deformis G40, P. draparnaldi G40, Helix rhombea G40, P. rhombeus G40, P. sheppardi G40, Helix terebra G40, P. turgidus G40] G40

Planorbis vortex (Linnaeus 1758) D56, L58 [=Helix vortex G40, Anisus vortex L06, Omalodiscus vortex Ba63; incl. Planorbis compressus G40, P. leucostomus G40]

Planorbis (Hippeutis) fontanus PB27 [=Helix fontana G40; incl. H. complanata Linnaeus 1758 G40, L58, P. (*H.) complanatus PB27]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[Ba63] Baker, H. B. 1963. Anisus Studer (1820a: 91) was proposed to include Planorbis O. F. Müller (1774: 152) and Physa Draparnaud (1801: 52). Nautilus 77 (1): 32–33.

[B91] Bandel, K. 1991. Gastropods from brackish and fresh water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition (a systematic reevaluation). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A 134: 9–55.

[BV86] Bole, J., & F. Velkovrh. 1986. Mollusca from continental subterranean aquatic habitats. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 177–208. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[Br63] Branson, B. A. 1963. Notes on snail distribution and leech feeding habits in Oklahoma. Nautilus 76 (4): 148–149.

[B50] Brooks, J. L. 1950. Speciation in ancient lakes. Quarterly Review of Biology 25: 30–60.

[B97] Brown, K. M. 1997. Temporal and spatial patterns of abundance in the gastropod assemblage of a macrophyte bed. American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1): 27–33.

[C64] Carpenter, P. P. 1864. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 517–686.

[D56] Dawes, B. 1956. The Trematoda with special reference to British and other European forms. University Press: Cambridge.

[E68] Eyerdam, W. J. 1968. Fresh-water mollusks eaten by trout and other fish. Nautilus 81 (3): 103–104.

[G79] Gibbons, J. S. 1879. Notes on the habits and distribution, &c., of certain W. Indian Pulmonifera. Journal of Conchology 2: 129–134.

[G40] Gray, J. E. 1840. A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds. By William Turton, M.D. A new edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans: London.

[G88] Gray, J. 1988. Evolution of the freshwater ecosystem: the fossil record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 62: 1–214.

[H79] Hey, W. C. 1879. Contributions to a better knowledge of the land and freshwater shells of Yorkshire. Journal of Conchology 2: 310–314.

[KKW12] Köhler, F., V. Kessner & C. Whisson. 2012. New records of non-marine, non-camaenid gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from islands off the Kimberley coast, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (1): 21–39.

[L06] Lewin, I. 2006. The gastropod communities in the lowland rivers of agricultural areas—their biodiversity and bioindicative value in the Ciechanowska Upland, central Poland. Malacologia 49 (1): 7–23.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[MD13] Meiklejohn, K. A., M. Dowton, T. Pape & J. F. Wallman. 2013. A key to the Australian Sarcophagidae (Diptera) with special emphasis on Sarcophaga (sensu lato). Zootaxa 3680 (1): 148–189.

[O05] Outes, F. F. 1905. Sobre un instrumento paleolítico de Luján (Provincia de Buenos Aires). Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 169–173.

[P79a] Petterd, W. F. 1879a. List of the freshwater shells of Tasmania. Journal of Conchology 2: 80–88.

[P79b] Petterd, W. F. 1879b. Colonising land shells. Journal of Conchology 2: 96–98.

[PB27] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. Bequaert. 1927. The aquatic mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological account of Congo malacology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 53 (2): 69–602, pls 10–77.

[PF15] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. H. Ferriss. 1915. Mollusca of the southwestern states, VII: the Dragoon, Mule, Santa Rita, Baboquivari, and Tucson Ranges, Arizona. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (2): 363–418, pls 8–15.

[P88] Pip, E. 1988. Niche congruency of freshwater gastropods in central North America with respect to six water chemistry parameters. Nautilus 102 (2): 65–72.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[RW84] Rollinson, D., & C. A. Wright. 1984. Population studies on Bulinus cernicus from Mauritius. Malacologia 25 (2): 447–463.

[S79] Scharff, R. 1879. Land and freshwater shells collected in the alluvium of the Garonne, France. Journal of Conchology 2: 315–316.

[S01] Smith, E. A. 1901. Notice of a species of Paludestrina new to the British fauna. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 191–192.

[TC89] Tapparone Canefri, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. XVIII.—Molluschi terrestri e d’acqua dolce. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 295–359.

[T79] Taylor, J. W. 1879. Helix rotundata var. alba near Harrogate. Journal of Conchology 2: 282.

[WM07] Wada, T., & K. Matsukura. 2007. Seasonal changes in cold hardiness of the invasive freshwater apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae). Malacologia 49 (2): 383–392.

[W79] Walker, B. 1879. Catalogue of the shell-bearing Mollusca of Michigan. Journal of Conchology 2: 325–337.

[W77] White, C. A. 1877. Report upon the invertebrate fossils collected in portions of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, by parties of the expeditions of 1871, 1872, 1873, and 1874. U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian 4 (1): 1–219, pls 1–21.

[YZ83] Yu W. & Zhu X.-G. 1983. Some Late Mesozoic gastropods from eastern Heilongjiang. In: Fossils from the Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in Eastern Heilongjiang Province, China pp. 87–99. Heilongjiang Science and Technology Publishing House.


Drepanotrema sp., copyright Mil Marques.

Belongs within: Hygrophila.
Contains: Ancylini, Ferrissia, Planorbini, Helisomatini, Segmentina.

The Planorbidae are a diverse, cosmopolitan group of air-breathing freshwater snails. Members vary between the high-spired Miratestinae, planispiral Planorbinae and limpet-like Ancylinae.

<==Planorbidae [Ancylidae, Ancyloplanorbidae, Hydrophila, Planorbia, Planorbina, Wladislaviidae]
    |--Ancylinae [Ancylina] BR17
    |    |--Ancylini BR17
    |    `--Laevapicini [Gundlachiinae, Laevapecinae, Laevapicidae, Laevapicinae] BR17
    |         |--Laevapex Walker 1903 BR05
    |         |    |--*L. fuscus (Adams 1840) [=Ancylus fuscus] BR17
    |         |    `--L. fragilis B68
    |         `--Gundlachia Pfeiffer 1849 BR17, RGG06
    |              |--‘Ancylus’ radiatus Guilding 1829 (see below for synonymy) BR05
    |              |--G. californica C64
    |              |--G. lucasi Suter 1905 P61
    |              |--G. neozelanica Suter 1905 P61
    |              |--G. petterdi Johnston 1878 P79
    |              `--G. ticaga (Marcus & Marcus 1962) RGG06
    |--Miratestinae [Ferrissiidae, Ferrissiinae, Ferrissinae, Miratestidae, Miratestini] BR17
    |    |--Ferrissia BR05
    |    |--Miratesta Sarasin & Sarasin 1897 BR05
    |    |    `--*M. celebensis Sarasin & Sarasin 1897 BR17
    |    |--Ancylastrum Bourguignat 1853 [Ancylastridae, Ancylastrinae, Ancylastrini, Ancylastruminae] BR05
    |    |    `--*A. cumingianum (Bourguignat 1853) BR17 [=Ancylus cumingianus BR17, Ancylus (*Legrandia) cumingianus L79]
    |    |--Protancylus Sarasin & Sarasin 1897 [Protancylidae, Protancylinae] BR05
    |    |    `--*P. adhaerens Sarasin & Sarasin 1897 BR17
    |    |--Amerianna Strand 1928 [=Ameria Adams 1861; Amerianneae, Ameriannini] BR05
    |    |    `--*A. carinata (Adams 1861) [=Physa carinata, *Ameria carinata] BR17
    |    |--Patelloplanorbis Hubendick 1957 [Patelloplanorbidae] BR05
    |    |    `--*P. tigiensis Hubendick 1957 BR17
    |    |--Bayardella Burch 1977 BR17, BR05 [Bayardellini]
    |    |    `--*B. johni (Burch 1977) BR17 [=Plesiophysa (Bayardella) johni KKW12]
    |    |--Physastra Tapparone Canefri 1883 [Physastreae, Physastrinae] BR05
    |    |    |--*P. vestita (Tapparone Canefri 1883) [=Physa vestita] BR17
    |    |    |--P. oconnori (Cumber 1941) P61
    |    |    `--P. variabilis (Gray 1843) (see below for synonymy) P61
    |    `--Kincaidilla Hannibal 1912 PB27
    |         |--*K. fragilis [=Ancylus fragilis] PB27
    |         |--K. equeefensis (Walker 1924) [=Gundlachia equeefensis, Ancylus (Ferrissia) equeefensis] PB27
    |         |--K. farquhari (Walker 1924) [=Gundlachia farquhari] PB27
    |         `--K. lhotelleriei (Bourguignat in Walker 1914) [=Gundlachia lhotelleriei] PB27
    `--Planorbinae BR05
         |--Planorbini BR05
         |--Helisomatini BR17
         |--Segmentina BR05
         |--Camptoceras Benson 1843 BR05 [Camptocerateae, Camptoceratinae, Camptoceratini BR17, Camptocerinae]
         |    `--*C. terebra Benson 1843 BR17
         |--Planorbarius Duméril 1806 (see below for synonymy) BR05
         |    |--*P. corneus (Linnaeus 1758) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
         |    `--P. villatoyensis E99
         |--Neoplanorbini [Neoplanorbidae, Neoplanorbinae] BR17
         |    |--Amphigyra dalli (White 1883) TTE93
         |    |--Neoplanorbis Pilsbry 1906 BR05
         |    |    `--*N. tantillus Pilsbry 1906 BR17
         |    `--Payettia Dall 1924 [Payettiidae, Payettiinae, Payettinae] BR05
         |         `--*P. dalli (White 1882) [=Latia dalli] BR17
         `--Drepanotrema Crosse & Fischer 1880 BR05 [Drepanotrematinae, Drepanotrematini BR17, Drepanotremeae]
              |--*D. yzabalense (Crosse & Fischer 1879) [=Planorbis yzabalensis] BR17
              |--D. anatinum (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
              |--D. cimex (Moricand 1839) RGG06
              |--D. depressissimum (Moricand 1839) RGG06
              |--D. esperanzense (Tryon 1866) [=Planorbis esperanzensis] BR17
              |--D. heloicum (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
              |--D. kermatoides (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
              |--D. nordestense (Lucena 1953) [=Tropicorbis nordestensis] B59
              `--D. lucidum (Pfeiffer 1839) RGG06

Planorbidae incertae sedis:
  Antillorbis Harry & Hubendick 1963 RGG06
    `--A. nordestensis (Lucena 1954) RGG06
  Anisancylus Pilsbry 1924 RGG06
    `--A. obliquus (Broderip & Sowerby 1832) RGG06
  Hebetancylus Pilsbry 1913 RGG06
    `--H. moricandi (d’Orbigny 1837) RGG06
  Uncancylus Pilsbry 1913 RGG06
    `--U. concentricus (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
  Planorbella AG88
    |--*P. corpulenta (Say 1824) A79, P88 [=Planorbis corpulentus A79, Helisoma corpulentum C64]
    `--P. magnifica (Pilsbry 1903) [=Planorbis magnificus] AG88
  Isidorella Tate 1896 KKW12
    |--I. egregia (Preston 1906) [=Limnaea (Bulinus) egregia, Glyptophysa egregia] KKW12
    `--I. newcombi (Adams & Adams 1864) KKW12
  Anisopsis Sandberger 1875 TTE93, B91
    |--*A. calculus (Sandberger 1875) B91, TTE93
    `--A. cherusca Huckriede 1967 B91
  Palaeancylus radiatus Yen 1948 TTE93
  Australorbis R64
    |--A. glabratus R64
    `--A. odhner NG13
  Tropicorbis R64
    |--T. albicans R64
    `--T. obstructus R64

‘Ancylus’ radiatus Guilding 1829 [incl. *Gundlachia ancyliformis Pfeiffer 1850, A. havanensis Pfeiffer 1839] BR05

Physastra variabilis (Gray 1843) [incl. Isidora antipodea, P. lirata conferta, P. hochstetteri, P. lirata, P. tabulata moesta, P. novaezelandiae, P. tabulata] P61

Planorbarius Duméril 1806 [=Coretus Gray 1847; Coretina, Coretinae, Coretini, Planorbariinae, Planorbariini] BR05

*Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus 1758) BR17 [=Helix cornea BR17, *Coretus corneus BR17, Planorbis corneus G40; incl. Helix nana G40, Planorbis purpureus G40, Planorbis similis G40]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AG88] Adams, W. F., & A. G. Gerberich. 1988. Rediscovery of Planorbella magnifica (Pilsbry) in southeastern North Carolina. Nautilus 102 (3): 125–126.

[A79] Anonymous. 1879. Genus Planorbella Gabb. Journal of Conchology 2: 235.

[B59] Baker, H. B. 1959. Publications received: The Brazilian species of “Drepanotrema”. IV. V. VI. By W. Lobato Paraense & Newton Deslandes. Nautilus 72 (4): 148.

[B91] Bandel, K. 1991. Gastropods from brackish and fresh water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition (a systematic reevaluation). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A 134: 9–55.

[B68] Beetle, D. E. 1968. Laevapex fragilis on the outer banks of North Carolina. Nautilus 81 (3): 107.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[C64] Carpenter, P. P. 1864. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 517–686.

[E99] Esu, D. 1999. Contribution to the knowledge of Neogene climate changes in western and central Europe by means of non-marine molluscs. In: J. Agustí, L. Rook & P. Andrews (eds) The Evolution of Neogene Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe pp. 328–354. Cambridge University Press.

[G40] Gray, J. E. 1840. A Manual of the Land and Fresh-water Shells of the British Islands, with figures of each of the kinds. By William Turton, M.D. A new edition, thoroughly revised and much enlarged. Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans: London.

[KKW12] Köhler, F., V. Kessner & C. Whisson. 2012. New records of non-marine, non-camaenid gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from islands off the Kimberley coast, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (1): 21–39.

[L79] Legrand, W. 1879. Notes on a few Tasmanian land and freshwater shells. Journal of Conchology 2: 95–96.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[P79] Petterd, W. F. 1879. List of the freshwater shells of Tasmania. Journal of Conchology 2: 80–88.

[PB27] Pilsbry, H. A., & J. Bequaert. 1927. The aquatic mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological account of Congo malacology. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 53 (2): 69–602, pls 10–77.

[P88] Pip, E. 1988. Niche congruency of freshwater gastropods in central North America with respect to six water chemistry parameters. Nautilus 102 (2): 65–72.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[R64] Richards, C. S. 1964. Apertural lamellae as supporting structures in Australorbis glabratus. Nautilus 78 (2): 57–60.

[RGG06] Rumi, A., D. E. Gutiérrez Gregoric, V. Núñez, I. I. César, M. A. Roche, M. P. Tassara, S. M. Martín & M. F. López Armengol. 2006. Freshwater Gastropoda from Argentina: species richness, distribution patterns, and an evaluation of endangered species. Malacologia 49 (1): 189–208.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 19 February 2022.


Pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, copyright Epitree.

Belongs within: Hygrophila.

The Lymnaeinae are a cosmopolitan group of dextral freshwater snails of varying size and shape. They are characterised by a haploid chromosome number of 18 or (rarely) 19. Species of the genus Lymnaea have an elongate, thin shell with a thin, usually uniform periostracum.

<==Lymnaeinae BR05
    |--Acella Haldeman 1841 [Acellinae] BR05
    |    `--*A. gracilis (Jay 1839) [=Lymnaea gracilis] BR17
    |--Fossaria Westerlund 1885 [Fossarianinae, Fossariinae] BR05
    |    |--*F. truncatula (Müller 1774) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--F. cubensis (Pfeiffer 1839) [=Lymnaea cubensis] MC64
    |    |--F. decampi (Streng 1896) P88
    |    |--F. exigua (Lea 1821) P88
    |    |--F. galbana (Say 1825) B97
    |    |--F. modicella (Say 1825) P88
    |    `--F. parva (Lea 1841) P88
    |--Galba Schrank 1803 PB27
    |    |--*G. pusilla Schrank 1803 [=Lymnaea (*Galba) pusilla] PB27
    |    |--G. accelerata (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. ativuncula (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. consortis (White 1886) TTE93
    |    |--G. meikiensis Yu 1980 ZZ88
    |    |--G. subtruncatula (Boettger 1910) [=Limnaea subtruncatula, Lymnaea (Galba) subtruncatula] PB27
    |    `--G. umlaasiana (Küster 1862) [=Limnaeus umlaasianus, Lymnaea (Galba) umlaasiana] PB27
    |--Limnophysa Fitzinger 1833 [Limnophysidae] BR05
    |    |--*L. palustris (Müller 1774) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |--L. p. palustris B65
    |    |    `--‘Stagnicola’ p. wyomingensis B65
    |    |--L. adelinae [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) adelinae] C64
    |    |--L. catascopium (see below for synonymy) C64
    |    |--L. emarginata (Say 1821) C64, B97 [=Limnaea emarginata C64; incl. Limnaea ontariensis C64, Limnaea serrata C64]
    |    |--L. ferruginea [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) ferruginea] C64
    |    |--L. pallida [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) pallida] C64
    |    |--L. proxima (Lea 1856) [=Limnaea proxima] C64
    |    |--L. reflexa C64 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--L. solida [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) solida; incl. Limnaea apicina] C64
    |    `--L. traskii [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) traskii] C64
    `--Lymnaea Lamarck 1799 RGG06 (see below for synonymy)
         |  i. s.: L. alfredi Suter 1890 P61
         |           |--L. a. alfredi P61
         |           `--L. a. hamiltoni Dell 1956 P61
         |         L. ampla Mighels 1843 [=Limnea (l. c.) ampla] J49
         |         L. caperata G79
         |         L. cataracta C64
         |         L. corvus (Gmelin 1791) L06
         |         L. dalli PF15
         |         L. desidiosa W79
         |         L. diaphana King 1830 RGG06
         |         L. exigua C64
         |         L. fragilis (Linnaeus 1758) PB27, L58 [=Helix fragilis PB27, Bulimus fragilis PB27]
         |         L. hopii (Robinson 1915) TTE93
         |         L. humilis TL64
         |         L. huonensis Tennison Woods 1875 [incl. L. launcestonensis Tennison Woods 1875] P79
         |         L. lanceata W79
         |         L. luteola CCG01
         |         L. mauritiana RW84
         |         L. megasoma W79
         |         L. oahuensis PB27
         |         L. obrussa PF15
         |         L. ollula MK10
         |         L. parva PF15
         |         L. physoides De Loriol 1865 B91
         |         L. pictonica Rochebrune & Mabille 1885 RGG06
         |         L. plicata Hylton Scott 1953 RGG06
         |         L. rufescens (see below for synonymy) TC89
         |         L. swinhoei Adams 1866 A66
         |         L. tomentosa FO72
         |         L. umbilicata G79
         |         L. viatrix (d’Orbigny 1835) RGG06
         |         L. websteri Arkell 1942 B91
         |--*L. (Lymnaea) stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758) P61, L06 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--L. s. stagnalis T59
         |    `--L. s. appressa T59
         |--L. (Cerasina) bulla PB27
         `--L. (Pseudosuccinea) columella Say 1817 MC64 (see below for synonymy)

Nomina nuda: Limnaea aegyptiaca Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea amygdalina Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea astilba Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea astilba Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea cleopatrae Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea contracta Currier in Walker 1879 W79
             Limnaea expansilabris Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea forskali Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea intertexta Currier in Walker 1879 W79
             Limnaea lessepsiana Bourguignat 1899 PB27
             Limnaea letourneuxi Bourguignat 1899 PB27

*Fossaria truncatula (Müller 1774) BR17 [=Buccinum truncatulum BR17, Helix truncatula G40, Limnaeus (Stagnicola) truncatulus G40, Limneus truncatulus G40, Lymnaea (Galba) truncatula PB27; incl. Helix fossaria G40, Limneus fossarius G40, Lymnaea fossaria G40, Limnaeus minutus G40, Limneus minutus G40, Limnophysa minuta G40, Lymnaea minuta G40, Lymneus minutus G40, Stagnicola minuta G40, Bulimus truncatus G40]

Limnophysa catascopium [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) catascopium; incl. Limnaea cornea, Limnaea pinguis, Limnaea sericata, Limnaea virginiana] C64

*Limnophysa palustris (Müller 1774) BR17 [=Buccinum palustre BR17, Helix palustris G40, Limnaeus (Stagnicola) palustris G40, Limneus palustris G40, Lymnaea palustris G40, Lymneus palustris G40; incl. Limneus communis G40, Stagnicola communis G40, Limnaea palustris var. decollata Mighels & Adams 1842 H79, J49, Limnaea elodes C64, Limnaea expansa C64, Helix limosa Linnaeus 1758 (n. d.) G40, L58, Bulimus limosus G40, Limnaea nuttalliana C64, Limnaea plebeia C64, Limnaea (Limnophysa) sumassii C64, Limneus tinctus G40, Lymnaea palustris var. turricula S01]

Limnophysa reflexa C64 [=Limnaea (Limnophysa) reflexa C64; incl. Lymnaea reflexa var. distortus W79, Limnaea elongata C64, Limnaeus elongatus G40, Limneus elongatus G40, Lymnaea reflexa var. exilis W79, Limnaea haydeni C64, Limnaea umbrosa C64, Lymnaea reflexa var. zebra W79]

Lymnaea Lamarck 1799 RGG06 [=Eulimneus Sandberger 1875 PB27, Limnaea de Blainville 1825 PB27, Limnea Fleming 1828 PB27, Limneus Draparnaud 1805 PB27, Lymnaeus Cuvier 1817 PB27, Lymneus Brard 1815 PB27, Lymnula Rafinesque 1819 PB27, Lymnus Denys de Montfort 1810 PB27; incl. Leachia Risso 1826 PB27, BR05; Leachiae]

Lymnaea rufescens [incl. L. rufescens var. attenuata, L. chlamys Benson 1836, L. rufescens var. patula, L. pectinoides] TC89

*Lymnaea (Lymnaea) stagnalis (Linnaeus 1758) P61, L06 [=Helix stagnalis BR17, Bulimus stagnalis PB27, Limnaeus (Radix) stagnalis G40, Limnea stagnalis G40, Limneus (*Eulimneus) stagnalis PB27, Lymneus stagnalis G40, *Lymnula stagnalis PB27, *Lymnus stagnalis PB27; incl. Limnaea jugularis C64, Stagnicola elegans G40, Limneus major PB27, *Leachia major PB27, Buccinum roseolabiatum G40, Limnaea speciosa C64, Lymnaea tasmanica Tennison Woods 1875 P79, Lymnaea tenella P61, Stagnicola vulgaris G40]

Lymnaea (Pseudosuccinea) columella Say 1817 MC64 [incl. Limnaea acuminata Adams 1870 MC64, Li. peregra var. acuminata A79, Lymnaea (Cerasina) acuminata PB27, Lymnaea columellaris Adams 1839 MC64, Lymnaeus macrostomum Adams 1842 MC64, Limnaea navicula Valenciennes 1833 MC64, Lymnaea peregrina Clessin 1882 MC64]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A66] Adams, H. 1866. Descriptions of fifteen new species of land and freshwater shells from Formosa, collected by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., consul at Taiwan in that island. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 316–319.

[A79] Ashford, C. 1879. Land and freshwater shells observed in the neighborhood of Redcar. Journal of Conchology 2: 236–241.

[B91] Bandel, K. 1991. Gastropods from brackish and fresh water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition (a systematic reevaluation). Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe A 134: 9–55.

[B65] Beetle, D. E. 1965. Molluscan fauna of some small ponds in Grand Teton National Park. Nautilus 78 (4): 125–130.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1-2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[B97] Brown, K. M. 1997. Temporal and spatial patterns of abundance in the gastropod assemblage of a macrophyte bed. American Malacological Bulletin 14 (1): 27–33.

[CCG01] Canivet, V., P. Chambon & J. Gibert. 2001. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of arsenic and chromium in epigean and hypogean freshwater macroinvertebrates. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40: 345–354.

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Last updated: 18 December 2021.