Madonna lily Lilium candidum, copyright Zachi Evenor.
Belongs within: Liliales.
Contains: Disporum section Disporum.
The Liliaceae is a family of bulbous or rhizomatous monocotyledons that are most diverse in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The family has been used in a much broader sense in the past than currently; at its broadest, it included a large proportion of the taxa now classed elsewhere in the Liliales and Asparagales. Many species of Liliaceae are widely cultivated as ornamentals; prominent examples include various species of
Lilium (lilies) or
Tulipa (tulips).
Lilium species go to heights of two to six feet with the more or less funnel-shaped flowers produced in a raceme at the top of the stem.
Characters (from the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website): Flavonols present, chelidonic acid absent; raphides absent; bracteole lateral; tepals often spotted; anthers often centrifixed; stigma dry (rarely wet); ovules 2-many/carpel, more or less pendulous, nucellar cap (0-)1-3 cells across; antipodal cells not multinucleate; testal cells all more or less thickened, some with brown contents; cotyledon more or less photosynthetic, bifacial, hypocotyl absent; x = 8.
|--Oceanoros YY22
|--Schoenocaulon YY22
|--Stenanthium YY22
|--Zygadenus YY22
|--Heterosmilax YY22
|--Ruscus aculeatus H91, G98
|--Trillidium govanianum O88
|--Tricyrtis esquirolii (Léveillé) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
|--Ipheion uniflorum (Lindley) Rafinesque-Schmaltz 1837 HE80
|--Bulbinopsis semibarbata HE80
|--Rohdea japonica MH98
|--Aspidistra elatior MH98
|--Herpolirion Hook. f. 1853 ME70
| `--H. novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1853 ME70 [incl. H. tasmaniae C06]
|--Enargea Banks & Solander 1788 C06
| `--E. marginata [=Callixene marginata] C06
|--Smilacina O88
| |--S. purpurea O88
| `--S. racemosa A16
|--Notholirion O88
| |--N. bulbuliferum O88
| `--N. macrophyllum O88
|--Ypsilandra yunnanensis O88
| |--Y. y. var. yunnanensis O88
| `--Y. y. var. himalaica O88
|--Tulbaghia HE80
| |--T. calcarea CV06
| `--T. violacea HE80
|--Cardiocrinum HE80
| |--C. cordatum T03
| `--C. giganteum HE80
|--Iphigenia Kunth 1843 ME70
| |--I. indica LK14
| |--I. novae-zelandiae (Hooker) Baker 1879 [=Anguillaria novae-zelandiae Hooker in Kirk 1878] ME70
| `--I. stellata YG03
|--Fritillaria FF01
| |--F. cirrhosa O88
| |--F. lanceolata RS98
| |--F. meleagris C55
| `--F. ruthenica ED02
|--Nolina V01
| |--N. microcarpa V01
| |--N. parryi C90
| `--N. texana SZ03
|--Streptopus H88
| |--S. amplexicaule H88
| |--S. parasimplex O88
| |--S. roseus A16
| `--S. simplex O88
|--Clintonia DS04
| |--C. borealis DS04
| `--C. udensis O88
| |--C. u. var. udensis O88
| `--C. u. var. alpina O88
|--Tulipa Y98
| |--T. gesneriana TG88
| |--T. goulimyi Y98
| |--T. oculus-solis C55
| `--T. sylvestris C55
|--Gagea Y98
| |--G. arvensis H91
| |--G. bracteolaris [incl. Ornithogalum glaucum Dethard. ex Schult.f. 1702] MGF04
| |--G. elegans O88
| |--G. fibrosa Y98
| `--G. graeca PT98
|--Lloydia O88
| |--L. flavonutans O88
| |--L. longiscapa O88
| `--L. serotina O88
| |--L. s. var. serotina O88
| `--L. s. var. parva O88
|--Disporum Salisbury ex Don 1825 [incl. Drapiezia Blume 1827] H88
| | i. s.: D. luzoniense Merrill 1910 H88
| |--D. sect. Prosartes (Don) Jones 1951 [=Prosartes Don 1839] H88
| | |--D. (sect *Prosartes) lanuginosum H88
| | `--+--D. maculatum H88
| | `--+--D. hookeri H88
| | `--+--D. smithii H88
| | `--D. trachycarpum H88
| `--+--D. sect. Disporum H88
| |--D. sect. Ovalia Hara 1988 nec Ovalia Latreille in Griffith & Pidgeon 1833 (ICZN) nec Nalivkin 1937 (ICZN) H88
| | `--D. (sect. *Ovalia) ovale Ohwi 1931 [=Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) Wang & Tang 1978] H88
| | |--D. o. f. ovale H88
| | `--D. o. f. albiflorum (Lee & Lee) Hara 1988 [=D. ovale var. albiflorum Lee & Lee ex Lee 1979] H88
| `--D. sect. Paradisporum Hara 1988 H88
| `--D. (sect. *Paradisporum) acuminatum Wright 1929 H88
`--Lilium CD07
|--L. candidum Y98
|--L. formosanum Wallace 1891 HE80
|--L. hansonii D37
|--L. lancifolium Thunberg 1794 HE80
|--L. × maculatum HE80
|--L. martagon D37
|--L. nanum O88
| |--L. n. f. nanum O88
| `--L. n. f. flavidum O88
|--L. oxypetalum O88
|--L. pyrenaicum C55
|--L. regale Wilson 1913 CD07
|--L. superbum Linnaeus 1762 CD07
|--L. tigrinum Ker-Gawler 1809 HE80
`--L. tyrinum GM96
Tricyrtis esquirolii (Léveillé) Hara 1988 [=Disporum esquirolii Léveillé 1907; incl. T. bakeri Koidzumi 1924, T. puberula Nakai & Kitagawa 1934] H88
*Type species of generic name indicated
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Last updated: 5 July 2017.