Showing posts with label Liliidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liliidae. Show all posts


Pineapple bush Dasypogon bromeliifolius, copyright Russell Cumming.

Belongs within: Liliidae.
Contains: Poales, Commelinales, Zingiberales, Arecaceae.

The Commelinidae are a clade of monocotyledons united by the presence of UV-fluorescent ferulic acid in the cell walls. Many members of the clade also have bracteate inflorescences, starchy pollen and endosperm, and silica bodies in the plant (Cantino et al. 2007).

<==Commelinidae [Arecanae, Commelinanae, Commeliniflorae]
    |--+--Poales APG16
    |  `--+--Commelinales APG16
    |     `--+--Ensete SR07
    |        `--Zingiberales APG16
    `--Arecales APG16
         |--Arecaceae APG16
         `--Dasypogonaceae [Dasypogonales] APG16
              |  i. s.: Acanthocarpus KM08
              |           |--A. canaliculatus B00
              |           |--A. preissii KM08
              |           |--A. robustus KM08
              |           `--A. verticillatus B00
              |         Xerolirion divaricata G04a
              |         Chamaexeros serra OS04
              |--+--Baxteria australis DS04
              |  `--Kingia australis DS04
              `--+--Calectasia cyanea DS04
                 `--Dasypogon SR07
                      |--D. bromeliifolius RL05
                      `--D. hookeri Drumm. 1843 CD07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[APG16] Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181: 1–20.

[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[DS04] Davis, J. I., D. W. Stevenson, G. Petersen, O. Seberg, L. M. Campbell, J. V. Freudenstein, D. H. Goldman, C. R. Hardy, F. A. Michelangeli, M. P. Simmons, C. D. Specht, F. Vergara-Silva & M. Gandolfo. 2004. A phylogeny of the monocots, as inferred from rbcL and atpA sequence variation, and a comparison of methods for calculating jackknife and bootstrap values. Systematic Botany 29 (3): 467–510.

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 6. Mt Manning Range. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 35–47.

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[OS04] Obbens, F. J., & L. W. Sage. 2004. Vegetation and flora of a diverse upland remnant of the Western Australian wheatbelt (Nature Reserve A21064). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (1): 19–28.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155–165.

[SR07] Saarela, J. M., H. S. Rai, J. A. Doyle, P. K. Endress, S. Mathews, A. D. Marchant, B. G. Briggs & S. W. Graham. 2007. Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree. Nature 446: 312–315.


Scale-rush Lepyrodia scariosa, copyright John Tann.

Belongs within: Poales.

The Restionaceae are a group of rush-like plants found in southern parts of the world, particularly Africa, Australasia and southeast Asia. Leaves are reduced to sheaths around the photosynthetic stems.

<==Restionaceae [Anarthriaceae, Centrolepidaceae, Farinosae, Restionineae] APG16
    |--Anarthria DS04
    |    |--A. gracilis GK00
    |    |--A. laevis GK00
    |    |--A. polyphylla DS04
    |    |--A. prolifera DS04
    |    `--A. scabra GK00
    `--+--Baloskion tetraphyllum DS04
       `--+--+--Thamnochortus cinereus DS04
          |  `--Elegia DS04
          |       |--E. capensis GPWG01
          |       |--E. fenestrata DS04
          |       `--E. stipularis GPWG01
          `--Lepyrodia DS04
               |--L. caudata D95
               |--L. drummondiana GK00
               |--L. glauca DS04
               |--L. gracilis D95
               |--L. interrupta D95
               |--L. macra GK00
               |--L. muirii GK00
               `--L. scariosa DS04

Restionaceae incertae sedis:
  Leptocarpus Br. 1810 (nom. cons.) ME70
    |--*L. aristatus ME70
    |--L. similis Edgar 1969 [incl. L. simplex var. fasciculatus Hooker 1853] ME70
    |--L. simplex [=Restio simplex] C06
    `--L. tenax GK00
  Phyllocomos YY22
  Askidiosperma YY22
  Cannomois YY22
  Chaetanthus YY22
  Dielsia YY22
  Dovea YY22
  Harperia lateriflora OS04
  Hypodiscus YY22
  Hypolaena OS04
    |--H. exsulca OS04
    `--H. lateriflora A27
  Lepidobolus preissianus OS04
  Onychos YY22
  Restio complanatus BR65
  Staberona YY22
  Willdenowia YY22
  Loxocarya RL05
  Empodisma gracillimum HE80, P05
  Alexgeorgia nitens RL05
  Desmocladus RL05
    |--D. asper OS04
    |--D. fasciculata RL05
    `--D. flexuosa RL05
  Chondropetalum GPWG01
  Apodasmia ceramophila GK00, GKL04
  Meeboldina denmarkica GK00
  Sporadanthus Muell. 1874 ME70
    `--*S. traversii (Muell.) Muell. ex Kirk 1878 [=Lepyrodia traversii Muell. 1873] ME70
  Calorophus Labill. 1806 ME70
    |--*C. elongata ME70
    `--C. minor Hook. f. 1853 ME70 (see below for synonymy)
  Brizula drummondii GK00
  Aphelia SR07
    |--A. brizula SR07
    `--A. cyperoides GK00
  Gaimardia Gaud. 1825 ME70
    |--*G. australis ME70
    `--G. setacea Hook. f. 1853 ME70
  Centrolepis Labill. 1804 [incl. Alepyrum Brown 1810, Pseudalepyrum Dandy 1932] ME70
    |--*C. fascicularis ME70
    |--C. alepyroides GK00
    |--C. aristata GK00
    |--C. banksii LK14
    |--C. cephaloformis G04
    |--C. ciliata (Hooker) Druce 1917 HE80 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. curta LK14
    |--C. drummondiana GK00
    |--C. exserta LK14
    |--C. glabra GK00
    |--C. humillima GK00
    |--C. minima Kirk 1891 HE80 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. monogyna SR07
    |--C. mutica GK00
    |--C. pallida (Hooker) Cheeseman 1906 HE80 (see below for synonymy)
    |--C. pilosa GK00
    |--C. polygyna GK00
    `--C. strigosa (Brown) Roemer & Schultes 1817 HE80 [=Desvauxia strigosa Brown 1810 ME70]

Nomina nuda: Chaetanthus aristatus Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Chordifex laxus Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Hypolaena humilis Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina cana Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina coangustata Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina kraussii Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina roycei Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina scariosa Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Meeboldina tephrina Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00
             Sporadanthus strictus Gibson & Keighery 2000 GK00 GK00

Calorophus minor Hook. f. 1853 ME70 [=C. elongatus var. minor Hook. f. 1858 ME70, Empodisma minor HE80, Hypolaena lateriflora var. minor (Hook. f.) Cheeseman 1906 ME70]

Centrolepis ciliata (Hooker) Druce 1917 HE80 [=Gaimardia ciliata Hooker 1844 ME70, Alepyrum ciliatum (Hooker) Hieron. 1888 ME70, Pseudalepyrum ciliatum (Hooker) Dandy 1932 ME70; incl. Centrolepis viridis var. ligulata Kirk 1891 ME70, Gaimardia ciliata var. ligulata (Kirk) Cheesem. 1925 ME70, Pseudalepyrum ciliatum var. ligulatum (Hooker) Dandy 1932 ME70, Alepyrum viride Kirk 1882 (n. n.) ME70, Centrolepis viridis Kirk 1891 ME70]

Centrolepis minima Kirk 1891 HE80 [=Gaimardia minima (Kirk) Cheesem. 1925 non Col. 1890 ME70, Pseudalepyrum minimum (Kirk) Dandy 1932 ME70]

Centrolepis pallida (Hooker) Cheeseman 1906 HE80 [=Gaimardia pallida Hooker 1844 ME70, Alepyrum pallidum (Hooker) Hooker 1853 ME70, Pseudalepyrum pallidum (Hooker) Dandy 1932 ME70]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A27] Andersen, J. C. 1927. Popular names of New Zealand plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 905–977.

[APG16] Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181: 1–20.

[BM65] Black, J. M., & E. L. Robertson. 1965. Flora of South Australia. Part IV. Oleaceae–Compositae. W. L. Hawes, Government Printer: Adelaide.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[DS04] Davis, J. I., D. W. Stevenson, G. Petersen, O. Seberg, L. M. Campbell, J. V. Freudenstein, D. H. Goldman, C. R. Hardy, F. A. Michelangeli, M. P. Simmons, C. D. Specht, F. Vergara-Silva & M. Gandolfo. 2004. A phylogeny of the monocots, as inferred from rbcL and atpA sequence variation, and a comparison of methods for calculating jackknife and bootstrap values. Systematic Botany 29 (3): 467–510.

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 7. Middle and South Ironcap, Digger Rock and Hatter Hill. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 49–62.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[GKL04] Gibson, N., G. J. Keighery & J. A. K. Lane. 2004. Five years monitoring of the Lake Muir-Unicup wetland system, south-western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 29–33.

[GPWG01] Grass Phylogeny Working Group. 2001. Phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the grasses (Poaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 88 (3): 373–457.

[HE80] Healy, A. J., & E. Edgar. 1980. Flora of New Zealand vol. 3. Adventive cyperaceous, petalous and spathaceous monocotyledons. P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[ME70] Moore, L. B., & E. Edgar. 1970. Flora of New Zealand vol. 2. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Monocotyledones except Gramineae. A. R. Shearer, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[OS04] Obbens, F. J., & L. W. Sage. 2004. Vegetation and flora of a diverse upland remnant of the Western Australian wheatbelt (Nature Reserve A21064). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (1): 19–28.

[P05] Pinder, A. M. 2005. A review of biodiversity in wetlands with organic sediments on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, with an emphasis on aquatic invertebrates. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (3): 129–132.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155–165.

[SR07] Saarela, J. M., H. S. Rai, J. A. Doyle, P. K. Endress, S. Mathews, A. D. Marchant, B. G. Briggs & S. W. Graham. 2007. Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree. Nature 446: 312–315.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.


Wavy hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa, photographed by Botaurus.

Belongs within: Pooideae.

Deschampsia is a genus of grasses found in cold and temperate regions of the world.

Characters (from Cheeseman 1906): Perennial grasses. Leaves narrow, flat or convolute. Spikelets rather small, 2-flowered, arranged in lax or contracted panicles; rhachilla disarticulating above the 2 outer glumes, produced between the flowering glumes and above the upper flower as a naked or hairy bristle, rarely ending in an imperfect flower. Glumes 4; 2 outer slightly unequal, persistent, empty, keeled, acute, membranous, shining ; 3rd and 4th (or flowering glumes) membranous or almost hyaline, toothed at the apex ; dorsal awn slender, twisted at the base, sometimes very small or wanting. Palea narrow, 2-nerved. Lodicules 2, ovate. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, enclosed within the unaltered flowering glume and palea.

<==Deschampsia C06
    |--D. aciphylla D03
    |--D. andina Phil. 1873 [=Deyeuxia andina] S06
    |--D. caespitosa [=Aira caespitosa; incl. Aira australis, Agrostis aucklandica, Aira kingii] C06
    |--D. chapmani Petrie 1891 C06 (see below for synonymy)
    |--D. flexuosa D03
    |--D. gracillima Kirk 1891 C06
    |--D. kingii D03
    |--D. klossii C78
    |--D. novae-zealandiae Petrie 1891 [incl. D. hookeri Kirk 1891] C06
    |--D. penicillata Kirk 1895 C06
    |--D. pusilla Petrie 1891 C06
    `--D. tenella Petrie 1891 C06

Deschampsia chapmani Petrie 1891 C06 [incl. Catabrosa antarctica C06, D. antarctica S03, Triodia antarctica Benth. 1881 C06]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C78] Clunie, N. M. U. 1978. The vegetation. In: Womersley, J. S. (ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea vol. 1 pp. 1–11. Melbourne University Press: Carlton South (Australia).

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[S03] Singh, J. N. 2003. Grasses and their hydro-edaphic characteristics in the grassland habitat of Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve, Tamil Nadu. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45 (1–4): 143–164.

[S06] Stuckert, T. 1906. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de las gramináceas Argentinas. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 408–555.


Soft speargrass Austrostipa mollis, from here.

Belongs within: Poaceae.

Austrostipa, speargrass, is a genus of grasses endemic to Australasia.

Characters (from New South Wales Flora Online): Perennials (rarely annuals) of various habit. Auricles often present, sometimes one-sided, grading into an usually membranous ligule. Blade rolled or folded in bud, convolute, terete or flat, usually scabrous or hairy. Inflorescence an open or contracted panicle, axis persistent or falling as a whole. Spikelets borne singly, pedicellate, disarticulating above the glumes; 1 bisexual floret. Glumes equal or unequal. 1–5-nerved, longer than the floret; a long or short bearded callus below each floret. Lemma terete, hardened, with convolute or involute margins enclosing the palea, usually 5-nerved, with or without 1–2 minute lobes, awned from the tip or between the lobes; awn with once or twice geniculate twisted column and a straight or curved bristle. Palea membranous. 0–2-nerved, longer or shorter than the lemma. Lodicles 3 or 2.

    |--A. acrociliata G04b
    |--A. compressa RL05
    |--A. crinita KM08
    |--A. elegantissima KM08
    |--A. eremophila B00
    |--A. flavescens SM06
    |--A. hemipogon OS04
    |--A. juncifolia GK00
    |--A. mollis OS04
    |--A. nitida KM08
    |--A. platychaeta G04b
    |--A. pycnostachya GK00
    |--A. scabra B00
    |--A. semibarbata B00
    |--A. tenuifolia OS04
    |--A. trichophylla G04a
    `--A. variabilis OS04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[G04a] Gibson, N. 2004a. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 6. Mt Manning Range. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 35–47.

[G04b] Gibson, N. 2004b. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 7. Middle and South Ironcap, Digger Rock and Hatter Hill. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 49–62.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[OS04] Obbens, F. J., & L. W. Sage. 2004. Vegetation and flora of a diverse upland remnant of the Western Australian wheatbelt (Nature Reserve A21064). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (1): 19–28.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155–165.

[SM06] Semeniuk, C. A., L. A. Milne, P. Ladd & V. Semeniuk. 2006. Pollen in the surface sediments of wetlands in the Becher Point area, southwestern Australia: a baseline for use in interpreting Holocene sequences. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 89 (1): 27–43.


Reed bent-grass Deyeuxia quadriseta, from here.

Belongs within: Pooideae.

Deyeuxia is a genus of grasses found in temperate habitats.

Characters (from Cheeseman 1906): Annual or perennial grasses. Leaves flat or involute ; ligules membranous. Spikelets small, 1-flowered, arranged in effuse or contracted or spike-like panicles with capillary whorled branches; rhachilla disarticulating above the 2 outer glumes, produced beyond the flower into a silky bristle. Glumes 3; 2 outer equal or subequal, persistent, empty, keeled, acute, not awned, usually 1-nerved; 3rd or flowering glume shorter than the empty glumes or equalling them, thin and hyaline or rigidly membranous or almost coriaceous, 5-nerved, entire or 2-4-dentate, callus at the base silky; awn generally present, straight or twisted, inserted above or below the middle of the glume. Palea more than half as long as the flowering glume or almost equalling it, thin, 2-nerved or 2-keeled. Stamens 3. Styles distinct, short; stigmas plumose. Grain oblong or obovoid, enclosed within the flowering glume and palea.

    |--D. aucklandica W91
    |--D. avenoides [=Agrostis avenoides] C06
    |    |--D. a. var. avenoides C06
    |    `--D. a. var. brachyantha Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 C06
    |--D. billardieri [=Agrostis billardieri] C06
    |    |--D. b. var. billardieri C06
    |    `--D. b. var. tenuis Petrie in Cheeseman 1906 C06
    |--D. filiformis A27
    |--D. forsteri [=Agrostis forsteri; incl. Ag. aemula, Avena filiformis, Ag. solandri] C06
    |    |--D. f. var. forsteri C06
    |    |--D. f. var. humilior Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 [incl. Agrostis striata Col. 1889] C06
    |    |--D. f. var. littoralis Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 C06
    |    |--D. f. var. lyallii Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 [=Agrostis lyallii] C06
    |    |--D. f. var. micrathera Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 C06
    |    |--D. f. var. pilosa Cheeseman 1906 [=Agrostis pilosa] C06
    |    `--D. f. var. semiglabra Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 C06
    |--D. holciformis O88
    |--‘Agrostis’ leptostachya C06
    |--‘Calamagrostis’ lilloi Hackel in Stuckert 1906 S06
    |--‘Calamagrostis’ malamalensis Hackel in Stuckert 1906 S06
    |--D. nepalensis O88
    |--D. nivicola O88
    |--D. pulchella O88
    |--D. quadriseta [=Agrostis quadriseta, Avena quadriseta] C06
    |--D. scabra [=Agrostis scabra] C06
    |--D. scabrescens O88
    |--D. setifolia [=Agrostis setifolia] A27
    |--‘Calamagrostis’ spiciformis Hackel in Stuckert 1906 S06
    `--D. youngii [=Agrostis youngii] C06
         |--D. y. var. youngii C06
         `--D. y. var. petriei [=Calamagrostis petriei Hack. 1903] C06

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A27] Andersen, J. C. 1927. Popular names of New Zealand plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 905–977.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[S06] Stuckert, T. 1906. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de las gramináceas Argentinas. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 408–555.

[W91] Williams, P. A. 1991. Subalpine and alpine vegetation of granite ranges in western Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 29: 317–330.


Triodia pungens, copyright Mark Marathon.

Belongs within: Chloridoideae.

Triodia, spinifex, is a genus of grasses with rigid, spine-like leaves.

Characters (from Cheeseman 1906): Perennial grasses, of very various habit. Leaves narrow, rigid. Spikelets 2- to many-flowered, arranged in a lax or narrow panicle; rhachilla disarticulating above the two outer glumes and between the flowering glumes. Two outer glumes longer or shorter than the flowering glumes, somewhat rigid, empty, keeled, acute, awnless. Flowering glumes more or less imbricated, rounded on the back at the base, coriaceous or chartaceous, often hairy on the margins and callus, 3-nerved, 3-lobed or 3-toothed at the apex, the lobes equal or the central one produced into a short awn or mucro. Palea broad, thin, with 2 almost marginal keels. Lodicules 2. Stamens 3. Styles short, distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain usually compressed on the back, free within the flowering glume and palea.

    `--T. subg. Rhombolytrum C06
         |--T. australis Petrie 1890 C06
         |    |--T. a. var. australis C06
         |    `--T. a. var. mucronulata Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 C06
         |--T. exigua Kirk 1882 C06
         `--T. pumila Hack. in Cheeseman 1906 [=Atropis pumila Kirk 1882] C06

Triodia incertae sedis:
  T. acuminata S06
  T. acutispicula LK14
  T. aeria LK14
  T. angusta P-JO04
  T. basedowii B05
  T. bitextura EF04
  T. brizoides EF04
  T. burbidgeana LK14
  T. bynoei LK14
  T. caelestialis LK14
  T. claytonii LK14
  T. decumbens C06
  T. epactia LK14
  T. irritans LF10
  T. lanigera HD04
  T. longiceps HD04
  T. longiloba LK14
  T. melvillei B05
  T. microstachya WF01
  T. mitchellii B00
  T. paraguayensis S06
  T. plurinervata KM08
  T. pungens HD04
  T. rigidissima G04
  T. scariosa CWB06
  T. schinzii B05
  T. secunda HD04
  T. stenostachya LK14
  T. wiseana BS05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B05] Beard, J. S. 2005. Drainage evolution in the Lake Disappointment Catchment, Western Australia—a discussion. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (2): 57–64.

[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[BS05] Butcher, R., & L. W. Sage. 2005. Tetratheca fordiana (Elaeocarpaceae), a new species from the Pilbara of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (2): 73–76.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[CWB06] Craig, M. D., P. C. Withers & S. D. Bradshaw. 2006. Patterns of diet and microhabitat use by four species of sympatric Ctenotus lizards: do they reveal foraging specialisation? Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 89 (1): 1–5.

[EF04] Etten, E. J. B. van, & J. E. D. Fox. 2004. Vegetation classification and ordination of the central Hamersley Ranges, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 63–79.

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 6. Mt Manning Range. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 35–47.

[HD04] How, R. A., & J. Dell. 2004. Reptile assemblage of the Abydos Plain, north-eastern Pilbara, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (3): 85–95.

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[LF10] Langlands, P. R., & V. W. Framenau. 2010. Systematic revision of Hoggicosa Roewer, 1960, the Australian 'bicolor' group of wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 158: 83–123.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[P-JO04] Pruett-Jones, S., & E. O'Donnell. 2004. Land birds on Barrow Island: status, population estimates, and responses to an oil-field development. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (3): 101–108.

[S06] Stuckert, T. 1906. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de las gramináceas Argentinas. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 408–555.

[WF01] Woinarski, J. C. Z., A. Fisher, K. Brennan, I. Morris & R. Chatto. 2001. Patterns of bird species richness and composition on islands off Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia. Austral Ecology 26: 1–13.


Melica ciliata, copyright Bernd Haynold.

Belongs within: Pooideae.

The Meliceae are a group of grasses with fused leaf sheath margins, and multiple florets with fused, fleshy, truncate lodicules (Grass Phylogeny Working Group 2001).

<==Meliceae [Melicaceae]
    |--Streblochaete Hochst. ex Pilger in Engl. 1906 (see below for synonymy) KN05
    |    |--S. longiarista KN05
    |    `--S. sanjappae Kabeer & Nair 2005 KN05
    |--Glyceria KN05
    |    |--G. aquatica C55a
    |    |--G. fluitans W01 [=Festuca fluitans C55b]
    |    |    |--G. f. var. fluitans D03
    |    |    `--G. f. var. stricta D03
    |    |--G. grandis GPWG01
    |    |--G. maxima L06
    |    |--G. spicata S03
    |    |--G. striata GPWG01
    |    `--G. trinervata C55b
    `--Melica GPWG01
         |--M. altissima GPWG01
         |--M. argyrea S06
         |--M. aurantiaca S06
         |--M. californica GPWG01
         |--M. ciliata Linnaeus 1753 PL04
         |--M. cordobensis Hackel in Stuckert 1906 S06
         |--M. cupanii GPWG01
         |--M. hyalina S06
         |--M. jacquemontii O88
         |--M. laxiflora [incl. M. berteroana, M. exaltata, M. hirta] S06
         |--M. macra S06
         |--M. minuta PT98
         |--M. mollis S06
         |--M. papilionacea S06
         |--M. sarmentosa S06
         |--M. scaberrima O88
         |--M. stuckertii S06
         `--M. violacea S06

Streblochaete Hochst. ex Pilger in Engl. 1906 [incl. Koordersiochloa Merr. 1917, Pseudostreptogyne Camus 1930] KN05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C55b] Candolle, A. de. 1855b. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[GPWG01] Grass Phylogeny Working Group. 2001. Phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the grasses (Poaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 88 (3): 373–457.

[KN05] Kabeer, K. A. A., & V. J. Nair. 2005. Streblochaete Hochst. ex Pilger (Poaceae): a new genus record for India with a new species S. sanjappae K.A.A. Kabeer & V.J. Nair. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47 (1–4): 133–138.

[L06] Lewin, I. 2006. The gastropod communities in the lowland rivers of agricultural areas—their biodiversity and bioindicative value in the Ciechanowska Upland, central Poland. Malacologia 49 (1): 7–23.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

[S03] Singh, J. N. 2003. Grasses and their hydro-edaphic characteristics in the grassland habitat of Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve, Tamil Nadu. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45 (1–4): 143–164.

[S06] Stuckert, T. 1906. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de las gramináceas Argentinas. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 408–555.

[W01] Wohltmann, A. 2001. Closely related species of Parasitengonae (Acari: Prostigmata) inhabiting the same areas: features facilitating coexistence. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 121–135. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.


Common oats Avena sativa, copyright H. Zell.

Belongs within: Pooideae.

Avena is a genus of grasses including oats Avena sativa and related species, some of which are significant weed species.

Characters (from Z.-L. Wu & S. M. Phillips): Annuals. Culms erect, fairly robust. Leaf blades linear, flat; ligule membranous. Inflorescence a large loose panicle. Spikelets large, pendulous, oblong to gaping, florets 2 to several, the uppermost reduced; rachilla pilose or glabrous, disarticulating below each floret or only below the lowest, or not disarticulating (cultivated species); glumes lanceolate to elliptic, usually subequal and as long as spikelet, rarely strongly unequal or shorter than spikelet, herbaceous to membranous, 7–11-veined, back rounded, smooth, apex acuminate; floret callus acute to pungent, bearded; lemmas lanceolate-oblong, usually leathery, occasionally papery, back rounded, 5–9-veined, glabrous to hispid, awned usually from near middle of back, apex papery, 2-toothed to 2-fid, lobes sometimes extended into fine bristles, awn geniculate with twisted column, sometimes reduced or absent (cultivated species); palea usually shorter than lemma, keels ciliate. Ovary densely hairy. Caryopsis with long linear hilum.

    |--A. barbata Pott ex Link 1800 PL04
    |    |--A. b. ssp. barbata PL04
    |    `--A. b. ssp. atherantha (Presl) Rocha Afonso 1978 PL04
    |--A. brevis D51
    |--A. byzantina D51
    |--A. fatua C55b
    |    |--A. f. var. fatua S06
    |    `--A. f. var. glabrata Petermann 1841 S06
    |--A. hirsuta S06
    |--A. longiglumis GPWG01
    |--A. nuda C55b
    |--A. orientalis C55b
    |--A. pratensis C55a
    |--A. pubescens C06
    |--A. sativa GPWG01
    |--A. sterilis Lin. 1762 S06
    `--A. strigosa D51

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C55b] Candolle, A. de. 1855b. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[D51] Dobzhansky, T. 1951. Genetics and the Origin of Species 3rd ed. Columbia University Press: New York.

[GPWG01] Grass Phylogeny Working Group. 2001. Phylogeny and subfamilial classification of the grasses (Poaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 88 (3): 373–457.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

[S06] Stuckert, T. 1906. Segunda contribución al conocimiento de las gramináceas Argentinas. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, serie 3, 6: 408–555.


Male (left) and female plants of Wurmbea dioica, copyright Murray Fagg.

Belongs within: Liliales.

The Colchicaceae are a family of perennial herbs growing from corms or rhizomes.

Characters (from here): Colchicine alkaloid present, flavones present, steroidal saponins absent; raphides absent; cuticular wax with parallel platelets; leaves conduplicate, blade with midrib (occasionally absent), base sheathing; inflorescence various, flowers axillary; tepals towards base U-shaped and folded around each stamen in bud, connate or not, sexine thick; styluli present, or style ± branched, or stigma with recurved lobes, wet or dry; ovules 2-many/carpel, ± ascending, orientation various, micropyle bistomal; antipodal cells multinucleate; capsule septicidal; seeds rounded, strophiole, sarcotesta or aril present; phlobaphene present; embryo small; chromosomes 1-16 µm long; cotyledon photosynthetic or not, bifacial (occasionally ligulate).

    |--Burchardia DS04
    |    |--B. congesta GK00
    |    |--B. monantha GK00
    |    |--B. multiflora DS04
    |    `--B. umbellata DS04
    `--+--Schelhammera multiflora DS04
       `--Wurmbea DS04
            |--W. dioica GK00
            |    |--W. d. ssp. dioica GK00
            |    `--W. d. ssp. alba GK00
            `--W. odorata KM08

Colchicaceae incertae sedis:
  Ornithoglossum calcicola P01, CV06
  Littonia P01
  Sandersonia P01
  Gloriosa superba P01, NDG98
  Colchicum P01
    |--C. autumnale Linnaeus 1753 HE80
    |--C. baytopiorum P01
    |--C. boissieri P01
    |--C. eichleri P01
    |--C. hierosolymitanum P01
    |--C. leptanthum Persson 2001 P01
    |--C. minutum P01
    |--C. munzurense Persson 1999 P01
    |--C. psaridis P01
    |--C. rausii P01
    |--C. serpentinum [incl. C. tauri] P01
    |--C. sieheanum P01
    |--C. soboliferum P01
    |--C. szovitsii P01
    `--C. trigynum P01
  Androcymbium exiguum CV06

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[DS04] Davis, J. I., D. W. Stevenson, G. Petersen, O. Seberg, L. M. Campbell, J. V. Freudenstein, D. H. Goldman, C. R. Hardy, F. A. Michelangeli, M. P. Simmons, C. D. Specht, F. Vergara-Silva & M. Gandolfo. 2004. A phylogeny of the monocots, as inferred from rbcL and atpA sequence variation, and a comparison of methods for calculating jackknife and bootstrap values. Systematic Botany 29 (3): 467–510.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[HE80] Healy, A. J., & E. Edgar. 1980. Flora of New Zealand vol. 3. Adventive cyperaceous, petalous and spathaceous monocotyledons. P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[KM08] Keighery, G. J., & W. Muir. 2008. Vegetation and vascular flora of Faure Island, Shark Bay, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 75: 11–19.

[NDG98] Neal, P. R., A. Dafni & M. Giurfa. 1998. Floral symmetry and its role in plant-pollinator systems: terminology, distribution, and hypotheses. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29: 345–373.

[P01] Persson, K. 2001. A new soboliferous species of Colchicum in Turkey. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135 (1): 85–88.


Thickspike wheatgrass Agropyrum dasystachyum, copyright Matt Lavin.

Belongs within: Poaceae.

Agropyron, the crested wheat-grasses, is a genus of perennial grasses native to Eurasia, though widely introduced elsewhere for pasture. Examples include couch grass A. repens which spreads by creeping rhizomes that propagate readily, leading to it becoming regarded as an invasive weed in many regions.

Characters (from Flora of North America Editorial Committee 2007): Plants perennial; densely to loosely caespitose, sometimes rhizomatous. Culms 25-110 cm, geniculate or erect. Sheaths open; auricles usually present; ligules membranous, often erose. Inflorescences spikes, usually pectinate; middle internodes 0.2-3(5.5) mm, basal internodes often somewhat longer. Spikelets solitary, usually more than three times as long as the internodes, usually divergent or spreading from the rachis, with 3-16 florets; disarticulation above the glumes and below the florets. Glumes shorter than the adjacent lemmas, lance-ovate to lanceolate, 1-5-veined, asymmetrically keeled, secondary keel sometimes present on wider side, keels glabrous or with hairs, hairs not tufted, apices acute and entire, sometimes awned, awns to 6 mm; lemmas 5-7-veined, asymmetrically keeled, acute to awned, awns to 4.5 mm; paleas from slightly shorter than to exceeding the lemmas, bifid; anthers 3, 3-5 mm, yellow. Caryopses usually falling with lemmas and paleas attached. x = 7. Haplome P.

    |--A. dasystachyum CL86
    |--A. enysii W27
    |--A. glaucum D37
    |--A. intermedium H91
    |--A. junceum C74
    |    |--A. j. ssp. junceum C74
    |    `--A. j. ssp. littoreum C74
    |--A. multiflorum A27
    |--A. repens TG88
    |--A. scabrum W27 [incl. A. squarrosum A27]
    |--A. smithii CL86
    |--A. spicatum CL86
    |--A. trachycaulum CL86
    `--A. youngii A27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A27] Andersen, J. C. 1927. Popular names of New Zealand plants. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 905–977.

[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 24 pls.

[CL86] Collins, E. I., & R. W. Lichvar. 1986. Vegetation inventory of current and historic black-footed ferret habitat in Wyoming. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 8: 85–93.

[D37] Dobzhansky, T. 1937. Genetics and the Origin of Species. Columbia University Press: New York.

Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2007. Flora of North America North of Mexico vol. 24. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 1. Oxford University Press.

[H91] Hubálek, Z. 1991. Biogeographic indication of natural foci of tick-borne infections. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in ÄŒeské BudÄ•jovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 255–260. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[TG88] Tepfer, D., A. Goldmann, N. Pamboukdjian, M. Maille, A. Lepingle, D. Chevalier, J. Dénarié & C. Rosenberg. 1988. A plasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 41 encodes catabolism of two compounds from root exudate of Calystegium sepium. Journal of Bacteriology 170 (3): 1153–1161.

[W27] Wall, A. 1927. Some problems of distribution of indigenuous plants in New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 94–105.


Rough-fruited fairybells Disporum trachycarpum, copyright Jason Hollinger.

Belongs within: Liliaceae.
Contains: Disporum sect. Disporum.

Disporum is a genus of rhizomatous herbs found in east Asia and North America.

Characters (from Hara 1988): Perennial herb, glabrous or pubescent. Rhizome thickened with fleshy roots, or slender and long-creeping. Stem erect, simple or branched (often dichotomously) in the upper part, with one to several sheathing bracts in the lower part, and with normal leaves in the upper part. Leaves alternate, sessile or shortly petioled, linear to roundish. Inflorescence terminal, or in appearance lateral (i.e. terminal on a short lateral branchlet opposite to a leaf). Flower solitary to umbellate, on slender inarticulate pedicel, without bract, rotate to cylindric-campanulate, drooping or spreading. Tepals 6 in two similar series, seubequal, free, oblanceolate to obovate, whitish, greenish, yellow, or dark purple, often saccate or spurred at the base, caducous with stamen. Stamens 6, included or exserted, inserted on the very base of tepal; filaments often filiform, sometimes thickened in lower part; anthers generally oblong, basifixed, extrorse, laterally dehiscent. Pollen grains usually monocolpate (in D. calcaratum 2-4-colpate), with reticulate exine, sometimes with tuberculate muri. Ovary obovoid or globose, three-celled; ovules 2-6 per locule; style filiform, three-lobed in upper part, with three stigmas. Berry subglobose or slightly 3-coccous, blue-black or red when mature. Seeds globose or ovoid, smooth, with stony endocarp.

<==Disporum Salisbury ex Don 1825 [incl. Drapiezia Blume 1827] H88
    |  i. s.: D. luzoniense Merrill 1910 H88
    |--D. sect. Prosartes (Don) Jones 1951 [=Prosartes Don 1839] H88
    |    |--D. (sect *Prosartes) lanuginosum H88
    |    `--+--D. maculatum H88
    |       `--+--D. hookeri H88
    |          `--+--D. smithii H88
    |             `--D. trachycarpum H88
    `--+--D. sect. Disporum H88
       |--D. sect. Ovalia Hara 1988 nec Ovalia Latreille in Griffith & Pidgeon 1833 (ICZN) nec Nalivkin 1937 (ICZN) H88
       |    `--D. (sect. *Ovalia) ovale Ohwi 1931 [=Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) Wang & Tang 1978] H88
       |         |--D. o. f. ovale H88
       |         `--D. o. f. albiflorum (Lee & Lee) Hara 1988 [=D. ovale var. albiflorum Lee & Lee ex Lee 1979] H88
       `--D. sect. Paradisporum Hara 1988 H88
            `--D. (sect. *Paradisporum) acuminatum Wright 1929 H88

*Type species of generic name indicated


[H88] Hara, H. 1988. A revision of the Asiatic species of the genus Disporum (Liliaceae). In The Himalayan Plants vol. 1 (H. Ohba & S. B. Malla, eds) The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 163-209.

Disporum section Disporum

Disporum viridescens, copyright Qwert1234.

Belongs within: Disporum.

The section Disporum of the plant genus Disporum is found in Asia. Its species characterised by shortly petioled or subsessile leaves, tepals with acute to roundish apices, and blue to black berries (Hara 1988).

Characters (from Hara 1988): Glabrous, sometimes scabrous. Inflorescence terminal or pseudo-lateral. Flowers rotate to cylindric-campanulate, white, greenish, yellow or dark purple. Tepals lanceolate to obovate, mostly gibbose, or spurred at the base; main veins of tepal parallel with sparce transverse connecting veinlets. Style with three short stigmas at apex, or deeply 3-cleft up to the middle. Ovules ascending. Berries dark blue to black. Chromosomes 2n = 14, 16, 30, including a few pairs of larger chromosomes.

<==Disporum sect. Disporum [=D. sect. Eudisporum Jones 1951] H88
    |--D. lutescens (Maximowicz) Koidzumi 1919 [=D. smilacinum var. lutescens Maximowicz 1883] H88
    |--D. smilacinum Gray in Perry 1957 (see below for synonymy) H88
    |--D. viridescens (Maximowicz) Nakai 1911 (see below for synonymy) H88
    |--+--D. bodinieri (Léveillé & Van.) Wang & Tang 1949 (see below for synonymy) H88
    |  |--D. leschenaultianum Don 1839 (see below for synonymy) H88
    |  |    |--D. l. var. leschenaultianum H88
    |  |    `--D. l. var. angustifolium Fischer 1957 H88
    |  |--D. leucanthum Hara 1972 H88
    |  `--D. tonkinense Koyama 1958 H88
    `--+--D. austrosinense Hara 1988 H88
       |--D. hainanense Merrill 1922 [incl. D. sanpomonticolum Yamamoto 1943] H88
       |--D. longistylum (Léveillé & Van.) Hara 1984 (see below for synonymy) H88
       |--D. megalanthum Wang & Tang 1978 H88
       |--D. trabeculatum Gagnepain 1934 (se below for synonymy) H88
       |--+--D. cantoniense (Loureiro) Merrill 1920 [=Fritillaria cantoniensis Loureiro 1790] H88
       |  |    |--D. c. var. cantoniense (see below for synonymy) H88
       |  |    |    |--D. c. var. c. f. cantoniense H88
       |  |    |    |--D. c. var. c. f. brunneum (Wright) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
       |  |    |    `--D. c. var. c. f. parviflorum (Wallich) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
       |  |    |--D. c. var. kawakamii (Hayata) Hara 1988 [=Disporum kawakamii Hayata 1911] H88
       |  |    |--D. c. var. multiflorum (Blume) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
       |  |    `--D. c. var. sikkimense Hara 1984 H88
       |  `--D. calcaratum Don 1839 (see below for synonymy) H88
       `--+--D. sessile Don ex Schultes 1829 [=Uvularia sessilis Thunberg 1784 (nom. illeg.)] H88
          |    |--D. s. var. sessile (see below for synonymy) H88
          |    |    |--D. s. var. s. f. sessile H88
          |    |    |--D. s. var. s. f. macrophyllum (Koidzumi) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
          |    |    |--D. s. var. s. f. minus (Miquel) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
          |    |    `--D. s. var. s. f. stenophyllum (Franch. & Sav.) Hayashi ex Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
          |    `--D. s. var. shimadai (Hayata) Hara 1988 [=D. shimadai Hayata 1911] H88
          |         |--D. s. var. s. f. shimadai H88
          |         `--D. s. var. s. f. intermedium Hara 1988 H88
          `--D. uniflorum Baker 1875 (see below for synonymy) H88

Disporum bodinieri (Léveillé & Van.) Wang & Tang 1949 [=Tovaria bodinieri Léveillé & Van. 1905; incl. D. brachystemon Wang & Tang 1949, D. pullum var. ovalifolium Léveillé in Fedde 1909] H88

Disporum calcaratum Don 1839 [=Uvularia calcarata Wallich 1832 (n. n.); incl. U. betua Buchanan-Ham. ex Wallich 1832 (nom. illeg.), U. hamiltoniana Wallich 1832 (n. n.), Disporum hamiltonianum Don 1839, D. calcaratum var. hamiltonianum (Don) Baker 1875, D. latipetalum Collett & Hemsley 1890, D. wallichii Don 1839] H88

Disporum cantoniense (Loureiro) Merrill 1920 var. cantoniense [incl. Uvularia chinensis Ker-Gawler 1806, D. chinense (Ker-Gawler) Kuntze 1891, Streptopus chinensis (Ker-Gawler) Smith 1818, S. peduncularis Smith 1818, Disporum pitsutum Don 1825, Uvularia pitsuta (Don) Buchanan-Hamilton ex Sprengel 1827, *D. pullum Salisbury ex Hooker 1892, U. umbellata Wallich 1820] H88

Disporum cantoniense var. cantoniense f. brunneum (Wright) Hara 1988 [=D. pullum var. brunnea Wright 1919, D. cantoniense var. brunneum (Wright) Hand.-Mazz. 1936] H88

Disporum cantoniense var. cantoniense f. parviflorum (Wallich) Hara 1988 [=Uvularia parvifloa Wallich 1820, D. cantoniense var. parviflorum (Wallich) Hara 1966, D. parviflorum (Wallich) Don 1825, D. pullum var. parviflorum (Wallich) Baker 1875] H88

Disporum cantoniense var. multiflorum (Blume) Hara 1988 [=Drapiezia multiflora Blume 1827, Di. multiflorum (Blume) Don 1841, Di. pullum var. multiflorum (Blume) Rindley 1909, Streptopus multiflorus (Blume) Dietrich 1840, Uvularia multiflora Reinw. 1823 (n. n.); incl. Disporum chinense var. albidum Kuntze 1891, Drapiezia multiflora var. albiflora Zoll. 1854, Di. horsfieldii Don 1839, Di. chinense var. longipedunculatum Kuntze 1891, Di. chinense var. purpurascence Kuntze 1891] H88

Disporum leschenaultianum Don 1839 [=Uvularia leschenaultiana Wallich 1832 (n. n.); incl. D. ceylanicum Wight 1853, D. mysorense Wight 1853] H88

Disporum longistylum (Léveillé & Van.) Hara 1984 [=Tovaria longistyla Léveillé & Van. 1905; incl. D. cavaleriei Léveillé in Fedde 1909] H88

Disporum sessile var. sessile Don ex Schultes 1829 [incl. Tovaria hallaisanensis Léveillé 1909, D. hallaisanense (Léveillé) Ohwi 1932, D. sessile var. micranthum Hatusima 1971, D. taquetii Léveillé 1912] H88

Disporum sessile var. sessile f. macrophyllum (Koidzumi) Hara 1988 [=D. sessile var. macrophyllum Koidzumi 1916; incl. D. sessile var. dolichocarpum Honda 1938, D. sessile var. latifolia Miquel 1870 (n. n.)] H88

Disporum sessile var. sessile f. minus (Miquel) Hara 1988 [=D. sessile var. minus Miquel 1867, D. hallaisanense f. minus (Miquel) Nakai 1942, D. sessile var. minor Miquel 1870; incl. D. sessile var. inobeanum Honda 1936] H88

Disporum sessile var. sessile f. stenophyllum (Franch. & Sav.) Hayashi ex Hara 1988 [=D. sessile var. stenophyllum Franch. & Sav. 1877, D. hallaisanense var. stenophyllum (Franch. & Sav.) Nakai 1942; incl. D. hallaisanense var. stenophyllum f. cupreum Nakai 1942] H88

Disporum smilacinum Gray in Perry 1957 [incl. D. smilacinum var. album Maximowicz 1883, D. smilacinum var. ramosum Nakai 1931, D. smilacinum var. rotundatum Satake 1941, D. smilacinum var. variegatum Nakai ex Satake 1941] H88

Disporum trabeculatum Gagnepain 1934 [incl. Tovaria esquirolii Léveillé 1909 non Disporum esquirolii Léveillé 1907] H88

Disporum uniflorum Baker 1875 [incl. D. flavens Kitagawa 1934, D. sessile ssp. flavens (Kitagawa) Kitagawa 1939, D. sessile var. pachyrrhizum Hand.-Mazz. 1936] H88

Disporum viridescens (Maximowicz) Nakai 1911 [=Uvularia viridescens Maximowicz 1859, Disporum smilacinum var. viridescens (Maximowicz) Maximowicz 1883, Prosartes viridescens (Maximowicz) Regel 1861] H88

*Type species of generic name indicated


[H88] Hara, H. 1988. A revision of the Asiatic species of the genus Disporum (Liliaceae). In The Himalayan Plants vol. 1 (H. Ohba & S. B. Malla, eds) The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 163-209.


Madonna lily Lilium candidum, copyright Zachi Evenor.

Belongs within: Liliales.
Contains: Disporum section Disporum.

The Liliaceae is a family of bulbous or rhizomatous monocotyledons that are most diverse in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The family has been used in a much broader sense in the past than currently; at its broadest, it included a large proportion of the taxa now classed elsewhere in the Liliales and Asparagales. Many species of Liliaceae are widely cultivated as ornamentals; prominent examples include various species of Lilium (lilies) or Tulipa (tulips). Lilium species go to heights of two to six feet with the more or less funnel-shaped flowers produced in a raceme at the top of the stem.

Characters (from the Angiosperm Phylogeny Website): Flavonols present, chelidonic acid absent; raphides absent; bracteole lateral; tepals often spotted; anthers often centrifixed; stigma dry (rarely wet); ovules 2-many/carpel, more or less pendulous, nucellar cap (0-)1-3 cells across; antipodal cells not multinucleate; testal cells all more or less thickened, some with brown contents; cotyledon more or less photosynthetic, bifacial, hypocotyl absent; x = 8.

    |--Oceanoros YY22
    |--Schoenocaulon YY22
    |--Stenanthium YY22
    |--Zygadenus YY22
    |--Heterosmilax YY22
    |--Ruscus aculeatus H91, G98
    |--Trillidium govanianum O88
    |--Tricyrtis esquirolii (Léveillé) Hara 1988 (see below for synonymy) H88
    |--Ipheion uniflorum (Lindley) Rafinesque-Schmaltz 1837 HE80
    |--Bulbinopsis semibarbata HE80
    |--Rohdea japonica MH98
    |--Aspidistra elatior MH98
    |--Herpolirion Hook. f. 1853 ME70
    |    `--H. novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1853 ME70 [incl. H. tasmaniae C06]
    |--Enargea Banks & Solander 1788 C06
    |    `--E. marginata [=Callixene marginata] C06
    |--Smilacina O88
    |    |--S. purpurea O88
    |    `--S. racemosa A16
    |--Notholirion O88
    |    |--N. bulbuliferum O88
    |    `--N. macrophyllum O88
    |--Ypsilandra yunnanensis O88
    |    |--Y. y. var. yunnanensis O88
    |    `--Y. y. var. himalaica O88
    |--Tulbaghia HE80
    |    |--T. calcarea CV06
    |    `--T. violacea HE80
    |--Cardiocrinum HE80
    |    |--C. cordatum T03
    |    `--C. giganteum HE80
    |--Iphigenia Kunth 1843 ME70
    |    |--I. indica LK14
    |    |--I. novae-zelandiae (Hooker) Baker 1879 [=Anguillaria novae-zelandiae Hooker in Kirk 1878] ME70
    |    `--I. stellata YG03
    |--Fritillaria FF01
    |    |--F. cirrhosa O88
    |    |--F. lanceolata RS98
    |    |--F. meleagris C55
    |    `--F. ruthenica ED02
    |--Nolina V01
    |    |--N. microcarpa V01
    |    |--N. parryi C90
    |    `--N. texana SZ03
    |--Streptopus H88
    |    |--S. amplexicaule H88
    |    |--S. parasimplex O88
    |    |--S. roseus A16
    |    `--S. simplex O88
    |--Clintonia DS04
    |    |--C. borealis DS04
    |    `--C. udensis O88
    |         |--C. u. var. udensis O88
    |         `--C. u. var. alpina O88
    |--Tulipa Y98
    |    |--T. gesneriana TG88
    |    |--T. goulimyi Y98
    |    |--T. oculus-solis C55
    |    `--T. sylvestris C55
    |--Gagea Y98
    |    |--G. arvensis H91
    |    |--G. bracteolaris [incl. Ornithogalum glaucum Dethard. ex Schult.f. 1702] MGF04
    |    |--G. elegans O88
    |    |--G. fibrosa Y98
    |    `--G. graeca PT98
    |--Lloydia O88
    |    |--L. flavonutans O88
    |    |--L. longiscapa O88
    |    `--L. serotina O88
    |         |--L. s. var. serotina O88
    |         `--L. s. var. parva O88
    |--Disporum Salisbury ex Don 1825 [incl. Drapiezia Blume 1827] H88
    |    |  i. s.: D. luzoniense Merrill 1910 H88
    |    |--D. sect. Prosartes (Don) Jones 1951 [=Prosartes Don 1839] H88
    |    |    |--D. (sect *Prosartes) lanuginosum H88
    |    |    `--+--D. maculatum H88
    |    |       `--+--D. hookeri H88
    |    |          `--+--D. smithii H88
    |    |             `--D. trachycarpum H88
    |    `--+--D. sect. Disporum H88
    |       |--D. sect. Ovalia Hara 1988 nec Ovalia Latreille in Griffith & Pidgeon 1833 (ICZN) nec Nalivkin 1937 (ICZN) H88
    |       |    `--D. (sect. *Ovalia) ovale Ohwi 1931 [=Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) Wang & Tang 1978] H88
    |       |         |--D. o. f. ovale H88
    |       |         `--D. o. f. albiflorum (Lee & Lee) Hara 1988 [=D. ovale var. albiflorum Lee & Lee ex Lee 1979] H88
    |       `--D. sect. Paradisporum Hara 1988 H88
    |            `--D. (sect. *Paradisporum) acuminatum Wright 1929 H88
    `--Lilium CD07
         |--L. candidum Y98
         |--L. formosanum Wallace 1891 HE80
         |--L. hansonii D37
         |--L. lancifolium Thunberg 1794 HE80
         |--L. × maculatum HE80
         |--L. martagon D37
         |--L. nanum O88
         |    |--L. n. f. nanum O88
         |    `--L. n. f. flavidum O88
         |--L. oxypetalum O88
         |--L. pyrenaicum C55
         |--L. regale Wilson 1913 CD07
         |--L. superbum Linnaeus 1762 CD07
         |--L. tigrinum Ker-Gawler 1809 HE80
         `--L. tyrinum GM96

Tricyrtis esquirolii (Léveillé) Hara 1988 [=Disporum esquirolii Léveillé 1907; incl. T. bakeri Koidzumi 1924, T. puberula Nakai & Kitagawa 1934] H88

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 5 July 2017.