Showing posts with label Perilampidae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perilampidae. Show all posts


Ovipositing Orasema, photographed by Alex Wild.

Belongs within: Perilampidae.
Contains: Eucharitinae.

The Eucharitidae are a group of wasps parasitic on ants. Like the closely related Perilampidae, eggs are not laid directly on the host; instead, they are laid amongst vegetation and hatch into mobile planidium larvae that then actively seek out a suitable host.

Synapomorphies (from Heraty et al. 2013): Axillae fused, forming a united transverse band such that scutellum is separated from trans-scutal articulation; transepimeral division absent; metascutellar arm less than half length of lateral panel but forming a convex flange and not reduced to a carina; propodeal spiracle circular; metapleural–propodeal supracoxal flange absent; uncus of fore wing absent; apex of protibial spur without a cleft; fore basitarsus without a comb of setae; petiole surface completely fused ventrally with no suture present; cercus flattened and button-like; ovipositor valvulae expanded.

Eucharitidae [Eucharidae, Eucharidinae] MH11
    |--Akapala Girault 1934 HB13, B88 [Akapalinae]
    |    |--A. astriaticeps (Girault 1926) (see below for synonymy) B88
    |    `--A. rudis (Westwood 1874) [=Schizaspidia rudis] B88
    `--Gollumiellinae HB13
         |--Gollumiella Hedqvist 1978 MH11, B88
         |    |--*G. longipetiolata B88
         |    |--G. antennata MH11
         |    `--G. buffingtoni HB13
         `--+--Anorasema Bouček 1988 HB13, B88
            |    `--*A. pallidipes (Cameron 1909) [=Eucharis pallidipes] B88
            `--+--Eucharitinae HB13
               `--Oraseminae HB13
                    |--Parasemora B88
                    `--Orasema Cameron 1884 (see below for synonymy) B88
                         |  i. s.: *O. stramineipes B88
                         |         O. assectator B88
                         |         O. gemma Girault 1932 B88
                         |         O. palgravei Girault 1922 B88
                         |         O. purpureoventris (Cameron 1909) (see below for synonymy) B88
                         |         O. theocles (Walker 1839) (see below for synonymy) B88
                         |         O. valgius (Walker 1839) (see below for synonymy) B88
                         |         *Eucharomorpha’ worcesteri Girault 1913 B88
                         |--O. glabra MH11
                         |--+--O. synempora MH11
                         |  `--Orasemorpha Bouček 1988 MH11, B88 [=Eucharomorpha Girault 1913 non Girault 1913 B88]
                         |       |--*O. viridis (Girault 1913) [=*Eucharomorpha viridis] B88
                         |       |--O. bidentata (Girault 1940) [=Eucharomorpha bidentata] B88
                         |       |--O. dubia (Girault 1913) [=Eucharomorpha dubia] B88
                         |       |--O. eribotes (Walker 1839) (see below for synonymy) B88
                         |       |--O. fuscipes (Girault 1913) [=Eucharomorpha fuscipes] B88
                         |       |--O. goethei (Girault 1934) [=Eucharomorpha goethei] B88
                         |       |--O. partiglabra (Girault 1940) [=Eucharomorpha partiglabra] B88
                         |       |--O. pyttalus (Walker 1846) [=Eucharis pyttalus] B88
                         |       |--O. tridentata (Girault 1915) [=Eucharomorpha tridentata] B88
                         |       |--O. varidentata (Girault 1936) [=Eucharomorpha varidentata] B88
                         |       |--O. wheeleri (Brues 1934) [=Eucharomorpha wheeleri] B88
                         |       `--O. xeniades (Walker 1839) [=Eucharis xeniades] B88
                         `--+--+--+--O. communis MH11
                            |  |  `--Timioderus HB13
                            |  |       |--T. acuminatus HB13
                            |  |       |--T. peridentatus MH11
                            |  |       `--T. refringens MH11
                            |  `--Indosema indica HB13
                            `--+--+--O. simulatrix HB13
                               |  `--O. texana MH11
                               `--+--O. coloradensis MH11
                                  `--+--O. delicatula (Walker 1862) MH11, B88 (see below for synonymy)
                                     `--O. simplex MH11

Akapala astriaticeps (Girault 1926) [=Kapala astriaticeps; incl. *Akapala astriaticeps Girault 1934 non Kapala astriaticeps Girault 1926] B88

Orasema Cameron 1884 [incl. Eucharomorpha Girault 1913, Semora Cameron 1910, Semorata Strand 1947, Semorella Ghesquière 1946] B88

Orasema delicatula (Walker 1862) MH11, B88 [=Eucharis delicatula B88, Psilogaster delicatula B88]

Orasema purpureoventris (Cameron 1909) [=Eucharis purpureoventris, Gollumiella purpureoventris; incl. Parapsilogaster laeviceps Gahan 1940, Losbanus laeviceps, Psilogaster nishidai Ishii & Nagasawa 1958, L. nishidai, L. peterseni Hedqvist 1978] B88

Orasema theocles (Walker 1839) [=Eucharis theocles, Psilogaster theocles; incl. Orasema emma Girault 1934] B88

Orasema valgius (Walker 1839) [incl. Eucharis valgius, Epimetagea valgius, Parapsilogaster valgius, Psilogasteroides valgius; incl. Orasema pheidolophaga Girault 1913] B88

Orasemorpha eribotes (Walker 1839) [=Eucharis eribotes, Epimetagea eribotes, Psilogasteroides eribotes] B88

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B88] Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[HB13] Heraty, J. M., R. A. Burks, A. Cruaud, G. A. P. Gibson, J. Liljeblad, J. Munro, J.-Y. Rasplus, G. Delvare, P. Janšta, A. Gumovsky, J. Huber, J. B. Woolley, L. Krogmann, S. Heydon, A. Polaszek, S. Schmidt, D. C. Darling, M. W. Gates, J. Mottern, E. Murray, A. D. Molin, S. Triapitsyn, H. Baur, J. D. Pinto, S. van Noort, J. George & M. Yoder. 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Cladistics 29: 466-542.

[MH11] Munro, J. B., J. M. Heraty, R. A. Burks, D. Hawks, J. Mottern, A. Cruaud, J.-Y. Rasplus & P. Jansta. 2011. A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). PLoS One 6 (11): e27023.


Specimen of Substilbula pallidiclava (missing gaster), photographed by John M. Heraty.

Belongs within: Eucharitidae.
Contains: Tricoryna, Austeucharis, Chalcura, Schizaspidia.

The Eucharitinae are a group of wasps in which many species of which have the scutellum strongly produced apically.

Characters (from Bouček 1988): Male antennae often with branches; pronotum dorsally strongly shortened and mostly concealed by the head; prepectus evidently fused with pronotum, although fusion sometimes indicated as a groove or carina; axillae well developed; scutellum often apically produced.

<==Eucharitinae [Eucharissinae] B88
    |--Psilocharitini HB13
    |    |--‘Psilocharis’ afra MH11
    |    `--+--Neolosbanus HB13
    |       |    |--N. palgravei MH11
    |       |    `--N. purpureoventris MH11
    |       `--Psilocharis MH11
    |            |--P. pacifica MH11
    |            `--P. theocles MH11
    `--Eucharitini HB13
         |--+--Neostilbula ranomafanae MH11
         |  `--Pseudometagea HB13
         |       |--P. montana MH11
         |       `--+--P. bakeri MH11
         |          `--P. schwarzii MH11
         `--+--+--Galearia MH11
            |  |    |--G. bruchi MH11
            |  |    `--G. latreillei HB13
            |  `--+--Kapala Cameron 1884 HB13, GM79
            |     |    `--K. floridana MH11
            |     `--Colocharis napoana MH11
            `--+--+--Ancylotropus HB13
               |  |    |  i. s.: A. manipurensis [=Schizaspidia manipurensis, Stilbula manipurensis] B88
               |  |    |--A. cariniscutis MH11
               |  |    `--+--A. montanus MH11
               |  |       `--Eucharissa natalica MH11
               |  `--+--Schizaspidia MH11
               |     `--Saccharissa Kirby 1886 MH11, B88
               |          |--*S. contigens (Walker 1862) [=Eucharis contigens, S. contingens Kirby 1886] B88
               |          |--S. alcocki MH11
               |          |--S. latifurca Bouček 1988 B88
               |          `--S. vicina [=Schizaspidia vicina] B88
               `--+--Eucharis HB13
                  |    |--E. adscendens B88
                  |    `--E. albipennis MH11
                  `--+--+--Obeza MH11
                     |  `--Lophyrocera HB13
                     |       |--L. pretendens MH11
                     |       `--L. variabilis MH11
                     `--+--Pseudochalcura HB13
                        |    |--P. gibbosa HB13
                        |    `--P. prolata MH11
                        `--Substilbula Bouček 1988 MH11, B88
                             |--*S. bidentata (Girault 1913) [=Stilbula bidentata] B88
                             |--S. albipennis (Girault 1929) [=Stilbula albipennis] B88
                             |--S. australiana (Girault 1913) [=Stilbula australiana] B88
                             `--S. pallidiclava (Girault 1934) [=Stilbula pallidiclava] B88

Eucharitinae incertae sedis:
  Psilogastrellus Ghesquière 1946 [=Psilogaster Blanchard 1840 non R.L. 1817; incl. Pachyeucharis] B88
  Striostilbula Bouček 1988 B88
    `--*S. quadridigitata (Girault 1929) [=Stilbula quadridigitata] B88
  Thoracanthoides Girault 1928 B88
    `--*T. albispina Girault 1928 B88
  Parapsilogastrus Ghesquière 1946 (see below for synonymy) B88
    |--*P. fausta (Walker 1839) (see below for synonymy) B88
    `--P. ulyanovi (Girault 1940) [=Epimetagea ulyanovi] B88
  Propsilogaster Girault 1940 B88
    |--*P. biclavata Girault 1940 B88
    `--P. alcicornis Bouček 1988 B88
  Rhipipalloidea Girault 1934 B88
    |--*R. mira Girault 1934 [=Rhipipallus mirus] B88
    `--R. gruberi Girault 1940 [=Rhipipallus gruberi] B88
  Stilbuloida Bouček 1988 B88
    |--*S. doddi (Bingham 1906) [=Schizaspidia doddi] B88
    `--S. calomyrmecis (Brues 1934) [=Schizaspidia calomyrmecis] B88
  Losbanus Ishii 1932 B88
    |--*L. uichancoi B88
    |--L. antennatus (Gahan 1940) [=Psilogaster antennata] B88
    `--L. minutus Bouček 1988 B88
  Stilbula Spinola 1811 [incl. Eltolada Cameron 1909] B88
    |--*S. cyniformis [=Ichneumon cyniformis] B88
    |--S. albipetiole Girault 1929 B88
    |--S. arenae Girault 1934 B88
    |--S. brunneipetiole (Girault 1934) [=Epimetagea brunneipetiole] B88
    |--S. octodigitata Girault 1929 B88
    |--S. peduncularis Westwood 1874 B88
    |--S. polyrhachicida [=Schizaspidia polyrhachicida] B88
    |--S. quinqueguttata (Girault 1915) [=Schizaspidia quinqueguttata] B88
    |--S. toga Girault 1937 B88
    `--*Eltolada’ trimaculata B88
  Tricoryna B88
  Austeucharis B88
  Chalcura B88

Parapsilogastrus Ghesquière 1946 [=Parapsilogaster Girault 1915 non Bigot 1882, Psilogasteroides Girault 1913 non Brethes 1910] B88

*Parapsilogastrus fausta (Walker 1839) [=Eucharis fausta, Epimetagea faustus (l. c.), *Parapsilogaster fausta, *Psilogasteroides fausta; incl. Epimetagea phidiasae Girault 1940] B88

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B88] Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[GM79] Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 1-400.

[HB13] Heraty, J. M., R. A. Burks, A. Cruaud, G. A. P. Gibson, J. Liljeblad, J. Munro, J.-Y. Rasplus, G. Delvare, P. Janšta, A. Gumovsky, J. Huber, J. B. Woolley, L. Krogmann, S. Heydon, A. Polaszek, S. Schmidt, D. C. Darling, M. W. Gates, J. Mottern, E. Murray, A. D. Molin, S. Triapitsyn, H. Baur, J. D. Pinto, S. van Noort, J. George & M. Yoder. 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Cladistics 29: 466-542.

[MH11] Munro, J. B., J. M. Heraty, R. A. Burks, D. Hawks, J. Mottern, A. Cruaud, J.-Y. Rasplus & P. Jansta. 2011. A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). PLoS One 6 (11): e27023.


Chrysolampus schwarzi, photographed by Michael Gates.

Belongs within: Perilampidae.

The Chrysolampinae are a group of wasps distinguished from the closely related Perilampinae by their retention of a moveable prepectus. The biology of most species is uncertain, though the hosts where known are species of Coleoptera (Bouček 1988).

Characters (from Bouček 1988): Antennae 13-segmented, with one anellus, but proximal funicular segments often strongly shortened and then anelliform. Supraclypeal area distinct although often vaguely delimited; clypeus well delimited. expanding downward, with stout lower margin. Both mandibles with two sharp teeth. Pronotum relatively large, not fused with prepectus; notauli complete; frenal groove generally present but sometimes obsolete, apex of scutellum with apical margin carinate and more or less produced over dorsellum, set off by admarginal groove, medially subangulate. Propodeum moslly (except Parelatus) without plicae, always without nucha. Forewing generally with long marginal vein and short stigmal vein curving into uncus. Gaster often (but not in all species) with body triquetrous, convex, owing to dorsal fusion of first and second tergite. Ovipositor never produced; cerci in ventral position. Sculpture on head and thorax never regularly raised-reticulate.

Chrysolampinae B88
    |  i. s.: Elatomorpha B88
    |         Parelatus Girault 1916 B88
    |           `--*P. ater (Girault 1915) [=Elatus ater, Chrysolampus ater] B88
    |--+--+--Brachyelatus Hoffer & Nowicky 1955 MH11, B88
    |  |  |    |--*B. viridis B88
    |  |  |    |--B. flavicornis Bouček 1988 B88
    |  |  |    `--B. masneri Bouček 1988 B88
    |  |  `--Austrotoxeuma Girault 1929 MH11, B88
    |  |       |--*A. coerulea Girault 1929 B88
    |  |       `--A. kuscheli Bouček 1988 B88
    |  `--Chrysomalla Förster 1859 MH11, B88
    |       |--*C. roseri B88
    |       |--C. hesperis HB13
    |       `--C. poeta (Girault 1929) [=Toxeumoides poeta] B88
    `--Chrysolampus Spinola 1811 MH11, B88 (see below for synonymy)
         |  i. s.: *C. splendidula [=Diplolepis splendidula] B88
         |         C. aeneicorpus (Girault 1915) [=*Toxeumoides aeneicorpus; incl. T. magnimaxillae Girault 1922] B88
         |         C. clypeatus Riek 1966 B88
         |         C. hirtus Riek 1966 B88
         |         C longigaster Riek 1966 B88
         |         C. oblongiscutellum (Girault 1922) [=*Paratoximopsis oblongiscutellum] B88
         |         C. picturatus Riek 1966 B88
         |         c. silvensis (Girault 1929) [=Toxeumoides silvensis] B88
         |         *Elatus’ thenae B88
         |--C. elegans MH11
         `--+--C. schwarzi MH11
            `--C. sisymbrii MH11

Chrysolampus Spinola 1811 MH11, B88 [incl. Acroclisis Förster 1878 B88, Elatus Walker 1848 B88, Lamprostylus Förster 1856 B88, Paratoximopsis Girault 1922 B88, Toxeumoides Girault 1915 B88]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B88] Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[HB13] Heraty, J. M., R. A. Burks, A. Cruaud, G. A. P. Gibson, J. Liljeblad, J. Munro, J.-Y. Rasplus, G. Delvare, P. Janšta, A. Gumovsky, J. Huber, J. B. Woolley, L. Krogmann, S. Heydon, A. Polaszek, S. Schmidt, D. C. Darling, M. W. Gates, J. Mottern, E. Murray, A. D. Molin, S. Triapitsyn, H. Baur, J. D. Pinto, S. van Noort, J. George & M. Yoder. 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Cladistics 29: 466-542.

[MH11] Munro, J. B., J. M. Heraty, R. A. Burks, D. Hawks, J. Mottern, A. Cruaud, J.-Y. Rasplus & P. Jansta. 2011. A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). PLoS One 6 (11): e27023.


Perilampus, photographed by Graham Montgomery.

Belongs within: Perilampidae.

The Perilampinae are a group of endoparasitoid wasps characterised by a short and immobile pronotum forming a sharply fronted collar. Perilampines include both primary parasites and hyperparasites. The mobile planidium larva of a hyperparasitic species seeks out a suitable primary host of its eventual target, but upon entering the primary host it must either find it already parasitised or wait for its own host to arrive before the perilampine perishes (Bouček 1988). The prepectus is reduced in members of the genus Euperilampus but remains large in species of Perilampus and Monacon (Bouček 1988).

Characters (from Bouček 1988): Clypeus large, well delimited, also supraclypeal area mostly conspicuous. Mandibles strong, the left with 2, right with 3 large teeth. Antennae 13-segmented, formula 11173. Prepectus fused with pronotum, the latter forming a conspicuous dorsal belt (collar) separated by a subrectangular edge from the vertical or even slightly hollowed collum. Thorax dorsally with coarse piliferous puncturation. Pilosity of wings extensive and not differentiated. Gastral body short and strongly convex, triquetrous owing to dorsal fusion of the first two tergites which cover most of the dorsal side of gaster.

Perilampinae HB13
    |--Krombeinius B88
    |--Euperilampus Walker 1871 [incl. Euperilampoides Girault 1915, Nesoperilampus Rohwer 1923] B88
    |    |--*E. gloriosus [=Perilampus gloriosus] B88
    |    |--E. beharae MH11
    |    |--E. scutellatus (Girault 1915) (see below for synonymy) B88
    |    `--E. triangularis HB13
    `--Perilampus Latreille 1809 B88
         |  i. s.: *P. violaceus [=Diplolepis violacea] B88
         |         P. alienus Riek 1966 B88
         |         P. aquilonaris Girault 1915 [incl. P. saintjusti Girault 1930] B88
         |         P. australis Girault 1915 B88
         |         P. brisbanensis Girault 1915 B88
         |         P. cairnsensis Girault 1913 (see below for synonymy) B88
         |         P. capensis Girault 1913 [incl. P. australiensis Girault 1913] B88
         |         P. chlorinus MS01
         |         P. chrysopae A71
         |         P. dentatinotum Girault 1928 B88
         |         P. dipterophagus Riek 1966 B88
         |         P. emersoni Girault 1930 B88
         |         P. franzmanni Galloway 1983 B88
         |         P. glabrifrons Riek 1966 B88
         |         P. levifacies Girault & Dodd in Girault 1915 B88
         |         P. microgastris B88
         |         P. mirabeaui Girault 1930 B88
         |         P. montanus Riek 1966 B88
         |         P. nigriventris MS01
         |         P. nigronitidus Riek 1966 B88
         |         P. philembia R00
         |         P. saleius Walker 1839 [incl. P. queenslandensis Girault 1913, P. reliquus Girault 1915] B88
         |         P. tasmanicus Cameron 1912 B88
         |         P. tassoni Girault 1922 B88
         |         P. violaceus MS01
         |--+--P. subcarinatus HB13
         |  `--P. tristis HB13
         `--+--Steffanolampus salicetum HB13
            `--+--+--P. fulvicornis MH11
               |  `--P. ruficornis MH11
               |--+--Burksilampus MH11
               |  |--P. regalis MH11
               |  `--+--P. granulosus MH11
               |     `--P. hyalinus HB13
               `--Monacon Waterston 1922 HB13, B88
                    |  i. s.: *M. productum B88
                    |         M. naso Bouček 1980 B88
                    |         M. platypodis Bouček 1980 B88
                    |         M. simplex Bouček 1980 B88
                    |         M. tasmaniense Bouček 1988 B88
                    |         M. tricorne Bouček 1980 B88
                    |--M. canaliculatum MH11
                    `--+--M. robertsi Bouček 1980 MH11, B88
                       `--M. spinosum (Dodd & Girault in Girault 1915) MH11, B88 [=Perilampus spinosus B88]

Euperilampus scutellatus (Girault 1915) [=*Euperilampoides scutellatus; incl. Euperilampoides concinnus Masi 1927, Euperilampoides nepalensis Mani & Kaul in Mani, Dubey et al. 1983, *Nesoperilampus typicus Rohwer 1923] B88

Perilampus cairnsensis Girault 1913 [incl. P. cupreovarius Girault 1927, P. frater Girault 1922, P. miltoni Girault 1922, P. mittagongensis Girault 1913, P. tasmaniensis Girault 1913] B88

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A71] Askew, R. R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann Educational Books: London.

[B88] Bouček, Z. 1988. Australasian Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera): A biosystematic revision of genera of fourteen families, with a reclassification of species. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[HB13] Heraty, J. M., R. A. Burks, A. Cruaud, G. A. P. Gibson, J. Liljeblad, J. Munro, J.-Y. Rasplus, G. Delvare, P. Janšta, A. Gumovsky, J. Huber, J. B. Woolley, L. Krogmann, S. Heydon, A. Polaszek, S. Schmidt, D. C. Darling, M. W. Gates, J. Mottern, E. Murray, A. D. Molin, S. Triapitsyn, H. Baur, J. D. Pinto, S. van Noort, J. George & M. Yoder. 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Cladistics 29: 466–542.

[MS01] Mocsáry, A., & V. Szépligeti. 1901. Hymenopterák [Hymenopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 121–169. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[MH11] Munro, J. B., J. M. Heraty, R. A. Burks, D. Hawks, J. Mottern, A. Cruaud, J.-Y. Rasplus & P. Jansta. 2011. A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). PloS One 6 (11): e27023.

[R00] Ross, E. S. 2000. Embia: Contributions to the biosystematics of the insect order Embiidina. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 149: 1–53, 1–36.

Last updated: 29 August 2017.