Showing posts with label Euarchonta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euarchonta. Show all posts


Reconstruction of Teilhardina magnoliana, copyright Mark A. Klingler.

Belongs within: Primates.
Contains: Omomyinae.

The Tarsiiformes are a clade of primates including the modern tarsiers of insular south-east Asia and their fossil relatives.

Tarsiiformes [Apatomorphidae, Omomyidae, Omomyoidea]
    |  i. s.: Utahiinae G91
    |           |--Utahia G91
    |           `--Stokia G91
    |--Archicebus Ni, Gebo et al. 2013 [Archicebidae] NG13
    |    `--*A. achilles Ni, Gebo et al. 2013 NG13
    `--+--Teilhardininae G91
       |    |--Chlororhysis G91
       |    `--Teilhardina Simpson 1940 NG13, NW03
       |         |  i. s.: T. crassidens NW03
       |         |         T. demissa NW03
       |         |         T. tenuicula NW03
       |         |--T. asiatica Ni, Wang et al. 2003 NG13, NW03
       |         `--+--T. belgica (Teilhard 1927) NG13, S62 [=Omomys belgicus S62]
       |            `--T. magnoliana NG13
       `--+--Altanius orlovi NG13
          `--+--‘Teilhardina’ brandti NG13
             `--+--‘Teilhardina’ americana NG13
                `--+--Tetoniinae G91
                   |    |  i. s.: Mckennamorphus G91
                   |    |--+--Anemorhysis savagei NW03
                   |    |  `--+--Tetonoides pearcei NG13
                   |    |     `--Arapahovius NG13
                   |    |          |--A. advena NG13
                   |    |          `--A.gazini SP09
                   |    `--+--Tetonius homunculus NG13
                   |       `--+--+--Anaptomorphus [Anaptomorphinae] NG13
                   |          |  `--‘Loveina’ zephyri NG13
                   |          `--+--+--Uintanius ameghini NG13
                   |             |  `--Loveina SP09
                   |             |        |--L. wapitiensis SP09
                   |             |        `--+--L. minuta SP09
                   |             |           `--L. sheai SP09
                   |             `--+--Absarokius NG13
                   |                |    |--A. abbotti NG13
                   |                |    `--A. noctivagus NG13
                   |                `--+--Strigorhysis bridgerensis NG13
                   |                   `--Aycrossia lovei NG13
                   `--Omomyinae NG13

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[NW03] Ni, X., Y. Wang, Y. Hu & C. Li. 2003. A euprimate skull from the early Eocene of China. Nature 427: 65–68.

[SP09] Seiffert, E. R., J. M. G. Perry, E. L. Simons & D. M. Boyer. 2009. Convergent evolution of anthropoid-like adaptations in Eocene adapiform primates. Nature 461: 1118–1121.

[S62] Simons, E. L. 1962. A new Eocene primate genus, Cantius, and a revision of some allied European lemuroids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 7 (1): 1–36.


Mounted skeleton of Plesiadapis cookei at the Musee d'Histoire Naturelle, Brussels, copyright Ghedoghedo.

Belongs within: Euarchonta.

The Plesiadapoidea are a group of arboreal mammals known from the Palaeocene and Early Eocene (Bloch et al. 2007).

Synapomorphies (from Bloch et al. 2007): I3 absent; lower canine smaller than adjacent teeth; P4 talonid not basined, with one distinct cusp; P3 buccal length more than twice lingual length; P4 with one large conule present, intermediate ridge present, preprotocrista absent; lower molar paraconids subequal to or taller than metaconid; M3 talonid similar in breadth to trigonid or wider; relative size of M3 >0.9 (based on calculation Ln [buccal(length*width) of M3/Ln [buccal (length*width) of M1); M1 or M2 postprotocingulum pronounced; posterior carotid foramen posteromedial; lumbar transverse processes short and lateral to centrum, not projecting ventrally beyond centrum.

Plesiadapoidea BS07
    |--+--Saxonella [Saxonellidae] NG13
    |  |    |--S. crepaturas NG13
    |  |    `--S. naylori BS07
    |  `--+--Chronolestes simul NG13
    |     `--Carpolestidae BS07
    |          |  i. s.: Carpodaptes Matthew & Granger 1921 BS07, S35a
    |          |           |--*C. aulacodon Matthew & Granger 1921 S35a
    |          |           `--C. cygneus BS07
    |          |--Elphidotarsius NG13
    |          |    |--E. florencae Gidley 1923 S35b
    |          |    |--E. russelli Krause 1978 SFY02
    |          |    |--E. shotgunensis BS07
    |          |    `--E. wightoni BS07
    |          `--+--Carpocristes oriens NG13
    |             `--Carpolestes NG13
    |                  |--C. aquilae S35a
    |                  |--C. dubius BS07
    |                  |--C. nigridens BS07
    |                  `--C. simpsoni NG13
    `--Plesiadapidae BS07
         |  i. s.: Chiromyoides potior S62, T90
         |         Platychoerops BS07
         |--Pronothodectes NG13
         |    |--P. gaoi BS07
         |    |--P. jepi BS07
         |    `--P. matthewi Gidley 1923 S35b
         `--+--Nannodectes NG13
            |    |--N. gidleyi NG13
            |    `--N. intermedius (Gazin 1971) SFY02
            `--Plesiadapis Gervais 1877 NG13, D07
                 |--P. anceps T90
                 |--P. churchilli T90
                 |--P. cookei BS07
                 |--P. gidleyi WR07
                 |--P. gingerichi HC97
                 |--P. insignis BS07
                 |--P. praecursor Gingerich 1975 SFY02
                 |--P. remensis BS07
                 |--P. rex BS07
                 |--P. russelli D07
                 |--P. simonsi T90
                 |--P. tricuspidens NG13
                 `--P. walbeckensis BS07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BS07] Bloch, J. I., M. T. Silcox, D. M. Boyer & E. J. Sargis. 2007. New Paleocene skeletons and the relationship of plesiadapiforms to crown-clade primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 (4): 1159–1164.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[HC97] Huang X. & Chen L. 1997. Mammalian remains from the Late Paleocene of Guichi, Anhui. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 35 (1): 49–67.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[SFY02] Scott, C. S., R. C. Fox & G. P. Youzwyshyn. 2002. New earliest Tiffanian (late Paleocene) mammals from Cochrane 2, southwestern Alberta, Canada. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47: 691–704.

[S62] Simons, E. L. 1962. A new Eocene primate genus, Cantius, and a revision of some allied European lemuroids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 7 (1): 1–36.

[S35a] Simpson, G. G. 1935a. The Tiffany fauna, Upper Paleocene. I.—Multituberculata, Marsupialia, Insectivora, and ?Chiroptera. American Museum Novitates 795: 1–19.

[S35b] Simpson, G. G. 1935b. New Paleocene mammals from the Fort Union of Montana. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 83 (2981): 221–244.

[T90] Thewissen, J. G. M. 1990. Evolution of Paleocene and Eocene Phenacodontidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra). Museum of Paleontology Papers on Paleontology 29: 1–107.

[WR07] Wible, J. R., G. W. Rougier, M. J. Novacek & R. J. Asher. 2007. Cretaceous eutherians and Laurasian origin for placental mammals near the K/T boundary. Nature 447: 1003–1006.


Female (left) and male white-cheeked gibbon Nomascus leucogenys, copyright Linda.

Belongs within: Catarrhini.
Contains: Hylobates, Ponginae, Homininae.

The Hominoidea are a clade of Old World primates including the modern apes and all taxa more closely related to apes than Old World monkeys.

Synapomorphies (from Stevens et al. 2013): P3 moderately sectorial; P4 very broad; M1–3 mesial foveae broad.

<==Hominoidea [Proconsulidae]
    |--Kalepithecus songhorensis SS13
    |--Proconsul Hopwood 1933 SS13, M-SA09 [incl. Xenopithecus Hopwood 1933 SAP78; Proconsulinae]
    |    |--P. heseloni SS13
    |    |--P. nyanzae Clark & Leakey 1950 SS13, SAP78
    |    `--+--*P. africanus Hopwood 1933 SAP78, SS13, SAP78 (see below for synonymy)
    |       `--P. major Clark & Leakey 1950 SS13, SAP78 [=Dryopithecus major SAP78]
    `--+--Nyanzapithecinae SS13
       |    |--Turkanapithecus Leakey & Leakey 1986 SS13, M-SA09
       |    |    `--T. kalakolensis SS13
       |    `--+--Nyanzapithecus SS13
       |       |    |--N. vancouveringorum [=N. vancouveringi] SS13
       |       |    `--+--N. harrisoni SS13
       |       |       `--N. pickfordi SS13
       |       `--+--Rukwapithecus Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
       |          |    `--*R. fleaglei Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
       |          `--Rangwapithecus Andrews 1974 SS13, SAP78
       |               |--*R. gordoni (Andrews 1974) (see below for synonymy) SAP78
       |               `--R. vancouveringi (Andrews 1974) (see below for synonymy) SAP78
       `--Afropithecidae [Kenyapithecinae] M-SA09
            |--Equatorini M-SA09
            |    |--Nacholapithecus Ishida et al. 1999 M-SA09
            |    `--Equatorius Ward et al. 1999 SS13, M-SA09
            |         `--E. africanus SS13
            `--+--Afropithechinae [Afropithecini] M-SA09
               |     |--Heliopithecus Andrews & Martin 1987 M-SA09
               |     |--Afropithecus Leakey & Leakey 1986 SS13, M-SA09
               |     |    `--A. turkanensis SS13
               |     `--Morotopithecus Gebo et al. 1997 M-SA09
               |          `--M. bishopi SS13
               `--+--Kenyapithecini M-SA09
                  |    |--Griphopithecus Abel 1902 M-SA09
                  |    |    `--G. alpani AA15
                  |    `--Kenyapithecus Leakey 1962 M-SA09
                  |         |--*K. wickeri Leakey 1962 SAP78, SP78 [=Ramapithecus wickeri SP78]
                  |         `--K. africanus (Clark & Leakey 1951) SAP78, SP78 [=Sivapithecus africanus SP78]
                  |--Hylobatidae [Hylobatinae] M-SA09
                  |    |  i. s.: Krishnapithecus krishnaii G91
                  |    |         Yuanmoupithecus AA15
                  |    |         Bunopithecus hoolock TM05 [=Hylobates hoolock G91]
                  |    |--+--Hylobates SS13
                  |    |  `--Hoolock FS15
                  |    |       |--H. hoolock FS15
                  |    |       `--H. leuconedys FS15
                  |    `--+--Symphalangus syndactylus FS15 [=Hylobates syndactylus G91]
                  |       `--Nomascus FS15
                  |            |--N. nasutus TM05
                  |            `--+--N. hainanus FS15
                  |               `--+--N. concolor TM05 [=Hylobates concolor G91]
                  |                  |    |--N. c. concolor G91
                  |                  |    `--N. c. lu [=Hylobates concolor lu] G91
                  |                  `--+--N. gabriellae TM05
                  |                     `--N. leucogenys TM05 [=Hylobates concolor leucogenys G91, BP87]
                  |                          |--N. l. leucogenys TM05
                  |                          `--N. l. siki TM05
                  `--Hominidae [Pongidae] AA15
                       |--Hispanopithecus Villalta & Crusafont 1944 AA15, M-SA09
                       |    |--H. crusafonti AA15
                       |    |--H. hungaricus AA15
                       |    `--H. laietanus M-SA09 (see below for synonymy)
                       `--+--+--Ponginae AA15
                          |  `--Homininae SS13
                          `--Dryopithecini [Dryopithecidae, Dryopithecinae] M-SA09
                               |--Anoiapithecus Moyà-Sola, Alba et al. 2009 M-SA09
                               |    `--*A. brevirostris Moyà-Sola, Alba et al. 2009 M-SA09
                               |--Pierolapithecus Moyà-Solà, Köhler et al. 2004 M-SA09
                               |    `--*P. catalaunicus Moyà-Solà, Köhler et al. 2004 M-SK04
                               `--Dryopithecus Lartet 1856 M-SA09
                                    |--*D. fontani Lartet 1856 SAP78
                                    |--D. brancoi KN07
                                    `--D. sivalensis SAP78

Hominoidea incertae sedis:
  Otavipithecus F01
  Oreopithecoidea SD78
    |--Mabokopithecus SD78
    `--Oreopithecus Gervais 1872 D07 [Oreopithecidae G91]
         `--O. bambolii G01
  Ugandapithecus gitongai SK07
  Nakalipithecus Kunimatsu, Nakatsukasa et al. 2007 KN07
    `--*N. nakayamai Kunimatsu, Nakatsukasa et al. 2007 KN07
  Pliobates Alba, Almécija et al. 2015 [Pliobatidae] AA15
    `--*P. cataloniae Alba, Almécija et al. 2015 AA15

Hispanopithecus laietanus M-SA09 [=Dryopithecus laietanus M-SK04; incl. Sivapithecus occidentalis M-SK04]

*Proconsul africanus Hopwood 1933 SAP78, SS13, SAP78 [=Dryopithecus (Proconsul) africanus SAP78; incl. *Xenopithecus koruensis Hopwood 1933 SAP78]

*Rangwapithecus gordoni (Andrews 1974) [=Dryopithecus (*Rangwapithecus) gordoni, Proconsul (*R.) gordoni] SAP78

Rangwapithecus vancouveringi (Andrews 1974) [=Dryopithecus (R.) vancouveringi, Proconsul (R.) vancouveringi] SAP78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AA15] Alba, D. M., S. Almécija, D. DeMiguel, J. Fortuny, M. Pérez de los Ríos, M. Pina, J. M. Robles & S. Moyà-Solà. 2015. Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution. Science 350 (6260): aab2625.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[FS15] Faurby, S., & J.-C. Svenning. 2015. A species-level phylogeny of all extant and late Quaternary extinct mammals using a novel heuristic-hierarchical Bayesian approach. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 14–26.

[F01] Faure, M. 2001. Encyclopedia of human evolution and prehistory [book review]. Geobios 34: 504.

[G01] Gee, H. 2001. Return to the planet of the apes. Nature 412: 131–132.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[KN07] Kunimatsu, Y., M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Sawada, T. Sakai, M. Hyodo, H. Hyodo, T. Itaya, H. Nakaya, H. Saegusa, A. Mazurier, M. Saneyoshi, H. Tsujikawa, A. Yamamoto & E. Mbua. 2007. A new Late Miocene great ape from Kenya and its implications for the origins of African great apes and humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 (49): 19220–19225.

[M-SA09] Moyà-Solà, S., D. M. Alba, S. Almécija, I. Casanovas-Vilar, M. Köhler, S. De Esteban-Trivigno, J. M. Robles, J. Galindo & J. Fortuny. 2009. A unique Middle Miocene European hominoid and the origins of the great ape and human clade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (24): 9601–9606.

[M-SK04] Moyà-Solà, S., M. Köhler, D. M. Alba, I. Casanovas-Vilar & J. Galindo. 2004. Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, a new Middle Miocene great ape from Spain. Science 306: 1339–1344.

[SAP78] Simons, E. L., P. Andrews & D. R. Pilbeam. 1978. Cenozoic apes. In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 120–146. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[SD78] Simons, E. L., & E. Delson. 1978. Cercopithecidae and Parapithecidae. In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 100–119. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[SP78] Simons, E. L., & D. R. Pilbeam. 1978. Ramapithecus (Hominidae, Hominoidea). In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 147–153. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[SS13] Stevens, N. J., E. R. Seiffert, P. M. O'Connor, E. M. Roberts, M. D. Schmitz, C. Krause, E. Gorscak, S. Ngasala, T. L. Hieronymus & J. Temu. 2013. Palaeontological evidence for an Oligocene divergence between Old World monkeys and apes. Nature 497: 611–614.

[SK07] Suwa, G., R. T. Kono, S. Katoh, B. Asfaw & Y. Beyene. 2007. A new species of great ape from the Late Miocene epoch in Ethiopia. Nature 448: 921–924.

[TM05] Takacs, Z., J. C. Morales, T. Geissmann & D. J. Melnick. 2005. A complete species-level phylogeny of the Hylobatidae based on mitochondrial ND3-ND4 gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36: 456–467.


Skull of Epipliopithecus vindobonensis, copyright James St John.

Belongs within: Anthropoidea.
Contains: Hominoidea, Cercopithecidae.

The Catarrhini are a clade of primates including the Old World monkeys and apes. Living members of this clade have downward-facing nostrils and two pairs each of upper and lower premolars.

Catarrhini [Catarrhina, Propliopithecidae, Propliopithecoidea]
    |  i. s.: Kamoyapithecus hamiltoni SS13
    |--Oligopithecidae MA05
    |    |--Catopithecus Simons 1989 SS13, G91
    |    |    `--C. browni SS13
    |    |--Oligopithecus Simons 1962 G91
    |    |    |--*O. savagei Simons 1962 SAP78
    |    |    `--O. rogeri NG13
    |    `--Talahpithecus Jaeger, Beard et al. 2010 JB10
    |         `--*T. parvus Jaeger, Beard et al. 2010 JB10
    `--+--Saadanius hijazensis AA15, SS13
       |--Propliopithecus Schlosser 1910 [incl. Aeolopithecus Simons 1965, Moeripithecus Schlosser 1911] SAP78
       |    |  i. s.: P. ankelae [=P. ankeli] G91
       |    |--P. markgrafi (Schlosser 1911) G91, SAP78 [=Moeripithecus markgrafi SP09]
       |    `--+--*P. haeckeli Schlosser 1911 SAP78, SP09, SAP78
       |       `--+--P. chirobates (Simons 1965) SP09, SAP78 [=*Aeolopithecus chirobates SAP78, G91]
       |          `--Aegyptopithecus Simons 1965 NG13, SAP78
       |               `--*A. zeuxis Simons 1962 SAP78
       `--+--+--Pliopithecidae [Pliopithecoidea] G91
          |  |    |--+--Dionysopithecus [Dionysopithecidae] AA15
          |  |    |  |    `--D. shuangouensis Li 1978 MA05
          |  |    |  `--+--Barberapithecus huerzeleri AA15
          |  |    |     `--Crouzeliinae G91
          |  |    |          |--Crouzelia G91
          |  |    |          |--Plesiopliopithecus G91
          |  |    |          `--Anapithecus hernyaki AA15
          |  |    `--Pliopithecinae G91
          |  |         |--Lomorupithecus harrisoni SS13
          |  |         `--Pliopithecus Lartet 1849 SS13, D07
          |  |              |--P. antiquus SS13
          |  |              |--P. canmatensis AA15
          |  |              |--P. piveteaui D07
          |  |              |--P. platydon D07
          |  |              |--P. vindobonensis CC77
          |  |              `--P. zhanxiangi D07
          |  `--+--Hominoidea SS13
          |     `--+--+--Laccopithecus robustus SS13
          |        |  `--Epipliopithecus vindobonensis AA15, SS13
          |        `--Dendropithecidae SS13
          |             |--Limnopithecus Hopwood 1933 SS13, SAP78
          |             |    |--*L. legetet Hopwood 1933 [=Pliopithecus (Limnopithecus) legetet] SAP78
          |             |    `--L. evansi MacInnes 1943 SS13, SAP78
          |             `--+--Dendropithecus Andrews & Simons 1977 SS13, SAP78
          |                |    `--*D. macinnesi (Clark & Leakey 1950) (see below for synonymy) SAP78
          |                `--+--Simiolus enjiessi SS13
          |                   `--Micropithecus clarki SS13
          `--Cercopithecoidea [Victoriapithecidae] SS13
               |  i. s.: Zaltanpithecus simonsi SS13
               |--Nsungwepithecus Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
               |    `--*N. gunnelli Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
               `--+--Prohylobates Fourtau 1918 SS13, SD78
                  |    `--P. tandyi Fourtau 1918 [incl. Dryopithecus mogharensis Fourtau 1918] SD78
                  |--Noropithecus SS13
                  |    |--N. bulukensis SS13
                  |    |--N. fleaglei SS13
                  |    `--N. kipsaramanensis SS13
                  `--+--Cercopithecidae AA15
                     `--Victoriapithecus von Koenigswald 1969 SS13, SD78
                          |--V. leakeyi von Koenigswald 1969 SD78
                          `--V. macinnesi von Koenigswald 1969 SD78

*Dendropithecus macinnesi (Clark & Leakey 1950) [=Limnopithecus macinnesi, Pliopithecus (Limnopithecus) macinnesi] SAP78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AA15] Alba, D. M., S. Almécija, D. DeMiguel, J. Fortuny, M. Pérez de los Ríos, M. Pina, J. M. Robles & S. Moyà-Solà. 2015. Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution. Science 350 (6260): aab2625.

[CC77] Ciochon, R. L., & R. S. Corruccini. 1977. The phenetic position of Pliopithecus and its phylogenetic relationship to the Hominoidea. Systematic Zoology 26 (3): 290–299.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[JB10] Jaeger, J.-J., K. C. Beard, Y. Chaimanee, M. Salem, M. Benammi, O. Hlal, P. Coster, A. A. Bilal, P. Duringer, M. Schuster, X. Valentin, B. Marandat, L. Marivaux, E. Métais, O. Hammuda & M. Brunet. 2010. Late middle Eocene epoch of Libya yields earliest known radiation of African anthropoids. Nature 467: 1095–1098.

[MA05] Marivaux, L., P.-O. Antoine, S. R. H. Baqri, M. Benammi, Y. Chaimanee, J.-Y. Crochet, D. de Franceschi, N. Iqbal, J.-J. Jaeger, G. Métais, G. Roohi & J.-L. Welcomme. 2005. Anthropoid primates from the Oligocene of Pakistan (Bugti Hills): data on early anthropoid evolution and biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 102 (24): 8436–8441.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[SP09] Seiffert, E. R., J. M. G. Perry, E. L. Simons & D. M. Boyer. 2009. Convergent evolution of anthropoid-like adaptations in Eocene adapiform primates. Nature 461: 1118–1121.

[SAP78] Simons, E. L., P. Andrews & D. R. Pilbeam. 1978. Cenozoic apes. In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 120–146. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[SD78] Simons, E. L., & E. Delson. 1978. Cercopithecidae and Parapithecidae. In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 100–119. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).

[SS13] Stevens, N. J., E. R. Seiffert, P. M. O'Connor, E. M. Roberts, M. D. Schmitz, C. Krause, E. Gorscak, S. Ngasala, T. L. Hieronymus & J. Temu. 2013. Palaeontological evidence for an Oligocene divergence between Old World monkeys and apes. Nature 497: 611–614.


Skull of Sivapithecus sivalensis at the British Museum of Natural History, copyright Ghedoghedo.

Belongs within: Hominoidea.

The Ponginae are the clade of apes more closely related to modern orangutans Pongo than to chimpanzees, gorillas or humans.

Characters (from Chaimanee et al. 2003): Enamel wrinkled; I1 very large; I3 small and peg-like; P3 low crowned with reduced heteromorphy; molar cingula absent.

<==Ponginae [Pongini]
    |  i. s.: Platodontopithecus jianghuaiensis Gu & Lin 1983 G91
    |--Ankarapithecus Ozansoy 1957 CS04, M-SA09
    |    `--A. meteai Ozansoy 1957 M-SA09, G91 [=Sivapithecus meteai G91]
    |--Lufengpithecus CS04
    |    |--L. keiyuanensis CS04
    |    `--L. lufengensis Wu 1987 CJ03 [=Ramapithecus lufengensis G91]
    |--Gigantopithecus von Koeningswald 1935 CS04, D07
    |    |--G. blacki G91
    |    `--G. giganteus [incl. G. bilaspurensis] G91
    |--Sivapithecus Pilgrim 1910 CJ03, M-SA09
    |    |--S. alpani G91
    |    |--S. darwini G91
    |    |--S. indicus M-SA09
    |    |--S. parvada KN07
    |    |--S. punjabicus G91
    |    |--S. sivalensis CJ03 [=Palaeopithecus sivalensis G91]
    |    `--S. yunnanensis G91
    `--+--Khoratpithecus Chaimanee, Suteethorn et al. 2004 CS04
       |    |--*K. pirayai Chaimanee, Suteethorn et al. 2004 CS04
       |    `--K. chiangmuanensis (Chaimanee, Jolly et al. 2003) [=Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis] CS04
       `--Pongo Lacépède 1799 CS04, M-SA09 [incl. Hemanthropus von Koenigswald 1957 G91]
            |--P. abelii AA15 [=P. pygmaeus abelii BP87]
            |--‘Hemianthropus’ peii von Koenigswald 1957 [=Hemanthropus peii] G91
            `--P. pygmaeus SAP78

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AA15] Alba, D. M., S. Almécija, D. DeMiguel, J. Fortuny, M. Pérez de los Ríos, M. Pina, J. M. Robles & S. Moyà-Solà. 2015. Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution. Science 350 (6260): aab2625.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[CJ03] Chaimanee, Y., D. Jolly, M. Benammi, P. Tafforeau, D. Duzer, I. Moussa & J.-J. Jaeger. 2003. A Middle Miocene hominoid from Thailand and orangutan origins. Nature 422: 61–65.

[CS04] Chaimanee, Y., V. Suteethorn, P. Jintasakul, C. Vidthayanon, B. Murandat & J.-J. Jaeger. 2004. A new orang-utan relative from the Late Miocene of Thailand. Nature 427: 439–441.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[KN07] Kunimatsu, Y., M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Sawada, T. Sakai, M. Hyodo, H. Hyodo, T. Itaya, H. Nakaya, H. Saegusa, A. Mazurier, M. Saneyoshi, H. Tsujikawa, A. Yamamoto & E. Mbua. 2007. A new Late Miocene great ape from Kenya and its implications for the origins of African great apes and humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 (49): 19220–19225.

[M-SA09] Moyà-Solà, S., D. M. Alba, S. Almécija, I. Casanovas-Vilar, M. Köhler, S. De Esteban-Trivigno, J. M. Robles, J. Galindo & J. Fortuny. 2009. A unique Middle Miocene European hominoid and the origins of the great ape and human clade. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (24): 9601–9606.

[SAP78] Simons, E. L., P. Andrews & D. R. Pilbeam. 1978. Cenozoic apes. In: Maglio, V. J., & H. B. S. Cooke (eds) Evolution of African Mammals pp. 120–146. Harvard University Press: Cambridge (Massachusetts).


Mounted skeleton of Notharctus tenebrosus in the American Museum of Natural History, photographed by Claire Houck.

Belongs within: Adapiformes.

The Notharctinae are a group of Eocene lemur-like primates found in Europe and North America, with the higher diversity in the latter. They were supported as a clade in the morphological analysis of Seiffert et al. (2009), but synapomorphies were not explicitly listed. The type genus Notharctus includes some of the last surviving primates in North America before the arrival of humans.

    |  i. s.: Periconodon Stehlin 1916 MA05, S62
    |           `--*P. helveticus (Rütimeyer 1891) [=Pelycodus helveticus] S62
    |--+--Cantius Simons 1962 NG13, S62
    |  |    |--*C. eppsi (Cooper 1932) [=Protoadapis eppsi] S62
    |  |    |--C. abditus OB13
    |  |    |--C. frugivorus NG13
    |  |    |--C. torresi Gingerich 1986 T90
    |  |    `--C. trigonodus HUG17
    |  `--+--Barnesia hauboldi SP09
    |     `--Protoadapis Lemoine 1878 SP09, S62 [incl. Megatarsius Weigelt 1933 S62]
    |          |--*P. curvicuspidens Lemoine 1878 S62
    |          |--P. angustidens (Filhol 1888) [=Adapis angustidens; incl. Protadapis brachyrhynchus Stehlin 1912] S62
    |          |--P. copei S62
    |          |--P. raabi S62
    |          `--P. recticuspidens Lemoine 1878 (n. d.) [=Protiadapis recticuspidens] S62
    `--+--Smilodectes Wortmann 1903 NG13, SKS05 [incl. Aphanolemur S62]
       |    |--‘Aphanolemur’ gibbosus Granger & Gregory 1917 S62
       |    `--S. gracilis Marsh 1871 SKS05
       `--Notharctus Leidy 1870 NG13, D07 (see below for synonymy)
            |--‘Pelycodus’ angulatum Cope 1875 [=Tomitherium angulatus] C77
            |--N. crassus WR07
            |--‘Pelycodus’ frugivorus Cope 1875 [=Tomitherium frugivorus] C77
            |--‘Prototomus’ jarrovii Cope 1874 [=Pelycodus jarrovii, Tomitherium jarrovii] C77
            |--N. osborni NG13
            |--N. pubnax D07
            |--N. robinsoni D07
            |--N. robustior WR07
            |--‘Tomitherium’ rostratum C77
            |--N. tenebrosus Leidy 1870 SKS05
            |--‘Tomitherium’ tutum Cope 1876 C77
            |--N. tyrannus BS07
            `--N. venticolus WR07

Notharctus Leidy 1870 NG13, D07 [incl. Limnotherium Marsh 1871 V66, Prosinopa Trouessart 1897 V66, Telmalestes Marsh 1872 V66, Telmatolestes Marsh 1872 V66, Thinolestes Marsh 1872 V66, Tomitherium Cope 1872 V66]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BS07] Bloch, J. I., M. T. Silcox, D. M. Boyer & E. J. Sargis. 2007. New Paleocene skeletons and the relationship of plesiadapiforms to crown-clade primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 (4): 1159–1164.

[C77] Cope, E. D. 1877. Report upon the extinct Vertebrata obtained in New Mexico by parties of the expedition of 1874. Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian 4(2): i–iv, 1–370.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[HUG17] Halliday, T. J. D., P. Upchurch & A. Goswami. 2017. Resolving the relationships of Paleocene placental mammals. Biological Reviews 92 (1): 521–550.

[MA05] Marivaux, L., P.-O. Antoine, S. R. H. Baqri, M. Benammi, Y. Chaimanee, J.-Y. Crochet, D. de Franceschi, N. Iqbal, J.-J. Jaeger, G. Métais, G. Roohi & J.-L. Welcomme. 2005. Anthropoid primates from the Oligocene of Pakistan (Bugti Hills): data on early anthropoid evolution and biogeography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 102 (24): 8436–8441.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[OB13] O'Leary, M. A., J. I. Bloch, J. J. Flynn, T. J. Gaudin, A. Giallombardo, N. P. Giannini, S. L. Goldberg, B. P. Kraatz, Z.-X. Luo, J. Meng, X. Ni, M. J. Novacek, F. A. Perini, Z. S. Randall, G. W. Rougier, E. J. Sargis, M. T. Silcox, N. B. Simmons, M. Spaulding, P. M. Velazco, M. Weksler, J. R. Wible & A. L. Cirranello. 2013. The placental mammal ancestor and the post-K–Pg radiation of placentals. Science 339: 662–667.

[SKS05] Scherf, H., B. Koller & F. Schrenk. 2005. Locomotion-related structures in the femoral trabecular architecture of primates and insectivores (Mammalia, Primates and Insectivora). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (1): 101–112.

[SP09] Seiffert, E. R., J. M. G. Perry, E. L. Simons & D. M. Boyer. 2009. Convergent evolution of anthropoid-like adaptations in Eocene adapiform primates. Nature 461: 1118–1121.

[S62] Simons, E. L. 1962. A new Eocene primate genus, Cantius, and a revision of some allied European lemuroids. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History): Geology 7 (1): 1–36.

[T90] Thewissen, J. G. M. 1990. Evolution of Paleocene and Eocene Phenacodontidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra). Museum of Paleontology Papers on Paleontology 29: 1–107.

[V66] Van Valen, L. 1966. Deltatheridia, a new order of mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 132 (1): 1–126.

[WR07] Wible, J. R., G. W. Rougier, M. J. Novacek & R. J. Asher. 2007. Cretaceous eutherians and Laurasian origin for placental mammals near the K/T boundary. Nature 447: 1003–1006.

Last updated: 24 July 2018.


Black howler monkeys Alouatta caraya, from Formiga Tours (only the adult males are black).

Belongs within: Anthropoidea.
Contains: Callitrichinae, Cebinae, Pitheciidae, Ateles.

The clade Platyrrhini contains the New World monkeys of South and Central America. The name ('flat nose') refers to the position of the nostrils, widely separated and facing outwards, as opposed to the closely-positioned and downwards-pointing nostrils of members of their sister group, the Catarrhini (Old World monkeys and apes). Past classifications often divided the Platyrrhini between the families Callitrichidae (including the marmosets and tamarins) and Cebidae (including the larger New World monkeys). However, it is now well established that Cebidae in this sense is paraphyletic with regard to the callitrichids, and its members are divided between a number of families.

Synapomorphies (from Horovitz 1999): Ossification present in tentorium cerebelli; canal connecting subarcuate fossa and sigmoid sinus; zygomatic-parietal contact in pterion region; M3 and P4 subequal in length.

Platyrrhini [Aotinae, Ateloidea, Ceboidea, Platyrrhina]
    |  i. s.: Chilecebus carracoensis TT06
    |         Carlocebus Fleagle 1990 G91
    |         Lagonimico conclucatus TT06
    |--Branisella [Branisellinae] OW06
    |    `--B. boliviana OW06
    `--+--Homunculus [Homunculidae] NG13
       |    `--H. patagonicus NG13
       `--+--Cebidae OW06
          |    |--Callitrichinae OW06
          |    `--+--Cebinae OW06
          |       `--Aotidae G91
          |            |--Tremacebus harringtoni G91, TT06
          |            `--Aotus Illiger 1811 OW06, C57 (see below for synonymy)
          |                 |--*A. trivirgatus (Humboldt 1811) (see below for synonymy) C57
          |                 |    |--A. t. trivirgatus (see below for synonymy) C57
          |                 |    |--A. t. boliviensis Elliot 1907 [incl. A. bidentatus Lönnberg 1941] C57
          |                 |    |--A. t. griseimembra Elliot 1912 (see below for synonymy) C57
          |                 |    |--A. t. lemurinus (Geoffroy 1843) (see below for synonymy) C57
          |                 |    |--A. t. microdon Dollman 1909 C57
          |                 |    `--A. t. roberti Dollman 1909 C57
          |                 |--A. azarae (Humboldt 1812) G91, C57 (see below for synonymy)
          |                 |--A. brumbacki IT07
          |                 |--A. hershkovitzi IT07
          |                 |--A. infulatus (Kuhl 1820) G91, C57 [=Callithrix infulatus C57, Saguinus infulatus C57]
          |                 |--A. nancymaae [=A. nancymai] G91
          |                 |--A. nigriceps Dollman 1909 G91, C57 (see below for synonymy)
          |                 `--A. vociferans (Spix 1823) G91, C57 (see below for synonymy)
          `--+--Pitheciidae OW06
             `--Atelidae OW06
                  |--Atelinae C57
                  |    |--Ateles OW06
                  |    `--+--Brachyteles Spix 1823 OW06, C57 (see below for synonymy)
                  |       |    `--B. arachnoides (Geoffroy 1806) (see below for synonymy) C57
                  |       `--Lagothrix Geoffroy in Humboldt 1812 OW06, C57 (see below for synonymy)
                  |            |--L. lagothricha (Humboldt 1812) (see below for synonymy) C57
                  |            |    |--L. l. lagothricha G91
                  |            |    `--L. l. lugens Elliot 1907 G91, C57 [=L. cana lugens C57]
                  |            |--L. cana (Geoffroy ex Humboldt 1812) C57 (see below for synonymy)
                  |            |    |--L. c. cana [incl. L. geoffroyi Pucheran 1857] C57
                  |            |    |--L. c. olivacea (Spix 1823) (see below for synonymy) C57
                  |            |    `--L. c. poeppigii Schinz 1844 [incl. L. castelnaui Geoffroy 1848] C57
                  |            |--L. flavicauda (Humboldt 1812) J84, C57 (see below for synonymy)
                  |            `--L. hendeei Thomas 1927 [=L. (Oreonax) hendeei] C57
                  `--Alouattinae G91
                       |--Stirtonia Hershkovitz 1970 [incl. Kondous Setoguchi 1985] G91
                       `--Alouatta Lacépéde 1799 OW06, C57 (see below for synonymy)
                            |--*A. belzebul (Linné 1766) (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |    |--A. b. belzebul [incl. Mycetes rufimanus Kuhl 1820, M. flavimanus (l. c.)] C57
                            |    |--A. b. discolor (Spix 1823) (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |    |--A. b. mexianae (Hagmann 1908) [=Mycetes belzebul mexianae] C57
                            |    |--A. b. nigerrima Lönnberg 1941 C57
                            |    `--A. b. ululata Elliot 1912 C57
                            |--A. caraya (Humboldt 1812) (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |--A. coibensis IT07
                            |--A. fusca (Geoffroy 1812) G91, C57 [=Stentor fuscus C57, Mycetes fuscus C57]
                            |    |--A. f. fusca G91
                            |    `--A. f. beniensis Lönnberg 1941 G91, C57 [=A. guariba beniensis C57]
                            |--A. guariba (Humboldt 1812) [=Simia guariba, Stentor guariba] C57
                            |    |--A. g. guariba [incl. Mycetes bicolor Gray 1845] C57
                            |    `--A. g. clamitans Cabrera 1940 (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |--A. palliata J84
                            |    |--A. p. palliata C57
                            |    `--A. p. aequatorialis Festa 1903 (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |--A. pigra IT07
                            |--A. seniculus (Linné 1766) (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |    |--A. s. seniculus (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |    |--A. s. arctoidea Cabrera 1940 (see below for synonymy) C57
                            |    |--A. s. sara Elliot 1910 C57
                            |    `--A. s. straminea (Humboldt 1812) (see below for synonymy) C57
                            `--A. villosa J84
                                 |--A. v. villosa G69
                                 `--A. v. mexicana G69

Alouatta Lacépéde 1799 OW06, C57 [=Alouata Trouessart 1897 C57, Aluatta Fischer 1813 C57; incl. Mycetes Illiger 1811 C57, Stentor Geoffroy in Humboldt 1812 C57]

*Alouatta belzebul (Linné 1766) [=Simia sapajus belzebul, Alouata belzebul, Alouatta beelzebul, Cebus belzebul, Mycetes beelzebul, Simia beelzebub] C57

Alouatta belzebul discolor (Spix 1823) [=Mycetes discolor; incl. A. belzebul tapajozensis Lönnberg 1941] C57

Alouatta caraya (Humboldt 1812) [=Simia caraya, Cebus caraya, Mycetes caraya; incl. M. barbatus Spix 1823, Stentor niger Geoffroy in Humboldt 1812, Alouata nigra, Alouatta nigra, Aluatta nigra, M. seniculus niger] C57

Alouatta guariba clamitans Cabrera 1940 [=A. fusca clamitans; incl. A. fusca iheringi Lönnberg 1941] C57

Alouatta palliata aequatorialis Festa 1903 [=Alouata aequatorialis; incl. Alouatta inclamax Thomas 1913, Alouatta palliata inconsonns Goldman 1913, Alouatta palliata quicha Thomas 1913] C57

Alouatta seniculus (Linné 1766) [=Simia seniculus, A. senicula, Cebus seniculus, Mycetes seniculus, Stentor seniculus] C57

Alouatta seniculus arctoidea Cabrera 1940 [incl. Simia ursina Humboldt 1805 nec Kerr 1792 nec Bechstein 1800, Alouatta seniculus ursina, Mycetes ursinus, Stentor ursinus] C57

Alouatta seniculus seniculus (Linné 1766) [incl. A. seniculus bogotensis Allen 1914, A. seniculus caaucensis Allen 1904, A. seniculus caquetensis Allen 1914, Stentor chrysurus Geoffroy 1829, Mycetes chrysurus, Alouatta seniculus juara Elliot 1910, A. seniculus juruana Lönnberg 1941, M. laniger Gray 1845, A. seniculus puruensis Lönnberg 1941, A. seniculus rubicunda Allen 1904, A. seniculus rubiginosa (l. c.)] C57

Alouatta seniculus straminea (Humboldt 1812) [=Simia straminea, A. senicula stramineus, Cebus stramineus, Mycetes stramineus, Stentor stramineus; incl. Alouatta seniculus amazonica Lönnberg 1941, Mycetes auratus Gray 1845, Stentor fulvus Geoffroy in Humboldt 1812 (n. n.), Alouatta seniculus macconnelli Elliot 1910, A. senicula macconnelli] C57

Aotus Illiger 1811 OW06, C57 [=Aotes Jardine 1833 C57; incl. Chirogaleus Vigors & Horsfield 1829 C57, Gliscebus Lesson 1840 C57, Nocthora Cuvier 1824 C57, Nyctipithecus Spix 1823 C57]

Aotus azarae (Humboldt 1812) G91, C57 [=Simia azarae C57, Aotes azarae C57, Aotus azarai C57, Aotus trivirgatus azarae C57, Nyctipithecus azarae C57, N. azarai C57; incl. Pithecia miqouina Geoffroy 1812 C57, Aotus miriqouina C57, Nyctipithecus miriqouina C57]

Aotus nigriceps Dollman 1909 G91, C57 [=A. trivirgatus nigriceps C57; incl. A. miconax Thomas 1927 C57]

*Aotus trivirgatus (Humboldt 1811) [=Simia trivirgata, Aotes trivirgatus, Cebus trivirgatus, Nocthora trivirgata, Nyctipithecus trivirgatus, Simia trivergata] C57

Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra Elliot 1912 [incl. A. bipunstatus Bole 1937, A. zonalis Goldman 1914] C57

Aotus trivirgatus lemurinus (Geoffroy 1843) [=Nyctipithecus lemurinus; incl. A. aversus Elliot 1913, N. hirsutus Gray 1870 (n. n.), Aotus lanius Dollman 1909, A. perviglis Elliot 1913, Nyctipithecus villosus Gray 1847] C57

Aotus trivirgatus trivirgatus (Humboldt 1811) [incl. Chirogaleus commersoni Vigors & Horsfield 1829, Nyctipithecus commersoni, N. duruculi Lesson 1840, N. felinus Spix 1823, Cebus felinus, Aotus humboldti Illiger in Humboldt 1812, Nyctipithecus humboldtii, Nyctipithecus rufipes Sclater 1872, Gliscebus rufus Lesson 1840, Scartes rufus] C57

Aotus vociferans (Spix 1823) G91, C57 [=Nyctipithecus vociferans C57, A. trivirgatus vociferans C57, Cebus vociferans C57; incl. Aotus gularis Dollman 1909 C57, N. oseryi Geoffroy & Deville 1848 C57, A. senex Dollman 1909 C57, N. spixi Pucheran 1857 C57]

Brachyteles Spix 1823 OW06, C57 [=Brachyteleus Elliot 1913 C57; incl. Eriodes Geoffroy 1829 C57]

Brachyteles arachnoides (Geoffroy 1806) [=Ateles arachnoides, Brachyteleus arachnoides, Cebus arachnoides, Eriodes arachnoides, Simia arachnoides; incl. Ateles eriodes Brehm 1876, Eriodes hemidactylus Geoffroy 1829, A. hemidactylus, A. hypoxanthus Kuhl 1820, Cebus hypoxanthus, *Brachyteles macrotarsus Spix 1823, Eriodes tuberifer Geoffroy 1829] C57

Lagothrix Geoffroy in Humboldt 1812 OW06, C57 [incl. Gastrimargus Spix 1823 C57, Oreonax Thomas 1927 C57]

Lagothrix cana (Geoffroy ex Humboldt 1812) C57 [=Simia cana C57, Cabus canus C57, Lagothrix canus C57, L. lagotricha cana BP87]

Lagothrix cana olivacea (Spix 1823) [=Gastrimargus olivaceus; incl. L. lagothricha puruensis Lönnberg 1940, L. tachudii Pucheran 1857, L. thomasi Elliot 1909, L. ubericola Elliot 1909] C57

Lagothrix flavicauda (Humboldt 1812) J84, C57 [=Simia flavicauda C57, Stentor flavicaudatus C57]

Lagothrix lagothricha (Humboldt 1812) [=Simia lagothricha, Cebus lagothrix, Lagothrix lagothrix; incl. L. capparo Lesson 1840, L. caroarensis Lömberg 1931, *L. humboldtii Geoffroy 1812, Gastrimargus infumatus Spix 1823, L. infumata, L. infumatus] C57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[C57] Cabrera, A. 1957. Catalogo de los mamiferos de America del Sur. I (Metatheria—Unguiculata—Carnivora). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de Las Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Zoológicas 4 (1): 1–307.

[G69] Goodwin, G. G. 1969. Mammals from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 141 (1): 1–269, 40 pls.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

Horovitz, I. 1999. A phylogenetic study of living and fossil platyrrhines. American Museum Novitates 3269: 1-40.

[IT07] Isaac, N. J. B., S. T. Turvey, B. Collen, C. Waterman & J. E. M. Baillie. 2007. Mammals on the EDGE: conservation priorities based on threat and phylogeny. PloS One 2 (3): e296.

[J84] Janson, C. H. 1984. Capuchin-like monkeys. In: Macdonald, D. (ed.) All the World’s Animals: Primates pp. 56–65. Torstar Books: New York.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[OW06] Opazo, J. C., D. E. Wildman, T. Prychitko, R. M. Johnson & M. Goodman. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence times among New World monkeys (Platyrrhini, Primates). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (1): 274–280.

[TT06] Tejedor, M. F., A. A. Tauber, A. L. Rosenberger, C. C. Swisher, III & M. E. Palacios. 2006. New primate genus from the Miocene of Argentina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103: 5437–5441.


Geoffroy's spider monkey Ateles geoffroyi, photographed by Rhett A. Butler.

Belongs within: Platyrrhini.

Ateles, the spider monkeys, is a genus of agile arboreal monkeys found in Central and northern South America. They have particularly long limbs that are used in combination with the prehensile tail to manoeuvre through the trees. Their brachiating abilities are also facilitated by reduction in the thumbs.

Characters (from Nowak 1999): Head and body length 382-635 mm, tail length 508-890 mm. Hair usually coarse, stringy, occasionally soft and fine; underfur lacking; coloration above yellowish grey, darker grey, reddish brown, darker brown or almost black; sides golden yellow to rufous; underparts lighter, usually whitish or yellowish; face usually black with light eye-rings, occasionally flesh-coloured. Clitoris of female greatly enlarged. Tail and legs exceptionally long relative to body length; tail prehensile and extremely flexible. Thumbs poorly developed or absent.

<==Ateles Geoffroy 1806 (see below for synonymy) C57
    |--*A. paniscus (Linnaeus 1758) (see below for synonymy) C57
    |--A. anthropomorphus [=Montaneia anthropomorpha] G91
    |--A. belzebuth Geoffroy 1806 [=Simia belzebuth] C57
    |    |--A. b. belzebuth (see below for synonymy) C57
    |    `--A. b. hybridus Geoffroy 1829 (see below for synonymy) C57
    |--A. chamek (Humboldt 1812) G91, C57 (see below for synonymy) C57
    |--A. fusciceps Gray 1866 [=A. fuscipes (l. c.), Ateleus fusciceps] C57
    |    |--A. f. fusciceps C57
    |    `--A. f. robustus Allen 1914 [incl. A. dariensis Goldman 1915] C57
    |--A. geoffroyi C57
    |    |--A. g. geoffroyi ANG03
    |    |--A. g. frontatus BP87
    |    |--A. g. grisescens Gray 1866 (see below for synonymy) C57
    |    |--A. g. ornatus ANG03
    |    |--A. g. panamensis BP87
    |    `--A. g. vellerosus G69
    `--A. marginatus Geoffroy 1809 G91, C57 (see below for synonymy)

Ateles Geoffroy 1806 [=Ateleus Fischer 1813, Atelius Fischer 1813; incl. Ameranthropoides Montandon 1929, Atelocheirus Geoffroy 1806, Montaneia Ameghino 1911, Sapajus Kerr 1792 (nom. rej.), Sapaja Ritgen 1874, Sapajou Lacépède 1799] C57

Ateles belzebuth belzebuth Geoffroy 1806 [incl. A. bartlettii Gray 1867, A. braccatus Pelzeln 1883 (n. n.), Cebus brissonii Fischer 1829, A. chuva Schlegel 1876, A. fuliginosus Kuhl 1820, A. problema Schlegel in Jentink 1892 (n. n.)] C57

Ateles belzebuth hybridus Geoffroy 1829 [=Ateleus hybridus, Eriodes hybridus; incl. A. belzebuth brunneus Gray 1870, Ameranthropoides loysi Montandon 1929] C57

Ateles chamek (Humboldt 1812) G91, C57 [=Simia chamek C57, A. paniscus chamek C57, Cebus chamek C57; incl. Ateles longimembris Allen 1914 C57, A. ater peruvianus Lönnberg 1940 C57]

Ateles geoffroyi grisescens Gray 1866 [=Ateleus grisescens; incl. Ateles cucullatus Gray 1866, Ateleus cucullatus, Ateles rufiventris Sclater 1872, Ateleus rufiventris] C57

Ateles marginatus Geoffroy 1809 G91, C57 [=Ateleus marginatus C57, Ateles belzebuth marginatus C57, Cebus marginatus C57, Simia marginata C57; incl. Ateles albifrons Schinz 1844 (n. n.) C57, Ateles frontalis Bennett 1831 C57]

*Ateles paniscus (Linnaeus 1758) [=Simia paniscus, Ateleus paniscus, Cebus paniscus, Sapajou paniscus, Simia (Sapajus) paniscus; incl. Ateles ater Cuvier 1823, Ateleus ater, Cebus ater, Sapajou ater, C. paniscus cayennensis Fischer 1829, Ateles pentadactylus Geoffroy 1806, C. pantadactylus, Sapajou pentadactylus, Ateles subpentadactylus Desmarest 1820, Cebus paniscus surinamensis Fischer 1829] C57

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ANG03] Asher, R. J., M. J. Novacek & J. H. Geisler. 2003. Relationships of endemic African mammals and their fossil relatives based on morphological and molecular evidence. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 10 (1–2): 131–194.

[BP87] Burton, J. A., & B. Pearson. 1987. Collins Guide to the Rare Mammals of the World. Collins: London.

[C57] Cabrera, A. 1957. Catalogo de los mamiferos de America del Sur. I (Metatheria—Unguiculata—Carnivora). Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” e Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de Las Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Zoológicas 4 (1): 1–307.

[G69] Goodwin, G. G. 1969. Mammals from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico, in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 141 (1): 1–269, 40 pls.

[G91] Groves, C. P. 1991. A Theory of Human and Primate Evolution, revised ed. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

Nowak, R. M. 1999. Walker's Mammals of the World. JHU Press.