Female (left) and male white-cheeked gibbon Nomascus leucogenys, copyright Linda.
Belongs within: Catarrhini.
Contains: Hylobates,
Ponginae, Homininae.
The Hominoidea are a clade of Old World primates including the modern apes and all taxa more closely related to apes than Old World monkeys.
Synapomorphies (from Stevens
et al. 2013): P
3 moderately sectorial; P
4 very broad; M
1–3 mesial foveae broad.
<==Hominoidea [Proconsulidae]
|--Kalepithecus songhorensis SS13
|--Proconsul Hopwood 1933 SS13, M-SA09 [incl. Xenopithecus Hopwood 1933 SAP78; Proconsulinae]
| |--P. heseloni SS13
| |--P. nyanzae Clark & Leakey 1950 SS13, SAP78
| `--+--*P. africanus Hopwood 1933 SAP78, SS13, SAP78 (see below for synonymy)
| `--P. major Clark & Leakey 1950 SS13, SAP78 [=Dryopithecus major SAP78]
`--+--Nyanzapithecinae SS13
| |--Turkanapithecus Leakey & Leakey 1986 SS13, M-SA09
| | `--T. kalakolensis SS13
| `--+--Nyanzapithecus SS13
| | |--N. vancouveringorum [=N. vancouveringi] SS13
| | `--+--N. harrisoni SS13
| | `--N. pickfordi SS13
| `--+--Rukwapithecus Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
| | `--*R. fleaglei Stevens, Seiffert et al. 2013 SS13
| `--Rangwapithecus Andrews 1974 SS13, SAP78
| |--*R. gordoni (Andrews 1974) (see below for synonymy) SAP78
| `--R. vancouveringi (Andrews 1974) (see below for synonymy) SAP78
`--Afropithecidae [Kenyapithecinae] M-SA09
|--Equatorini M-SA09
| |--Nacholapithecus Ishida et al. 1999 M-SA09
| `--Equatorius Ward et al. 1999 SS13, M-SA09
| `--E. africanus SS13
`--+--Afropithechinae [Afropithecini] M-SA09
| |--Heliopithecus Andrews & Martin 1987 M-SA09
| |--Afropithecus Leakey & Leakey 1986 SS13, M-SA09
| | `--A. turkanensis SS13
| `--Morotopithecus Gebo et al. 1997 M-SA09
| `--M. bishopi SS13
`--+--Kenyapithecini M-SA09
| |--Griphopithecus Abel 1902 M-SA09
| | `--G. alpani AA15
| `--Kenyapithecus Leakey 1962 M-SA09
| |--*K. wickeri Leakey 1962 SAP78, SP78 [=Ramapithecus wickeri SP78]
| `--K. africanus (Clark & Leakey 1951) SAP78, SP78 [=Sivapithecus africanus SP78]
|--Hylobatidae [Hylobatinae] M-SA09
| | i. s.: Krishnapithecus krishnaii G91
| | Yuanmoupithecus AA15
| | Bunopithecus hoolock TM05 [=Hylobates hoolock G91]
| |--+--Hylobates SS13
| | `--Hoolock FS15
| | |--H. hoolock FS15
| | `--H. leuconedys FS15
| `--+--Symphalangus syndactylus FS15 [=Hylobates syndactylus G91]
| `--Nomascus FS15
| |--N. nasutus TM05
| `--+--N. hainanus FS15
| `--+--N. concolor TM05 [=Hylobates concolor G91]
| | |--N. c. concolor G91
| | `--N. c. lu [=Hylobates concolor lu] G91
| `--+--N. gabriellae TM05
| `--N. leucogenys TM05 [=Hylobates concolor leucogenys G91, BP87]
| |--N. l. leucogenys TM05
| `--N. l. siki TM05
`--Hominidae [Pongidae] AA15
|--Hispanopithecus Villalta & Crusafont 1944 AA15, M-SA09
| |--H. crusafonti AA15
| |--H. hungaricus AA15
| `--H. laietanus M-SA09 (see below for synonymy)
`--+--+--Ponginae AA15
| `--Homininae SS13
`--Dryopithecini [Dryopithecidae, Dryopithecinae] M-SA09
|--Anoiapithecus Moyà -Sola, Alba et al. 2009 M-SA09
| `--*A. brevirostris Moyà -Sola, Alba et al. 2009 M-SA09
|--Pierolapithecus Moyà -Solà , Köhler et al. 2004 M-SA09
| `--*P. catalaunicus Moyà -Solà , Köhler et al. 2004 M-SK04
`--Dryopithecus Lartet 1856 M-SA09
|--*D. fontani Lartet 1856 SAP78
|--D. brancoi KN07
`--D. sivalensis SAP78
Hominoidea incertae sedis:
Otavipithecus F01
Oreopithecoidea SD78
|--Mabokopithecus SD78
`--Oreopithecus Gervais 1872 D07 [Oreopithecidae G91]
`--O. bambolii G01
Ugandapithecus gitongai SK07
Nakalipithecus Kunimatsu, Nakatsukasa et al. 2007 KN07
`--*N. nakayamai Kunimatsu, Nakatsukasa et al. 2007 KN07
Pliobates Alba, Almécija et al. 2015 [Pliobatidae] AA15
`--*P. cataloniae Alba, Almécija et al. 2015 AA15
Hispanopithecus laietanus M-SA09 [=Dryopithecus laietanus M-SK04; incl. Sivapithecus occidentalis M-SK04]
*Proconsul africanus Hopwood 1933 SAP78, SS13, SAP78 [=Dryopithecus (Proconsul) africanus SAP78; incl. *Xenopithecus koruensis Hopwood 1933 SAP78]
*Rangwapithecus gordoni (Andrews 1974) [=Dryopithecus (*Rangwapithecus) gordoni, Proconsul (*R.) gordoni] SAP78
Rangwapithecus vancouveringi (Andrews 1974) [=Dryopithecus (R.) vancouveringi, Proconsul (R.) vancouveringi] SAP78
*Type species of generic name indicated
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[KN07] Kunimatsu, Y., M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Sawada, T. Sakai, M. Hyodo, H. Hyodo, T. Itaya, H. Nakaya, H. Saegusa, A. Mazurier, M. Saneyoshi, H. Tsujikawa, A. Yamamoto & E. Mbua. 2007. A new Late Miocene great ape from Kenya and its implications for the origins of African great apes and humans.
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