Belongs within: Gunneridae.
Contains: Olacaceae, Aquilapollenites, Santalaceae, Loranthus, Amyema.
The Santalales are a clade of flowering plants supported by molecular analyses whose members produce small flowers with a valvate perianth and stamens with anther sacs and filaments (Nickrent et al. 2005). A large proportion of its members, including such forms as the sandalwoods and mistletoes, are at least partially parasitic on other plants.
<==Santalales [Santaliflorae] APG16
|--Balanophoraceae [Balanophoreae] NDA05
| | i. s.: Rhopalocnemis H03
| | Ditepalanthus H03
| | Exorhopala H03
| | Corynaea YY22
| | Lathrophytum YY22
| | Ombrophytum YY22
| | Balanopollis minutus Salard-Cheboldaeff 1978 CBH93
| |--Lophophytum YY22 [Lophophytoideae T00]
| |--Mystropetalon NDA05 [Mystropetaloideae T00]
| | `--M. thomii NDA05
| |--Sarcophytoideae T00
| | |--Chlamydophytum T00
| | `--Sarcophyte T00
| |--Helosidoideae [Scybalioideae] T00
| | |--Scybalium YY22
| | `--Helosis [incl. Durogaster Lloyd 1919] KC01
| | `--H. brasiliensis KC01
| |--Dactylanthoideae T00
| | |--Hachettia austrocaledonica T00, NDA05
| | `--Dactylanthus Hooker 1859 A61
| | `--D. taylori Hooker 1859 A61
| `--Balanophoroideae T00
| |--Langsdorffia T00
| |--Thonningia T00
| `--Balanophora fungosa H03
| |--B. f. ssp. fungosa H03
| `--B. f. ssp. indica H03
`--+--Santalaceae NDA05
`--+--Schoepfia [Schoepfiaceae] NDA05
| |--S. jasminodora SDT88
| `--S. schreberi NDA05
`--Loranthaceae [Loranthoideae] B12
|--Oryctanthus YY22
|--Struthanthus YY22
|--Phthirusa YY22
|--Macrosolen platyphyllus [=Elytranthe platyphylla] P88
|--Nuytsia floribunda RL05
|--Agelanthus discolor CV06
|--Alepis flavida (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 (see below for synonymy)
|--Ileostylus micranthus (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 (see below for synonymy)
|--Amylotheca dictyophleba B00b
|--Benthamina alyxifolia B00b
|--Gaiadendron H11
|--Psittacanthus H11
|--Loranthus A61
|--Amyema B12
|--Gothanipollis CBH93
|--Spinulaepollis arceuthobioides CBH93
|--Expressipollis striatus CBH93
|--Aciella Tiegh. 1894 KC01
|--Dendrophagus Toumey 1900 KC01
|--Lepidella Tiegh. 1911 KC01
|--Atkinsonia Muell. 1865 KC01
| `--A. ligustrina F08
|--Tupeia Cham. & Schlecht. 1828 A61
| `--T. antarctica (Forster) Cham. & Schlecht. 1828 (see below for synonymy) A61
|--Elytranthe Blume 1830 A61
| `--E. adamsii (Cheesem.) Engl. 1897 (see below for synonymy) A61
|--Lysiana LK14
| |--L. exocarpi B00b
| `--L. spathulata LK14
|--Peraxilla BS01
| |--P. colensoi (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 (see below for synonymy)
| `--P. tetrapetala Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 (see below for synonymy)
|--Phrygilanthus Eichl. 1868 A61
| |--P. raoulii (Van Tieghem) Engl. 1897 [=Mullerina raoulii Van Tieghem 1895] A61
| `--P. tenuiflorus (Hooker) Engl. 1897 (see below for synonymy) A61
|--Muellerina B00a
| |--M. celastroides B00a
| `--M. eucalyptoides [=Phrygilanthus eucalyptoides] B00b
|--Loranthacites CBH93
| |--L. catterallii Srivastava 1969 YB02
| `--L. succineus Conwentz 1886 CBH93
|--Diplatia B00a
| |--D. furcata B00a
| |--D. grandibractea LK14
| `--D. tomentosa B00b
|--Dendropemon J87
| |--D. bistratus J87
| |--D. parvifolius J87
| `--D. pycnophyllus J87
|--Dendrophthoe NDA05
| |--D. acacioides VT13
| |--D. curvata B00a
| |--D. falcata KJ05
| |--D. glabrescens B12
| |--D. homoplastica B00b
| |--D. odontocalyx LK14
| |--D. pentandra NDA05
| `--D. vitellina B00a
`--Decaisnina LK14
|--D. angustata LK14
|--D. biangulata LK14
|--D. brittenii LK14
| |--D. b. ssp. brittenii LK14
| `--D. b. ssp. speciosa LK14
`--D. signata LK14
|--D. s. ssp. signata LK14
`--D. s. ssp. cardiophylla LK14
Santalales incertae sedis:
Helixanthera coccinea P88
Opiliaceae T00
|--Opilia amentacea VT13
|--Cansjera leptostachya LK14
`--Opilioxylon nigerinum Koeniguer 1970 CBH93
Eremolepidaceae T00
|--Eubrachion T00
|--Lepidoceras T00
`--Antidaphne [incl. Eremolepis] T00
`--‘Eremolepis’ wrightii J87
Misodendrum A-LL98 [=Myzodendron A-LL98; Misodendraceae T00, Myzodendraceae]
|--M. linearifolium de Candolle 1830 [=Angelopogon linearifolius ms, Myzodendron linearifolium] A-LL98
| |--M. l. var. linearifolium A-LL98
| `--M. l. var. contractum Skottsberg 1913 (see below for synonymy) A-LL98
|--M. oblongifolium de Candolle 1830 [=Angelopogon heterophyllus ms] A-LL98
`--M. punctulatum (see below for synonymy) A-LL98
Olacaceae APG16
Daenikera NDA05
Aquilapollenites CBH93
Nomina nuda: Peraxilla haastii [=Elytranthe haastii] C06
Peraxilla uniflora [=Elytranthe uniflora] C06
Trilepidea ralphii Van Tieghem 1895 C06
Alepis flavida (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 [=Loranthus flavidus Hooker 1853 A61, Elytranthe flavida (Hooker) Engl. 1897 A61; incl. L. polychroa Colenso 1885 C06, Alepis polychroa (Colenso) Van Tieghem 1895 C06]
Elytranthe adamsii (Cheesem.) Engl. 1897 [=Loranthus adamsii Cheesem. 1881, Trilepidea adamsii (Cheesem.) Van Tieghem 1894] A61
Ileostylus micranthus (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 [=Loranthus micranthus Hooker 1853 A61; incl. Viscum antarcticum Cunn. 1839 non Forster 1786 A61, Ileostylus kirkii Van Tieghem 1895 A61]
Misodendrum linearifolium var. contractum Skottsberg 1913 [=M. linearifolium f. monoica Skottsberg 1913 (n. n.)] A-LL98
Misodendrum punctulatum [incl. Mi. punctulatum var. magellanicum de Candolle 1830, Mi. rioquinoense Kuntze 1893, Myzodendron rioquinoense] A-LL98
Peraxilla colensoi (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 [=Loranthus colensoi Hooker 1844 A61, Elytranthe colensoi (Hooker) Engl. 1897 A61]
Peraxilla tetrapetala Van Tieghem 1894 BS01, A61 [=Loranthus tetrapetalus Murr. 1774 A61, Elytranthe tetrapetala (Murr.) Engl. 1897 A61; incl. L. decussatus Kirk 1871 A61, Peraxilla decussata C06, L. fieldii Buchan. 1884 A61, Neamyza fieldii Van Tieghem 1895 C06, L. punctatus Col. 1883 A61, Elytranthe punctata C06, Peraxilla punctata C06]
Phrygilanthus tenuiflorus (Hooker) Engl. 1897 [=Loranthus tenuiflorus Hooker 1853, Hookerella tenuiflora (Hooker) Van Tieghem 1895] A61
Tupeia antarctica (Forster) Cham. & Schlecht. 1828 [=Viscum antarcticum Forster 1786; incl. T. cunninghamii Miq. 1844, V. pubigerum Cunn. 1839, T. pubigera Miq. 1844, T. undulata Colenso 1884] A61
*Type species of generic name indicated
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[F08] Fletcher, J. J. 1908. Notes and exhibits. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33: 344.
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[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).
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