Belongs within: Pterosauria.
Contains: Pterodactyloidea.
The Novialoidea are a clade of pterosaurs defined by Kellner (2003) as the most exclusive clade containing Campylognathoides and Quetzalcoatlus. Members of this clade have the third phalanx of the wing finger shorter than the first and second phalanges (Kellner 2003).
<==Novialoidea (see below for synonymy) K03
|--Campylognathoides Strand 1928 RK13, U03
| |--C. indicus Jain 1974 W91
| |--C. liasicus (Quenstedt 1858) K03 [=Pterodactylus liasicus E13]
| `--C. zitteli [=Campylognathus zitteli] W13
`--+--Cacibupteryx Gasparini et al. 2004 RK13, A08
| `--C. caribensis W13
|--Dorygnathus Wagner 1860 RK13, U03 [incl. Parapsicephalus Arthaber 1919 W13]
| |--D. banthensis (Theodori 1830) K03 (see below for synonymy)
| `--D. purdoni Newton 1888 [=Scaphognathus purdoni, Parapsicephalus purdoni] W13
|--+--Angustinaripterus He, Yan & Su 1983 RK13, U03
| | `--A. longicephalus W13
| `--Harpactognathus Carpenter, Unwin et al. 2003 RK13, CU03
| `--*H. gentryii Carpenter, Unwin et al. 2003 CU03
`--Breviquartossa U03
|--Pterodactyloidea RK13
`--Rhamphorhynchus von Meyer 1847 RK13, A08
|--R. jessoni Lydekker 1890 W91
|--R. longicaudus (Münster 1839) WK08, K03 [=Pterodactylus longicaudus W91]
|--R. longiceps U03 [incl. R. kokeni W91]
|--R. muensteri (Goldfuss 1831) W13 (see below for synonymy)
|--R. phyllurus Marsh 1882 W91
`--R. tendagurensis Reck 1931 W91
Novialoidea incertae sedis:
Carniadactylus Dalla Vecchia 2009 W13
`--*C. rosenfeldi (Dalla Vecchia 1995) W13, DV03 [=Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi W13]
Fenghuangopterus lii W13
Jianchangopterus zhaoianus W13
Pterorhynchus Czerkas & Ji 2002 RK13, A08
`--P. wellnhoferi W13
Sericipterus wucaiwanensis W13
Qinglongopterus guoi W13
Bellubrunnus rothgaengeri W13
Nesodactylus Colbert 1969 U03
`--N. hesperius W13
Rhamphocephalus Seeley 1880 [incl. Dolichorhamphus Seeley 1885, Pteromonodactylus Teryaev 1967] A08
|--R. bucklandi (von Meyer 1832) [=Pterodactylus bucklandi] W91
|--R. depressirostris W13
`--R. prestwichi W91
Dorygnathus banthensis (Theodori 1830) K03 [=Ornithocephalus banthensis W91, Pterodactylus banthensis W91; incl. Dorygnathus mistelgauensis W13, Parapsicephalus mistelgauensis D07]
Novialoidea [Angustinaripterinae, Campylognathoididae, Monofenestrata, Parapsicephalinae, Pteromonodactylidae, Rhamphorhynchae, Rhamphorhynchinae] K03
Rhamphorhynchus muensteri (Goldfuss 1831) W13 [=Ornithocephalus muensteri W13, Pterodactylus muensteri W13; incl. R. gemmingi U03, R. intermedius U03]
Inorganic: Rhamphorhynchus gemmingi minilorientalus Okamura 1987 O87
*Type species of generic name indicated
[A08] Averianov, A. O. 2008. Superorder Pterosauria. In: Ivakhnenko, M. F., & E. N. Kurochkin (eds) Fossil Vertebrates of Russia and Adjacent Territories. Fossil Reptiles and Birds. Part 1 pp. 319–342. GEOS: Moscow.
[CU03] Carpenter, K., D. Unwin, K. Cloward, C. Miles & C. Miles. 2003. A new scaphognathine pterosaur from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Wyoming, USA. In: Buffetaut, E., & J.-M. Mazin (eds) Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society Special Publications 217: 45–54. The Geological Society: London.
[DV03] Dalla Vecchia, F. M. 2003. New morphological observations on Triassic pterosaurs. In: Buffetaut, E., & J.-M. Mazin (eds) Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society Special Publications 217: 23–44. The Geological Society: London.
[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.
[K03] Kellner, A. W. A. 2003. Pterosaur phylogeny and comments on the evolutionary history of the group. In: Buffetaut, E., & J.-M. Mazin (eds) Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society Special Publications 217: 105–137. The Geological Society: London.
[O87] Okamura, C. 1987. New facts: Homo and all Vertebrata were born simultaneously in the former Paleozoic in Japan. Original Report of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory 15: 347–573.
[RK13] Rodrigues, T., & A. W. A. Kellner. 2013. Taxonomic review of the Ornithocheirus complex (Pterosauria) from the Cretaceous of England. ZooKeys 308: 1–112.
[U03] Unwin, D. M. 2003. On the phylogeny and evolutionary history of pterosaurs. In: Buffetaut, E., & J.-M. Mazin (eds) Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs. Geological Society Special Publications 217: 139–190. The Geological Society: London.
[WK08] Wang, X., A. W. A. Kellner, Z. Zhou & D. de A. Campos. 2008. Discovery of a rare arboreal forest-dwelling flying reptile (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 105 (6): 1983–1987.
[W91] Wellnhofer, P. 1991. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Pterosaurs. Salamander Books: London (reprinted 2000. In: Norman, D., & P. Wellnhofer. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. Salamander Books).
[W13] Witton, M. P. 2013. Pterosaurs: Natural History, Evolution, Anatomy. Princeton University Press: Princeton (New Jersey).