Showing posts with label Meliphagoidea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meliphagoidea. Show all posts


Yellow thornbill Acanthiza nana, copyright Patrick K59.

Belongs within: Acanthizidae.

Acanthiza, the thornbills, is an Australasian genus of small birds with a thin, moderately long beak and commonly with olive or grey upperparts and pale underparts.

<==Acanthiza Vigors & Horsfield 1825 CC10
    |  i. s.: A. cinerea OF19
    |--+--A. lineata BKB15
    |  `--+--A. murina BKB15
    |     `--A. nana JT12
    `--+--A. chrysorrhoa (Quoy & Gaimard 1830) BKB15, WS48 [=Saxicola chrysorrhoa WS48]
       |    |--A. c. chrysorrhoa WS48
       |    |--A. c. alexanderi (Mathews 1921) (see below for synonymy) WS48
       |    |--A. c. ferdinandi (Mathews 1916) [=Geobasileus chrysorrhous ferdinandi] WS48
       |    `--A. c. multi Mathews 1912 WS48
       `--+--+--A. apicalis BKB15
          |  `--+--A. ewingii JT12
          |     `--+--A. katherina JT12
          |        `--A. pusilla (Shaw 1790) JT12, WS48 [=Motacilla pusilla WS48]
          |             |--A. p. pusilla WS48
          |             |--A. p. apicalis Gould 1847 [incl. A. pusilla dundasi Mathews 1922] WS48
          |             |--A. p. archbaldi M03
          |             |--A. p. dawsonensis M03
          |             |--A. p. diemenensis M03
          |             |--A. p. leeuwinensis Campbell 1922 [incl. A. pusilla northi Mathews 1922] WS48
          |             |--A. p. whitlocki North 1909 (see below for synonymy) WS48
          |             `--A. p. zietzi M03
          `--+--+--A. iredalei Mathews 1911 BKB15, WS48
             |  |    |--A. i. iredalei (see below for synonymy) WS48
             |  |    |--A. i. hedleyi M03
             |  |    `--A. i. rosinae M03
             |  `--A. robustirostris Milligan 1903 JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
             `--+--A. uropygialis Gould 1838 BKB15, WS48
                |    |--A. u. uropygialis (see below for synonymy) WS48
                |    `--A. u. augusta Mathews 1912 [incl. A. uropygialis murchisoni Mathews 1912] WS48
                `--+--A. inornata Gould 1840 BKB15, WS48
                   |    |--A. i. inornata [incl. A. inornata submastersi Mathews 1912] WS48
                   |    `--A. i. mastersi North 1901 WS48
                   `--A. reguloides JT12
                        |--A. r. reguloides M03
                        `--A. r. squamata M03

Acanthiza chrysorrhoa alexanderi (Mathews 1921) [=Geobasileus chrysorrhous alexanderi, A. pallida Milligan 1903 (preoc.)] WS48

Acanthiza iredalei iredalei Mathews 1911 [incl. A. inornata carnarvoni Mathews 1913, Geobasileus tenuirostris uranie Campbell 1925] WS48

Acanthiza pusilla whitlocki North 1909 [incl. A. pusilla nullarborensis White 1922, A. pusilla peroni Mathews 1918] WS48

Acanthiza robustirostris Milligan 1903 JT12, WS48 [incl. Milligania robustirostris liberia Mathews 1916 WS48]

Acanthiza uropygialis uropygialis Gould 1838 [incl. Geobasilieus uropygialis moora Campbell 1922, A. uropygialis nea Mathews 1912] WS48

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[OF19] Oliveros, C. H., D. J. Field, D. T. Ksepka, F. K. Barker, A. Aleixo, M. J. Andersen, P. Alström, B. W. Benz, E. L. Braun, M. J. Braun, G. A. Bravo, R. T. Brumfield, R. T. Chesser, S. Claramunt, J. Cracraft, A. M. Cuervo, E. P. Derryberry, T. C. Glenn, M. G. Harvey, P. A. Hosner, L. Joseph, R. T. Kimball, A. L. Mack, C. M. Miskelly, A. T. Peterson, M. B. Robbins, F. H. Sheldon, L. F. Silveira, B. T. Smith, N. D. White, R. G. Moyle & B. C. Faircloth. 2019. Earth history and the passerine superradiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (16): 7916–7925.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.


Black-backed honeyeater Ptiloprora perstriata, photographed by Nik Borrow.

Belongs within: Meliphagoidea.
Contains: Meliphaga, Anthochaera, Lichenostomus, Manorina, Melidectes, Melithreptus, Myzomela, Gliciphila, Philemon, Lichmera, Phylidonyris.

The Meliphagidae include the honeyeaters, a diverse group of birds found primarily in Australasia and Oceania. Honeyeaters have tongues modified for feeding on nectar (hence their vernacular name), but also feed on insects.The Australian chats of the genus Epthianura and the gibberbird Ashbyia lovensis are more terrestrial, shorter-billed birds that have historically been treated as a separate family but are indicated by phylogenetic analysis to be nested well within the Meliphagidae.

Characters (from The Internet Bird Collection): Tiny to very large, typically slender passerines with variably long and usually decurved bill, short to long tail; generally drab plumage, often with conspicuous wing patches of yellow or white, many with areas of bare facial skin or wattles.

    |--+--+--Acanthorhynchus Gould 1837 ANM14, B94 [Acanthorhynchidae]
    |  |  |    |--A. superciliosus Gould 1837 [incl. A. s. stirlingi Mathews 1924, A. s. wilsoni Mathews 1912] WS48
    |  |  |    `--A. tenuirostris JT12
    |  |  |         |--A. t. tenuirostris M03
    |  |  |         |--A. t. cairnsensis M03
    |  |  |         |--A. t. dubius M03
    |  |  |         `--A. t. halmaturinus M03
    |  |  `--+--Certhionyx variegatus Lesson 1830 ANM14, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |  |     `--+--Pycnopygius BKB15
    |  |        |    |--P. cinereus JT12
    |  |        |    |--P. ixoides JT12
    |  |        |    `--P. stictocephalus JT12
    |  |        `--+--Prosthemadera Gray 1840 BKB15, CC10
    |  |           |    `--P. novaeseelandiae (Gmelin 1788) (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  |           |         |--P. n. novaeseelandiae (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  |           |         `--P. n. chathamensis Hartet 1928 CC10
    |  |           `--Anthornis Gray 1840 BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |  |                |--*A. melanura (Sparrman 1786) (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  |                |    |--A. m. melanura (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  |                |    |--A. m. obscura Falla 1948 CC10
    |  |                |    `--A. m. oneho Bartle & Sagar 1987 CC10
    |  |                `--A. melanocephala Gray in Dieffenbach 1843 (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |  `--+--+--Meliphaga ANM14
    |     |  `--+--Stomiopera ANM14
    |     |     |    |--S. flava [=Lichenostomus flavus] ANM14
    |     |     |    `--S. unicolor (Gould 1842) [=Ptilotis unicolor; incl. P. unicolor darbiski Mathews 1912] WS48
    |     |     `--+--+--+--+--‘Lichenostomus’ versicolor BKB15
    |     |        |  |  |  `--+--‘Lichenostomus’ fasciogularis BKB15
    |     |        |  |  |     `--Gavicalis virescens [=Lichenostomus virescens] ANM14
    |     |        |  |  `--Ptilotula ANM14
    |     |        |  |       |--+--‘Lichenostomus’ ornatus BKB15
    |     |        |  |       |  `--P. penicillata [=Lichenostomus penicillatus] ANM14
    |     |        |  |       |       |--P. p. penicillata M03
    |     |        |  |       |       |--‘Lichenostomus’ p. carteri M03
    |     |        |  |       |       `--‘Lichenostomus’ p. leilavalensis M03
    |     |        |  |       `--P. flavescens [=Lichenostomus flavescens] ANM14
    |     |        |  |            |--P. f. flavescens M03
    |     |        |  |            `--‘Lichenostomus’ f. melvillensis M03
    |     |        |  `--+--+--Bolemoreus frenatus [=Lichenostomus frenatus] ANM14
    |     |        |     |  `--‘Lichenostomus’ hindwoodi BKB15
    |     |        |     `--+--Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould 1838 BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |     |        |        `--Anthochaera ANM14
    |     |        `--+--+--Purnella albifrons (Gould 1840) ANM14, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |     |           |  `--+--‘Lichenostomus’ unicolor BKB15
    |     |           |     `--+--‘Lichenostomus’ chrysops BKB15
    |     |           |        `--+--Caligavis obscura [=Lichenostomus obscurus] ANM14
    |     |           |           `--‘Lichenostomus’ subfrenatus BKB15
    |     |           `--+--Lichenostomus ANM14
    |     |              `--+--Manorina BKB15
    |     |                 `--Melidectes JT12
    |     `--+--Nesoptilotis ANM14
    |        |    |--N. flavicollis [=Lichenostomus flavicollis] ANM14
    |        |    `--N. leucotis [=Lichenostomus leucotis] ANM14
    |        |         |--N. l. leucotis M03
    |        |         `--‘Lichenostomus’ l. novaenorciae M03
    |        `--+--+--Melithreptus ANM14
    |           |  `--Entomyzon cyanotis (Latham 1801) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |           |       |--E. c. cyanotis M03
    |           |       |--E. c. albipennis M03
    |           |       `--E. c. griseigularis M03
    |           `--+--Meliarchus sclateri [=Melidectes sclateri] ANM14
    |              `--+--Guadalcanaria inexpectata ANM14
    |                 `--+--+--‘Xanthotis’ provocator [=Foulehaio provocator] ANM14
    |                    |  `--+--‘Gymnomyza’ samoensis [=Amoromyza samoensis] ANM14
    |                    |     `--Foulehaio ANM14
    |                    |          |--F. procerior [=F. carunculatus procerior] ANM14
    |                    |          `--+--F. carunculatus ANM14
    |                    |             `--F. taviuensis [=F. carunculatus taviuensis] ANM14
    |                    `--Gymnomyza JT12
    |                         |--*G. aubryana ANM14
    |                         `--G. viridis [=Amoromyza viridis] ANM14
    |                              |--G. v. viridis ANM14
    |                              `--G. v. brunneirostris ANM14
    `--+--+--+--Sugomel niger ANM14 [=Certhionyx niger JT12]
       |  |  `--+--Vosea Gilliard 1960 ANM14
       |  |     |    `--V. whitemanensis [=Melidectes whitemanensis] ANM14
       |  |     `--Myzomela ANM14
       |  `--+--+--Glycichaera fallax ANM14
       |     |  `--Ptiloprora JT12
       |     |       |--P. erythropleura JT12
       |     |       |--P. guisei JT12
       |     |       |--P. mayri JT12
       |     |       |--P. meekiana JT12
       |     |       |--P. perstriata JT12
       |     |       `--P. plumbea JT12
       |     `--Gliciphila ANM14
       `--+--+--+--Stresemannia bougainvillei ANM14
          |  |  `--+--Conopophila ANM14
          |  |     |    |--C. albogularis JT12
          |  |     |    |--C. rufogularis (Gould 1842) [=Entomophila rufogularis] WS48
          |  |     |    `--C. whitei JT12
          |  |     `--Ramsayornis ANM14
          |  |          |--R. fasciatus JT12
          |  |          |    |--R. f. fasciatus M03
          |  |          |    `--R. f. broomei M03
          |  |          `--R. modestus JT12
          |  `--+--+--Ashbyia lovensis ANM14
          |     |  `--Epthianura Gould 1838 JT12, B94 [Ephthianuridae]
          |     |       |--E. crocea Castelnau & Ramsay 1877 BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |     |       `--+--E. tricolor Gould 1840 ANM14, WS48 [incl. E. tricolor assimilis Mathews 1912 WS48]
          |     |          `--+--E. albifrons (Jardine & Selby 1828) BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |     |             `--E. aurifrons Gould 1838 BKB15, WS48 [incl. E. aurifrons flavescens Mathews 1912 WS48]
          |     `--+--+--Melilestes megarhynchus BKB15
          |        |  `--Timeliopsis JT12
          |        |       |--T. fulvigula JT12
          |        |       `--T. griseigula JT12
          |        `--+--Macgregoria De Vis 1897 BKB15, B94 [Macgregoriinae]
          |           |    `--M. pulchra JT12
          |           `--Melipotes ANM14
          |                |--M. ater JT12
          |                |--M. fumigatus JT12
          |                `--M. gymnops JT12
          `--+--+--Philemon ANM14
             |  `--+--+--Grantiella picta JT12
             |     |  `--Plectorhyncha lanceolata JT12
             |     `--Xanthotis JT12
             |          |--X. flaviventer JT12
             |          |--X. macleayanus JT12
             |          `--X. polygrammus JT12
             `--+--Cissomela pectoralis ANM14 [=Certhionyx pectoralis JT12]
                `--+--Lichmera JT12
                   `--+--Trichodere cockerelli JT12
                      `--Phylidonyris JT12

Meliphagidae incertae sedis:
  Lacustroica whitei North 1910 [incl. L. whitei neglecta Mathews 1916] WS48
  Leptomyza [incl. Leptornis] S13
    `--L. aubryana [=Leptornis aubryanus] S13
  Meliornis WS48
    |--M. niger (Bechstein 1811) (see below for synonymy) WS48
    `--M. novaehollandiae (Latham 1790) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  Myzantha flavigula Gould 1839 (see below for synonymy) WS48
  Oreornis chrysogenys JT12
  Myza JT12
    |--M. celebensis JT12
    `--M. sarasinorum JT12
  Melitograis gilolensis JT12

Acanthagenys rufogularis Gould 1838 BKB15, WS48 [incl. A. flavacanthus Campbell 1899 WS48, A. rufogularis wei Mathews 1912 WS48, A. rufogularis woolundra Mathews 1920 WS48]

Anthornis Gray 1840 BKB15, CC10 [=Anthomiza Swainon 1837 (n. o.) CC10, Anthomyza Gray 1840 non Fallén 1810 CC10]

Anthornis melanocephala Gray in Dieffenbach 1843 [=A. melanura melanocephala; incl. A. auriocula Buller 1865] CC10

*Anthornis melanura (Sparrman 1786) [=Certhia melanura, *Anthomiza caeruleocephala Swainson 1837] CC10

Anthornis melanura melanura (Sparrman 1786) [incl. Philedon dumerilii Lesson & Garnot in Duperrey 1828, A. melanura dumerilii, A. incoronata Bangs 1911, A. melanura incoronata, Certhia olivacea Forster in Lichtenstein 1844, A. ruficeps Pelzeln 1867, C. sannio Gmelin 1788, Philedon sannio] CC10

Certhionyx variegatus Lesson 1830 BKB15, WS48 [incl. C. occidentalis Ogilvie-Grant 1909 WS48, Melicophila picata Gould 1844 WS48]

Entomyzon cyanotis (Latham 1801) JT12, WS48 [=Gracula cyanotis WS48; incl. E. cyanotis subalbipennis Mathews 1912 WS48]

Epthianura albifrons (Jardine & Selby 1828) BKB15, WS48 [=Acanthiza albifrons WS48; incl. E. albifrons westralensis Mathews 1912 WS48]

Epthianura crocea Castelnau & Ramsay 1877 BKB15, WS48 [incl. Leachena crocea boweri Mathews 1922 WS48]

Meliornis niger (Bechstein 1811) [=Certhia nigra; incl. Meliornis nigra dulciei Mathews 1911, Meliornis nigra inexpectata Mathews 1912, Meliphaga mystacalis Gould 1840] WS48

Meliornis novaehollandiae (Latham 1790) [=Certhia novaehollandiae; incl. Meliornis novaehollandiae intermedius Mathews 1923, Meliphaga longriostris Gould 1846] WS48

Myzantha flavigula Gould 1839 [incl. M. flavigula casuarina Mathews 1912, M. flavigula clelandi Mathews 1912, M. lutea Gould 1839, M. obscura Gould 1840, M. obscura ortoni Ashby 1922, M. flavigula wayensis Mathews 1912] WS48

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae (Gmelin 1788) [=Merops novaeseelandae, Lamprotornis novaezealandiae, Meliphaga novaezealandiae, Prosthemadera novaezealandiae] CC10

Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae [incl. Certhia cincinnata Forster in Lichtenstein 1844, Merops cincinnatus Latham 1790, Philemon cincinnatus, *Prosthemadera cincinnata, Pr. circinata Reichenbach 1852, Melliphaga circinata, Pr. concinnata Gray 1840, Sturnus crispicollis Daudin 1800, Pr. novaeseelandiae kermadecensis Mathews & Iredale 1914, Pr. novaeseelandiae kwini Kemp 1912, Meliphaga novaehollandiae Stephens in Shaw 1826, Pr. novaeseelandiae phoebe Kemp 1912] CC10

Purnella albifrons (Gould 1840) ANM14, WS48 [=Gliciphila albifrons WS48, Glyciphila albifrons WS48, Phylidonyris albifrons ANM14; incl. Gli. albifrons lavertoni Mathews 1924 WS48]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ANM14] Andersen, M. J., A. Naikatani & R. G. Moyle. 2014. A molecular phylogeny of Pacific honeyeaters (Aves: Meliphagidae) reveals extensive paraphyly and an isolated Polynesian radiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 308–315.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.

Last updated: 26 July 2019.


Cardinal myzomela Myzomela pulcherrima, photographed by Josep del Hoyo.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

Myzomela is a genus of honeyeaters found in Indonesia, Australasia and western Oceania. Members of this genus are characterised by brilliant red and black colouration.

Characters (from Schodde & Mason 1999): Size small; plumage iridescent red and black; tongue with shallow medial furcation; tail short and square-cut; eggs white-based with reddish-brown spotting.

<==Myzomela Vigors & Horsfield 1827 [Myzomelidae] B94
    |--M. rosenbergii JT12
    `--+--+--M. eques JT12
       |  `--+--M. cineracea JT12
       |     `--M. obscura JT12
       |          |--M. o. obscura M03
       |          |--M. o. fumata M03
       |          `--M. o. harterti M03
       `--+--M. erythrocephala Gould 1839 JT12, WS48 [incl. M. erythrocephala derbyi Mathews 1912 WS48]
          |    |--M. e. erythrocephala M03
          |    `--M. e. infuscata M03
          `--+--M. lafargei JT12
             `--+--M. cardinalis JT12
                `--M. sanguinolenta JT12

Myzomela incertae sedis:
  M. adolphinae JT12
  M. albigula JT12
  M. blasii JT12
  M. boiei JT12
  M. caledonica S13
  M. chermesina JT12
  M. chloroptera JT12
  M. cruentata JT12
  M. dammermani JT12
  M. dibapha FP64
  M. eichhorni JT12
  M. erythromelas JT12
  M. jugularis JT12
  M. kuehni JT12
  M. lifuensis S13
  M. malaitae JT12
  M. melanocephala JT12
  M. nigra Gould 1838 [incl. M. nigra westralensis Mathews 1912] WS48
  M. nigrita JT12
  M. pammelaena JT12
  M. pectoralis Gould 1840 WS48
  M. pulchella JT12
  M. pulcherrima S13
  M. rubatra S13
    |--M. r. rubatra S13
    `--M. r. sanctaecrucis Sarasin 1913 S13
  M. sclateri FJO08
  M. tristrami JT12
  M. vulnerata JT12
  M. wakoloensis JT12

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[FJO08] Fleischer, R. C., H. F. James & S. L. Olson. 2008. Convergent evolution of Hawaiian and Australo-Pacific honeyeaters from distant songbird ancestors. Current Biology 18: 1-5.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1, Heft I (F. Sarasin & J. Roux, eds) pp. 1-78, pl. 1-3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

Schodde, R., & I. J. Mason. 1999. The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.


Noisy friarbird Philemon corniculatus, photographed by Fir0002.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

The genus Philemon includes the friarbirds, medium-sized to large honeyeaters found from eastern Indonesia to Australia and New Caledonia. Members of this genus have dull plumage, and varying amounts of bare skin on the head. A knob-like structure is commonly present on top of the bill close to its base.

Characters (from Schodde & Mason 1999): Plumage mostly grey-brown; areas of bare blackish skin present on face and head; casque frequently present on bill; nares fused posteriorly; filamentous or scaly feathering present on throat; tail square; immatures with yellowish throat and white or yellow barring present on lower back and sides of breast.

<==Philemon Vieillot 1816 (see below for synonymy) B94
    |--+--P. citreogularis (Gould 1837) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |  |    |--P. c. citreogularis M03
    |  |    `--P. c. sordidus M03
    |  `--P. meyeri JT12
    `--+--P. eichhorni ANM14
       `--+--P. cockerelli ANM14
          `--+--P. buceroides JT12
             |    |--P. b. buceroides M03
             |    |--P. b. ammitophila M03
             |    |--P. b. gordoni M03
             |    `--P. b. yorki M03
             `--+--P. argenticeps (Gould 1839) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
                |    |--P. a. argenticeps M03
                |    `--P. a. kempi M03
                `--P. corniculatus (Latham 1790) JT12, CC10 [=Merops corniculatus CC10]
                     |--P. c. corniculatus M03
                     `--P. c. monachus M03

Philemon incertae sedis:
  P. albitorques JT12
  P. brassi JT12
  P. diemenensis JT12
  P. fuscicapillus JT12
  P. inornatus JT12
  P. kisserensis JT12
  P. lessoni [=Tropidorhynchus lessoni] S13
  P. moluccensis JT12
  P. novaeguineae JT12
  P. subcorniculatus JT12

Philemon Vieillot 1816 [incl. Philedon Cuvier 1817, Tropidorhynchus Vigors & Horsfield 1827; Philedonidae, Tropidorhynchidae] B94

Philemon argenticeps (Gould 1839) JT12, WS48 [=Tropidorhynchus argenticeps WS48; incl. P. argenticeps broomei Mathews 1912 WS48]

Philemon citreogularis (Gould 1837) JT12, WS48 [=Tropidorhynchus citreogularis WS48; incl. P. occidentalis Ramsay 1888 WS48]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[ANM14] Andersen, M. J., A. Naikatani & R. G. Moyle. 2014. A molecular phylogeny of Pacific honeyeaters (Aves: Meliphagidae) reveals extensive paraphyly and an isolated Polynesian radiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 308–315.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

Schodde, R., & I. J. Mason. 1999. The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.

Last updated: 24 July 2019.


Black-headed honeyeater Melithreptus affinis, photographed by T. Waite.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

Melithreptus is a genus of honeyeaters found in Australia whose members feed by gleaning along branches and foliage, and nest communally (Schodde & Mason 1999).

Characters (from Schodde & Mason 1999): Back green; tail square; head dusky with white nuchal bar and spot of bare, coloured postorbital skin. Palatine shelf distinctively constricted; vomerine horns extended, divaricate; temporal fossae diffuse with vestigial postorbital processes and unusually elongate zygomatic processes; triple inter-orbital perforations present; lower mandible with tooth-like process fitting into deep depression in ventral ectethmoid plate, with jugal flanking ectethmoid plate.

<==Melithreptus Vieillot 1816 [Melithreptidae] B94
    |  i. s.: M. cyanotis SJ85
    |         M. laetior Gould 1875 WS48 [=M. gularis laetior M03; incl. M. gularis coongani Mathews 1912 WS48]
    |--M. albogularis Gould 1848 JT12, WS48
    |    |--M. a. albogularis M03 [=M. lunatus albogularis WS48; incl. M. lunatus subalbogularis Mathews 1912 WS48]
    |    `--M. a. inopinatus M03
    `--+--+--M. affinis JT12
       |  `--M. lunatus (Vieillot 1802) JT12, WS48 [=Certhia lunata WS48]
       |       |--M. l. lunatus WS48
       |       |--M. l. chloropsis Gould 1848 WS48
       |       `--M. l. whitlocki Mathews 1909 WS48
       `--+--M. validirostris JT12
          `--+--M. brevirostris (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
             |    |--M. b. brevirostris M03
             |    |--M. b. magnirostris M03
             |    |--M. b. pallidiceps M03
             |    `--M. b. wombeyi M03
             `--M. gularis JT12

Melithreptus brevirostris (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) JT12, WS48 [=Meliphaga brevirostris WS48; incl. Melit. leucogenys Milligan 1903 WS48, Melit. brevirostris leucogenys M03, Melit. atricapillus subleucogenys Mathews 1912 WS48]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

Schodde, R., & I. J. Mason. 1999. The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO.

[SJ85] Storr, G. M., & R. E. Johnstone. 1985. Field Guide to the Birds of Western Australia 2nd ed. Western Australian Museum: Perth (Australia).

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.


New Holland honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae, photographed by J. J. Harrison.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

Phylidonyris is a genus of slender-bodied and -billed honeyeaters found in Australia and the south-west Pacific. Members of this genus have yellow remige patches, and palatines with broadened incurved pre-palatine stems and raised, attenuately winged transpalatine process (Schodde & Mason 1999).

<==Phylidonyris Lesson 1831 [incl. Glyciphila Swainson 1837; Glyciphilidae, Phylidonyridae] B94
    |  i. s.: ‘Gliciphila’ fasciata Gould 1842 [incl. G. fasciata broomei Mathews 1912] WS48
    |         ‘Glycyphila’ incana (see below for synonymy) S13
    |         ‘Meliphaga’ indistincta Vigors & Horsfield 1827 [=Gliciphila indistincta] WS48
    |           |--M. i. indistincta (see below for synonymy) WS48
    |           `--‘Gliciphila’ i. ocularis Gould 1838 (see below for synonymy) WS48
    |         P. notabilis JT12
    |         P. undulatus JT12 [=Glycyphila undulata S13]
    |--P. pyrrhopterus JF06, JT12
    |    |--P. p. pyrrhopterus M03
    |    `--P. p. halmaturina M03
    `--+--P. niger JF06, JT12
       |    |--P. n. niger M03
       |    `--P. n. gouldi M03
       `--P. novaehollandiae JF06
            |--P. n. novaehollandiae M03
            |--P. n. campbelli M03
            |--P. n. canescens M03
            |--P. n. caudata M03
            `--P. n. longirostris M03

‘Gliciphila’ indistincta ocularis Gould 1838 [=Glyciphila ocularis; incl. Stigmatops indistincta media Mathews 1912] WS48

‘Glycyphila’ incana [incl. G. caledonica, G. chlorophaea, G. flavotincta, G. modesta, G. poliotis, G. satelles] S13

‘Meliphaga’ indistincta indistincta Vigors & Horsfield 1827 [incl. Lichmera indistincta milligani Mathews 1923, Stigmatops indistincta perplexa Mathews 1912, L. indistincta perthi Mathews 1923, L. indistincta yorki Mathews 1923] WS48

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149-186.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1, Heft I (F. Sarasin & J. Roux, eds) pp. 1-78, pl. 1-3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

Schodde, R., & I. J. Mason. 1999. The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.


Yellow-spotted honeyeater Meliphaga notata, photographed by David & Diane Armbrust.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

Meliphaga is a genus of honeyeaters found from Indonesia to northern and eastern Australia. Members of this genus have prevailingly uniform olive-green plumage marked only by rounded flavonoid ear plumes and gape stripes (Schodde & Mason 1999).

<==Meliphaga Lewin 1808 [incl. Ptilotis Swainson 1837; Ptilotidae] B94
    |--+--M. aruensis JT12
    |  `--+--M. lewinii JT12
    |     |    |--M. l. lewinii M03
    |     |    |--M. l. amphochlora M03
    |     |    |--M. l. mab M03
    |     |    `--M. l. nea M03
    |     `--M. notata JT12
    |          |--M. n. notata M03
    |          `--M. n. mixta M03
    `--+--+--+--M. albonotata JT12
       |  |  `--M. gracilis (Gould 1866) JT12, G66a [=Ptilotis gracilis G66a]
       |  |       |--M. g. gracilis M03
       |  |       `--M. g. imitatrix M03
       |  `--+--M. analoga JT12
       |     `--M. orientalis JT12
       `--+--+--M. mimikae JT12
          |  `--M. montana JT12
          `--+--M. flavirictus JT12
             `--+--M. albilineata JT12
                |    |--M. a. albilineata M03
                |    `--M. a. fordiana M03
                `--M. reticulata JT12

Meliphaga incertae sedis:
  M. cassidix A61 [=Ptilotis cassidix G66b]
  ‘Ptilotis’ chrysotis G66a
  M. cratitia (Gould 1840) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  M. fasciogularis FJO08
  M. flavescens (Gould 1839) [=Ptilotis flavescens; incl. P. flavescens wyndhami Mathews 1912] WS48
  M. keartlandi (North 1895) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  M. leucotis (Latham 1801) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  M. ornata (Gould 1838) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  M. penicillata Gould 1837 (see below for synonymy) WS48
  M. plumula (Gould 1841) (see below for synonymy) WS48
  ‘Ptilotis’ similis G66a
  M. unicolor SJ85
  M. vicina JT12
  M. virescens (Vieillot 1817) (see below for synonymy) WS48

Meliphaga cratitia (Gould 1840) [=Ptilotis cratitius; incl. Lichenostomus occidentalis Cabanis 1851, P. cratitia stirlingi Mathews 1912] WS48

Meliphaga keartlandi (North 1895) [=Ptilotis keartlandi; incl. Sacramela keartlandi cloatesensis Mathews 1923, P. keartlandi mungi Mathews 1912] WS48

Meliphaga leucotis (Latham 1801) [=Turdus leucotis; incl. Ptilotis novaenorciae Milligan 1904, Nesoptilotis leucotis woolundra Mathews 1922] WS48

Meliphaga ornata (Gould 1838) [=Ptilotis ornatus; incl. P. ornata munna Mathews 1912, P. ornata wesleydalei Mathews 1913] WS48

Meliphaga penicillata Gould 1837 [incl. Ptilotis penicillata calconi Mathews 1912, P. carteri Campbell 1899, P. geraldtonensis Ashby 1921, P. penicillata ladasi Mathews 1912] WS48

Meliphaga plumula
(Gould 1841) [=Ptilotis plumulus; incl. P. chrysotis andersoni Mathews 1912, P. planasi Campbell 1910] WS48

Meliphaga virescens (Vieillot 1817) [=Melithreptus virescens; incl. Ptilotis sonora broomei Mathews 1912, Meliphaga virescens glauerti Mathews 1942, Meliphaga virescens hartogi Mathews 1920, P. insularis Milligan 1911, Meliphaga virescens lewisi Mathews 1942, Meliphaga virescens lipferti Mathews 1942, P. sonora murchisoni Mathews 1912, Meliphaga vittata Bonaparte 1854] WS48

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Austin, O. L., Jr. 1961. Birds of the World: A survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and fifty-five families. Paul Hamlyn: London.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[FJO08] Fleischer, R. C., H. F. James & S. L. Olson. 2008. Convergent evolution of Hawaiian and Australo-Pacific honeyeaters from distant songbird ancestors. Current Biology 18: 1-5.

[G66a] Gould, J. 1866a. Additions to the list of the avifauna of Australia, with descriptions of three new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 217-218.

[G66b] Gould, J. 1866b. Exhibition of Ptilotis cassidix, and other rare Australian species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 558.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

Schodde, R., & I. J. Mason. 1999. The Directory of Australian Birds: Passerines. CSIRO.

[SJ85] Storr, G. M., & R. E. Johnstone. 1985. Field Guide to the Birds of Western Australia 2nd ed. Western Australian Museum: Perth (Australia).

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.


Large-billed gerygone Gerygone magnirostris, photographed by Lip Kee Yap.

Belongs within: Acanthizidae.

Gerygone is a genus of small insectivorous birds found in Australasia and south-east Asia. Most species feed by gleaning prey in the middle to upper canopies. The brown warbler G. mouki of south-eastern Australia and grey warbler G. igata of New Zealand may feed among lower vegetation than other species, with the grey warbler also feeding at ground level.

See also: Riroriro.

Characters (from Schodde & Mason 1999): Foreheads and faces usually plain; lores usually dusky with whitish supra-loral bars and orbital rings; songs sibilant, chromatic; nests pendulent, tailed, not communal.

<==Gerygone Gould in Grey 1841 (see below for synonymy) CC10
    |--+--G. chrysogaster BKB15
    |  `--G. mouki JT12
    |       |--G. m. mouki M03
    |       |--G. m. amalia M03
    |       `--G. m. richmondi M03
    `--+--G. magnirostris Gould 1843 BKB15, CC10 [=*Ethelornis magnirostris CC10]
       |    |--G. m. magnirostris M03
       |    |--G. m. brunneipectus M03
       |    `--G. m. cairnsensis M03
       `--+--+--G. igata (Quoy & Gaimard in Dumont d’Urville 1830) BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
          |  `--+--G. fusca (Gould 1838) BKB15, WS48 [=Psilopus fusca CC10, *Wilsonavis fusca CC10]
          |     |    |--G. f. fusca WS48
          |     |    |--G. f. culicivora (Gould 1840) WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |     |    `--G. f. exsul M03
          |     `--G. levigaster Gould 1842 BKB15, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
          |          |--G. l. levigaster M03
          |          `--G. l. cantator M03
          `--+--G. olivacea (Gould 1838) BKB15, WS48 [=Psilopus olivaceus WS48]
             |    |--G. o. olivacea WS48
             |    |--G. o. cinerascens M03
             |    `--G. o. rogersi Mathews 1911 [=G. albigularis rogersi] WS48
             `--+--G. chloronota Gould 1842 BKB15, WS48 [incl. G. chloronotus darwini Mathews 1912 WS48]
                `--G. palpebrosa JT12
                     |--G. p. palpebrosa M03
                     `--G. p. flavida M03

Gerygone incertae sedis:
  *G. albogularis [=*Psilopus albogularis, *Ostiarius albogularis] CC10
  G. albofrontata Gray 1845 (see below for synonymy) CC10
  G. cinerea JT12
  G. dorsalis JT12
  G. flavolateralis JT12
    |--G. f. flavolateralis S13
    `--'Pseudogerygone’ f. lifuensis Sarasin 1913 S13
  G. hypoxantha JT12
  G. inornata JT12
  G. insularis [=G. igata insularis] CC10
  G. modesta Pelzeln 1860 (see below for synonymy) CC10
  G. personata Gould 1866 G66 [=G. palpebrosa personata M03, *Pseudogerygone personata CC10]
  ‘Pseudogerygone’ rouxi Sarasin 1913 S13
  G. ruficollis JT12
  G. sulphurea JT12
  G. tenebrosa (Hall 1901) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)

Gerygone Gould in Grey 1841 [=Ostiarius Gistel 1848, Psilopus Gould 1838 non Poli 1795; incl. Ethelornis Mathews 1912, Hapolorhynchus Reichenow 1908, Maorigerygone Mathews & Iredale 1913, Pseudogerygone Sharpe 1879, Royigerygone Mathews 1912, Wilsonavis Mathews 1912; Gerygoninae] CC10

Gerygone albofrontata Gray 1845 [=Acanthiza albofrontata, *Hapolorhynchus albofrontatus, Pseudogerygone albofrontata] CC10

Gerygone fusca culicivora (Gould 1840) WS48 [=Psilopus culicivorus WS48; incl. G. culicivora dendyi Mathews 1912 WS48, G. levigaster mungi Mathews 1912 WS48, G. fusca mungi M03, G. culicivora wayensis Mathews 1912 WS48]

Gerygone igata (Quoy & Gaimard in Dumont d’Urville 1830) BKB15, CC10 [=Curruca igata CC10, Acanthiza igata CC10, *Maorigerygone igata CC10, Pseudogerygone igata CC10, Psilopus igata CC10; incl. Gerygone assimilis Buller 1865 CC10, G. aucklandica Pelzeln 1865 CC10, Psilopus flaviventris Gray 1844 CC10, Acanthiza flaviventris CC10, Gerygone flaviventris CC10, Maorigerygone igata flaviventris CC10, Pseudogerygone flaviventris CC10, Pse. macleani Ogilvie-Grant 1907 CC10, Maorigerygone igata macleani CC10, Gerygone sylvestris Potts 1873 CC10, M. igata sylvestris CC10, Pseudogerygone sylvestris CC10]

Gerygone levigaster Gould 1842 BKB15, WS48 [incl. G. levigaster broomei Mathews 1912 WS48, Ethelornis levigaster perconfusus Mathews 1920 WS48]

Gerygone modesta Pelzeln 1860 [=G. igata modesta, Pseudogerygone modesta, Royigerygone modesta, G. mathewsae Mathews 1912, *R. mathewsae] CC10

Gerygone tenebrosa (Hall 1901) JT12, WS48 [=Pseudogerygone tenebrosa WS48, G. magnirostris tenebrosa WS48; incl. G. tenebrosa christopheri Mathews 1912 WS48, G. magnirostris whitlocki Mathews 1915 WS48, G. tenebrosa whitlocki M03]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[G66] Gould, J. 1866. Additions to the list of the avifauna of Australia, with descriptions of three new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 217–218.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M., & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1–126.

Last updated: 26 July 2019.


Dusky grasswren Amytornis purnelli, from Christopher Watson.

Belongs within: Euoscines.
Contains: Acanthizidae, Meliphagidae, Malurus.

The Meliphagoidea is a clade of birds found in the Australasian region, supported by molecular analysis. The clade includes the honeyeaters (Meliphagidae), fairy wrens (Maluridae), pardalotes (Pardalotus), Australasian warblers (Acanthizidae) and bristlebirds (Dasyornis).

    |--+--Dasyornis Vigors & Horsfield 1827 JF06, B94 [Dasyornithidae, Dasyornithinae]
    |  |    |--D. brachypterus (Latham 1801) WS48 [=Turdus brachypterus WS48; incl. D. brachypterus monoides M03]
    |  |    `--+--D. broadbenti (McCoy 1867) [=Sphenura broadbenti] WS48
    |  |       |    |--D. b. broadbenti M03
    |  |       |    |--D. b. caryochrous M03
    |  |       |    `--D. b. litoralis (Milligan 1902) [=Sphenura litoralis] WS48
    |  |       `--D. longirostris Gould 1840 JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |  `--+--Acanthizidae JF06
    |     `--+--Meliphagidae JF06
    |        `--Pardalotus Vieillot 1816 JF06, B94 [Pardalotidae, Pardalotinae]
    |             |  i. s.: P. melanocephalus Gould 1838 WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |             |         P. quadragintus M03
    |             |         P. substriatus Mathews 1912 [=P. striatus substriatus] WS48
    |             |           |--P. s. substriatus WS48
    |             |           `--P. s. murchisoni Mathews 1912 (see below for synonymy) WS48
    |             |         P. xanthopygus McCoy 1867 WS48 [=P. punctatus xanthopygus M03]
    |             |--P. rubricatus Gould 1838 JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |             |    |--P. r. rubricatus M03
    |             |    `--P. r. yorki M03
    |             `--+--P. punctatus (Shaw 1792) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
    |                |    |--P. p. punctatus M03
    |                |    `--P. p. militaris M03
    |                `--P. striatus JT12
    |                     |--P. s. striatus M03
    |                     |--P. s. melvillensis M03
    |                     |--P. s. ornatus M03
    |                     `--P. s. uropygialis M03
    `--Maluridae [Malurinae, Waluridae] BB05
         |  i. s.: Sipodotus wallacii JT12
         |         Clytomyias insignis JT12
         |--+--Malurus JF06
         |  `--Stipiturus Lesson 1831 JF06, B94 [Stipituridae]
         |       |--S. ruficeps Campbell 1899 JT12, WS48
         |       `--+--S. malachurus (Shaw 1798) JT12, WS48 [=Muscicapa malachura WS48]
         |          |    |--S. m. malachurus M03
         |          |    |--S. m. halmaturinus M03
         |          |    |--S. m. hartogi Carter 1916 WS48
         |          |    |--S. m. intermedius M03
         |          |    |--S. m. littleri M03
         |          |    |--S. m. medius Mathews 1919 [=S. m. media] WS48
         |          |    |--S. m. parimeda M03
         |          |    |--S. m. polionotum M03
         |          |    `--S. m. westernensis Campbell 1912 [incl. S. malachurus rothschildi Mathews 1912] WS48
         |          `--S. mallee JT12
         `--Amytornis Stejneger 1885 JF06, B94 [Amytornithidae]
              |--A. barbatus JT12
              |    |--A. b. barbatus M03
              |    `--A. b. diamantina M03
              `--+--+--A. merrotsyi JT12 [=A. striatus merrotsyi M03]
                 |  `--+--A. striatus (Gould 1839) JT12, WS48 [=Dasyornis striatus WS48]
                 |     |    |--A. s. striatus M03
                 |     |    `--A. s. whitei Mathews 1910 [incl. A. striatus oweni Mathews 1911] WS48
                 |     `--+--A. dorotheae JT12
                 |        `--A. woodwardi JT12
                 `--+--A. textilis (Dumont 1824) JT12, WS48 [=Malurus textilis WS48]
                    |    |--A. t. textilis (see below for synonymy) WS48
                    |    |--A. t. modesta M03
                    |    `--A. t. myall M03
                    `--+--A. housei (Milligan 1902) JT12, WS48 (see below for synonymy)
                       `--+--A. goyderi JT12
                          `--+--A. ballarae JT12 [=A. purnelli ballarae M03]
                             `--A. purnelli JT12

Amytornis housei (Milligan 1902) JT12, WS48 [=Amytis housei WS48; incl. Magnamytis kimberleyi Mathews 1923 WS48]

Amytornis textilis textilis [incl. Diaphorillas textilis carteri Mathews 1917, Amytis gigantura Milligan 1901, Amytis macrourus Gould 1847, Diaphorillas textilis morgani Mathews 1912, Amytis varia Carter 1908] WS48

Dasyornis longirostris Gould 1840 JT12, WS48 [=D. brachypterus longirostris WS48; incl. D. longirostris mastersi Mathews 1923 WS48]

Pardalotus melanocephalus Gould 1838 WS48 [=P. striatus melanocephalus M03; incl. P. melanocephalus inexpectatus Mathews 1912 WS48, P. melanocephalus pilbarra Mathews 1923 WS48, P. melanocephalus tormenti Mathews 1912 WS48]

Pardalotus punctatus (Shaw 1792) JT12, WS48 [=Pipra punctata WS48; incl. Pa. punctatus whitlocki Mathews 1912 WS48]

Pardalotus rubricatus Gould 1838 JT12, WS48 [incl. P. pallida Campbell 1909 WS48, P. rubricatus parryi Mathews 1912 WS48]

Pardalotus substriatus murchisoni Mathews 1912 [=P. striatus murchisoni; incl. P. striatus rogersi Mathews 1912, P. striatus westraliensis Mathews 1912] WS48

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB05] Beresford, P., F. K. Barker, P. G. Ryan & T. M. Crowe. 2005. African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): Molecular systematics of several evolutionary ‘enigmas’. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B—Biological Sciences 272: 849-858.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1-281.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149-186.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[WS48] Whittell, H. M. & D. L. Serventy. 1948. A systematic list of the birds of Western Australia. Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Special Publication 1: 1-126.


White-plumed honeyeater Lichenostomus penicillatus, photographed by Aviceda.

Belongs within: Meliphagidae.

Lichenostomus is a genus of honeyeaters found in Australia and New Guinea, primarily in sclerophyll (dry woodland) habitats. Members of this genus have lined faces, and elongated ear and upper neck plumes.

    |--L. flavus JT12
    `--+--L. penicillatus JT12
       |    |--L. p. penicillatus M03
       |    |--L. p. carteri M03
       |    `--L. p. leilavalensis M03
       `--L. virescens JT12

Lichenostomus incertae sedis:
  L. chrysops M03
  L. cratitius M03
    |--L. c. cratitius M03
    `--L. c. halmaturina M03
  L. fasciogularis M03
  L. flavescens JF06
    |--L. f. flavescens M03
    `--L. f. melvillensis M03
  L. flavicollis M03
  L. frenatus M03
  L. fuscus M03
    |--L. f. fuscus M03
    `--L. f. subgermanus M03
  L. hindwoodi M03
  L. keartlandi M03
  L. melanops M03
    |--L. m. melanops [incl. L. m. meltoni] M03
    `--L. m. cassidix M03
  L. obscurus JT12
  L. plumulus M03
    |--L. p. plumulus M03
    |--L. p. graingeri M03
    `--L. p. planasi M03
  L. subfrenatus JT12
  L. unicolor M03
  L. versicolor M03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444-448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149-186.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds, 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.