Belongs within: Ditrysia.
The Yponomeutoidea are a group of mostly small moths, the larvae of which bore in stems or leaves of plants. Ocelli are present in Plutellidae and Glyphipterygidae but absent in Argyresthiidae and Yponomeutidae (Nielsen & Common 1991).
Characters (from Nielsen & Common 1991): Very small to medium sized, ocelli present or absent; chaetosemata usually absent; scape sometimes with pecten; proboscis naked; maxillary palps small, 1-4-segmented; labial palps short, drooping or moderately ascending; epiphysis present; spurs 0-2-4, rarely 0-2-0; fore wing with M rarely retained in discal cell, chorda and pterostigma often present, R5 usually to termen, venation sometimes reduced; retinaculum in female sometimes a subcostal scale-tuft; hind tibiae usually smooth, abdomen sometimes with inconspicuous dorsal spining, S2 of tineid type and usually with transverse rim near anterior margin, male segment 8 with pleural lobes present and often with paired coremata. Larva with 3 (sometimes 2) prespiracular setae on prothorax, crochets in a uniordinal, uniserial to multiserial circle, occasionally in transverse band or absent; boring in stems, mining in leaves, feeding beneath a slight webbing, or in a more extensive webbing. Pupa without dorsal abdominal spines, or rarely with dorsal transverse ridges; in larval gallery or in fusiform or oval, silken, sometimes network cocoon or exposed, usually not protruded from cocoon or shelter at ecdysis.
|--Ypsolophidae NC91
|--Acrolepiidae M03
|--Argyresthiidae [Argyresthiinae] NC91
| |--Argyresthia notoleuca NC91
| `--Argyresthites P92
|--Aegeriidae C70
| |--Diapyra igniflua C70
| |--Paradoxecia pieli Lieu 1935 H38
| `--Scoliomima insigna B28
|--Plutellidae [Plutellinae] M03
| |--Dolichernis chloroleuca P27
| |--Protosynaemis eratopis P27
| |--Chrysorthenches AY04
| |--Chrysoteuches AY04
| |--Leuroperna sera NC91
| |--Epinomeuta truncatipennella RJ93
| |--Acmosara Meyrick 1887 M87
| | `--*A. polyxena Meyrick 1887 M87
| |--Proditrix M03
| | |--P. nielseni McQuillan 2003 M03
| | `--P. tetragona M03
| |--Orthenches P27
| | |--O. glyphtarcha L27
| | `--O. similis P27
| `--Plutella Schrank 1802 B07
| |--P. antiphona L27
| |--P. maculipennis P27
| |--P. sera L27
| `--P. xylostella GE05 [=Cerostoma xylostella H04]
|--Glyphipterygidae M03
| |--Heliostibes M27
| | |--H. electrica P27
| | `--H. vibratrix Meyrick 1927 M27
| |--Simaethis P27
| | |--S. albifasciata P27
| | |--S. analoga P27
| | |--S. chionodesma C70
| | |--S. combinatana P27
| | |--S. ophiosema C70
| | `--S. taprobanes Z. 1877 M86
| `--Glyphipterix NC91
| |--G. achlyoessa P27
| |--G. acronoma P27
| |--G. ataracta P27
| |--G. chrysoplanetis P27
| |--G. cometophora P27
| |--G. condonias L27
| |--G. gemmipunctella NC91
| |--G. octonaria P27
| |--G. transversella P27
| `--G. zelota P27
`--Yponomeutidae YS10
| i. s.: Tonza purella P27
| Urodus parvula GE05
| Enaemia M87
| |--E. caminaea Meyrick 1887 M87
| |--E. erythractis Meyrick 1887 M87
| `--E. pyrilampis Meyrick 1886 M86
| Mieza M86
| Ceratophysetis Meyrick 1887 M87
| `--*C. sphaerosticha Meyrick 1887 M87
|--Atteva GE05 [Attevinae NC91]
| |--A. aurea KP19
| |--A. exquisita MF68
| |--A. niphocosma NC91
| `--A. niveiguttella [=Corinea niveiguttella] WM66
|--Prays YS10 [Praydinae NC91]
| |--P. citri RC91
| |--P. nephelomima NC91
| |--P. oleellus YS10
| `--P. parilis NC91
`--Yponomeutinae NC91
|--Zelleria NC91
| |--Z. copidota P27
| `--Z. euthysema C70
`--Yponomeuta Latreille 1802 L02
|--*Y. evonymellus L02, KP19 [=Tinea evonymella L02]
|--Y. cognatella F92
|--Y. interellus P27
|--Y. malinella YS10
|--Y. padella G84
|--Y. paurodes NC91
|--Y. pustulellus C70
|--Y. rorellus F92
`--Y. vigintipunctanta F92
*Type species of generic name indicated
[AY04] Austin, A. D., D. K. Yeates, G. Cassis, M. J. Fletcher, J. La Salle, J. F. Lawrence, P. B. McQuillan, L. A. Mound, D. J. Bickel, P. J. Gullan, D. F. Hales & G. S. Taylor. 2004. Insects ‘Down Under’—diversity, endemism and evolution of the Australian insect fauna: examples from select orders. Australian Journal of Entomology 43 (3): 216–234.
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[M03] McQuillan, P. B. 2003. The giant Tasmanian ‘pandani’ moth Proditrix nielseni, sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutoidea: Plutellidae s. l.) Invertebrate Systematics 17: 59–66.
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Last updated: 2 March 2021.