Chinese algae eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, copyright Garthhh.
Belongs within: Ostariophysi.
Contains: Balitoridae, Cobitidae, Catostomidae,
Labeo, Cyprininae, Gobioninae,
The Cypriniformes are a cosmopolitan group of freshwater fishes that lack teeth in the front of the mouth.
Characters (from Bond 1996): Mouth teeth absent; lower pharyngeal bones sickle-shaped, with teeth that usually bite upwards against a cartilaginous pad borne on posterior extension of basioccipital bone; dorsal fin present, adipose fin usually absent; kinethmoid bone present between mesethmoid and ascending processes of premaxillaries; orbitosphenoid, parietals, symplectics and subopercular present; third and fourth vertebrae of Weberian apparatus not fused; prominent intermuscular bones often present.
Cypriniformes [Cypriniphysi, Cyprinoidei]
|--Cobitoidea HM01
| | i. s.: Balitoridae B96
| |--Cobitidae HM01
| `--+--Catostomidae HM01
| `--Gyrinocheilus [Gyrinocheilidae] HM01
| `--G. aymonieri HM01
`--Cyprinidae HM01
| i. s.: Ericymba buccata SBW95
| Hybopsis (Hybopsis) amblops SBW95
| Notemigonus crysoleucas SBW95
| Scardinius erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| Clinostomus SBW95
| |--C. elongatus SBW95
| `--C. funduloides SBW95
| Exoglossum SBW95
| |--E. laurae SBW95
| `--E. maxillingua SBW95
| Hybognathus SBW95
| |--H. amarus B96
| |--H. argyritus B96
| |--H. nuchalis SBW95
| `--H. regius B96
| Macrhybopsis SBW95
| |--M. aestivalis SBW95
| `--M. storeriana SBW95
| Margariscus margarita SBW95
| |--M. m. margarita SBW95
| `--M. m. nachtriebi SBW95
| Semotilus SBW95
| |--S. atromaculatus SBW95
| |--S. bullaris F16
| |--S. corporalis SBW95
| `--S. lumbee SBW95
| Iranocypris Bruun & Kaiser 1943 TP86
| `--I. typhlops Bruun & Kaiser 1943 TP86
| Typhlogarra Trewavas 1955 TP86
| `--T. widdowsoni Trewavas 1955 TP86
| Caecocypris Banister & Bunni 1980 TP86
| `--C. basimi Banister & Bunni 1980 TP86
| Phreatichthys Vinciguerra 1924 TP86
| `--P. andruzzii Vinciguerra 1924 TP86
| Puntius AJ02
| Caecobarbus Boulenger 1921 TP86
| `--C. geertsi Boulenger 1921 TP86
| Barbopsis di Caporiacco 1926 TP86
| `--B. devecchii di Caporiacco 1926 (see below for synonymy) TP86
| Garra Hamilton 1822 TP86
| |--G. barreimiae Fowler & Steinitz 1956 TP86
| `--G. kalakadensis AJ02
| Labeo B96
| Tor AJ02
| |--T. khudree AJ02
| |--T. putitora RM72
| `--T. tor PP07
| Catlocarpio siamensis B96
| Diptychus dipogon B96
| Squalius cephalus B96
| Tinca SE08
| |--T. tinca (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| `--T. vulgaris O97
| Aulopyge B96
| Discognathichthys B96
| Aphyocypris chinensis Günther 1868 I92
| Hemigrammocypris rasborella Fowler 1910 I92
| Pseudorasbora SE08
| |--P. parva (Temminck & Schlegel 1846) SE08
| `--P. pumila Miyadi 1930 I92
| Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus (Bleeker 1850) [=Barbus kalopterus] K55
| Hypselobarbus AJ02
| |--H. curmuca AJ02
| |--H. dobsoni AJ02
| |--H. dubius AJ02
| `--H. kolus AJ02
| Mylocheilus S92
| |--M. caurinus S92
| `--M. robustus S92
| Acrocheilus S92
| |--A. alutaceus S92
| `--A. latus S92
| Aspius aspius (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| Leucaspius delineatus (Heckel 1843) SE08
| Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| Alburnoides bipunctatus (Bloch 1782) CA00, SE08
| Chalcalburnus chalcoides (Güldenstädt 1772) SE08
| Vimba vimba (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| Pelecus cultratus (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| Chondrostoma F05
| | i. s.: C. almacai Coelho, Mesquita & Collares-Pereira 2005 F05
| | C. nasus (Linnaeus 1758) SE08
| |--C. lusitanicum Collares-Pereira 1980 RA05
| `--+--C. arcasii (Steindachner 1866) [=Rutilus arcasii] RA05
| |--C. occidentale Robalo, Almada et al. 2005 RA05
| `--C. oligolepis Robalo, Doadrio et al. 2005 (see below for synonymy) RA05
| Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson 1845) SE08
| Schizothorax pelzami CA00
| Varhostichthys G88
| Barbodes JR10
| |--B. baoulan B50
| |--B. binotatus B50
| |--B. clemensi B50
| |--B. hemictenus Jordan & Richardson 1908 JR10
| |--B. manalak B50
| |--B. palawanensis (Boulenger 1895) [=Barbus palawanensis] JR10
| |--B. quinquemaculatus JR10
| `--B. tumba B50
| Nematabramis JR10
| |--N. alestes [=Mearnsiella alestes] JR10
| `--N. everetti Boulenger 1895 JR10
| Dangila JR10
| |--D. cyanopareia [=Cyrene cyanopareia] JR10
| `--D. philippinia [=Cyrene philippinia] JR10
| Parabarbus AS09
| Stypodon signifer D81
| Lepidomeda D81
| |--L. altivelis D81
| `--L. mollispinis D81
| |--L. m. mollispinis D81
| `--L. m. pratensis D81
| Paraphoxinus B50
| Mandibularia resinus B50
|--Cyprininae B96
|--Gobioninae B96
|--Acheilognathinae B96
|--Leuciscinae B96
`--Barbinae TP86
Cypriniformes incertae sedis:
Adiposia B96
Leptobotia curta (Temminck & Schlegel 1846) I92
Opsariichthys uncirostris NE12
Zacco SL86
|--Z. platypus T90
`--Z. temmincki T90
Botia K55 [Botiidae B-RB13]
|--B. horae B93
|--B. hymenophysa (Bleeker 1852) [=Cobitis hymenophysa] K55
|--B. macracantha (Bleeker 1852) [=Cobitis macracanthus] K55
`--B. striatus RM72
Barbuccidae B-RB13
Ellopostomatidae B-RB13
Psilorhynchidae B-RB13
Serpenticobitidae B-RB13
Vaillantellidae B-RB13
Barbopsis devecchii di Caporiacco 1926 [incl. Eilichthys microphthalmus Pellegrin 1929, B. stefaninii Gianferrari 1930] TP86
Chondrostoma oligolepis Robalo, Doadrio et al. 2005 [=Rutilus macrolepidotus Steindachner 1866 non Leuciscus macrolepidotus Ayres 1854, C. macrolepidotum] RA05
*Type species of generic name indicated
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