Belongs within: Arecaceae.
Contains: Licuala.
The Coryphoideae are a group of palms whose members often have palmate or costapalmate, induplicate leaves and/or apocarpous flowers.
|--Borasseae HB09
| |--Hyphaeninae HB09
| `--Lataniinae HB09
| |--Latania doddigesii BP60
| `--Borassus flabellifer HB09, KJ05
`--Corypheae BBB03
| i. s.: Guihaia BBB03
| Kerriodoxa BBB03
`--Livistoninae BBB03
|--Licuala SDK-L03
|--Johannesteijsmannia altifrons SDK-L03, P88
`--Livistona B12
|--L. alfredii MLP09
|--L. australis (Brown) von Martius 1838 HE80 [=Corypha australis B78]
|--L. benthamii B00
|--L. chinensis A80b
| |--L. c. var. chinensis A80b
| |--L. c. var. boninensis A80a
| `--L. c. var. subglobosa A80b
|--L. decipiens B00
|--L. drudei B00
|--L. eastonii LK14
|--L. humilis [incl. L. leichhardtii] B78
|--L. inermis B78
|--L. lorophylla B12
|--L. mariae B00
|--L. muelleri B00
|--L. nasmophila B12
`--L. nitida B00
Coryphoideae incertae sedis:
Chamaerops humilis Z03, R-CT01
Copernicia Z03
|--C. alba F11
`--C. australis F11
Chuniophoenix Z03
Phoenix Z03
|--P. canariensis Chabaud 1882 HE80
|--P. dactylifera MLP09
|--P. reclinata DS04
|--P. sylvestris KJ05
`--P. theophrasti D81
Medemia Z03
Satranalia Z03
Thrinax F11 [Thrinacinae SDK-L03]
`--T. radiata F11
*Type species of generic name indicated
[A80a] Aoki, J. 1980a. A revision of the oribatid mites of Japan. I. The families Phthiracaridae and Oribotritiidae. Bulletin of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University 6 (2): 1–89.
[A80b] Aoki, J. 1980b. A revision of the oribatid mites of Japan. III. Families Protoplophoridae, Archoplophoridae and Mesoplophoridae. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 18: 5–16.
[BP60] Baker, E. W., & A. E. Pritchard. 1960. The tetranychoid mites of Africa. Hilgardia 29 (11): 455–574.
[BBB03] Barfod, A. S., T. Burholt & F. Borchsenius. 2003. Contrasting pollination modes in three species of Licuala (Arecaceae: Coryphoideae). Telopea 10 (1): 207–223.
[B78] Bentham, G. 1878. Flora Australiensis: A description of the plants of the Australian Territory vol. 7. Roxburghiaceae to Filices. L. Reeve & Co.: London.
[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 1. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).
[B12] Braby, M. F. 2012. The butterflies of El Questro Wilderness Park, with remarks on the taxonomy of the Kimberley fauna, Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (2): 161–175.
[DS04] Davis, J. I., D. W. Stevenson, G. Petersen, O. Seberg, L. M. Campbell, J. V. Freudenstein, D. H. Goldman, C. R. Hardy, F. A. Michelangeli, M. P. Simmons, C. D. Specht, F. Vergara-Silva & M. Gandolfo. 2004. A phylogeny of the monocots, as inferred from rbcL and atpA sequence variation, and a comparison of methods for calculating jackknife and bootstrap values. Systematic Botany 29 (3): 467–510.
[D81] Day, D. 1981. The Doomsday Book of Animals: A unique natural history of three hundred vanished species. Ebury Press: London.
[F11] Fraga, R. M. 2011. Family Icteridae (New World blackbirds). In: Hoyo, J. del, A. Elliott & D. A. Christie (eds) Handbook of the Birds of the World vol. 16. Tanagers to New World Blackbirds pp. 684–807. Lynx Edicions: Barcelona.
[HE80] Healy, A. J., & E. Edgar. 1980. Flora of New Zealand vol. 3. Adventive cyperaceous, petalous and spathaceous monocotyledons. P. D. Hasselberg, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).
[HB09] Heatubun, C. D., W. J. Baker, J. P. Mogea, M. M. Harley, S. S. Tjitrosoedirdjo & J. Dransfield. 2009. A monograph of Cyrtostachys (Arecaceae). Kew Bulletin 64 (1): 67–94.
[KJ05] Katewa, S. S., A. Jain, B. L. Chaudhary & P. Galav. 2005. Some unreported medicinal uses of plants from the tribal area of Southern Rajasthan. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47: 121–130.
[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.
[MLP09] McKenzie, N. L., S. van Leeuwen & A. M. Pinder. 2009. Introduction to the Pilbara Biodiversity Survey, 2002–2007. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78 (1): 3–89.
[P88] Polunin, I. 1988. Plants and Flowers of Malaysia. Times Editions: Singapore.
[R-CT01] Ragusa-di Chiara, S., & H. Tsolakis. 2001. Phytoseiid faunas of natural and agricultural ecosystems in Sicily. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 522–529. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.
[SDK-L05] Saw, L. G., J. Dransfield & D. M. Keith-Lucas. 2003. Morphological diversity of the genus Licuala (Palmae). Telopea 10 (1): 187–206.
[Z03] Zona, S. 2003. Endosperm condition and the paradox of Ptychococcus paradoxus. Telopea 10 (1): 179–185.