Belongs within: Euaculeata.
The Tiphiidae are a group of small wasps that develop as parasites of subterranean beetle larvae (Naumann 1991).
Characters (from Naumann 1991): Inner margins of compound eyes not strongly emarginate; pronotum freely articulating with mesothorax, mid-dorsally usually long, posterolaterally reaching tegula, ventrally rounded; mesostemum usually with plate-like extensions over mid coxae; propodeum not tripartite; fore wing without pseudovenation. Larvae with four-toothed mandibles and second pair of thoracic spiracles reduced or absent. Cocoon present.
<==Tiphiidae [Tiphidae, Tiphioidea]
| i. s.: Colocistis HR11
| |--C. crassa HH07
| |--C. eremi BD17
| `--C. sulcatus HR11
| Architiphia rasnitsyni Darling in Darling & Sharkey 1990 RJ93
| Pterombrus RD77
|--Anthobosca Guérin de Méneville 1838 BL17 [incl. Adontothynnus Cameron 1906 T08; Anthoboscinae GE05]
|--Diamma [Diamminae] K04
| `--D. bicolor N91
|--Brachycistidinae K04
| |--Brachycistis timberlakei JB13
| `--Glyptometopa K04
`--Tiphia [Tiphiinae] N91
| i. s.: T. annandalei Turner 1908 AJ30
| T. auripennis Bingham 1897 AJ30
| T. borneana Cameron 1907 AJ30
| T. brevipennis Lucas 1848 E12
| T. carbonaria Smith 1861 AJ30
| T. clypealis Cameron 1896–1897 AJ30
| T. consueta Smith 1879 AJ30
| T. flavipennis Smith 1858 AJ30
| T. fumipennis Smith 1858 AJ30
| T. fuscinervis Cameron 1896–1897 AJ30
| T. higoensis S94
| T. ifri S94
| T. implicata Cameron 1896–1897 AJ30
| T. incisa Cameron 1896–1897 AJ30
| T. intrudens Smith 1864 AJ30
| T. khasiana Cameron 1902 AJ30
| T. kisukei S94
| T. levisternalis S94
| T. maculata L02
| T. magnoliae S94
| T. nipponica S94
| T. ordinaria Smith 1873 AJ30
| T. oswini Turner 1911 AJ30
| T. punctata Smith 1873 AJ30
| T. punctifrons Cameron 1909 AJ30
| T. robusta Cameron 1904 AJ30
| T. rufipes Smith 1855 AJ30
| T. rufotibiata S94
| T. (Tengyra) sanvitali G20
| T. spinosa Cameron 1902 AJ30
| T. stigma Smith 1858 AJ30
| T. teranishii S94
| T. tibetana Turner 1908 AJ30
| T. transversa RD77
| T. vulgata S94
|--T. (Tiphia) femorata G20
| |--T. f. femorata S94
| `--T. f. biseculata Allen & Jaynes 1930 S94, AJ30
|--T. clauseni Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. latistriata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. longitegulata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. matura Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. minutopunctata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. nana Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. pigmentata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. pullivora Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. totopunctata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. vernalis Rohwer 1924 AJ30
|--T. agilis group AJ30
| |--T. agilis Smith 1873 AJ30
| `--T. asericae Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. bicarinata group AJ30
| |--T. bicarinata Cameron 1902 AJ30
| |--T. brevilineata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. cilicincta Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| `--T. fukiensis Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. capillata group AJ30
| |--T. capillata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| `--T. levipunctata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. koreana group AJ30
| |--T. antigenata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. assamensis Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. autumnalis Rohwer 1924 AJ30
| |--T. communis Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. fossata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. koreana Rohwer 1927 AJ30
| |--T. ovidorsalis Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| `--T. tegitiplaga Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. malayana group AJ30
| |--T. brevistigma Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. compressa Smith 1855 AJ30
| `--T. malayana Cameron 1910 AJ30
|--T. popilliavora group AJ30
| |--T. inconspicua Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. nervidirecta Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. ovinigris Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| |--T. phyllophagae Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
| `--T. popilliavora Rohwer 1924 AJ30
`--T. rufomandibulata group AJ30
|--T. brevicarinata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. lyrata Magretti 1892 AJ30
|--T. notopolita Allen & Jaynes 1930 [incl. T. notopolita var. intermedia Allen & Jaynes 1930] AJ30
|--T. rufomandibulata Smith 1873 AJ30
|--T. singularis Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
|--T. sternocarinata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
`--T. sternodentata Allen & Jaynes 1930 AJ30
*Type species of generic name indicated
[AJ30] Allen, H. W., & H. A. Jaynes. 1930. Contribution to the taxonomy of Asiatic wasps of the genus Tiphia (Scoliidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 76 (17): 1–105.
[BD17] Branstetter, M. G., B. N. Danforth, J. P. Pitts, B. C. Faircloth, P. S. Ward, M. L. Buffington, M. W. Gates, R. R. Kula & S. G. Brady. 2017. Phylogenomic insights into the evolution of stinging wasps and the origins of ants and bees. Current Biology 27: 1019–1025.
[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.
[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.
[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.
[HR11] Heraty, J., F. Ronquist, J. M. Carpenter, D. Hawks, S. Schulmeister, A. P. Dowling, D. Murray, J. Munro, W. C. Wheeler, N. Schiff & M. Sharkey. 2011. Evolution of the hymenopteran megaradiation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 60: 73–88.
[HH07] Hines, H. M., J. H. Hunt, T. K. O'Connor, J. J. Gillespie & S. A. Cameron. 2007. Multigene phylogeny reveals eusociality evolved twice in vespid wasps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 (9): 3295–3299.
[JB13] Johnson, B. R., M. L. Borowiec, J. C. Chiu, E. K. Lee, J. Atallah & P. S. Ward. 2013. Phylogenomics resolves evolutionary relationships among ants, bees, and wasps. Current Biology 23: 2058–2062.
[K04] Kimsey, L. S. 2004. Illustrated keys to genera of the male wasps in the subfamily Thynninae (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106 (3): 571–585.
[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle, générale et particulière des crustacés et des insectes vol. 3. Familles naturelles des genres. F. Dufart: Paris.
[N91] Naumann, I. D. 1991. Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants, sawflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 916–1000. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).
[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.
[RJ93] Ross, A. J., & E. A. Jarzembowski. 1993. Arthropoda (Hexapoda; Insecta). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 363–426. Chapman & Hall: London.
[S94] Shimizu, A. 1994. Phylogeny and classification of the family Pompilidae (Hymenoptera). Tokyo Metropolitan University Bulletin of Natural History 2: 1–142.
[T08] Turner, R. E. 1908. A revision of the Thynnidae of Australia. [Hymenoptera]. Part II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33: 70–256.