Showing posts with label Euopisthobranchia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Euopisthobranchia. Show all posts


Aglaja ocelligera, copyright Gustav Paulay.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.

The Aglajidae are a cosmopolitan group of headshield slugs in which the shell is internal, reduced and often not calcified, and the visceral shield is posteriorly extended into swallowtail-like lobes.

<==Aglajidae [Sinistrobranchia, Sinistrobranchidae] BR17
    |--Posterobranchaea BR05
    |--Doridium Meckel 1809 [Doridiidae, Doridiina, Doridiinae] BR05
    |    `--*D. membranaceum Meckel 1809 BR17 [=Aglaja membranacea O27]
    |--Navanax Pilsbry 1895 O27
    |    `--*N. inermis Cooper 1862 O27
    |--Acera Cuvier 1810 (nom. rej.) BR17
    |    `--*A. carnosa Cuvier 1810 BR17
    |--Chelidonura Adams 1850 [Chelidonuridae] BR05
    |    |--*C. hirundinina (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) [=Bulla hirundinina] BR17
    |    |--C. amoena Bergh 1905 BW09
    |    `--C. inermis (Cooper 1863) PP78
    |--Philinopsis BW09
    |    |--P. pilsbryi (Eliot 1900) BW09
    |    |--P. reticulata (Eliot 1903) BW09
    |    `--P. taronga [incl. Chelidonura aureopunctula] HS01
    `--Aglaja Renier 1807 BR05
         |--*A. tricolorata Renier 1807 BR17
         |--A. adellae Dall 1894 O27
         |--A. cylindrica (Cheeseman 1881) P61
         |--A. diomedia Bergh 1894 O27
         |--A. marmorata (Smith 1884) [=Doridium marmoratum] H09
         |--A. ocelligera (Bergh 1894) [=Doridium ocelligerum] O27
         `--A. purpurea Bergh 1894 O27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[BW09] Bryce, C., & C. Whisson. 2009. The macromolluscs of Mermaid (Rowley Shoals), Scott and Seringapatam Reefs, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 177–208.

[HS01] Hayward, B. W., A. B. Stephenson, M. S. Morley, W. M. Blom, H. R. Grenfell, F. J. Brook, J. L. Riley, F. Thompson & J. J. Hayward. 2001. Marine biota of Parengarenga Harbour, Northland, New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum 37: 45–80.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[PP78] Poorman, F. L., & L. H. Poorman. 1978. Additional molluscan records from Bahía de Los Angeles, Baja California Norte. Veliger 20 (4): 369–374.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.


Tornatina planospira, copyright G. & Ph. Poppe.

Belongs within: Heterobranchia.
Contains: Thecosomata, Gymnosomata, Runcinidae, Aplysiidae, Umbraculidae, Cylichnidae, Diaphanidae, Atys, Haminoea, Retusidae, Rhizoridae, Bulla, Acteocina, Philinidae, Aglajidae, Philinoglossidae.

The Euopisthobranchia are a major clade of marine gastropods supported by molecular data, including the bubble shells, sea hares and pteropods. Subgroups include the Aplysiida, sea hares and related taxa, a group of soft-bodied marine gastropods with a reduced shell (external in Akeridae, internal in Aplysiidae) characterised by the presence of defensive opaline and purple glands in the mantle cavity, and an oesophageal gizzard containing an anterior chamber with large chitinous plates and a posterior chamber with numerous fine spines. The Pteropoda are planktonic gastropods that swim by means of broad lateral expansions of the foot (parapodia). The Cephalaspidea, bubble snails and headshield slugs, are characterised by a distinctive broadening of the head to form a shield used in digging through sand. The shield bears a central pair of light-sensitive organs, and the foot may bear lateral parapodia. The Umbraculoidea, umbrella shells, have a thin limpet-like shell and plume-like gills on the left side of the body. The Runcinoidea are minute, flattened slugs (a minute external shell may be present posteriorly) with an undivided notum covering most of the dorsum.

<==Euopisthobranchia BR17
    |--Pteropoda BR17
    |    |  i. s.: Hyalea cornea G20
    |    |--Thecosomata BR17
    |    `--Gymnosomata BR17
    |--Runcinoidea [Runcinacea, Runcinida, Runcinidea, Runciniformes] BR17
    |    |--Runcinidae BR05
    |    `--Ilbia Burn 1963 [Ilbiidae, Ilbiinae] BR05
    |         `--*I. ilbi Burn 1963 BR17
    |--Aplysiida [Anaspidea, Aplysiacea, Aplysiina, Aplysiomorpha] BR17
    |    |--Aplysiidae BR05
    |    `--Akeridae [Akerinae, Akeroidea] BR05
    |         |--Clistaxis [=Cryptaxis (preoc.)] O27
    |         |    |--*C. parvula O27
    |         |    |--C. crebripunctatus O27
    |         |    `--C. polystrigma Dall 1908 O27
    |         `--Akera Müller 1776 BR17
    |              |--*A. bullata Müller 1776 BR17
    |              |--A. carnosa G20
    |              |--A. mediojurensis Cossmann 1896 TTE93
    |              `--A. tanganyicensis Cox 1965 TTE93
    |--Umbraculoidea [Tylodinoidea, Umbraculacea, Umbraculida, Umbraculiformes, Umbraculoidei, Umbraculomorpha] BR17
    |    |--Tylodina Rafinesque 1814 [Tylodinacea, Tylodinana, Tylodinidae, Tylodininae, Tylodinoidei] BR05
    |    |    |--*T. punctulata Rafinesque 1814 BR17 [incl. T. citrina O27]
    |    |    |--T. corticalis (Tate 1889) MG-H11
    |    |    |--T. duebeni N79
    |    |    |--T. fungina Gabb 1865 O27
    |    |    |--‘Parmophorus’ patelloideus S79
    |    |    `--T. (Tylodinella) rafinesquei Philippi 1844 TTE93
    |    `--Umbraculidae TTE93
    `--Cephalaspidea [Aspidocephala, Bulliformes, Bulliformii, Bulloidei, Bullomorpha, Ectoconcha] BR17
         |  i. s.: Priscaphander JB12
         |--Newnesia Smith 1902 [Newnesiidae, Newnesioidea] BR17
         |    `--*N. antarctica Smith 1902 BR17
         |--Cylichnoidea [Diaphanacea, Diaphanida, Diaphanoidea] BR17
         |    |--Cylichnidae BR05
         |    |--Diaphanidae BR17
         |    |--Colinatys Ortea, Moro & Espinosa 2013 [Colinatydidae] BR17
         |    |    `--*C. alayoi (Espinosa & Ortea 2004) [=Atys alayoi] BR17
         |    |--Diaphanella Thiele 1912 BR17 [=Notodiaphana Thiele 1917 BR17; Notodiaphanidae BR05]
         |    |    `--*D. fragilis (Vélain 1877) [=Bulla fragilis, *Notodiaphana fragilis] BR17
         |    |--Eoscaphander Habe 1952 [Eoscaphandridae] BR17
         |    |    `--*E. fragilis Habe 1952 BR17
         |    `--Mnestia Adams & Adams 1854 [Mnestiidae] BR17
         |         `--*M. marmorata (Adams 1850) [=Bulla marmorata] BR17
         |--Haminoeidae [Atyacea, Hamineina, Haminoeoidea] BR05
         |    |  i. s.: Liloa curta (Adams 1850) MG-H11
         |    |         ‘Cylichna’ incisa Stephenson 1941 TTE93
         |    |         Aliculastrum Pilsbry 1896 TTE93
         |    |--Atys BR17
         |    |--Haminoea BR17
         |    |--Bullacta Bergh 1901 BR05 [Bullactidae, Bullactinae BR17, Bullactininae]
         |    |    |--*B. caurina (Benson 1856) [=Bullaea caurina] BR17
         |    |    `--B. exarata ZLK11
         |    `--Smaragdinellinae [Cryptophthalmidae, Cryptophthalminae, Ophthalmidae, Smaragdinellidae] BR17
         |         |--Smaragdinella Adams 1848 BR05
         |         |    `--*S. viridis (Rang in Quoy & Gaimard 1832) [=Bulla viridis] BR17
         |         `--Lathophthalmus Pruvot-Fol 1932 (see below for synonymy) BR05
         |              `--*L. olivaceus (Ehrenberg 1828) [=*Cryptophthalmus olivaceus] BR17
         |--Bulloidea BR17
         |    |--Retusidae BR17
         |    |--Rhizoridae BR17
         |    |--Bullidae [Bullacea] BR05
         |    |    |--Bulla BR05
         |    |    `--Quibulla Iredale 1929 P61, BR17
         |    |         |--*Q. botanica (Hedley 1918) BR17 [=Bulla botanica P61, Bullaria botanica F27a]
         |    |         `--Q. quoyi (Gray 1843) P61
         |    `--Tornatinidae BR17
         |         |--Acteocina BR17
         |         `--Tornatina Adams 1850 BR05
         |              |--‘Retusa’ gaimardi Finlay 1927 F27b (see below for synonymy)
         |              |--T. acrobeles (Watson 1883) [=Utriculus acrobeles] H09
         |              |--T. biplex (Adams 1850) [=Bulla biplex] H09
         |              |--T. carinata C64
         |              |--T. cerealis C64
         |              |--T. culcitella C64
         |              |--T. gracilis Adams 1850 H09
         |              |--T. leptekes (Watson 1883) [=Utriculus leptekes] H09
         |              `--T. planospira (Adams 1850) [=Bulla planospira] H09
         `--Philinoidea [Entoconcha, Philinacea] BR05
              |--Philinidae BR05
              |--Aglajidae BR05
              |--Philinoglossidae BR05
              |--Alacuppa Oskars, Bouchet & Malaquias 2015 [Alacuppidae] BR17
              |    `--*A. supracancellata (Schepman 1913) [=Atys supracancellata] BR17
              |--Colpodaspis Sars 1870 [Colpodaspididae] BR17
              |    `--*C. pusilla Sars 1870 BR17
              |--Laona Adams 1865 BR05 [Laonidae BR17, Laoninae]
              |    `--*L. zonata Adams 1865 BR17
              |--Philinorbis Habe 1950 [Philinorbidae] BR17
              |    `--*P. teramachii Habe 1950 BR17
              |--Gastropteron Kosse 1813 (see below for synonymy) BR05
              |    |--*G. meckeli Blainville 1825 BR17
              |    |--G. cinereum Dall 1925 [=G. pacificum var. cinereum] O27
              |    |--G. coccineum G20
              |    |--G. pacificum Bergh 1893 O27
              |    `--G. rubrum O27
              `--Scaphander Montfort 1810 BR05 (see below for synonymy)
                   |--*S. lignarius (Linnaeus 1758) P61, L58 [=Bulla lignaria P61; incl. S. lignarius var. curta N79]
                   |--*Tricla’ gioeni Philipsson 1788 BR17
                   |--S. librarius J64
                   |--S. multistriatus Brazier 1877 H09
                   |--S. otagoensis Dell 1956 P61
                   |--S. punctostriatus (Mighels & Adams 1841) [=Bulla punctostriatus] N79
                   `--S. willetti Dall 1919 O27

Gastropteron Kosse 1813 [=Gasteropteron (l. c.), Gastropterum Agassiz 1847; Gasteropteridae, Gastropteridae, Gastropterinae, Gastropteroidae] BR05

Lathophthalmus Pruvot-Fol 1932 [=Cryptophthalmus Ehrenberg 1828 non Rafinesque 1814; Lathophthalminae] BR05

‘Retusa’ gaimardi Finlay 1927 F27b [=Bulla voluta Quoy & Gaimard 1833 non Gmelin 1791 F27b, Acteocina voluta O27, *Tornatina voluta BR17]

Scaphander Montfort 1810 BR05 [incl. Gioenia D00, Tricla Philipsson 1788 (nom. rej.) D00, BR05; Scaphandridae BR17, Scaphandroidea, Triclidae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[D00] Draparnaud, C. 1800. Observations sur la Gioenia. Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societé Philomathique de Paris 2 (39): 113–114.

[F27a] Finlay, H. J. 1927a. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320–485.

[F27b] Finlay, H. J. 1927b. New specific names for austral Mollusca. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 488–533.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[J64] Jeffreys, J. G. 1864. Report of the committee appointed for exploring the coasts of Shetland by means of the dredge. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 70–81.

[JB12] Johnson, M. E., & B. G. Baarli. 2012. Development of intertidal biotas through Phanerozoic time. In: Talent, J. A. (ed.) Earth and Life: Global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time pp. 63–128. Springer.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O’Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[N79] Norman, A. M. 1879. The Mollusca of the fiords near Bergen, Norway. Journal of Conchology 2: 8–77.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[S79] Smith, E. A. 1879. Notes on the species of the genus Scutus. Journal of Conchology 2: 252–264.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

[ZLK11] Zou, S., Q. Li & L. Kong. 2011. Additional gene data and increased sampling give new insights into the phylogenetic relationships of Neogastropoda, within the caenogastropod phylogenetic framework. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61: 425–435.

Last updated: 5 September 2021.


Diaphana globosa, copyright Manuel Antonio E. Malaquias.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.

The Diaphanidae are a group of thin-shelled bubble snails lacking mantle parapodia, jaws or gizzard plates. The shell is transparent in life, less than five millimetres long, and has a truncate spire.

<==Diaphanidae BR05
    |--Bogasonia J96
    |--Rhinodiaphana J96
    |--Brocktonia Iredale 1915 O27
    |    `--B. polystrigma Dall 1908 O27
    |--Austrodiaphana Pilsbry 1896 P61, BR05 [Austrodiaphanidae]
    |    |--*A. brazieri (Angas 1877) BR17 [=Diaphana brazieri BR17, Aplustrum brazieri P61]
    |    |--A. colei Fleming 1848 P61
    |    `--A. maunganuica Powell 1952 P61
    `--Diaphana Brown 1827 [incl. Amphisphyra Lovén 1846; Amphisphyradae, Amphisphyridae, Diaphaninae] BR05
         |--*D. candida Brown 1827 BR17
         |--D. brunnea Dall 1919 O27
         |--D. californica Dall 1919 O27
         |--D. globosa Loven 1846 O27
         |--D. minuta Brown 1827 O27, J96
         |--D. moloti (Cossmann 1907) TTE93
         |--D. pellucida Brown 1827 [=*Amphisphyra pellucida] BR17
         `--D. truncata TTE93

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[J96] Jensen, K. R. 1996. The Diaphanidae as a possible sister group of the Sacoglossa (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia). In: Taylor, J. D. (ed.) Origin and Evolutionary Radiation of the Mollusca pp. 231–247. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 5 September 2021.


Retusa truncatula, from here.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.

The Retusidae, canoe shells, are a family of infaunal cephalaspid gastropods characterised by the lack of a radula. Instead, their diet of forams and minute molluscs is processed by gizzard plates.

<==Retusidae [Retusacea, Retusoidea]
    |--Ventomnestia girardi (Audouin 1827) [=Bulla girardi, Alicula girardi, Cylichna girardi] BD86
    `--Retusa Brown 1827 [Crypsibranchia] BR05
         |  i. s.: R. amphizosta (Watson 1883) [=Utriculus amphizosta] H09
         |         R. aupouria Powell 1937 P61
         |         R. complanata (Watson 1883) [=Utriculus complanatus] H09
         |         R. decapitata Dall 1896 F27
         |         R. mamillata M62
         |         R. murdochi (Suter 1913) P61
         |         R. nitida (Adams 1850) [=Bulla nitida] H09
         |         R. oruaensis (Webster 1908) P61 (see below for synonymy)
         |         R. ovata C60
         |         R. pachys (Watson 1883) P61
         |         R. pertenuis Mighels 1843 O27
         |         R. semen Reeve 1856 O27
         |         R. simillima (Watson 1883) [=Utriculus simillimus] H09
         |         R. succincta GAS03
         |--R. (Retusa) O27
         |    |--*R. (R.) obtusa (Montagu 1803) P61, O27 [=Bulla obtusa P61]
         |    `--R. (R.) truncatula (Bruguiere 1772) O27 (see below for synonymy)
         |--R. (Coleophysis Fischer 1883) O27
         |    `--R. (C.) harpa Dall 1871 O27
         `--R. (Sulcularia Dall 1920) O27
              `--R. (S.) xystrum Dall 1919 O27

Retusa oruaensis (Webster 1908) P61 [incl. R. biplicata Suter 1909 P61, R. charlottae Suter 1909 P61, R. cookiana Suter 1909 P61, Tornatina decapitata Suter 1909 F27, R. decapitata non Dall 1896 F27, R. suteri Finlay 1927 P61, R. tenuilirata Suter 1909 P61]

Retusa (Retusa) truncatula (Bruguiere 1772) O27 [=Bulla truncatula O27, B. truncata (l. c.) BR17, Cylichna truncata (l. c.) BR17]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BD86] Barash, A., & Z. Danin. 1986. Further additions to the knowledge of Indo-Pacific Mollusca in the Mediterranean Sea (Lessepsian migrants). Spixiana 9 (2): 117–141.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[C60] Cox, L. R. 1960. Gastropoda: general characteristics of Gastropoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt I. Mollusca 1: Mollusca—General Features, Scaphopoda, Amphineura, Monoplacophora, Gastropoda—General Features, Archaeogastropoda and some (mainly Paleozoic) Caenogastropoda and Opisthobranchia pp. I84–I169. Geological Society of America, and University of Kansas Press.

[F27] Finlay, H. J. 1927. New specific names for austral Mollusca. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 488–533.

[GAS03] Gulbin, V. V., I. S. Arzamastsev & V. M. Shulkin. 2003. Ecological monitoring of the water area of Port Vostochnyi (Wrangel Bay) in the Sea of Japan (1995–2002). Russian Journal of Marine Biology 29 (5): 284–295.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[M62] Monniot, F. 1962. Recherches sur les graviers a Amphioxus de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Vie et Milieu 13: 231–322.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

Last updated: 2 September 2021.


Limacina helicina, copyright Alexander Semenov.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.
Contains: Cavoliniidae.

The Thecosomata, sea butterflies, are a group of pelagic marine gastropods that have the foot modified into a pair of wing-like parapodia used in swimming. Most Thecosomata retain a calcareous shell though the shell is demineralised or lost in some subgroups. Loss of the adult shell is found in the Cymbuliidae and Desmopterus within the Cymbulioidea.

See also: Crystal butterflies of the sea.

<==Thecosomata [Campyloconques, Eupteropoda]
    |  i. s.: Tiedemannia BR05
    |         Bovicornu Meyer 1886 CR13
    |--Cymbulioidea (see below for synonymy) BR05
    |    |--Desmopterus Chun 1889 CR13, BR05 [Desmopteridae]
    |    |    |--*D. papilio Chun 1889 BR17
    |    |    |--D. gardinieri CR13
    |    |    `--D. pacificus Essenberg 1919 O27
    |    `--+--Peraclidae [Peraclacea, Peraclididae] BR05
    |       |    |--Procymbulia Meisenheimer 1905 [Procymbuliidae] BR05
    |       |    |    `--*P. valdiviae Meisenheimer 1905 BR17
    |       |    `--Peracle Forbes 1844 CR13, BR05
    |       |         |--*P. physoides Forbes 1844 BR17
    |       |         |--P. apicifulva CR13
    |       |         |--P. bispinosa CR13
    |       |         |--P. depressa CR13
    |       |         |--P. moluccensis CR13
    |       |         |--P. reticulata P61
    |       |         |--P. triacantha CR13
    |       |         `--P. valdiviae CR13
    |       `--Cymbuliidae [Cymbuliadae, Subtestacea] BR05
    |            |--Cymbulia Péron & Lesueur 1810 CR13, BR05 [Cymbuliinae]
    |            |    |--*C. proboscidea Lamarck 1816 BR17
    |            |    |--C. parvidentata Pelseneer 1888 P61
    |            |    |--C. peroni P61
    |            |    `--C. sibogae CR13
    |            `--+--Gleba Forskål 1776 CR13, BR05 [Glebinae] BR05
    |               |    `--*G. cordata Forskål 1776 BR17
    |               `--Corolla Dall 1871 CR13, O27
    |                    |--*C. spectabilis Dall 1871 O27
    |                    |--C. calceaolaris CR13
    |                    |--C. chrysosticta CR13
    |                    |--C. cupula CR13
    |                    `--C. ovata CR13
    `--Euthecosomata BR17
         |--Cavolinioidea [Orthoconcha] BR05
         |    |  i. s.: Camptoceros Wenz 1929 CR13
         |    |--Cavoliniidae BR05
         |    |--Sphaerocina Jung 1971 [Sphaerocinidae] BR05
         |    |    `--*S. formae (Audenino 1897) [=Limacina formae] BR17
         |    |--Praecuvierina Janssen 2005 [Praecuvierinidae] BR17
         |    |    `--*P. lura (Hodgkinson 1992) [=Cuvierina lura] BR17
         |    `--Creseis Rang 1828 BR05 [Creseidae BR17, Creseinae]
         |         |--*C. acicula Rang 1828 BR17 [=Clio acicula H09]
         |         |--C. chierchae CR13
         |         |--C. conica B26
         |         `--C. virgula Rang 1828 P61 [=Clio virgula H09]
         `--Limacinidae [Limacinacea, Limacinoidea, Limacinoidei, Spiratellacea, Spiratellidae, Spiriconcha] BR17
              |--Altaspiratella CR13
              |--Embolus Jeffreys 1869 nec Haller 1768 (ICBN) nec Batsch 1783 (ICBN) P61
              |    `--*E. inflatus (d’Orbigny 1836) P61 [=Atlanta inflata H09, Limacina (Thilea) inflata CR13]
              |--Thielea Strebel 1908 P61
              |    `--T. helicoides [=Limacina helicoides; incl. *T. procera] P61
              |--Spirialis Eydoux & Souleyet 1840 [Spirialidae] BR05
              |    |--*S. trochiformis (d’Orbigny 1834) [=Atlanta trochiformis] BR17
              |    |--S. flemingii J64
              |    |--S. macandrei J64
              |    |--S. mercinensis Watelet & Lefèvre 1885 CR13
              |    `--S. retroversus N79
              `--Limacina Bosc 1817 [=Spiratella Blainville 1817] BR05
                   |--*L. helicina (Phipps 1774) BR17 [=Clio helicina BR17, *Spiratella helicina P61]
                   |    |--L. h. helicina CR13
                   |    `--L. h. antartica CR13 [=Spiratella antarctica O27]
                   |--L. arctica G20
                   |--‘Spiratella’ australis (Eydoux & Souleyet 1840) P61
                   |--‘Spiratella’ balea (Moeller 1841) P61
                   |--L. bulimoides (d’Orbigny 1836) H09 (see below for synonymy)
                   |--L. lesueurii d’Orbigny 1836 CR13, P61 [=Atlanta leseuri H09, L. (Thilea) lesueurii CR13]
                   |--L. mercinensis (Watelet & Lefèvre 1885) TTE93
                   |--‘Spiratella’ pacifica Dall 1871 O27
                   |--L. rangii B26
                   |--L. retroversa [incl. L. balea] B26
                   `--L. trochiformis [=L. (Munthea) trochiformis] CR13

Cymbulioidea [Cymbuliacea, Cymbulioidei, Peraclida, Peracliformes, Peracliformii, Peracloidei, Pseudothecosomata] BR05

Limacina bulimoides (d’Orbigny 1836) H09 [=Atlanta bulimoides H09, L. (Munthea) bulimoides CR13, Spiratella bulimoides P61]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B26] Bigelow, H. B. 1926. Plankton of the offshore waters of the Gulf of Maine. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries 40 (2): 1–509.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[CR13] Corse, E., J. Rampal, C. Cuoc, N. Pech, Y. Perez & A. Gilles. 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of Thecosomata Blainville, 1824 (holoplanktonic Opisthobranchia) using morphological and molecular data. PLoS One 8 (4): e59439.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[J64] Jeffreys, J. G. 1864. Report of the committee appointed for exploring the coasts of Shetland by means of the dredge. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 70–81.

[N79] Norman, A. M. 1879. The Mollusca of the fiords near Bergen, Norway. Journal of Conchology 2: 8–77.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 1 September 2021.


Philine scabra, copyright Daniel L. Geiger.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.

The Philinidae are a group of headshield slugs with a delicate internal shell and a dorsal aspect divided between the four regions of head, visceral mass and lateral parapodial lobes. They commonly live infaunally in fine sediments; a smaller number of species live epifaunally.

Philinidae BR05
    |--Megistostoma gabbianum (Stoliczka 1868) TTE93
    |--Bullaea Lamarck 1801 [=Bullea (l. c.), Bullinia Rafinesque 1815; Bullaeana, Bullaeidae, Bullinitia] BR05
    |    |--*B. planciana Lamarck 1801 BR17
    |    |--B. ampulla [=Akera (Bullaea) ampulla] G20
    |    `--B. guamensis Quoy & Gaimard 1825 [incl. Bulla undata, Bullina undata] BR17
    `--Philine Ascanius 1772 BR05
         |--*P. quadripartita Ascanius 1772 BR17
         |--P. angasi Crosse & Fischer 1865 P61 [=Bullaea angasi H09]
         |--P. angulata N79
         |--P. aperta P61 [=Akera (Bullaea) aperta G20, BR05]
         |--P. auriformis Suter 1909 P61
         |--P. bakeri Dall 1919 O27
         |--P. catena (Montagu 1803) APS-P86
         |--P. constricta Murdoch & Suter 1906 P61
         |--P. denticulata (Adams 1800) APS-P86
         |--P. exigua Challis 1969 APS-P86
         |--P. finmarchica O27
         |--P. flexuosa N79
         |--P. gibba M62
         |--P. lima N79
         |--P. nitida N79
         |--P. polaris Aurivillius 1885 O27
         |--P. powelli PG98
         |--P. pruinosa N79
         |--P. punctata N79
         |--P. quadrata APS-P86
         |--P. scabra APS-P86
         |--P. scalpta L10
         |--P. schroeteri (Philippi 1844) [=Bullaea schroeteri] H09
         |--P. sinuata Stimpson 1850 APS-P86
         `--P. umbilicata Murdoch & Suter 1906 P61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[APS-P86] Arnaud, P. M., Cl. Poizat & L. v. Salvini-Plawen. 1986. Marine-interstitial Gastropoda (including one freshwater interstitial species). In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 153–176. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[G20] Goldfuss, G. A. 1820. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte vol. 3. Handbuch der Zoologie pt 1. Johann Leonhard Schrag: Nürnberg.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[L10] Lebedev, E. B. 2010. Diversity of soft-bottom mollusks in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). In: China-Russia Bilateral Symposium: Proceedings of the China-Russia Bilateral Symposium of "Comparison on Marine Biodiversity in the Northwest Pacific Ocean", 10–11 October 2010, Qingdao (China) pp. 169–173. Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; A. V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

[M62] Monniot, F. 1962. Recherches sur les graviers a Amphioxus de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Vie et Milieu 13: 231–322.

[N79] Norman, A. M. 1879. The Mollusca of the fiords near Bergen, Norway. Journal of Conchology 2: 8–77.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[PG98] Probert, P. K., & S. L. Grove. 1998. Macrobenthic assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope off the west coast of South Island, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28: 259–280.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 1 September 2021.


Hunting Clione limacina, copyright Alexander Semenov.

Belongs within: Euopisthobranchia.

The Gymnosomata are a group of shell-less, pelagic marine gastropods in which the foot has been modified into a pair of large parapodia used for swimming. The lateral position of the parapodia well behind the head has lead to their vernacular name of 'sea angels'.

    |--Hydromyloidea [Gymnoptera, Laginiopsina] BR05
    |    |--Laginiopsis Pruvot-Fol 1922 [Laginiopsidae] BR05
    |    |    `--*L. triloba Pruvot-Fol 1922 BR17
    |    `--Hydromyles Gistel 1848 (see below for synonymy) BR05
    |         |--*H. hemispherica (Rang 1827) [=*Euribia hemispherica] BR17
    |         |--*Cymodocea’ diaphana d’Orbigny 1836 [=*Pterocymodocea diaphana] BR17
    |         `--*Psyche’ globulosa Rang 1825 [=*Anopsia globulosa, *Halopsyche globulosa] BR17
    `--Clionoidea [Cliacea, Deutocephala] BR05
         |--Cliopsis Troschel 1854 [=Clionopsis (l. c.); Clionopsidae, Cliopsidae] BR05
         |    `--*C. krohnii Troschel 1854 BR17
         |--Notobranchaeidae BR05
         |    |--Notobranchaea Pelseneer 1886 [Notobranchaeinae] BR05
         |    |    `--*N. macdonaldi Pelseneer 1886 BR17
         |    `--Prionoglossa Tesch 1950 [Prionoglossinae] BR05
         |         `--*P. tetrabranchiata (Bonnevie 1913) [=Notobranchaea tetrabranchiata] BR17
         |--Pneumodermatidae [Micropterygia, Pneumodermonidae, Pneumonodermatidae, Pneumonodermoidae] BR05
         |    |--Crucibranchaea Pruvot-Fol 1942 [Crucibranchaeidae, Crucibranchaeinae] BR05
         |    |    `--*C. macrochira (Meisenheimer 1905) [=Pneumodermopsis macrochira] BR17
         |    |--Spongiobranchaea d’Orbigny 1840 P61
         |    |    `--*S. australis d’Orbigny 1840 P61
         |    `--Pneumoderma de Roissy 1805 [=Pneumodermon, Pneumonoderma, Pneumonodermon; Pneumodermites] BR05
         |         |--*P. peronii Cuvier 1816 BR17
         |         |--P. atlantica CR13
         |         |--P. pacifica Dall 1871 O27
         |         `--P. pygmaeum (Tesch 1903) H01
         `--Clionidae [Clionidia] BR05
              |--Thliptodontinae [Thliptodonidae, Thliptodontidae] BR05
              |    |--Cephalobrachia Bonnevie 1913 BR05, BR17 [Cephalobrachiinae, Cephalobrachinae]
              |    |    `--*C. macrochaeta Bonnevie 1913 BR17
              |    `--Thliptodon Boas 1886 [incl. Pteroceanis Meisenheimer 1902; Pteroceanidae] BR05
              |         |--*T. gegenbauri Boas 1886 BR17
              |         `--*Pteroceanis’ diaphana Meisenheimer 1902 BR17
              `--Clioninae [Cliodinae] BR05
                   |--Fowlerina Pelseneer 1906 [Fowlerinae, Fowlerininae] BR05
                   |    `--*F. zetesios Pelseneer 1906 BR17
                   `--Clione Pallas 1774 BR05
                        |--*C. borealis Pallas 1774 BR17
                        |--C. elegantissima Dall 1871 O27
                        `--C. limacina Phipps 1773 O27

Hydromyles Gistel 1848 BR05 [=Euribia Rang 1827 non Meigen 1800 BR05; incl. Anopsia Gistel 1848 BR05, Cymodocea d’Orbigny 1834 nec Rafinesque 1814 nec Lamouroux 1816 nec Leach 1818 BR05, Halopsyche Keferstein 1862 non de Saussure 1857 BR05, Psyche Rang 1825 (preoc.) BR17, Pterocymodocea Keferstein 1862 BR05; Anopsidae, Anopsiidae, Cymodoceadae, Cymodoceidae, Euribiacea, Euribiidae, Eurybiidae, Halopsychidae, Hydromylidae, Pterocymodoceidae, Sclerodermata]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[H01] Huys, R. 2001. Splanchnotrophid systematics: a case of polyphyly and taxonomic myopia. Journal of Crustacean Biology 21 (1): 106–156.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

Last updated: 31 August 2021.


Clio pyramidata, copyright R. W. Gilmer and G. R. Harbison.

Belongs within: Thecosomata.

The Cavoliniidae are a group of sea butterflies with a straight, uncoiled shell present at maturity. The shell is conical in Styliola and Hyalocyclis but dorsoventrally depressed in Cuvierina and Cavoliniinae. Members of the Cavoliniinae also bear lateral ridges on the shell (Corse et al. 2013).

<==Cavoliniidae (see below for synonymy)
    |--Styliola Gray 1847 CR13, BR05
    |    |--*S. recta P61
    |    |--S. falcata Gould 1852 O27
    |    `--S. subula (Quoy & Gaimard 1827) P61 [=S. sublata (l. c.) F27]
    `--+--Hyalocylis CR13
       |    |--H. haitensis CR13
       |    `--H. striata CR13
       `--+--Cuvierina Boas 1886 CR13, BR05 [=Cuvieria Rang 1827 non Lesueur & Petit 1807 BR05; Cuvierininae]
          |    |--*C. columnella (Rang 1827) [=*Cuvieria columnella] BR17
          |    |--C. spoeli CR13
          |    `--C. urceolaris F27
          `--Cavoliniinae CR13
               |  i. s.: Diacrolinia Rang 1827 CR13
               |         Gamopleura CR13
               |--+--Diacavolinia longirostris CR13
               |  `--Cavolinia Abildgaard 1791 CR13, BR05 [incl. Hyalaea Lamarck 1799 BR05; Dactyliobranchia]
               |       |  i. s.: *C. natans Abildgaard 1791 BR17
               |       |         ‘Cavolina’ longirostris (Lesueur 1821) [=Hyalaea longirostris] H09
               |       |         ‘Cavolina’ occidentalis Dall 1908 O27
               |       |         ‘Cavolina’ quadridentata (Lesueur 1821) [=Hyalaea quadridentata] H09
               |       |         ‘Cavolina’ strangulata Hedley 1907 P61
               |       |         ‘Cavolina’ telemus (Linnaeus 1758) P61
               |       |--C. gibbosa Rang 1836 CR13, P61 [=Hyalaea gibbosa H09]
               |       |--C. globulosa CR13
               |       |--C. inflexa (Lesueur 1813) CR13, P61 [=Hyalaea inflexa H09]
               |       |--C. labiata CR13
               |       |--C. plana CR13
               |       |--+--C. flava CR13
               |       |  `--C. gibboides CR13
               |       `--+--C. tridentata (Forskål 1775) CR13, BR17 [=Anomia tridentata P61, *Hyalaea tridentata BR17]
               |          `--C. uncinata (Rang 1836) CR13, P61 [=Hyalaea uncinata H09]
               `--+--Diacria Gray 1842 CR13, P61
                  |    |  i. s.: D. major CR13
                  |    |--D. quadridentata CR13
                  |    |    |--D. q. quadridentata CR13
                  |    |    `--D. q. dana CR13
                  |    `--+--*D. trispinosa (Lesueur 1821) P61 [=Hyalaea trispinosa P61, Cavolina trispinosa F27]
                  |       |--D. gracilis CR13
                  |       `--D. rampali CR13
                  `--Clio Linnaeus 1767 CR13, BR05 (see below for synonymy)
                       |  i. s.: C. annulata (Tate 1887) F27
                       |         C. antarctica C68
                       |         C. blinkae CR13
                       |         C. borealis CS77
                       |         C. compressa Souleyet 1852 P61
                       |         C. exacuta Gould 1852 O27
                       |         C. infundibulum N79 [=Cleodora infundibulum J64]
                       |         C. occidentalis Dall 1871 O27
                       |         C. rangiana F27
                       |         C. striata (Rang. 1828) [=Creseis striata] H09
                       |         C. subula (Quoy & Gaimard 1827) [=Cleodora subula] H09
                       |         C. sulcata (Pfeiffer 1879) P61
                       |         C. urenuiensis Suter 1917 F27
                       |         C. vasconiensis CR13
                       |--*C. pyramidata Linnaeus 1767 BR17, CR13, BR17 [=*Cleodora pyramidata BR17]
                       |--C. cuspidata CR13
                       `--+--C. convexa CR13
                          `--+--C. polita CR13
                             `--+--C. chaptali CR13
                                `--C. recurva CR13

Cavoliniidae incertae sedis:
  Cliodita caduceus Q. & G. 1825 F27
  Euchilotheca Fisher 1882 CR13
    `--E. ganensis Curry 1981 TTE93
  Camptoceratops priscus (Godwin-Austen 1882) TTE93
  Lornia Marwick 1926 F27
    `--*L. limata Marwick 1926 F27
  Triptera Quoy & Gaimard 1825 BR17
    `--*T. rosea Quoy & Gaimard 1825 BR17
  Vaginella Daudin 1800 CR13
    |--*V. depressa Daudin 1800 D00
    |--V. aucklandica Clarke 1903 F27
    |--V. torpedo Marshall 1918 F27
    `--V. urceolaris Moerch 1850 P61
  Bucanoides CR13
  Tibiella CR13
  Cheilocuspidata Hodgkinson 1992 CR13
  Loxobidens Hodgkinson 1992 CR13

Nomen nudum: Clio tatei Suter 1915 F27

Cavoliniidae [Cavolinidae, Cavoliniida, Cavoliniiformes, Cuvierinidae, Cuvieridae, Cuvieriidae, Hyalaeidae, Hyalinea, Tripteridae]

Clio Linnaeus 1767 CR13, BR05 [=Cleodora Péron & Lesueur 1810 BR05; Cleodoridae, Cliidae, Clioidae, Clioinae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[C68] Chen, C. 1968. Zoogeography of thecosomatous pteropods in the west Antarctic Ocean. Nautilus 81 (3): 94–101.

[CR13] Corse, E., J. Rampal, C. Cuoc, N. Pech, Y. Perez & A. Gilles. 2013. Phylogenetic analysis of Thecosomata Blainville, 1824 (holoplanktonic Opisthobranchia) using morphological and molecular data. PLoS One 8 (4): e59439.

[CS77] Cramp, S., & K. E. L. Simmons (eds) 1977. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palaearctic vol. 1. Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford University Press: Oxford.

[D00] Daudin, C. 1800. Nouveau genre de ver à tube calcaire, voisin des serpules et des dentales. Bulletin des Sciences, par la Societé Philomathique de Paris 2 (43): 145.

[F27] Finlay, H. J. 1927. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320–485.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[J64] Jeffreys, J. G. 1864. Report of the committee appointed for exploring the coasts of Shetland by means of the dredge. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 70–81.

[N79] Norman, A. M. 1879. The Mollusca of the fiords near Bergen, Norway. Journal of Conchology 2: 8–77.

[O27] Oldroyd, I. S. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America vol. 2 pt 1. Stanford University Press: Stanford University (California).

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[TTE93] Tracey, S., J. A. Todd & D. H. Erwin. 1993. Mollusca: Gastropoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 131–167. Chapman & Hall: London.

Last updated: 18 December 2021.


Cylichna cylindracea, copyright Kwansei Shell Database.

Belongs within: Cylichnidae.

Cylichna, the chalice bubble snails, is a genus of marine gastropods characterised by a cylindrical shell with a long aperture and simple columella. In life, the shell mostly sits behind the visible body which is covered by the large head shield.

Cylichna Lovén 1846 BR05
    |--*C. cylindracea (Pennant 1777) BR17 [=Bulla cylindracea BR17; incl. C. attonsa C64]
    |--C. alba J64
    |--C. arachis (Quoy & Gaimard 1835) [=Bulla arachis] H09
    |--C. bizona (Adams 1850) [=Bulla bizona] H09
    |--C. bulloidea Dell 1956 P61
    |--C. concentrica (Adams 1850) [=Bulla concentrica] H09
    |--C. conulus J64
    |--C. crispula Watson 1883 H09
    |--C. decussata (Adams 1850) [=Bulla decussata] H09
    |--C. diegensis B56
    |--C. doliaria Hedley 1907 H09
    |--C. dubiosa (Brazier 1877) [=Atys dubiosa] H09
    |--C. enysi H86
    |--C. exigua Tenison-Woods 1879 F71
    |--C. granosa (Brazier 1877) [=Mnestia granosa] H09
    |--C. inculta C64
    |--C. intermissa Sohl 1964 TTE93
    |--C. luticola [incl. C. carpenteri Hanl. 1858] C64
    |--C. mamillata C64
    |--C. nitidula N79
    |--C. palassoni (d’ARchiac 1854) TTE93
    |--C. planata Carpenter 1864 C64
    |--C. pulchra (Brazier 1877) [=Atys pulchra] H09
    |--C. sarsii N79
    |--C. secalina Schumard 1861 TTE93
    |--C. thetidis Hedley 1903 P61
    |--C. triticea C64
    |--C. umbilicata N79
    `--C. zealandica Kirk 1880 P61

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 1 September 2021.