Showing posts with label Streptophyta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streptophyta. Show all posts


Reconstruction of Horneophyton lignieri, copyright Falconaumanni.

Belongs within: Streptophyta.
Contains: Apo-Tracheophyta, Anthocerotopsida, Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta.

The clade Embryophyta contains the land plants, the dominant producers of the terrestrial environment. These organisms were able to thrive out of the water due to the retention and fertilisation of their eggs within protective structures, though less derived forms remain dependent on damp conditions for successful fertilisation. Adjacent cells are connected by junctions (plasmodesmata) perforating the cell wall. Land plants are often divided for convenience between the vascular (tracheophytes) and non-vascular (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) plants. Past classifications have used the name 'Bryophyta' to refer to all non-vascular plants, but the majority of recent authors would restrict this name to the mosses alone. There has been much debate over the exact interrelationships between the vascular and non-vascular plants. Many authors place the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) as sister to the tracheophytes, as supported by the relationship between sporophytes and gametophytes: liverworts and mosses have the sporophyte and gametophyte separated by a placental space, usually filled with collapsed cells derived from the gametophyte, while hornworts and basal tracheophytes have the two in direct contact without a separating layer of collapsed cells (Frey et al. 2001). However, a recent large-scale molecular analysis by Wickett et al. (2014) suggested the possibility of a monophyletic clade of non-vascular plants, or a sister relationship between Anthocerotophyta and all other land plants. Fossil spores indicate that the land plants first arose during the Ordovician, with the four major living lineages possibly diverging by the end of that period. The earliest Ordovician spores, referred to as cryptospores, are most commonly associated in dyads and tetrads and characterised by the lack of trilete marks (Steemans et al. 2012). However, plant macrofossils have not yet been recovered from earlier than the Late Silurian (Bateman et al. 1998). Despite their potentially nested position, vascular plants are better represented in the early fossil record than non-vascular plants due to their higher preservation potential; unequivocal liverworts are not known from early than the Late Devonian (Bateman et al. 1998).

Embryophytes are characterised by alternation in generations between asexually-reproducing diploid sporophytes and sexually-reproducing haploid gametophytes. In liverworts, mosses and hornworts, the gametophytes are the dominant generation, and support the nutritively dependent sporophytes. In vascular plants, the sporophytes are independently growing and the dominant life stage. The Early Devonian Horneophyton is a stem-vascular plant that possessed both independently growing sporophytes and gametophytes, but did not possess the reinforced water-conducting tracheid cells of vascular plants (instead, it possessed a plesiomorphic central strand of conducting tissue that was not reinforced by thickenings). Horneophyton and vascular plants also share the production of multiple sporangia per individual. Horneophyton had terminal sporangia with a central columella (sterile section) similar to the sporangium of a hornwort.

Koeppenia eifeliensis Schweitzer 2000 is a strobilus (reproductive stalk) of uncertain affinities from the Lower Devonian of Denmark, which bore a dense arrangement of sporangiophores along its length on narrow branching stalks. Other fossils listed below include Rhabdotarachnoides simoni, originally described as an arachnid from the Lower Permian of Germany but since re-interpreted as an unidentifiable piece of plant material (Dunlop 2007). Neocystites, originally described as a cystoid echinoderm, probably represents a fragment of root (Kesling 1967).

<==Embryophyta [Acotyledones, Cormophyta, Cryptogamae, Embryobiotes, Hepatophyta] WM14
    |--Pan-Tracheophyta [Polysporangiomorpha] CD07
    |    |--Apo-Tracheophyta WM14
    |    `--Horneophyton [Horneophytaceae, Horneophytales, Horneophytopsida] D98
    |         `--H. lignieri (Kidston & Lang) Barghoorn & Darrah 1938 C93
    `--Bryata MS98
         |  i. s.: Cryptocoleopsis imbricata B-OO10
         |         Hydrocryphaea wardii B-OO10
         |         Prasanthus suecicus B-OO10
         |         Yunnanobryon rhyacophilum B-OO10
         |         Lobatiriccardia yunnannesis B-OO10
         |         Gottschelia grollei B-OO10
         |         Hamatostrepta concinna B-OO10
         |--Anthocerotophyta [Anthocerotae] WM14
         |    |--Leiosporoceros Hässel 1986 [Leiosporocerotaceae, Leiosporocerotales, Leiosporocerotopsida] SC-S05
         |    `--Anthocerotopsida SC-S05
         `--+--Marchantiophyta WM14
            `--Bryophyta WM14

Embryophyta incertae sedis:
  Eophyllophyton bellum K01
  Sublepidodendron ZA02
    |--S. mirabile ZA02
    `--S. wusihense [=Lepidodendron wusihense, Eolepidodendron wusihense] CWC87
  Colophospermum mopane WS02
  Isoetites BO02
    |--I. abundans Tosolini & McLoughlin 2002 TMD02
    `--I. daharensis Barale 1999 BO02
  Ptilophyllum caucasicum G10
  Otozamites BO02
  Eranthis hyemalis V02
  Synsepalum dulcificum ZB03
  Rhaciopteris busseana A38
  Diplothmema subfurcatum A38
  Megalopteris dawsoni A38
  Sporangites acuminata A38
  Pterispermostrobus bifurcatus A38
  Whittleseya A38
    |--W. concinna A38
    `--W. dawsoniana A38
  Cardiocarpon A38
    |--C. baileyi A38
    |--C. cornutum A38
    |--C. crampi A38
    `--C. obliquum A38
  Asterophyllites A38
    |--A. acicularis A38
    |--A. equisetiformis G31
    `--A. parvulus [incl. A. grandis] A38
  Campsiandra laurifolia DS86
  Radiola linoides [=Linum radiola] C55a
  Succowia balearica [=Bunias balearica] C55a
  Dentaria C55a
    |--D. bulbifera C55a
    `--D. enneaphylla C55a
  Aretia villosa C55a
  Nauenburgia thyrsiflora C55a
  Cybistax antisyphilitica C55a
  Nonnea ventricosa C55a
  Doratanthera linearis C55a
  Ramphicarpa fistulosa C55a
  Anodendron paniculatum C55a
  Lachnopylis oppositifolia C55a
  Hugueninia tanacetifolia C55a
  Adenostyles leucophylla C55a
  Kernera saxatilis C55a
  Petrocallis pyrenaica C55a
  Orobus luteus C55a
  Libanotis montana C55a
  Serratula nudicaulis C55a
  Betonica alopecurus C55a
  Zephyritis taitensis C55a
  Catabrosa aquatica [=Aira aquatica] C55a
  Tristegis glutinosa C55b
  Crambe C55b
    |--C. hispanica C55b
    |--C. maritima C55a
    `--C. orientalis C55b
  Cucubalus bacciferus C55b
  Choerophyllum C55b
    |--C. aromaticum C55b
    `--C. aureum C55b
  Hyssopus officinalis C55b
  Blitum C55b
    |--B. polymorphum C55b
    `--B. virgatum C55b
  Anacharis alsinastrum C55b
  Ervum C55b
    |--E. hirsutum C55b
    `--E. lens C55b
  Lappa major C55b
  Ambrina D03
    |--A. ambrosioides D03
    `--A. botrys C55b
  Agathophytum bonus-henricus [=Blitum bonus-henricus] C55b
  Guilandina bonduc [incl. G. bonducella] C55b
  Drepanocarpus lunatus C55b
  Ecastaphyllum brownei C55b
  Schwenkia americana C55b
  Telanthera C55b
    |--T. brasiliana C55b
    |--T. frutescens C55b
    `--T. maritima C55b
  Poinciana pulcherrima C55b
  Ptarmica alpina C55b
  Piddingtonia nummularia C55b
  Queria hispanica C55b
  Hohenackeria bupleurifolia C55b
  Vandellia crustacea C55b
  Manusiris granularis C55b
  Malachra C55b
    |--M. capitata A73
    `--M. radiata C55b
  Coleus BMM99
    |--C. africanus C55b
    `--C. × hybridus BMM99
  Micropyxis pumila [incl. Centunculus pentandrus] C55b
  Elythraria fasciculata C55b
  Lubinia spathulata C55b
  Colea ramiflora DC. 1845 (see below for synonymy) S77
  Cirrhopetalum thouarsii C55b
  Riedleia concatenata C55b
  Biophytum sensitivum C55b
  Stachytarpha indica C55b
  Buchenavia capitata SWK87
  Exothea paniculata SWK87
  Matayba domingensis SWK87
  Laetia procera SWK87
  Torrubia fragrans SWK87
  Byrsonia spicata SWK87
  Triphasia trifolia SWK87
  Ventarura lyonii FT05
  Enterolobium I-BH-O10
    |--E. cyclocarpum F55
    `--E. timbouva I-BH-O10
  Glenniea philippinensis P88
  Dryobalanops aromatica P88
  Anthocephalus Pau03
    |--A. cadamba Pau03
    `--A. chinensis P88
  Adinandra dumosa P88
  Ploarium alternifolium P88
  Meliopsis usambarensis RS99
  Paris quadrifolia D51
  Procopiana insularis S98
  Gymnocarpos decander AGF98
  Anabasis articulata AGF98
  Dinebra retroflexa GR98
  Guiera senegalensis HK98
  Boscia HK98
    |--B. angustifolia HK98
    `--B. senegalensis HK98
  Leptosema chambersii SM90
  Tapeinia CL85
    |--T. magellanica D03
    `--T. pumila CL85
  Rhabdotarachnoides Haupt 1957 Du07, H57
    `--*R. simoni Haupt 1957 H57
  Caia BC98
  Albertia Schimper in Voltz 1837 FT93
  Swida australis CK05
  Nanophyton erinaceus TLT98
  Chlidanophyton Gensel 1973 G97
  Sterulia longiflora J06
  Champereia manillana J06
  Aequitriradites VB02
    |--A. hispidus VB02
    |--A. spinulosus VB02
    `--A. verrucosus VB02
  Biretisporites potoniaei Delcourt & Sprumont 1955 YB02
  Foraminisporis TMD02
    |--F. asymmetricus VB02
    |--F. tribulosus VB02
    `--F. wonthaggiensis TMD02
  Pilosisporites notensis TMD02
  Foveosporites canalis Balme 1957 YB02
  Gabonisporis YB02
    |--G. cristata (Stanley) Sweet 1986 YB02
    |--G. labyrinthus Srivastava 1972 YB02
    `--G. vigourouxii Boltenhagen 1967 YB02
  Hamulatisporis YB02
    |--H. amplus Stanley 1965 YB02
    `--H. hamulatis Krutzsch 1959 YB02
  Intertriletes scrobiculatus Anderson 1960 YB02
  Klukisporites YB02
    |--K. foveolatus Pocock 1964 YB02
    |--K. punctatus Venkatachala 1969 YB02
    |--K. scaberis VB02
    |--K. variegatus VB02
    `--K. venkatachalae VB02
  Lusatisporites dettmanniae (Drugg) Srivastava 1972 YB02
  Osmundacidites YB02
    |--O. minutus VB02
    `--O. wellmanii Couper 1953 YB02
  Retitriletes YB02
    |--R. circolumenus VB02
    `--R. nidus Srivastava 1972 YB02
  Triporoletes YB02
    |--T. asper Srivastava 1972 YB02
    |--T. cenomanianus (Agasie) Srivastava 1977 YB02
    |--T. radiatus (Dettmann) Playford 1971 YB02
    |--T. reticulatus (Pocock) Playford 1971 YB02
    `--T. simplex VB02
  Alsophilidites bellus VB02
  Concavisporites crassus VB02
  Concavissimisporites VB02
    |--C. apiverrucata VB02
    |--C. kutchensis VB02
    |--C. penolaensis VB02
    |--C. variverrucosus VB02
    `--C. verrucosus VB02
  Contignisporites VB02
    |--C. cooksoniae VB02
    |--C. fornicatus VB02
    |--C. glebulentus VB02
    `--C. multimuratus VB02
  Cooksonites variabilis VB02
  Murospora florida VB02
  Impardecispora VB02
    |--I. apiverrucata VB02
    `--I. indica VB02
  Lycopodiacidites VB02
    |--L. asperatus VB02
    |--L. dettmanniae VB02
    `--L. keupperi DV06
  Foveotriletes parviretus VB02
  Neoraistrickia truncata VB02
  Equisetosporites VB02
    |--E. concinnus VB02
    |--E. eocensis VB02
    |--E. virginiaensis VB02
    `--E. volutus (Stanley 1965) Farabee & Canright 1986 ChrPr02
  Santhalisporites imperfectus VB02
  Januasporites spiniferus VB02
  Schizaeoisporites eocenicus VB02
  Undulatisporites pannuceus VB02
  Callispora potoniei VB02
  Podosporites VB02
    |--P. microsaccatus VB02
    `--P. tripakshi VB02
  Lametatriletes indicus VB02
  Ceratosporites VB02
    |--C. equalis VB02
    `--C. helidonensis VB02
  Microcachryidites antarcticus VB02
  Duplexisporites problematicus VB02
  Polycingulatisporites crenulatus VB02
  Baculatisporites comaumensis VB02
  Matonisporis cooksoniae VB02
  Stereisporites pocockii VB02
  Callialasporites VB02
    |--C. dampieri VB02
    `--C. turbatus VB02
  Boseisporites insignites VB02
  Taurocusporites segmentatus VB02
  Obtusisporis yarragadensis VB02
  Dettmannites attenuarus VB02
  Biformaesporites baculosus VB02
  Triletes tuberculiformis VB02
  Staplinisporites imperfectus VB02
  Microreticulatisporites uniformis VB02
  Coniatisporites haradensis VB02
  Densoisporites mesozoicus VB02
  Crassimonoletes surangei VB02
  Dictyotosporites complex VB02
  Appendicisporites bilateralis VB02
  Carolinapollis Christopher & Prowell 2002 ChrPr02
    `--*C. triangularis Christopher & Prowell 2002 ChrPr02
  Holkopollenites Fairchild in Stover, Elsik & Fairchild 1966 ChrPr02
    |--*H. chemardensis Fairchild in Stover, Elsik & Fairchild 1966 ChrPr02
    `--H. irregularis Christopher & Prowell 2002 ChrPr02
  Striaperipollis Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
    `--*S. gracilistriatus Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
  Interpollis supplingensis (Pflug) Krutzsch 1960 ChrPr02
  Plicatopollis cretacea Frederiksen & Christopher 1978 ChrPr02
  Longaevipollis Khlonova 1961 ChrPr02
    |--*L. sibiricus Khlonova 1961 ChrPr02
    |--L. fortis Christopher & Prowell 2002 ChrPr02
    `--L. subtilis Christopher & Prowell 2002 ChrPr02
  Trisectoris costatus Tschudy 1970 ChrPr02
  Osculapollis aequalis Tschudy 1975 ChrPr02
  Libopollis jarzenii Farabee, Daghlian et al. 1984 ChrPr02
  Monocirculopollis Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
  Orapollis Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
  Vaclavipollis Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
  Vancampopollenites Kedves & Pittau 1976 ChrPr02
  Gomphrenipollis Anzotegui & Cuadrado 1996 ChrPr02
  Iberipollis Krutzsch 1966 ChrPr02
  Papillipollis Pflug 1953 ChrPr02
  Cingutriletes clavus VB02
  Coptospora VB02
    |--C. microgranulosa VB02
    `--C. paradoxa (Cookson & Dettmann) Dettmann 1963 RC02
  Cyclosporites hughesii (Cookson & Dettmann 1958) Cookson & Dettmann 1959 RC02
  Perinopollenites elatoides Couper 1958 RC02
  Droseridites senonicus VH02
  Gnetaceaepollenites diversus VH02
  Maravenites Muller, de Di Giacomo & Van Erve 1987 ChrPr02
  Reticulatisporites pudens VB02
  Ruffordiaspora VB02
    |--R. australiensis VB02
    `--R. ludbrookiae VB02
  Rugotriletes costatus (Dijkstra) Potonié 1956 TMD02
  Tholisporites chulus W97
  Aulisporites artigmosus DDL04
  Camnosporites secatus DDL04
  Duplicisporites DDL04
    |--D. granulatus (Leschik 1956) DV06
    `--D. verrucosus (Leschik 1956) DV06
  Enzonalasporites DDL04
    |--E. densus DDL04
    |--E. ignacii DDL04
    `--E. vigens Leschik 1956 DV06
  Samaropollenites speciosus DDL04
  Narenga porphorycoma BTT02
  Cardiopteridium spitsbergense ZP86
  Koeppenia Schweitzer 2000 Sc00
    `--*K. eifeliensis Schweitzer 2000 Sc00
  Sartilmania jabachensis Sc00
  Halocarpus RL96
    |--H. bidwillii RL96
    `--H. biformis W91
  Leonohebe mooreae W91
  Pilosella officinale PAE98
  Houstonia purpurea EBS98
  Trichogoniopsis adenantha M-FR08
  Chrysodium lanzeanum S89
  Plenasium lignitum S89
  Benizia calopteris S89
  Graevia crenata S89
  Apeibopsis gaudinii S89
  Balthasaria schliebenii DL94
  Gynotroches axillaris C78
  Teysmanniodendron bogoriense C78
  Intsia bijuga C78
  Guevina avellana D03
  Mitraria coccinea D03
  Asteranthera chiloensis D03
  Sarmienta repens D03
  Decostea D03
    |--D. racemosa D03
    `--D. ruscifolia D03
  Rhaphithamnus cyanocarpus D03
  Myoschilos oblongus D03
  Schoenodon chilensis D03
  Saxegothea conspicua D03
  Susarium segethi D03
  Hebenstretia angolensis B06
  Laurofillum JD05
    |--L. acutimontanum JD05
    `--L. pseudoprinceps JD05
  Viscophyllum weylandii JD05
  Icaciniphyllum artocarpites JD05
  Hamatophyton verticillatum CWC87
  Lepidostrobophyllum fimbriatum CWC87
  Neocystites Barrande 1887 [=Neocystis Bather 1889] K67
  Piptadenia buchananii W86
  Hopoea odorata B88
  Symphiocarpos B75
    |--S. occidentalis B75
    `--S. orbiculatus B75
  Drepanostachyum intermedium Da07
  Maotia puya Da07
  Alcimandra cathcartii Da07
  Bonnamia latifolia Par03
  Loricaria columbiana R96
  Hesperomeles ferruginea R96
  Neurolepis arista R96
  Amphipterygium adstringens G69
  Calycotome RBA00
    |--C. spinosa C74
    `--C. villosa RBA00
  Mariopteris R79
    |--M. muricata G31
    `--M. pygmea R79
  Lagarostrobos SN08
    |--L. colensoi RL96
    `--L. franklanii SN08
  Befaria racemosa M83
  Hepatica transsilvanica H09
  Pituranthus triradiatus HF03
  Dubautia linearis MK08
  Fagaropsis angolensis E09
  Stricklandia Buckman 1845 AB65
  Megalodonta beckii B97
  Crysophila guagara BM76
  Paranymphaea crassifola OB13
  Stranvaesia niitakayamensis ChuPe02
  Guazuma tomentosa B14
  Thyrsopteris [Thyrsopteridaceae] P-GR14
    `--T. elegans P-GR14
  Pringlea antiscorbutica SBG97
  Petalostylis labicheoides ML13
  Moerua rigida CS77
  Antenostoma fasciculatum BT72
  Brickiella californica BT72
  Hammada L98
    |--H. salicornica L98
    `--H. scoparia L98
  Anvillea garcini L98
  Rhacophyllum coriaceum R87
  Noeggerathiopsis S87
    |--N. aequalis G31
    |--N. media S87
    |--N. prisca S87
    `--N. spathulata S87
  Armeniaca RJ11
    |--A. sibirica RJ11
    `--A. vulgaris TW07
  Peritoma serrulatum R35
  Camphora officinalis C70
  Gonioma kamassi P65
  Lepidophyllum RJ11
    |--L. lanceolatum G31
    `--L. quadrangulare RJ11
  Thalia geniculata F11
  Pullea stutzeri WO95
  Coleospermum paniculatum WO95
  Galax aphylla R56
  Cheilotetras caledonica Wellman & Richardson 1993 SP12
  Tetrahedraletes Strother & Traverse 1979 SP12
    `--T. medinensis (Strother & Traverse) Wellman & Richardson 1993 SP12
  Rimosotetras problematica Burgess 1991 SP12
  Imperfectotriletes Steemans et al. 2000 SP12
    |--I. patinatus Steemans et al. 2000 SP12
    `--I. varvdovae (Richardson) Steemans et al. 2000 SP12
  Pseudodyadospora laevigata Johnson 1985 SP12
  Gneudnaspora divellomedia (Chibrikova) Balme 1988 [=Laevolancis divellomedia] SP12
    |--G. d. var. divellomedia SP12
    `--G. d. var. minor Breuer et al. 2007 [=Laevolancis divellomedia var. minor] SP12
  Laevolancis chibrikovae Steemans et al. 2000 [=Gneudnaspora chibrikovae] SP12
  Dyadospora Strother & Traverse 1979 SP12
    |--D. murusattenuata Strother & Traverse 1979 SP12
    `--D. murusdensa Strother & Traverse 1979 SP12
  Abditusdyadus Wellman & Richardson 1996 SP12
    `--A. laevigatus Wellman & Richardson 1996 SP12
  Acontotetras inconspicuis Richardson 1996 SP12
  Ancyrospora ancyrea Richardson 1964 SP12
  Archaeozonotriletes chulusnanus Steemans et al. 1996 SP12
  Artemopyra Burgess & Richardson 1991 SP12
    `--A. brevicosta Burgess & Richardson 1991 SP12
  Breconisporites Richardson et al. 1982 SP12
  Chelinohilates Richardson 1996 SP12
    `--C. erraticus Richardson 1996 SP12
  Chelinospora Allen 1965 SP12
    |--C. cantabrica Richardson et al. 2001 SP12
    |--C. cassicula Richardson & Lister 1969 SP12
    `--C. poecilomorpha (Richardson & Ioannides) Richardson et al. 2001 SP12
  Clivosispora verrucata McGregor & Camfield 1976 SP12
    |--C. v. var. verrucata SP12
    `--C. v. var. convoluta McGregor & Camfield 1976 SP12
  Coronaspora Rodríguez 1978 SP12
    `--C. cromatica Jansonius & Hills 1979 SP12
  Cymbohilates Richardson 1996 SP12
    |--C. baqaensis Breuer et al. 2007 SP12
    |--C. cymosus Richardson 1996 SP12
    `--C. disponerus Richardson 1996 SP12
  Cymbosporites Allen 1965 SP12
    |--C. dammamensis Steemans 1995 SP12
    |--C. proteus McGregor & Camfield 1976 SP12
    `--C. stellospinosus Steemans 1989 SP12
  Dictyotriletes Naumova ex Ischchenko 1952 SP12
    `--D. subgranifer McGregor 1973 SP12
  Hispanaediscus Cramer 1966 SP12
    `--H. verrucatus (Cramer) Burgess & Richardson 1991 SP12
  Hystricosporites McGregor 1960 SP12
  Rugosisporites Dufka 1995 SP12
  Scylaspora Burgess & Richardson 1995 SP12
  Segestrespora Burgess 1991 SP12
    |--S. laevigata Burgess 1991 SP12
    `--S. membranifera (Johnson) Burgess 1991 SP12
  Stegambiquadrella contenta Johnson 1985 SP12
  Velatitetras Burgess 1991 SP12
    |--V. laevigata Burgess 1991 SP12
    `--V. retimembrana (Miller & Eames 1982) Wellman & Richardson 1996 SP12
  Zonotriletes Luber & Walts 1938 SP12
  Bathurstia Hueber 1972 SP12
  Estinnophyton Fairon-Demaret 1978 SP12
  Hollandophyton Rogerson et al. 2002 SP12
  Junggaria Dou & Sun 1983 SP12
  Metacladophyton Wang & Geng 1997 SP12
  Cirratriradites diaphanus Steemans 1989 SP12
  Sphaerasaccus glabellus Steemans et al. 2000 SP12
  Amicosporites streelii Steemans 1989 SP12
  Brochotriletes foveolatus Naumova 1953 SP12
  Latosporites ovalis Breuer et al. 2007 SP12
  Camarozonotriletes sextantii McGregor & Camfield 1976 SP12
  Samarisporites triangulatus Allen 1965 SP12
  Lophozonotriletes media Taugourdeau-Lantz 1967 SP12
  Cyatheacidites annulatus V12
  Cibotiidites tuberculiformis V12
  Peromonolites bowenii V12
  Dacrydiumites praecupressinoides V12
  Dodartia orientalis Si00
  Echinopanax Si00
    |--E. elatum Si00
    `--E. horridum C52
  Turraeanthus africana Si00
  Atamisquea emarginata BT87
  Trixus californicus BT87
  Viquiera stenoloba BT87
  Pleioblastus chino TM96
  Acanthyllis tragacanthoides B28
  Traganum nudatum B28
  Amberboa lippii B28
  Koniga maritima B28
  Triticosecale rimpani PS96
  Apollonias barbujana BBO02
  Eubotryoides grayana BBO02
  Acalyptospora Desm. 1848 (n. d.) KC01
  Rhodocolea racemosa [incl. Bignonia compressa Lank 1785, Colea decora DC. 1845] S77
    |--R. r. var. racemosa S77
    `--R. r. var. humblotiana [incl. Colea aberrans Baill. 1889] S77
  Dichrotrichum ternateum [=Bignonia ternatea Reinw. ex De Vriese 1858 (n. n.)] S77
  Thaumatococcus daniellii W92
  Discoreophyllum cumminsii W92
  Pelucha trifida MF68
  Corsinipollenites thiergartii WPL96
  Anapiculatisporites largus WT04
  Tripartites vetustus PSC99
  Rotaspora fracta PSC99
  Raistrickia nigra PSC99
  Triquitrites marginatus PSC99
  Schulzospora campyloptera PSC99
  Lycospora pusilla PSC99
  Leptotoma G10
    |--L. lenaensis G10
    `--L. prynardii G10
  Chaja ivorensis K68
  Cupuliferoidaepollenites liblarensis P92
  Ulmipollenites undulosus P92
  Palaeostachya arborescens G31
  Pinnularia columnaris G31
  Semaropsis fluitans G31
  Stachannularia tuberculata G31
  Collipseridium dawsonianum G31
  Cardiocarpus boulayi G31
  Lonchopteris alata G31
  Callipteridium G31
    |--C. koraiensis G31
    `--C. pteridium G31
  Callipteris G31
    |--C. conferta G31
    |--C. crassinervis G31
    `--C. murenensis G31
  Mixoneura subcrenata G31
  Lagenospermum oblongum G31
  Annulariopsis inopinata G31
  Chiropteris reniformis G31
  Conchophyllum richthofeni G31
  Neurogangamopteris cardiopteroides G31
  Caenodendron primaevum G31
  Equisetites mirabilis G31
  Mesopitys tschichatschewi G31
  Psygmophyllum mongolicum G31
  Glottophyllum cuneatum G31
  Canthiumidites bellus OW01
  Monotocidites galeatus OW01
  Wittania somnifera A73

Nomina nuda: Chrysodium doriae Squinabol 1889 S89
             Nassauvia dusenii Hoffm. in Dusén 2003 D03

Colea ramiflora DC. 1845 [=Bignonia ramiflora Decne 1834; incl. B. colei Don 1838, Colea colei Green 1826, C. timorensis ms] S77

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[VH02] Vallejo, C., P. A. Hochuli, W. Winkler & K. von Salis. 2002. Palynological and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Napo Group in the Pungarayacu 30 well, sub-Andean zone, Ecuador. Cretaceous Research 23: 845–859.

[V02] Vánky, K. 2002. The smut fungi of the world. A survey. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 49 (2–3): 163–175.

[VB02] Vijaya & T. K. Bhattacharji. 2002. An Early Cretaceous age for the Rajmahal traps, Panagarh area, West Bengal: Palynological evidence. Cretaceous Research 23: 789–805.

[WPL96] Walsh, S. L., D. R. Prothero & D. J. Lundquist. 1996. Stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of the Middle Eocene Friars Formation and Poway Group, southwestern San Diego County, California. In: Prothero, D. R., & R. J. Emry (eds) The Terrestrial Eocene–Oligocene Transition in North America pp. 120–154. Cambridge University Press.

[WO95] Walter, D. E., & D. J. O'Dowd. 1995. Beneath biodiversity: factors influencing the diversity and abundance of canopy mites. Selbyana 16 (1): 12–20.

[W97] Wang N. 1997. Restudy of thelodont microfossils from the lower part of the Cuifengshan Group of Qujing, eastern Yunnan, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 35 (1): 1–17.

[WT04] Warren, A., & S. Turner. 2004. The first stem tetrapod from the Lower Carboniferous of Gondwana. Palaeontology 47: 151–184.

[WS02] Whitmore, C., R. Slotov, T. E. Crouch & A. S. Dippenaar-Schoeman. 2002. Diversity of spiders (Araneae) in a savanna reserve, Northern Province, South Africa. Journal of Arachnology 30 (2): 344–356.

[WM14] Wickett, N. H., S. Mirarab, N. Nguyen, T. Warnow, E. Carpenter, N. Matasci, S. Ayyampalayam, M. S. Barker, J. G. Burleigh, M. A. Gitzendanner, B. R. Ruhfel, E. Wafula, J. P. Der, S. W. Graham, S. Mathews, M. Melkonian, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, N. W. Miles, C. J. Rothfels, L. Pokorny, A. J. Shaw, L. DeGeronimo, D. W. Stevenson, B. Surek, J. C. Villarreal, B. Roure, H. Philippe, C. W. dePamphilis, T. Chen, M. K. Deyholos, R. S. Baucom, T. M. Kutchan, M. M. Augustin, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Tian, Z. Yan, X. Wu, X. Sun, G. K.-S. Wong & J. Leebens-Mack. 2014. Phylotranscriptomic analysis of the origin and early diversification of land plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111 (45): E4859–E4868.

[W91] Williams, P. A. 1991. Subalpine and alpine vegetation of granite ranges in western Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 29: 317–330.

[W92] Wilson, E. O. 1992. The Diversity of Life. Harvard University Press: Belknap (USA).

[W86] Wood, S. L. 1986. A reclassification of the genera of Scolytidae (Coleoptera). Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 10: 1–126.

[YB02] Yi, S., & D. J. Batten. 2002. Palynology of Upper Cretaceous (uppermost Campanian-Maastrichtian) deposits in the South Yellow Sea Basin, offshore Korea. Cretaceous Research 23: 687–706.

[ZP86] Zhang, R., & J. Pojeta, Jr. 1986. New bivalves from the Datang Stage, Lower Carboniferous, Guangdong Province, China. Journal of Paleontology 60 (3): 669–679.

[ZB03] Zhao, J.-H., F.-Y. Bai, Q.-M. Wang & J.-H. Jia. 2003. Sporobolomyces bannaensis, a novel ballistoconidium-forming yeast species in the Sporidiobolus lineage. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 2091–2093.

[ZA02] Zhu, M., P. E. Ahlberg, W. Zhao & L. Jia. 2002. First Devonian tetrapod from Asia. Nature 420: 760–761.

Last updated: 9 January 2022.


Coleochaete sp., copyright

Belongs within: Diaphoretickes.
Contains: Umbellinaceae, Charopsida, Zygnematophyceae, Embryophyta.

The Streptophyta are a clade uniting the land plants (Embryophyta) with their closest allies among the green algae. Most species have a non-motile vegetative phase in the life cycle. Plesiomorphic streptophytes possess asymmetrical motile cells with a pair of cilia lacking mastigonemes; basal bodies have a distinctive multilayered structure of microtubular rootlet and cytoskeletal anchor (Adl et al. 2012). Basal members of the streptophyte lineage include the unicellular scaly alga Mesostigma viride (Karol et al. 2001). As well as the organic scales covering the cell wall and flagella, this species has the flagella emerging from a pit. Other basal streptophytes include Chlorokybus atmophyticus, a subaerial alga growing as sarcinoid packets of cells with hairs on zoospore flagella. Molecular analysis indicates that the freshwater unicellular genus Spirotaenia, previously included in the Zygnematophyceae due to its sexual reproduction via conjugation, is also a more basal streptophyte related to Mesostigma and Chlorokybus (Wickett et al. 2014). The type species, Spirotaenia condensata, is characterised by relatively large, cylindrical cells (over 100 µm long) with broadly rounded poles. Spirotaenia minuta is small, up to 40 µm long, and cells are fusiform with subacute apices.

The Klebsormidiophyceae grow as coccoid cells or unbranched filaments. Cells possess one or two chloroplasts with one pyrenoid, with most chloroplasts being parietal. Cells form a cleavage furrow during cell division but no cell plate or phragmoplast (Adl et al. 2012). Klebsormidium grows as typical uniseriate filaments that reproduce vegetatively. In the genus Interfilum, filaments fragment early in development so this genus is typically unicellular. Filaments of Entransia fimbriata may appear to bear short branches; these 'pseudobranches' are in fact the result of germinating reproductive cells that initially remain attached to the parent filament. Entransia fimbriata is further distinguished by highly lobed chloroplasts with multiple pyrenoids, and a single large vacuole per cell.

Members of the Coleochaetales, Characeae and Embryophyta are united by the presence of branching growth, oogamous sexual reproduction and phragmoplastic cell division. A phragmoplast is a cylindrical structure containing opposing arrays of actin filaments and microtubules that acts as a scaffold for cell plate formation. The Coleochaetales have discoid thalli of cells or branched filaments with sheathed hairs forming extensions of the cell walls (Adl et al. 2012). They are found in fresh water, commonly as epiphytes on aquatic plants. Chaetosphaeridium grows as branched filaments of globose or flask-shaped cells, or as a gelatinous colony of unicells. Coleochaete may form prostrate or erect branched filaments, with prostrate filaments sometimes adhered to form pseudoparenchyma, or as parenchymatous thalli. Asexual reproduction in Coleochaetales is via zoospores that are formed two to four per cell in Chaetosphaeridium but singly in Coleochaete. Sexual reproduction is oogamous.

Characters (from Adl et al. 2012, as Charophyta): Asymmetric motile cells, when present, with pair of cilia without mastigonemes; basal bodies with distinctive multilayered structure of microtubular rootlet and cytoskeletal anchor; thylakoids stacked; plastid with two membranes without periplastid endoplasmic reticulum; starch inside plastid; open mitosis; usually with phycoplast, but some with phragmoplast and cell plate; with primary plasmodesmata between adjacent cells in filamentous forms; filaments branching or nonbranching; with nonmotile vegetative phase; some with multinucleate cells; with or without sexual reproduction; sexual species with haplobiontic life cycle; with desiccation-resistant cysts (zygospores); glycolate oxidase in peroxisomes; Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase; ciliary peroxisome.

Streptophyta (see below for synonymy) WM14
    |  i. s.: Umbellinaceae E03
    |         Columbella ningbingensis E03
    |         Praechara Birina 1948 WH78
    |         Neochara huananensi NG13
    |         Grovesichara changzhouensis NG13
    |         Obtusochara prisca NG13
    |--+--Mesostigma Lauterborn 1894 WM14, AS12 [Mesostigmatales, Mesostigmatophyceae]
    |  |    `--M. viride WM14
    |  `--+--Chlorokybus Geitler 1942 WM14, AS12 [Chlorokybales, Chlorokybophyceae, Chlorokybophyta]
    |     |    `--C. atmophyticus WM14
    |     `--Spirotaenia WM14
    |          |--*S. condensata WM14
    |          `--S. minuta WM14
    `--+--Klebsormidiophyceae AS12
       |    |--Interfilum AS12
       |    |--Entransia Hughes 1943 AS12, MK00
       |    |    `--E. fimbriata WM14
       |    `--Klebsormidium [Klebsormidiales, Klebsormidiobiotes, Klebsormidiophyta] WM14
       |         |  i. s.: K. subtile WM14
       |         |--K. flaccidum KM01
       |         `--+--K. nitens KM01
       |            `--K. subtilissimum KM01
       `--Phragmoplastophyta AS12
            |--Charopsida WM14
            `--+--Coleochaetales [Chaetophycidae, Coleochaetophyceae] WM14
               |    |--Chaetosphaeridium [Chaetosphaeridiobiotes, Chaetosphaeridiophyceae, Chaetosphaeridiophyta] WM14
               |    |    |--C. globosum WM14
               |    |    `--C. ovalis KM01
               |    `--Coleochaete [Coleochaetobiotes, Coleochaetophyta] WM14
               |         |  i. s.: C. scutata WM14
               |         |--+--C. irregularis KM01
               |         |  `--C. sieminskiana KM01
               |         `--+--C. orbicularis KM01
               |            `--C. soluta KM01
               `--+--Zygnematophyceae WM14
                  `--Embryophyta WM14

Streptophyta [Charophyceae, Charophyta, Eophyceae, Phragmophytina, Rudophytae, Stichophycidae, Streptobionta, Zygnemobiotes] WM14

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AS12] Adl, S. M., A. G. B. Simpson, C. E. Lane, J. Lukeš, D. Bass, S. S. Bowser, M. W. Brown, F. Burki, M. Dunthorn, V. Hampl, A. Heiss, M. Hoppenrath, E. Lara, E. Le Gall, D. H. Lynn, H. McManus, E. A. D. Mitchell, S. E. Mozley-Stanridge, L. W. Parfrey, J. Pawlowski, S. Rueckert, L. Shadwick, C. L. Schoch, A. Smirnov & F. W. Spiegel. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–493.

[E03] Edgell, H. S. 2003. Upper Devonian Charophyta of Western Australia. Micropaleontology 49 (4): 359–374.

[KM01] Karol, K. G., R. M. McCourt, M. T. Cimino & C. F. Delwiche. 2001. The closest living relatives of land plants. Science 294: 2351–2353.

[MK00] McCourt, R. M., K. G. Karol, J. Bell, K. M. Helm-Bychowski, A. Grajewska, M. F. Wojciechowski & R. W. Hoshaw. 2000. Phylogeny of the conjugating green algae (Zygnemophyceae) based on rbcL sequences. Journal of Phycology 36: 747–758.

[NG13] Ni, X., D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn & K. C. Beard. 2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60–64.

[WH78] Wang Z. & Huang R.-J. 1978. Triassic charophytes of Shaanxi. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 17 (3): 267–276.

[WM14] Wickett, N. H., S. Mirarab, N. Nguyen, T. Warnow, E. Carpenter, N. Matasci, S. Ayyampalayam, M. S. Barker, J. G. Burleigh, M. A. Gitzendanner, B. R. Ruhfel, E. Wafula, J. P. Der, S. W. Graham, S. Mathews, M. Melkonian, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, N. W. Miles, C. J. Rothfels, L. Pokorny, A. J. Shaw, L. DeGeronimo, D. W. Stevenson, B. Surek, J. C. Villarreal, B. Roure, H. Philippe, C. W. dePamphilis, T. Chen, M. K. Deyholos, R. S. Baucom, T. M. Kutchan, M. M. Augustin, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, Z. Tian, Z. Yan, X. Wu, X. Sun, G. K.-S. Wong & J. Leebens-Mack. 2014. Phylotranscriptomic analysis of the origin and early diversification of land plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111 (45): E4859–E4868.

Last updated: 9 January 2022.


Diphyscium foliosum, from here.

Belongs within: Embryophyta.
Contains: Sphagnales, Andreaeopsida, Polytrichaceae, Tetraphidales, Bryidae, Funariidae, Grimmiales, Archidium, Seligeriaceae, Dicranaceae, Fissidentaceae, Leucobryum, Pottiaceae, Ditrichaceae, Erpodiaceae, Calymperaceae, Ephemeraceae.

The Bryophyta are the mosses, the largest living group of non-vascular land plants. Mosses are distinguished by the presence of distinct leaves and multicellular rhizoids on the gametophyte (which is the dominant part of the life-cycle, supporting the dependent sporophytes), and of a columnella (a cylinder of sterile cells) within the spore capsule (De Luna et al. 2003). Within the mosses, all authors support a division between the basalmost Sphagnopsida and the remaining mosses, with the Polytrichopsida and Bryopsida together forming a clade distinguished by a spore capsule opening through an operculum rather than dehiscently as in more basal forms. Sphagnopsida are represented in the modern flora by the genera Sphagnum and Ambuchanania; Ambuchanania leucobryoides is a rare species found growing in sandy washes in a small number of localities in Tasmania (Threatened Species Section, Tasmania, 2008).

Polytrichopsida and Bryopsida are distinguished by the forms of the teeth around the capsule opening (forming the peristome): in Polytrichopsida, they are nematodontous (formed from entire cells) while in Bryopsida they are arthrodontous (formed from fragments of cell walls). Within the Bryopsida, the peristome comprises a single circlet of teeth in members of the subclass Dicranidae whereas members of other subclasses typically have a peristome of two circlets (reduced or lost in some taxa).

<==Bryophyta [Bryophytina, Musci]
    |--Sphagnopsida SK02
    |    |--Sphagnales D24
    |    `--Ambuchanania Seppelt & Crum 1999 [Ambuchananiaceae, Ambuchananiales] SK02
    |         `--A. leucobryoides (Yamaguchi, Seppelt & Iwats.) Seppelt & Crum 1999 (see below for synonymy) SK02
    `--Bryatae [Acrocarpineae, Buxbaumiales, Buxbaumiidae] C-S98
         |  i. s.: Eustichia [Eustichiaceae] D03b
         |           `--E. longirostris D03b
         |--Andreaeopsida FHH01
         `--+--Polytrichopsida [Nematodonteae] SK02
            |    |--Polytrichaceae D24
            |    `--Tetraphidales SK02
            `--Bryopsida [Acrocarpae, Aplolepideae, Arthrodonteae, Diplolepideae] SK02
                 |  i. s.: Schistostega [Schistostegaceae] D24
                 |           `--S. osmundacea [=Mnium osmundaceum] D24
                 |         Timmia [Timmiaceae] D24
                 |           |--T. austriaca D24
                 |           |--T. megapolitana D24
                 |           `--T. norvegica [incl. T. scotica] D24
                 |--Bryidae BC98
                 |--Funariidae SK02
                 |--Diphyscium Mohr 1803 [Diphysciaceae, Diphysciales, Diphysciidae] SK02
                 |    |--D. foliosum [incl. Mollia haggarti, Webera sessilis] D24
                 |    |    |--D. f. var. foliosum D24
                 |    |    `--D. f. var. acutifolium D24
                 |    `--D. mucronifolium Mitt. 1855 SK02
                 `--Dicranidae SK02
                      |--Grimmiales SK02
                      |--Archidium SK02
                      |--Seligeriaceae SK02
                      |--Dicranales SK02
                      |    |--Dicranaceae SK02
                      |    |--Fissidentaceae SK02
                      |    `--Leucobryaceae SK02
                      |         |--Leucobryum SK02
                      |         `--Exodictyon B57
                      |              |--E. dentatum B57
                      |              `--E. subscabrum SK02
                      `--Pottiales SK02
                           |--Pottiaceae SK02
                           |--Ditrichaceae SK02
                           |--Erpodiaceae SK02
                           |--Calymperaceae SK02
                           |--Ephemeraceae SK02
                           |--Bryobartramia Sainsbury 1948 [Bryobartramiaceae] SK02
                           |    `--B. novae-valesiae (Broth. ex Roth) Stone & Scott 1973 (see below for synonymy) SK02
                           `--Viridivellus Stone 1976 [Viridivelleraceae] SK02
                                `--V. pulchellum Stone 1976 SK02

Bryophyta incertae sedis:
  Palamocladium leskeoides PK03
  Sporogonites BC98
  Trachypodaceae N02
    |--Trachypodopsis serrulata N02
    `--Duthiella declinata N02
  Catharomnion Hooker & Wilson 1854 SK02
    `--C. ciliatum (Hedw.) Wilson 1854 [=Hypopterygium ciliatum] SK02
  Cladomnion Hooker & Wilson 1854 SK02
    |--C. ericoides (Hooker) Wilson 1854 SK02
    `--C. gracile D03a
  Cyrtopus (Brid.) Hooker 1867 SK02
    `--C. setosus (Hedw.) Hooker 1867 (see below for synonymy) SK02
  Mniodendron dendroides [=Bryum dendroides, Hypnodendron dendroides; incl. Mniodendron palmaeum] SK02
  Mniomalia Müll.Hal. 1874 SK02
    `--M. semilimbata Müll.Hal. 1874 SK02
  Streblotrichum Palisot de Beauvois 1804 SK02
    `--S. bicolor (Bruch & Schimp.) Loeske 1909 [=Barbula bicolor, Gymnostomum bicolor] SK02
  Acanthocladium macgregorii SK02
  Chrysocladium phaeum SK02
  Phyllogonium [Phyllogoniaceae] J87
    `--P. fulgens J87
  Prionodon [Prionodontaceae] J87
    `--P. densus J87
  Pseudodistichium buchanani M49b
  *Bellia nervosa M49a
  Blindiopsis immersa M49a
  Sciadocladus menziesii M49a
  Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans M08
  Homomallium incurvatum M08
  Pleurozium schreberi M08
  Pseudoleskeella M08
    |--P. catenulata M08
    `--P. nervosa M08
  Rhizomnium punctatum M08
  Leptobarbula berica M09

Nomen nudum: Cladomnium crenato-obtusum Dusén 1903 D03a

Ambuchanania leucobryoides (Yamaguchi, Seppelt & Iwats.) Seppelt & Crum 1999 [=Sphagnum leucobryoides Yamaguchi, Seppelt & Iwats. 1990] SK02

Bryobartramia novae-valesiae (Broth. ex Roth) Stone & Scott 1973 [=Trachycarpidium novae-valesiae; incl. B. robbinsii] SK02

Cyrtopus setosus (Hedw.) Hooker 1867 [=Anictangium setosum, Cladomnion setosum, Garovaglia setosa (n. n.)] SK02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B57] Bartram, E. B. 1957. Additional Fijian mosses, III. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (12): 392–396.

[BC98] Bateman, R. M., P. R. Crane, W. A. DiMichele, P. R. Kenrick, N. P. Rowe, T. Speck & W. E. Stein. 1998. Early evolution of land plants: phylogeny, physiology, and ecology of the primary terrestrial radiation. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 29: 263–292.

[C-S98] Cavalier-Smith, T. 1998. A revised six-kingdom system of life. Biological Reviews 73: 203–266.

[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[D03a] Dusén, P. 1903a. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[D03b] Dusén, P. 1903b. Patagonian and Fuegian mosses. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 63–126. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431–445.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[M08] Marstaller, R. 2008. Moosgesellschaften am Südrand des Kyffhäusergebirges bei Bad Frankenhausen (Kyffhäuserkreis). 130. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens. Mauritiana 20 (2): 289–348.

[M09] Marstaller, R. 2009. Die Moosgesellschaften des geplanten Naturschutzgebietes "Brandenburg und Göringer Stein" bei Göringen (Wartburgkreis, Eisenach). 136. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens. Mauritiana 20 (3): 529–557.

[M49a] Martin, W. 1949a. The bryophytes of Stewart Island.—Part I. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (2): 257–277.

[M49b] Martin, W. 1949b. Distribution of the mosses indigenous to New Zealand (supplement no. 1). Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (3): 355–360.

[N02] Negi, H. R. 2002. Abundance and diversity of moss communities of Chopta-Tunganath in the Garhwal Himalaya. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 418–433.

[PK03] Piippo, S., & T. Koponen. 2003. Review of the bryofloristic connections of New Guinea Island. Telopea 10 (1): 467–476.

[SK02] Streimann, H., & N. Klazenga. 2002. Catalogue of Australian Mosses. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 17. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra.

Sphagnum subgenus Cymbifolia

Prairie sphagnum Sphagnum palustre, copyright Bernd Haynold.

Belongs within: Sphagnales.

Sphagnum subgenus Cymbifolium is a group of robust sphagnum mosses with unbordered stem leaves and rough branch leaves (Dixon 1924).

Characters (from Dixon 1924): Plants robust. Cuticular cells of stem and branches fibrose and porose. Stem leaves not bordered. Branch leaves broadly cymbiform, concave, cucullate and scabrous at back of apex. Dioicous.

Sphagnum subg. Cymbifolia D24
    |--S. austini D24
    |    |--S. a. var. austini D24
    |    `--S. a. var. imbricatum D24
    |--S. centrale Jensen 1896 D24, SK02
    |    |--S. c. var. centrale SK02
    |    `--S. c. var. flavoglaucescens SK02
    |--S. degenerans D24
    |--S. magellanicum Brid. 1798 [incl. S. medium] SK02
    |    |--S. m. var. magellanicum D03
    |    |--S. ‘medium’ var. fusco-rubellum D03
    |    |    |--S. m. var. f. f. fusco-rubellum D03
    |    |    `--S. m. var. f. f. brachydasyclada D03
    |    `--S. ‘medium’ var. pallido-carneum D03
    |         |--S. m. var. p. f. pallido-carneum D03
    |         `--S. m. var. p. f. brachyorthoclada D03
    |--S. palustre Linnaeus 1753 [incl. S. cymbifolium, S. latifolium (nom. illeg.)] SK02
    |    |--S. p. var. palustre D24
    |    |--S. ‘cymbifolium’ var. condensatum D03
    |    |--S. ‘cymbifolium’ var. congestum D24
    |    `--S. ‘cymbifolium’ var. squarrosulum D24
    |--S. papillosum [=S. cymbifolium var. papillosum] D24
    |    |--S. p. var. papillosum D24
    |    |--S. p. var. laeve D24
    |    |--S. p. var. stenophyllum D24
    |    `--S. p. var. sublaeve D24
    `--S. turfaceum D24

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. Patagonian and Fuegian mosses. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 63–126. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[SK02] Streimann, H., & N. Klazenga. 2002. Catalogue of Australian Mosses. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 17. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra.