Showing posts with label Pezizomycotina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pezizomycotina. Show all posts


Umbilicaria leiocarpa, copyright Jason Hollinger.

Belongs within: Lecanoromycetes.
Contains: Umbilicaria section Glabrae, Umbilicaria section Polymorphae, Umbilicaria secton Velleae.

Umbilicaria, rock tripe, is a cosmopolitan genus of saxicolous lichens that derive their name from their attachment to the substrate by a distinct 'navel'.

Characters (from Frey 1933): Thallus foliaceous, navel simple, thin or often divided into several strands, with the base very firmly attached, upper surface smooth or cracked-areolate, often with scaly or sheet-like attachments or protruding ribs. Apothecia sessile on upper surface, occasionally slightly sunk or pressed, often top-shaped, short-stalked, black. Underside of the thallus smooth and hairless or cracked-areolate, with or without rhizines. Rhizines simple or branched or warty, also often reticulate or pitted and with anastomosing discontinuous ribs. More or less radially arranged bars often extending outward from navel. Thallus layered, upper crust usually solid (exceptionally thin), forming a palisade plectenchyma, paraplectenchyma or an almost amorphous-appearing tissue. Gonidia Cytococcus, usually in a continuous or more or less regularly interrupted zone. Hyphae of gonidial zone loose, rarely fused like the rind. Central mass usually loose, rarely dense; lower crust usually similar to top layer, rhizines mostly similarly textured to underside of thallus. Apothecia always without gonidia, often quite black inside or at least partly dark, hypothecium usually at least brownish, hymenium often with a tendency to split. Spores unicellular and hyaline, or 2- to multicellular (forming a brick-like arrangement), hyaline or partially brown. Pycnidia sunk in thallus, but alwayswith a clear, point-like, black crown, pitcher-shaped or pear-shaped, often quite strongly broadened at the base.

Umbilicaria Hoffmann ex Linnaeus 1891 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |--U. subg. Gyrophora Endlich 1836 F33
    |    |--U. sect. Agyrophora Nylander 1878 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |    |--U. cinerascens (Arnold) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |    |    |--U. c. f. cinerascens F33
    |    |    |    `--U. c. f. laciniata Frey 1933 non Lichen corneus var. laciniatus Retzius 1779 F33
    |    |    |--U. laevis (Schaerer) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |    |--U. leiocarpa (de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1805) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |    |--U. microphylla (Laurer) Massal. 1852 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |    |--U. reticulata F33 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |    |    |--U. r. f. reticulata F33
    |    |    |    |--U. r. f. maxima F33
    |    |    |    |--U. r. f. perforata F33
    |    |    |    `--U. r. f. typica F33
    |    |    |--U. rigida (Du Rietz) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora rigida Du Rietz 1925] F33
    |    |    |    |--U. r. var. rigida F33
    |    |    |    `--U. r. var. discissa F33
    |    |    `--U. subglabra  (Nylander) Harm. 1910 [=Gyrophora subglabra Nylander 1896] F33
    |    |         |--U. s. var. subglabra F33
    |    |         |--U. s. var. pallens (Nylander) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |         `--U. s. var. schmidtii Frey 1933 F33
    |    |--U. sect. Glabrae F33
    |    |--U. sect. Polymorphae F33
    |    `--U. sect. Velleae F33
    `--U. subg. Gyrophoropsis (Elenkin & Sav.) Zahlbr. 1927 [=Gyrophoropsis Elenkin & Sav. 1911] F33
         |--U. cinereorufescens (Schaerer) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |--U. crustulosa (Acharius) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |    |--U. c. var. crustulosa F33
         |    `--U. c. var. badiofusca Frey 1933 F33
         |--U. depressa (Acharius) Duby 1830 [=Gyrophora crustulosa var. depressa Acharius 1810] F33
         |--U. ruebeliana (DR. & Frey) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora ruebeliana DR. & Frey 1929] F33
         |    |--U. r. f. ruebeliana F33
         |    `--U. r. f. rhizinosa Frey 1933 F33
         `--U. spodochroa (Acharius) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |--U. s. var. spodochroa F33
              `--U. s. var. lapponica Frey 1933 F33

Umbilicaria incertae sedis:
  U. angulata F33
  U. calvescens F33
  U. dichroa F33
  U. esculenta F33
  U. haplocarpa F33
  U. krempelhuberi F33
  U. mammulata JK06
  U. membranacea F33
  U. muehlenbergii F33
  U. nanella Frey & Poelt 1977 S03
  U. pennsylvanica F33
  U. phaea F33
  U. semitensis F33
  U. yunnana F33

Umbilicaria Hoffmann ex Linnaeus 1891 [incl. Gyrophora Acharius 1803; Gyrophoraceae, Umbilicariaceae, Umbilicariales] F33

Umbilicaria sect. Agyrophora Nylander 1878 [=Gyrophora sect. Agyrophora (Nylander) Zahlbr. 1906; incl. U. sect. Anthracinae Frey 1931] F33

Umbilicaria cinerascens (Arnold) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora cinerascens Arnold 1875, U. polyphylla var. cinerascens (Arnold) Wain. 1899] F33

Umbilicaria laevis (Schaerer) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora atropruniosa var. laevis Schaerer 1848, G. laevis (Schaerer) Du Rietz 1925, Umbilicaria anthracina var. laevis (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850; incl. U. anthracina var. laevis f. nuda Schaere 1850] F33

Umbilicaria leiocarpa (de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1805) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora leiocarpa (de Candolle) Du Rietz 1925; incl. G. anthracina Körb. 1855, Umbilicaria atropruinosa Schaerer 1823, G. atropruinosa var. tessellata Schaerer 1818, U. anthracina var. tessellata (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850, U. atropruinosa var. tessellata (Schaerer) Fries 1831] F33

Umbilicaria microphylla (Laurer) Massal. 1852 [=U. atropruinosa var. microphylla Laurer 1832, Gyrophora anthracina var. microphylla (Laurer) Jatta 1911, G. microphylla (Laurer) Arnold 1878, Umbilicaria anthracina var. microphylla (Laurer) Schaerer 1850, U. cinerascens var. microphylla (Laurer) Stizenb. 1882; incl. Gyrophora microphylloides Zahlbr. 1927] F33

Umbilicaria reticulata F33 [=Gyrophora polymorpha var. reticulata Schaerer 1818 F33, G. anthracina var. reticulata (Schaerer) Rabenhorst 1859 F33, G. reticulata (Schaerer) Fries 1871 F33, Lecidea atropruinosa var. reticulata (Schaerer) Schaerer 1828 F33, Umbilicaria anthracina var. reticulata (Schaerer) Tuck. 1848 F33, U. atropruinosa var. reticulata (Schaerer) Fries 1831 F33, U. tessellata var. reticulata (Schaerer) Duby 1830 F33; incl. Lichen decussatus Vill. 1789 F33, Gyrophora decussata (Vill.) Zahlbr. 1927 F33, Umbilicaria decussata C74, G. discolor Fries 1867 F33, U. ptychophora Nylander 1869 F33]

Umbilicaria subglabra var. pallens (Nylander) Frey 1933 [=U. atropruinosa var. pallens Nylander 1864, U. cinerascens var. pallens (Nylander) Nylander 1869] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 224 pls.

[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In: Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9 sect. 4 pt 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).

[JK06] James, T. Y., F. Kauff, C. L. Schoch, P. B. Matheny, V. Hofstetter, C. J. Cox, G. Celio, C. Gueidan, E. Fraker, J. Miadlikowska, H. T. Lumbsch, A. Rauhut, V. Reeb, A. E. Arnold, A. Amtoft, J. E. Stajich, K. Hosaka, G.-H. Sung, D. Johnson, B. O'Rourke, M. Crockett, M. Binder, J. M. Curtis, J. C. Slot, Z. Wang, A. W. Wilson, A. Schüßler, J. E. Longcore, K. O'Donnell, S. Mozley-Standridge, D. Porter, P. M. Letcher, M. J. Powell, J. W. Taylor, M. M. White, G. W. Griffith, D. R. Davies, R. A. Humber, J. B. Morton, J. Sugiyama, A. Y. Rossman, J. D. Rogers, D. H. Pfister, D. Hewitt, K. Hansen, S. Hambleton, R. A. Shoemaker, J. Kohlmeyer, B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, R. A. Spotts, M. Serdani, P. W. Crous, K. W. Hughes, K. Matsuura, E. Langer, G. Langer, W. A. Untereiner, R. Lücking, B. Büdel, D. M. Geiser, A. Aptroot, P. Diederich, I. Schmitt, M. Schultz, R. Yahr, D. S. Hibbett, F. Lutzoni, D. J. McLaughlin, J. W. Spatafora & R. Vilgalys. 2006. Reconstructing the early evolution of Fungi using a six-gene phylogeny. Nature 443: 818–822.

[S03] Sinha, G. P. 2003. Additions to the lichen flora of India from Sikkim. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45 (1–4): 221–224.


Parmelia sulcata, copyright James Lindsey.

Belongs within: Parmeliaceae.

Parmelia is a cosmopolitan genus of foliose lichens, light-coloured above and black below with the lower surface anchored to the substrate by rhizenes, and often with squarish ends to the thallus lobes.

    |--P. caperata H04
    |--P. encausta F33
    |--P. glomellifera F33
    |--P. intestiniformis C74
    |--P. isidiotyla F33
    |--P. molliuscula F33
    |--P. mussooriensis BB05
    |--P. olivacea H04
    |--P. omphalodes E99
    |    |--P. o. var. omphalodes E99
    |    `--P. o. var. discordans E99
    |--P. pubescens F33
    |--P. reticulata H49
    |--P. saxatilis EB03
    |--P. sorediata F33
    |--P. stellaris H04
    |--P. stenophylla C74
    |--P. stygia C474
    |    |--P. s. var. stygia C74
    |    `--P. s. var. septentrionalis C74
    `--P. sulcata M08

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB05] Banik, D., & P. Bujarbarua. 2005. Lichens on Agapetes D. Don ex G. Don (Ericaceae) in India. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47 (1–4): 59–62.

[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 224 pls.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440–2755. Myconet 2: 1–41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, T. Laessøe & G. Rambold (eds.) 2003. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 3580–3623. Myconet 9: 91–103.

[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In: Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9 sect. 4 pt 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).

[H04] Haeckel, E. 1899–1904. Kunstformen der Natur. Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig und Wien.

[H49] Hodgson, E. A. 1949. New Zealand Hepaticae (liverworts). VI. A review of the New Zealand species of the genus Frullania. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 77 (3): 361–389.

[M08] Marstaller, R. 2008. Moosgesellschaften am Südrand des Kyffhäusergebirges bei Bad Frankenhausen (Kyffhäuserkreis). 130. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens. Mauritiana 20 (2): 289–348.


Conidia of Curvularia lunata, copyright J. Scott.

Belongs within: Pleosporales.

The Pleosporaceae are a family of fungi including both saprobic species and necrotrophic pathogens, some of which are economically significant. Curvularia lunata is also known as a pathogen of humans, potentially causing facultative infections through breaks in the skin or inhalation.

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Ascomata perithecial, more or less globose, thick-walled, immersed or erumpent, black, opening by a well-developed lysigenous ostiole, sometimes hairy or setose; peridium usually thick, wi th several layers of large thick-walled pseudoparenchymatous cells. Interascal tissue of cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci more or less cylindrical, fissitunicate, the inner wall often thickened in the apical region. Ascospores brown, septate, sometimes muriform, often with a gelatinous sheath. Anamorphs hyphomycetous.

Pleosporaceae EB03Outline
    |--Pyrenophora LK04
    |    |--P. phaeocomes JK06
    |    `--P. tritici-repentis LK04
    `--+--Curvularia LK04
       |    |--C. brachyspora ML04
       |    |--C. geniculata RH91
       |    |--C. inaequilis HS98
       |    `--C. lunata C-OE-PG-C91
       `--+--Setosphaeria monoceras LK04
          `--Cochliobolus LK04
               |--C. heterostrophus JK06
               `--C. sativus SL02

Pleosporaceae incertae sedis:
  Extrawettsteinina EB03Outline
  Falciformispora EB03Outline
  Kriegeriella EB03Outline
  Lewia EB03Outline
  Macrospora scirpicola EB03Outline, HH00 [=Pleospora scirpicola HH00]
  Macroventuria EB03Outline
  Monascostroma EB03Outline
  Platysporoides EB03Outline
  Pseudoyuconia EB03Outline
  Wettsteinina EB03Outline
  Zeuctomorpha EB03Outline
  Decorospora Inderbitzin, Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer 2002 EB03Notes
    `--*D. gaudefroi (Patouillard) Inderbitzin, Kohlmann & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer 2002 EB03Notes
  Valsaria [incl. Phaeocreopsis Saccardo & Sydow in Lindau 1900] RS99
    `--V. rubricosa (see below for synonymy) RS99
  Pleospora JK06
    |--P. herbarum JK06
    `--P. rudis IL01
  Leptosphaerulina EB03Outline
    |--L. chartarum E99
    `--L. crassiasca E99

Valsaria rubricosa [incl. Valsaria cinnamomi, Valsonectria cinnamomi, Hypocreopsis hypoxyloides Spegazzini 1899, *Phaeocreopsis hypoxyloides (Spegazzini) Saccardo & Sydow in Lindau 1900, Valsaria hypoxyloides, Valsonectria hypoxyloides, P. pezizaeformis, Hypocreopsis pezizaeformis, Valsonectria reticulata] RS99

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[C-OE-PG-C91] Casasolas-Oliver, A., A. Estrada-Peña & J. Gonzalez-Cabo. 1991. Activity of Rhizopus thailandensis, Rhizopus arrhizus and Curvularia lunata on reproductive efficacy of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodidae). In Dusbábek, F. & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 2 pp. 633-637. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03Notes] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, T. Laessøe & G. Rambold (eds.) 2003. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 3580-3623. Myconet 9: 91-103.

[EB03Outline] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[HS98] Hara, I., & T. Sakurai. 1998. Isolation and characterization of vanadium bromoperoxidase from a marine macroalga, Ecklonia stolonifera. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 72: 23-28.

[HH00] Ho, W. H. & K. D. Hyde. 2000. A new family of freshwater ascomycetes. Fungal Diversity 4: 21-36.

[IL01] Inderbitzin, P., S. Landvik, M. A. Abdel-Wahab & M. L. Berbee. 2001. Aliquandostipitaceae, a new family for two new tropical ascomycetes with unusually wide hyphae and dimorphic ascomata. American Journal of Botany 88 (1): 52-61.

[JK06] James, T. Y., F. Kauff, C. L. Schoch, P. B. Matheny, V. Hofstetter, C. J. Cox, G. Celio, C. Gueidan, E. Fraker, J. Miadlikowska, H. T. Lumbsch, A. Rauhut, V. Reeb, A. E. Arnold, A. Amtoft, J. E. Stajich, K. Hosaka, G.-H. Sung, D. Johnson, B. O'Rourke, M. Crockett, M. Binder, J. M. Curtis, J. C. Slot, Z. Wang, A. W. Wilson, A. Schüßler, J. E. Longcore, K. O'Donnell, S. Mozley-Standridge, D. Porter, P. M. Letcher, M. J. Powell, J. W. Taylor, M. M. White, G. W. Griffith, D. R. Davies, R. A. Humber, J. B. Morton, J. Sugiyama, A. Y. Rossman, J. D. Rogers, D. H. Pfister, D. Hewitt, K. Hansen, S. Hambleton, R. A. Shoemaker, J. Kohlmeyer, B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer, R. A. Spotts, M. Serdani, P. W. Crous, K. W. Hughes, K. Matsuura, E. Langer, G. Langer, W. A. Untereiner, R. Lücking, B. Büdel, D. M. Geiser, A. Aptroot, P. Diederich, I. Schmitt, M. Schultz, R. Yahr, D. S. Hibbett, F. Lutzoni, D. J. McLaughlin, J. W. Spatafora & R. Vilgalys. 2006. Reconstructing the early evolution of Fungi using a six-gene phylogeny. Nature 443: 818-822.

[LK04] Lutzoni, F., F. Kauff, C. J. Cox, D. McLaughlin, G. Celio, B. Dentinger, M. Padamsee, D. Hibbett, T. Y. James, E. Baloch, M. Grube, V. Reeb, V. Hofstetter, C. Schoch, A. E. Arnold, J. Miadlikowska, J. Spatafora, D. Johnson, S. Hambleton, M. Crockett, R. Shoemaker, G.-H. Sung, R. Lücking, T. Lumbsch, K. O'Donnell, M. Binder, P. Diederich, D. Ertz, C. Gueidan, K. Hansen, R. C. Harris, K. Hosaka, Y.-W. Lim, B. Matheny, H. Nishida, D. Pfister, J. Rogers, A. Rossman, I. Schmitt, H. Sipman, J. Stone, J. Sugiyama, R. Yahr & R. Vilgalys. 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life: progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits. American Journal of Botany 91 (10): 1446-1480.

[ML04] Miadlikowska, J., & F. Lutzoni. 2004. Phylogenetic classification of peltigeralean fungi (Peltigerales, Ascomycota) based on ribosomal RNA small and large subunits. American Journal of Botany 91 (3): 449-464.

[RH91] Ramani, N., & M. A. Haq. 1991. Potential of Meristacarus degradatus and Xylobates rhomboides (Acari: Oribatei) in the degradation of higher plant materials. In Dusbábek, F. & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 411-415. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.

[SL02] Schweigkofler, W., K. Lopandic, O. Molnár & H. Prillinger. 2002. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Ascomycota with yeast phases using ribosomal DNA sequences and cell wall sugars. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 2: 1-17.


Balladyna velutina, from here.

Belongs within: Pezizomycotina.

The Parodiopsidaceae are a family of fungi that are either biotrophic on leaves or hyperparasitic on sooty moulds (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Mycelium superficial, dark, usually setose or hyphopodiate. Ascomata superficial, perithecial, sometimes stalked, globose, small, thin-walled, opening by breakdown of apical cells to form an irregular ostiole; peridium composed of 1-2 layers of dark pseudoparenchymatous cells, sometimes setose. Interascal tissue disintegrating at an early stage of development. Asci saccate, fissitunicate, sometimes J+ blue. Ascospores brown, septate, the septa sometimes thickened, sometimes ornamented, sometimes with a sheath or gelatinous appendages. Anamorphs hyphomycetous. Conidiophores dark, short, simple, usually poroid. Conidia solitary, elongate and often attenuated, thick-walled, septate.

    |--Alina EB03
    |--Balladynocallia EB03
    |--Balladynopsis EB03
    |--Chevalieropsis EB03
    |--Cleistosphaera EB03
    |--Dimeriella EB03
    |--Dimerium EB03
    |--Dysrhynchis EB03
    |--Hyalomeliolina EB03
    |--Leptomeliola EB03
    |--Neoparodia EB03
    |--Ophioparodia EB03
    |--Parodiellina EB03
    |--Perisporiopsis EB03
    |--Pilgeriella EB03
    |--Scolionema EB03
    |--Stomatogene EB03
    |--Parodiopsis stevensii EB03, DP72
    `--Balladyna EB03
         |--B. magnifica DP72
         `--B. tenuis DP72

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[DP72] Deighton, F. C., & K. A. Pirozynski. 1972. Microfungi. V. More hyperparasitic hyphomycetes. Mycological Papers 128: 1-110.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.


Schizothyrium speireum on Rubus fruticosus, from Mycologues Associes.

Belongs within: Pezizomycotina.

The Schizothyriaceae are a family of fungi that are mostly saprobic epiphytes on leaves or stems (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Ascomata thyrothecial, strongly flattened or crustose, rounded or elongate, opening by irregular splits; upper wall brown, composed of a single layer of more or less epidermoid cells. Interascal tissue absent, or composed only of remnants of stromatal cells. Asci more or less globose to saccate, fissitunicate, without an ocular chamber, not blueing in iodine. Ascospores hyaline to pale brown, transversely septate, without a sheath. Anamorphs unknown.

    |--Amazonotheca EB03
    |--Chaetoplaca EB03
    |--Henningsiella EB03
    |--Kerniomyces EB03
    |--Lecideopsella EB03
    |--Linopeltis EB03
    |--Mendogia EB03
    |--Metathyriella EB03
    |--Mycerema EB03
    |--Myriangiella EB03
    |--Neopeltella EB03
    |--Orthobellus EB03
    |--Plochmopeltis EB03
    `--Schizothyrium EB03

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.


Thecotheus crustaceus, photographed by Gilbert Moyne.

Belongs within: Pezizales.

Thecotheus is a genus of fungi often found growing on animal dung.

Characters (from Yao & Spooner 2000): Apothecia sessile, globose to subglobose or cylindrical, rarely pulvinate to lenticular at first, becoming cupulate to discoid, white, becoming grey, yellow, orange to brownish; ectal excipulum of textura angularis and medullary excipulum of textura intricata and textura globulosa; asci operculate, cylindric, 4- to 32-spored (rarely 64-spored), wall amyloid, protruding from the hymenium at maturity; ascospores ellipsoid, rarely subglobose, eguttulate, hyaline to pale yellow, smooth or ornamented with granules or warts, having polar apiculi in some species, with a thick mucilaginous perisporic layer; paraphyses filiform, septate, hyaline or sometimes containing purple-brown granules.

    |--T. africanus NU03
    |--T. biocellatus NU03
    |--T. cinereus NU03
    |--T. crustaceus [=Ascophanus crustaceus; incl. T. agranulosus] NU03
    |--T. flavidus NU03
    |--T. formosanus NU03
    |--T. harasisus NU03
    |--T. himalayensis NU03
    |--T. holmskjoldii NU03
    |--T. inaequilateralis NU03
    |--T. keithii NU03
    |--T. lindqvistii NU03
    |--T. pallens NU03
    |--T. phycophilus NU03
    |--T. rivicola NU03
    |--T. uncinatus NU03
    |--T. urinamans Nagao, Udagawa & Bougher in Nagao, Udagawa et al. 2003 NU03
    `--T. viridescens NU03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[NU03] Nagao, H., S. Udagawa, N. L. Bougher, A. Suzuki & I. C. Tommerup. 2003. The genus Thecotheus (Pezizales) in Australia: T. urinamans sp. nov. from urea-treated jarrah (Eucalyptus marginatus) forest. Mycologia 95 (4): 688-693.

Yao, Y.-J., & B. M. Spooner. 2000. Notes on British species of Thecotheus (Ascobolaceae, Pezizales), with reference to other species of the genus. Kew Bulletin 55 (2): 451-457.

Umbilicaria section Glabrae

Petalled rocktripe Umbilicaria polyphylla, from here.

Belongs within: Umbilicariaceae.

The section Glabrae of the lichen genus Umbilicaria is characterised by a lobed or sinuate-edged thallus that lacks rhizines (Frey 1933).

Characters (from Frey 1933): Underside of thallus without rhizines. Thallus usually brown or greenish gray or brown-black above, black or reddish-gray or whitish below, edge usually somewhat roundly lobed or sinuate. Apothecia with grooved disc. Spores colourless.

Umbilicaria sect. Glabrae Frey 1931 F33
    |--U. arctica (Acharius) Nylander 1859 [=Gyrophora arctica Acharius 1803] F33
    |    |--U. a. var. arctica F33
    |    |--U. a. var. hyporrhiza Nylander 1866 F33
    |    `--U. a. var. plicata Nylander 1866 F33
    |--U. corrugata (de Candolle) Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. c. f. corrugata F33
    |    `--U. c. f. microphyllina (Nylander) Frey 1933 [=U. corrugata var. microphyllina Nylander 1860] F33
    |--U. deusta (Linnaeus) Baumgartner 1790 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. d. f. deusta F33
    |    |--U. d. f. brotera (Acharius) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    `--U. d. f. subpapulosa (Nylander) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |--U. erosa (Weber) Acharius 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. e. var. erosa F33
    |    |--U. e. var. subradians Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora erosa var. subradians (Nylander) Fries 1871] F33
    |    `--U. e. var. torrefacta (Lightf.) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |--U. hyperborea (Acharius) Hoffmann 1801 (see below for synonymy) F33
    `--U. polyphylla (Linnaeus) Hoffmann 1796 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |  i. s.: U. p. f. congregata (Turner) Leight. 1871 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |         U. p. f. coriacea (Fries) Frey 1933 [=Gyrophora polyphylla var. glabra f. coriacea Fries 1871] F33
         |         U. p. f. diffusa (Nylander) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |         U. p. f. lacera (Hepp) Leight. 1871 [=Gyrophora polyphylla f. lacera Hepp 1860] F33
         |--U. p. var. polyphylla F33
         `--U. p. var. variegata Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora polyphylla var. variegata (Nylander) Fries 1871] F33

Umbilicaria corrugata (de Candolle) Nylander 1861 [=U. proboscidea var. corrugata de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1805, Gyrophora corrugata (de Candolle) Arnold 1875, G. deusta var. corrugata (de Candolle) Turner 1839, G. glabra var. corrugata (de Candolle) Acharius 1814, G. heteroidea var. corrugata (de Candolle) Acharius 1810, G. hyperborea var. corrugata (de Candolle) Fries 1871, G. proboscidea var. corrugata (de Candolle) Mudd 1861, Umbilicaria varia var. deusta f. corrugata (de Candolle) Leight. 1856; incl. U. polyphylloides Nylander 1860] F33

Umbilicaria deusta (Linnaeus) Baumgartner 1790 [=Lichen deustus Linnaeus 1753, Gyrophora deusta (Linnaeus) Acharius 1803, G. polyphylla var. deusta (Linnaeus) Rabenhorst 1845, Umbilicaria polyphylla var. deusta (Linnaeus) Fries 1831; incl. Lichen flocculosus Wulf. ex Jacquin 1789, Gyrophora aenea var. flocculosa (Wulf.) Schaerer 1818, G. deusta var. flocculosa (Wulf.) Acharius 1803, G. flocculosa (Wulf.) Körb. 1855, Umbilicaria aenea var. flocculosa (Wulf.) Schaerer 1836, U. flocculosa (Wulf.) Hoffmann 1796, U. polyphylla var. flocculosa (Wulf.) Schaerer 1850] F33

Umbilicaria deusta f. brotera (Acharius) Frey 1933 [=Gyrophora deusta var. brotera Acharius 1803, U. flocculosa f. brotera (Acharius) Nylander 1861; incl. G. flocculosa f. cribrata Mueller 1862, G. deusta f. cribrata (Mueller) Zahlbr. 1927] F33

Umbilicaria deusta f. subpapulosa (Nylander) Frey 1933 [=U. flocculosa f. subpapulosa Nylander 1861, Gyrophora deusta f. subpapulosa (Nylander) Zahlbr. 1927, G. polyphylla var. deusta f. subpapulosa (Nylander) Fries 1871; incl. Umbilicaria flocculosa f. squamulosa Harm. 1910] F33

Umbilicaria erosa (Weber) Acharius 1794 [=Lichen erosus Weber 1778, Gyrophora erosa (Weber) Acharius) 1803; incl. Gyrophora koldeweyi Körb. 1874, Lichen reticulatus Retz 1779] F33

Umbilicaria erosa var. torrefacta (Lightf.) Frey 1933 [=Lichen torrefactus Lightf. 1777, Gyrophora erosa var. torrefacta (Lightf.) Fries 1871, G. torrefacta (Lightf.) Cromb. 1894, Umbilicaria torrefacta (Lightf.) Schrader 1794; incl. G. erosa var. torrida Acharius 1804, G. torrida (Acharius) Röhling 1813, Umbilicaria erosa var. torrida (Acharius) Nylander 1861, U. torrida (Acharius) Nylander ex Stizenb. 1876] F33

Umbilicaria hyperborea (Acharius) Hoffmann 1801 [=Lichen hyperboreus Acharius 1794, Gyrophora aenea var. hyperborea (Acharius) Schaerer 1818, G. hyperborea (Acharius) Acharius 1803, Umbilicaria aenea var. hyperborea (Acharius) Schaerer 1826, U. polyphylla var. hyperborea (Acharius) Schaerer 1850, U. varia var. hyperborea (Acharius) Leight. 1856; incl. Gyrophora hyperborea var. pimaria Fries 1871, U. ustulata Wainio 1888, G. ustulata (Wainio) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. 1902] F33

Umbilicaria polyphylla (Linnaeus) Hoffmann 1796 [=Lichen polyphyllus Linnaeus 1753, Gyrophora polyphylla (Linnaeus) Funck 1804; incl. G. glabra Acharius 1803, G. aenea var. glabra (Acharius) Schaerer 1826, G. polyphylla f. glabra (Acharius) Zahlbr. 1927, G. polyphylla var. glabra (Acharius) Fries 1871] F33

Umbilicaria polyphylla f. congregata (Turner) Leight. 1871 [=Gyrophora polyphylla f. congregata Turner 1839; incl. G. polyphylla var. conglobata Fries 1871, G. deusta var. conglobata (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927] F33

Umbilicaria polyphylla f. diffusa (Nylander) Frey 1933 [=Gyrophora glabra var. diffusa Nylander 1896, G. polyphylla f. diffusa (Nylander) Zahlbr. 1927] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).

Umbilicaria section Polymorphae

Umbilicaria cylindrica, from here.

Belongs within: Umbilicariaceae.
The section Polymorphae in the lichen genus Umbilicaria is characterised by a more or less distinctly reticulate thallus.

Characters (from Frey 1933): Upper side of thallus more or less distinctly reticulately ribbed, with ridges or bulges at least present in the middle clearly over the umbilicus, and with at least some rhizines present at edge when upper side is very smooth. Underside of thallus smooth, rhizines flat when cortex smoother, more or less distinctly belt-shaped, or at least partially fused to become more belt-shaped and fitted to underside. If rhizines completely absent on underside, then isolated rhizines present at the edge, or ribs above the umbilicus are whitish, at least much brighter than the other shallower ribs or ridges. Apothecia usually frequent, with flat or grooved disc. Spores colorless.

Umbilicaria sect. Polymorphae Frey 1931 F33
    |--U. cylindrica (Linnaeus) Delise ex Duby 1830 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |  i. s.: U. c. f. laciniata (Retzius) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |         U. c. f. mesenteriformis (Wulf.) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |         U. c. f. nudiuscula (Schaerer) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. c. var. cylindrica F33
    |    |--U. c. var. corrugatoides Frey 1933 F33
    |    |--U. c. var. delisei Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. c. var. denudata (Turner) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. c. var. fimbriata (Acharius) Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    `--U. c. var. tornata (Acharius) Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |--U. proboscidea Schrader 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |  i. s.: U. p. f. fimbriata (Turner) Leight. 1871 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. p. var. proboscidea F33
    |    |--U. p. var. exasperata (Acharius) Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora proboscidea var. exasperata Acharius 1803] F33
    |    `--U. p. var. pulla (Wulf.) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
    `--U. virginis Schaerer 1841 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |--U. v. var. virginis F33
         `--U. v. var. meylani Frey 1933 F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica (Linnaeus) Delise ex Duby 1830 [=Lichen cylindricus Linnaeus 1753, Gyromium cylindricum (Linnaeus) Wahlenberg 1812, Gyrophora cylindrica (Linnaeus) Acharius 1803, Gyrophora polymorpha var. cylindrica (Linnaeus) Schaerer 1818, Gyrophora proboscidea var. cylindrica (Linnaeus) Mann 1825, Umbilicaria polymorpha var. cylindrica (Linnaeus) Schaerer 1826, U. proboscidea var. cylindrica (Linnaeus) Fries 1831; incl. Lichen crinitus Zoega ex Olafson & Povels 1775, Gyrophora cylindrica var. crinita (Zoega) Flot. 1850, Umbilicaria crinita (Zoega) Hoffmann 1794, Lichen proboscideus Hudson 1778] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica var. delisei Nylander 1861 [=G. cylindrica f. delisei (Nylander) Lynge 1921, Gyrophora cylindrica var. delisei (Nylander) Sydow 1887, G. delisei (Nylander) Krempelh. 1871, Umbilicaria delisei (Nylander) Despr. ex Nylander 1861] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica var. denudata (Turner) Frey 1933 [=Gyrophora proboscidea var. denudata Turner 1839, G. cylindrica f. denudata (Turner) Stein in Cohn 1879, G. cylindrica var. denudata (Turner) Mudd 1861] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica var. fimbriata (Acharius) Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora cylindrica var. fimbriata Acharius 1810, G. fimbriata (Acharius) Röhling 1813, Umbilicaria polymorpha var. cylindrica f. fimbriata (Acharius) Schaerer 1850] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica f. laciniata (Retzius) Frey 1933 [=Lichen corneus var. laciniatus Retzius 1779, Gyrophora cylindrica var. laciniata (Retzius) Zahlbr. 1927, Umbilicaria cylindrica var. laciniata (Retzius) Wain. 1898; incl. G. cylindrica var. denticulata Acharius 1803, G. denticulata (Acharius) Floerke 1810, Umbilicaria polymorpha var. cylindrica f. denticulata (Acharius) Schaerer 1818] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica f. mesenteriformis (Wulf.) Frey 1933 [=Lichen mesenteriformis Wulf. ex Jacquin 1781, Gyrophora cylindrica f. mesenteriformis (Wulf.) Anders 1928, G. cylindrica var. mesenteriformis (Wulf.) Flot. 1850] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica f. nudiuscula (Schaerer) Frey 1933 [=Gyrophora polymorpha var. cylindrica f. nudiuscula Schaerer 1818, G. cylindrica var. nudiuscula (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927] F33

Umbilicaria cylindrica var. tornata (Acharius) Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora tornata Acharius 1808, G. cylindrica var. tornata (Acharius) Arnold 1874] F33

Umbilicaria proboscidea Schrader 1794 non Lichen proboscideus Hudson 1778 [=Gyrophora polymorpha var. proboscidea (Schrader) Schaerer 1818, G. proboscidea (Schrader) Acharius 1803] F33

Umbilicaria proboscidea f. fimbriata (Turner) Leight. 1871 [=Gyrophora deusta var. fimbriata Turner 1839 non G. cylindrica var. fimbriata Acharius 1810, G. proboscidea var. fimbriata (Turner) Mudd 1861] F33

Umbilicaria proboscidea var. pulla (Wulf.) Frey 1933 [=Lichen pullus Wulf. ex Jacquin 1871; incl. U. proboscidea var. deplicans Nylander 1860, G. proboscidea f. deplicans (Nylander) Fries 1871] F33

Umbilicaria virginis Schaerer 1841 [=Gyrophora virginis (Schaerer) Frey 1929; incl. Umbilicaria rugifera Nylander 1861, Agyrophora rugifera (Nylander) Nylander 1896, Gyrophora rugifera (Nylander) Fries 1871, Umbilicaria stipitata Nylander 1861, Agyrophora stipitata (Nylander) Nylander 1896, Gyrophora stipitata (Nylander) Nylander ex Hue 1886-1887, G. tramnitziana Koerber 1871] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).

Umbilicaria section Velleae

Hairy navel lichen Umbilicaria hirsuta, from here.

Belongs within: Umbilicariaceae.

The section Velleae in the genus Umbilicaria is a group of lichens with a more or less smooth surface.

Characters (from Frey 1933): Upper side of thallus smooth or finely cracked, never with net-like ribs or wavy ridges. Underside of thallus with rhizines or, failing this, having a cracked and warty areolar network that is visible to the naked eye. Rhizines flexible, simple or branched, may be lumpy and warty, with finely granular cortex, not flat strap-shaped and not clearly externally defined. Cortex between rhizines at least partially clearly warty-areolate; when rhizines are entirely absent, areolar network is clearer, stronger and more regular. Apothecia usually rare, if present, strongly grooved. Spores colourless.

Umbilicaria sect. Velleae Frey 1931 F33
    |--U. grisea (Swartz) Acharius 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. g. f. grisea F33
    |    `--U. g. f. subpapyria Frey 1933 F33
    |--U. hirsuta (Swartz) Acharius 1793 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. h. var. hirsuta F33
    |    |--U. h. var. melanotricha Flot. 1850 F33
    |    |--U. h. var. papyria (Acharius) Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    `--U. h. var. pyrenaica Frey 1933 F33
    |--U. polyrrhiza (Linnaeus) Acharius 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. p. var. polyrrhiza F33
    |    `--U. p. var. luxurians (Acharius) Nylander 1861 (see below for synonymy) F33
    `--U. vellea (Linnaeus) Acharius 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33

Umbilicaria grisea (Swartz) Acharius 1794 [=Lichen griseus Swartz ex Westring 1793, Gyrophora grisea (Swartz) Swartz ex Billberg & Swartz 1819, G. hirsuta var. grisea (Swartz) Fries 1871, Umbilicaria vellea var. spodochroa f. grisea (Swartz) Schaerer 1850; incl. Lichen murinus Acharius 1798, Gyrophora depressa var. hirsuta f. murina (Acharius) Schaerer 1818, G. hirsuta var. murina (Acharius) Floerke 1810, G. murina (Acharius) Acharius 1803, Lecidea hirsuta var. murina (Acharius) Sprengel 1827, Umbilicaria depressa var. murina (Acharius) Duby 1830, U. murina (Acharius) de Candolle ex Lam & de Candolle 1805] F33

Umbilicaria hirsuta (Swartz) Acharius 1793 [=Lichen hirsutus Swartz ex Westring 1793, Gyrophora hirsuta (Swartz) Acharius 1803, Lecidea hirsuta (Swartz) Sprengl 1827, Umbilicaria depressa var. hirsuta (Swartz) Schaerer 1826, U. vellea var. hirsuta (Swartz) Fries 1831; incl. Gyrophora hirsuta var. vestita Fries 1871] F33

Umbilicaria hirsuta var. papyria (Acharius) Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora hirsuta var. papyria Acharius 1803, G. grisea f. papyria (Acharius) Zahlbr. 1927, U. murina f. papyria (Acharius) Harmand 1910, U. vellea var. depressa f. papyria (Acharius) Schaerer 1850] F33

Umbilicaria polyrrhiza (Linnaeus) Acharius 1794 [=Lichen polyrrhizos Linnaeus 1753, Gyromium polyrrhizum (Linnaeus) Wahlenberg 1820, Gyrophora polyrrhiza (Linnaeus) Körb. 1859; incl. Gyrophora diabolica Zahlbr. ex Herre 1906, Lichen pellitus Acharius 1794, Gyrophora depressa var. spodochroa f. pellita (Acharius) Schaerer 1818, Gyrophora pellita (Acharius) Acharius 1803, Umbilicaria pellita (Acharius) Acharius 1794, U. varia var. pellita (Acharius) Leight. 1856] F33

Umbilicaria polyrrhiza var. luxurians (Acharius) Nylander 1861 [=Gyrophora pellita var. luxurians Acharius 1810, G. luxurians (Acharius) Röhling 1813, G. polyrrhiza f. luxurians (Acharius) Fries 1871] F33

Umbilicaria vellea (Linnaeus) Acharius 1794 [=Lichen velleus Linnaeus 1753, Gyrophora depressa var. spodochroa f. vellea (Linnaeus) Schaerer 1818, G. vellea (Linnaeus) Acharius 1803; incl. Umbilicaria vellea var. diffracta Nylander 1869, G. vellea var. diffracta (Nylander) Zahlbr. 1927, U. vellea var. depressa f. prolifera Schaerer 1850, G. vellea f. prolifera (Schaerer) Arnold 1878, G. vellerea Nylander ex Hue 1891, U. vellerea (Nylander) Minks 1900] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).

Umbilicaria subgenus Gyrophoropsis

Umbilicaria spodochroa, from here.

Belongs within: Umbilicariaceae.

Gyrophoropsis is a subgenus of the lichen genus Umbilicaria containing species with relatively large spores.

Characters (from Frey 1933): Spores rather large, usually about 12 μm long and 6 μm wide, rarely smaller, colorless or brownish, at least distal spores within the ascus two- or three-celled or multicellular with brick-like cells.

Umbilicaria subg. Gyrophoropsis (Elenkin & Sav.) Zahlbr. 1927 [=Gyrophoropsis Elenkin & Sav. 1911] F33
    |--U. cinereorufescens (Schaerer) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |--U. crustulosa (Acharius) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |    |--U. c. var. crustulosa F33
    |    `--U. c. var. badiofusca Frey 1933 F33
    |--U. depressa (Acharius) Duby 1830 [=Gyrophora crustulosa var. depressa Acharius 1810] F33
    |--U. ruebeliana (DR. & Frey) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora ruebeliana DR. & Frey 1929] F33
    |    |--U. r. f. ruebeliana F33
    |    `--U. r. f. rhizinosa Frey 1933 F33
    `--U. spodochroa (Acharius) Frey 1931 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |--U. s. var. spodochroa F33
         `--U. s. var. lapponica Frey 1933 F33

Umbilicaria cinereorufescens (Schaerer) Frey 1931 [=U. vellea var. spodochroa f. cinereorufescens Schaerer 1850, Gyrophora vellea f. cinereorufescens (Schaerer) Arnold 1878; incl. G. mammulata, G. cirrhosa f. mammulata (Acharius) Zahlbr. 1928, G. depressa var. mammulata (Acharius) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. 1902, G. spodochroa var. mammulata (Acharius) Arnold 1878, G. vellea var. mammulata (Acharius) Arnold 1878, G. tylorhiza Nylander ex Hue 1886-1887] F33

Umbilicaria crustulosa (Acharius) Frey 1931 [=Gyrophora crustulosa Acharius 1810, G. depressa var. crustulosa (Acharius) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. 1902, G. spodochroa var. crustulosa (Acharius) Arnold 1878, Umbilicaria spodochroa var. crustulosa (Acharius) Nylander 1861; incl. U. vellea var. spodochroa f. abortiva Schaerer 1850, Gyrophora cirrhosa f. abortiva (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927, G. vellea f. abortiva (Schaerer) Arnold 1850, Umbilicaria vellea var. depressa f. abortiva (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850, G. cirrhosa var. depressa (Acharius) Anders 1928, G. depressa (Acharius) Röhling 1813, G. spodochroa var. depressa (Acharius) Acharius 1810, G. crustulosa var. eximia Nylander 1875, G. depressa var. spodochroa f. leprosa Schaerer 1818, G. crustulosa f. leprosa (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927, G. spodochroa var. crustulosa f. leprosa (Schaerer) Arnold 1878, G. vellea f. leprosa (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927, Umbilicaria vellea var. cinereorufescens f. leprosa (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850, U. vellea var. spodochroa f. rupta Schaerer 1850, G. vellea f. rupta (Schaerer) Arnold 1878, U. vellea var. depressa f. rupta (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850, U. vellerea f. rupta (Schaerer) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. 1902, U. vellea var. depressa f. subpedicellata Schaerer 1850, Gyrophora vellea f. subpedicellata (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927, U. vellea var. depressa f. velleiformis Schaerer 1850, G. vellea var. velleiformis (Schaerer) Zahlbr. 1927] F33

Umbilicaria spodochroa (Acharius) Frey 1931 [=Lichen spadochrous Acharius 1798, Gyrophora spodochroa (Acharius) Acharius 1810; incl. Umbilicaria vellea var. cinereorufescens f. aenea Schaerer 1850, G. vellea f. aenea (Schaerer) Arnold 1878, U. cirrhosa Hoffmann 1790, G. cirrhosa (Hoffmann) Wain. 1888] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).


Baeomyces rufus, photographed by Bernd Haynold.

Belongs within: Lecanoromycetes.

The Baeomycetaceae are a family of lichens containing green algae, found growing on soil, rocks or similar substrates (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Thallus varied, usually crustose or squamulose. Ascomata sessile or shortly stipitate, sometimes clustered, formed on specialised generally non-lichenised thalline branches, flat or convex, pink or brown, the wall of interwoven hyphae. Interascal tissue of simple or sparingly branched paraphyses, often swollen at the apices. Hymenial gel J+ or J-. Asci thin-walled, not thickened at the apex, with a J+ or J- apical pore. Ascospores hyaline, simple or transversely septate. Anamorph pycnidial.

Baeomycetaceae [Baeomycetales]
    |--Phyllobaeis EB03
    `--Baeomyces Persoon 1794 F33
         |--B. subg. Eubaeomyces Mueller 1862 F33
         |    `--B. roseus Persoon 1794 (see below for synonymy) F33
         |         |--B. r. var. roseus F33
         |         `--B. r. var. complicatus Erichsen ex Frey 1933 F33
         `--B. subg. Sphyridium (Flotow) Mueller 1862 [=Sphyridium Flotow 1843] F33
              |--B. placophyllus Acharius 1803 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |--B. rufus (Hudson) Rebent. 1804 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |  i. s.: B. r. f. exilis Erichsen in Frey 1933 F33
              |    |         B. r. f. fuscorufescens (Vainio) Frey 1933 [=B. fuscorufescens Vainio 1922] F33
              |    |         B. r. f. lignorum Acharius 1814 F33
              |    |         B. r. f. parasiticus (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |         B. r. f. rupestris (Persoon) Harmand 1895 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |         B. r. f. sessilis (de Candolle) Nylander 1860 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |         B. r. f. sorediatus Frey 1933 F33
              |    |         B. r. f. subsquamulosus (Nylander) Frey 1933 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |         B. r. f. terrestris (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 (see below for synonymy) F33
              |    |--B. r. var. rufus F33
              |    |--B. r. var. callianthus (Lettau) Lettau 1919 [=B. callianthus Lettau 1912] F33
              |    `--B. r. var. carneus (Flk.) Nylander 1860 [=B. carneus Flk. 1821] F33
              |         |--B. r. var. c. f. carneus F33
              |         `--B. r. var. c. f. polycephalus (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 (see below for synonymy) F33
              `--B. speciosus (Körb.) Lindau 1913 [=Sphyridium speciosum Körb. ex Stein in Cohn 1879] F33

Baeomyces placophyllus Acharius 1803 [=Biatora placophylla (Acharius) Fries 1831, Lecidea placophylla (Acharius) Link 1833, Lichen placophyllus (Acharius) de Lamarck 1813, Ludovicia placophylla (Acharius) Trèvis. 1857, Patellaria placophylla (Acharius) Sprengel 1827, Sphyridium placophyllum (Acharius) Fries 1861] F33

Baeomyces roseus Persoon 1794 [=Lichen baeomyces Linnaeus 1781; incl. Baeomyces ericetorum (Linnaeus) de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1805] F33

Baeomyces rufus (Hudson) Rebent. 1804 [=Lichen rufus Hudson 1762, Ba. rupestris var. rufus (Hudson) Acharius 1810, Sphyridium byssoides var. rufum Fries 1874; incl. Lichen byssoides Linnaeus 1767, Ba. byssoides (Linnaeus) Gartner, Meyer & von Schreber 1801, Ba. rufus f. byssoides Oliv. 1900, Ba. rupestris var. byssoides (Linnaeus) Acharius 1810, Biatora byssoides (Linnaeus) Fries 1845, Lecidea byssoides (Linnaeus) Link 1833, Sphyridium byssoides (Linnaeus) Beltram. 1858, Lichen cinereofuscus Jacquin 1762, Li. fungiformis Scopoli 1772, Stereocaulon fungiforme (Scopoli) Schaerer 1833, Sphyridium fungiforme (Scopoli) Flotow 1843] F33

Baeomyces rufus var. carneus f. polycephalus (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 [=Sphyridium byssoides f. polycephalum Fries 1874, B. byssoides var. carneus f. polycephalus; incl. S. carneum f. botryosum Flot. 1849] F33

Baeomyces rufus f. parasiticus (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 [=Sphyridium byssoides f. parasiticus Fries 1874] F33

Baeomyces rufus f. rupestris (Persoon) Harmand 1895 [=Ba. rupestris Persoon 1803, Biatora byssoides f. rupestris (Persoon) Fries 1831, Sphyridium byssoides f. rupestre Rabenhorst 1870, S. fungiforme f. rupestre (Persoon) Körb. 1855] F33

Baeomyces rufus f. sessilis (de Candolle) Nylander 1860 [=B. sessilis de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1840; incl. B. sessilis var. rupicola de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1840, B. sessilis var. sphagnicola de Candolle in de Lamarck & de Candolle 1840] F33

Baeomyces rufus f. subsquamulosus (Nylander) Frey 1933 [=B. rufus var. subsquamulosus Nylander 1877, Sphyridium byssoides var. subsquamulosum (Nylander) Arnold 1884] F33

Baeomyces rufus f. terrestris (Fries) Zahlbr. 1927 [=Sphyridium byssoides f. terrestre Fries 1874] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).


Sporopodium xantholeucum, photographed by André Aptroot.

Belongs within: Lecanoromycetidae.

The Ectolechiaceae are a mostly tropical family of lichens containing green algae.

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Thallus usually foliose or crustose. Ascomata apothecial, pale, convex, without a well-developed margin. Interascal tissue of very narrow anastomosing pseudoparaphysis-like hyphae, variously pigmented, the apices thin-walled. Asci with a J+ apical cap and a very well-developed ocular chamber, with an outer J+ gelatinous layer, mostly 1- or 2-spored. Ascospores muriform, usually thin-walled. Sometimes with cephalodia. Anamorphs pycnidial, often with campylidia.

    |--Badimia EB03
    |--Badimiella EB03
    |--Barubria EB03
    |--Kantvilasia EB03
    |--Lasioloma EB03
    |--Loflammia EB03
    |--Logilvia EB03
    |--Lopadium EB03
    |--Sporopodiopsis EB03
    |--Tapellaria EB03
    |--Calopadia EB03 [incl. Cyrta E99, Pyrenotrichum E99]
    |    `--‘*Cyrta’ licaniae E99
    `--Sporopodium EB03 [incl. Acleistomyces E99]
         `--S. xantholeucum [incl. Acleistomyces zolleriae] E99

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

Stereocaulon botryosum

Stereocaulon botryosum, from here.

Belongs within: Stereocaulaceae.

Stereocaulon botryosum is a species of lichen found in northern Eurasia and North America.

Characters (from Frey 1933, translated using Google Translate; all errors my own): Dusty thallus often present, both among strongly developed podetia as well as particularly at the edge of encrusted forms. Podetia in dense patches, gradating at the lower, younger edges into a crusty thallus. Entire surface usually smooth(?). Individual well-developed podetia 2.5(-3) cm high, very firmly stuck to the rock, often radiating from a common center, but often growing side by side like grass. Larger podetia often thickened at the base to 4 mm, brown to brown-black, whitish upwards, with numerous tree-like branches, the outermost strong podetien usually very cauliflower-like. Phyllocladia slightly bluish or grayish white, clustered very tightly, warty, rarely slightly elongated scaly, or widened, and then slightly, usually 0.2 to 0.3 mm wide. Apothecia occasionally on extended branches, otherwise somewhat outstanding, terminal, often grouped together, larger apothecia divided into many sections(?), dark brown, first flat and surrounded by a fine, soon vanishing edge, 1.5-3 mm wide. Hyphae of the central strand (2-)3-4(-5) μm thick, fairly tightly parallel, more or less dense, often somewhat bonded; those against the base of podetia finer, smoother, less glued, with thin walls; those against the points of the podetia thick, rough and more glued, rather thich-walled. Average area of ​​the cavities are, however, more than half of the entire thickness. The external hyphae form a fairly clearly defined cylinder, 30-50 μm thick, the outermost hyphae 7-10 μm thick, thick-walled. Felt to 60 μm thick. Reaction KOH-. Cortex of phyllocladia contiguous, about 15 μm thick, often thinner, hyphae 3.5 μm thick, dimly discernible. Gonidia in layer about 50 μm thick, 7-10 μm in size, Cystococcus. Cephalodia hidden in tomentum or grape-like and warty, less than 0.5 mm, purple, or whitish dusted, often on the surface of the pad and then larger, up to 2.5 mm wide. Mostly containing Stigonema, but also Nostoc. Underside of apothecium covered with a dense felt, which often reaches up to the edge of the disc, not uncommonly small phyllocladia are woven into this tomentum. In places, this felt is dense and forms a loose palisade. However, elsewhere this felt is very loose, consisting of highly branched and confused hyphae, to 150 μm thick. Where the felt is designed more like a palisade, the hyphae are up to 8 μm thick and moderately thick-walled; in the loose, but thicker parts of the tomentum, hyphae are only 4-5 μm and moderately thin-walled. Central strand breaking off suddenly under the central cone; packing hyphae of the latter tightly glued, thick-walled, indistinct, only the 2-2.5 μm wide lumina of the cells clearly visible. Central cone granulated. Hypothecium quite significantly confined, 40 μm high; parathecium indistinct; hymenium 60-65 μm high, the hyphae 2-1.5 μ thick, J colors only the asci blue, not the hymenial gelatine. Paraphyses 1-1.5 μm thick, mostly loose, head cells to 4.5 μ thick, yellow-brown, asci 50-55 × 8-10 μm, spores often poorly developed, 20-31 × 4-5 μm. Pycnidia often numerous, 0.09 to 0.12 mm, brown spots on the tips of the phyllocladia, wall pale brown, colorless in the lower part. Conidia 5-7 × 0.6-0.8 μ, cylindrical.

<==Stereocaulon botryosum Acharius 1810 (see below for synonymy) F33
    |  i. s.: S. b. f. confluens (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. congestum (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. depressum (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. dissolutum (Magnusson) Frey 1933 [=S. fastigiatum f. dissolutum Magnusson 1926] F33
    |         S. b. f. finmarkicum (Magnusson) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. globuliferum (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. irregulare (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. simplicior (Magnusson 1926) Frey 1933 F33
    |         S. b. f. spathuliferum (Vainio) Frey 1933 [=S. spathuliferum Vainio 1909] F33
    |--S. b. f. botryosum F33
    `--S. b. var. subincrustatum Frey 1933 F33

Stereocaulon botryosum Acharius 1810 [incl. S. fastigiatum Anzi 1860, S. evolutum f. fastigiatum (Anzi) Anders 1928, S. evolutum var. fastigiatum (Anzi) Fries 1874, S. paschale var. pulvinatum Schaerer 1833, S. corallinum var. pulvinatum (Schaerer) Schaerer 1850] F33

*Type species of generic name indicated


[F33] Frey, E. 1933. Cladoniaceae (unter Ausschluss der Gattung Cladonia), Umbilicariaceae. In Die Flechten (Dr. L. Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz vol. 9) sect. 4, part 1. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft M. B. H.: Leipzig (reprinted 1971. Johnson Reprint Corporation: New York).


Trichosphaeria notabilis on Clematis vitalba, from Mycologues Associes.

Belongs within: Sordariomycetes.

The Trichosphaeriaceae are a family of saprobic fungi most commonly found on wood and bark (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Stromata absent, or reduced to a hyphal subiculum. Ascomata perithecial, superficial, often aggregated, ± globose, black, often thick-walled, usually setose, the ostiole papillate, periphysate; peridium composed of thick-walled angular cells, sometimes larger and more strongly pigmented towards the apex. Interascal tissue of narrow, persistent, thin-walled, true paraphyses formed from a basal meristem. Asci cylindrical, persistent, thin-walled, not fissitunicate, usually with a small J- apical ring. Ascospores variously shaped, hyaline to versicoloured, usually septate and rarely muriform, sometimes fragmenting at the septa, without germ pores, sometimes with a sheath. Anamorphs varied, hyphomycetous, with simple pigmented conidiophores and often with complex conidia.

Trichosphaeriaceae [Trichosphaeriales]
    |--Acanthosphaeria EB03
    |--Collematospora EB03
    |--Coniobrevicolla larsenii EB03, E99
    |--Crassochaeta EB03
    |--Cresporhaphis EB03
    |--Eriosphaeria EB03
    |--Fluviostroma EB03
    |--Kananascus EB03
    |--Miyoshiella EB03
    |--Rhynchomeliola EB03
    |--Rizalia EB03
    |--Schweinitziella EB03
    |--Setocampanula EB03
    |--Trichosphaeria EB03
    |--Umbrinosphaeria EB03
    `--Neorehmia von Höhnel 1902 EB03, RS99 [incl. Larseniella Munk 1942 RS99]
         |--*N. ceratophora von Höhnel 1902 (see below for synonymy) RS99
         `--N. arecae [=Oplothecium arecae, Trichosphaerella arecae] RS99

*Neorehmia ceratophora von Höhnel 1902 [=Trichosphaerella ceratophora (von Höhnel) Müller in Müller & von Arx 1962; incl. *Larseniella globulispora Munk 1942] RS99

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.


Belongs within: Sordariales.
Chaetosphaeria inaequalis, photographed by Lucien Rommelaars.

The Chaetosphaeriaceae are a group of saprobic fungi growing on decaying woody and herbaceous plant material (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Stroma absent or restricted to a thin sometimes subiculate crust. Ascomata perithecial, superficial, often aggregated, black, ± globose to conical, usually rather thin-walled but often carbonaceous, glabrous or setose, the ostiole papillate, periphysate. Interascal tissue of copious persistent true paraphyses. Asci cylindrical, persistent, thin-walled, not fissitunicate, with a well-developed refractive J- apical ring. Ascospores ellipsoidal to fusiform, transversely septate, sometimes fragmenting at the septa, hyaline or brown. Anamorphs hyphomycetous, varied, with pigmented conidiophores and percurrently proliferating conidiogenous cells often with widely flared collarettes, conidia very varied in form but mostly small and hyaline.

    |--Ascochalara EB03Outline
    |--Ascocodinaea EB03Outline
    |--Carpoligna EB03Outline
    |--Chaetosphaeria inaequalis EB03Outline, RS99 [=Melanopsamella inaequalis RS99, Trichosphaerella inaequalis RS99]
    |--Lecythothecium EB03Outline
    |--Melanochaeta EB03Outline
    |--Porosphaerella EB03Outline
    |--Porosphaerellopsis EB03Outline
    |--Striatosphaeria EB03Outline
    `--Australiasca Sivanesan & Alcorn 2002 [anam. Dischloridium] EB03Notes
         `--anam. Dischloridium camelliae EB03Notes

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[EB03Notes] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, T. Laessøe & G. Rambold (eds.) 2003. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 3580-3623. Myconet 9: 91-103.

[EB03Outline] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.


Podospora anserina, from here.

Belongs within: Sordariales.

The Lasiosphaeriaceae are a family of saprobes found in dung, soil and rotting vegetation (Cannon & Kirk 2007).

Characters (from Cannon & Kirk 2007): Stromata absent, rarely with a basal subiculum. Ascomata perithecial, dark, often thick-walled, ostiolate or not, often hairy or ornamented, the ostiole if presen t periphysate. Interascal tissue often present, of wide thin-walled paraphyses, often inconspicuous and usually evanescent. Asci cylindric-davate to clavate, fairly thin-walled and not fissitunicate, rarely evanescent, usually with a small J- apical ring. Ascospores variable, usually with at least one dark brown and one hyaline cell, occasionally ornamented, with gelatinous appendages or caudae (often long), normally lacking a sheath. Anamorphs varied but rarely prominent, hyphomycetous, probably spermatial in function.

    |--Acrospermoides EB03
    |--Adomia EB03
    |--Anopodium EB03
    |--Apiosordaria EB03
    |--Apodospora EB03
    |--Arniella EB03
    |--Arnium EB03
    |--Ascovaginospora EB03
    |--Biconiosporella EB03
    |--Bizzozeria EB03
    |--Bombardia EB03
    |--Bombardioidea EB03
    |--Camptosphaeria EB03
    |--Caudatispora EB03
    |--Ceratosphaeria EB03
    |--Cercophora septentrionalis EB03, JC03
    |--Diffractella EB03
    |--Emblemospora EB03
    |--Eosphaeria EB03
    |--Fimetariella EB03
    |--Jugulospora EB03
    |--Lasiobertia EB03
    |--Lasiosphaeria EB03
    |--Lasiosphaeriella EB03
    |--Merugia EB03
    |--Mycomedusiospora flavida EB03, RS99 [=Cyanocephalium flavidum RS99]
    |--Myelosperma tumidum EB03, E99
    |--Periamphispora EB03
    |--Phaeotrichosphaeria EB03
    |--Phragmodiscus EB03
    |--Plagiosphaeria EB03
    |--Pseudocercophora EB03
    |--Pseudohalonectria EB03
    |--Schizothecium EB03
    |--Spinulosphaeria EB03
    |--Strattonia EB03
    |--Tripterosporella EB03
    |--Zopfiella EB03
    |--Zygopleurage EB03
    |--Zygospermella EB03
    |--Pulmosphaeria Taylor, Hyde & Jones 1996 EB03, E99
    |    `--*P. archontophoenicis Taylor, Hyde & Jones 1996 E99
    `--Podospora EB03
         |--P. anserina JC03
         `--P. pauciseta SL02

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cannon, P. F., & P. M. Kirk. 2007. Fungal Families of the World. CABI.

[E99] Eriksson, O. E. (ed.) 1999. Notes on ascomycete systematics. Nos 2440-2755. Myconet 2: 1-41.

[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[JC03] Jacobs, A., M. P. A. Coetzee, B. D. Wingfield, K. Jacobs & M. J. Wingfield. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among Phialocephala species and other ascomycetes. Mycologia 95 (4): 637-645.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.

[SL02] Schweigkofler, W., K. Lopandic, O. Molnár & H. Prillinger. 2002. Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Ascomycota with yeast phases using ribosomal DNA sequences and cell wall sugars. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 2: 1-17.