Showing posts with label Muscicapida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muscicapida. Show all posts


European stonechat Saxicola rubicola, copyright Alun Williams.

Belongs within: Muscicapidae.

Saxicola, the stonechats, is a genus of small birds found in Eurasia and Africa with a straight bill longer than the middle toe, long tarsi, long compressed claws, and white or rufous coloration at the base of the tail.

<==Saxicola Bechstein 1803 M02 [incl. Pratincola Koch 1816 B94; Pratincolinae]
    |  i. s.: ‘Pratincola’ atrata B66
    |         S. axillaris JF06
    |         S. borbonica Sch66
    |         S. hemprichii Sch66
    |         ‘Pratincola’ indica Sch66
    |         S. macrorhynchus JT12
    |         S. pastor Sch66
    |         S. picata Blyth 1847 CC10
    |         ‘Motacilla’ sybilla Sch66 [=Pratincola sibylla Scl66]
    |--+--S. gutturalis JT12
    |  `--+--S. ferreus BKB15
    |     `--S. jerdoni JT12
    `--+--S. rubetra BKB15
       `--+--+--S. caprata BKB15 [=Pratincola caprata S89]
          |  `--S. insignis JT12
          `--+--S. torquata (Linnaeus 1766) BKB15, S05 [=Muscicapa torquata M02, S. torquatus S05]
             |    |--S. t. torquata S05
             |    |--S. t. albofasciatus Rüppell 1840 [=S. albofasciata] S05
             |    `--S. t. stejnegeri VP89
             `--+--S. leucurus BKB15
                `--+--S. tectes BKB15
                   `--+--S. maura (Pall. 1776) BKB15, M01 [=Motacilla maura M01, Pratincola maura M01]
                      `--+--S. dacotiae BKB15
                         `--S. rubicola BKB15 [=Motacilla rubicola Sch66]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[B66] Bulger, G. E. 1866. List of birds observed at Wellington, Neilgherry Hills, about 6000 feet above the level of the sea, during the months of April and May, 1866. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 568–571.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[M01] Madarász, J. 1901. Madarak [Vögel]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 21–39. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[S89] Salvadori, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea nella Birmania e nelle regioni vicine. XIX.—Uccelli raccolti nei Monti Carin a nord-est di Tounghoo, nel Pegù presso Rangoon e Tounghoo e nel Tenasserim presso Malewoon. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 369–438.

[Sch66] Schlegel, H. 1866. Communication from, on mammals and birds collected in Madagascar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 419–426.

[Scl66] Sclater, P. L. 1866. Report on birds collected at Windvogelberg, South Africa, by Capt. G. E. Bulger, C. M. Z. S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 21–23.

[S05] Steinheimer, F. D. 2005. Eduard Rüppel’s avian types at the Natural History Museum, Tring (Aves). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 233–264.

[VP89] Viney, C., & K. Phillipps. 1989. Birds of Hong Kong 5th ed. Government Printer: Hong Kong.


Brahminy starling Temenuchus pagodarum, copyright Mukerjee.

Belongs within: Muscicapida.
Contains: Aplonis, Onychognathus, Lamprotornis, Acridotheres.

The Sturnidae, starlings, are a family of medium-sized omnivorous birds native to the Old World, though the common starling Sturnus vulgaris has also been introduced to North America. Members of the family are often boldly coloured, often with glossy metallic plumage.

Characters (from Austin 1961): Medium-sized; bill straight or slightly downcurved; plumage generally dark-coloured, often with metallic sheen, moulted annually after breeding; wings with ten primaries, outermost primary greatly shortened; tail commonly short and square (occasionally rounded or long and pointed); legs stout and strong.

Sturnidae [Sturnidia, Sturninae]
    |  i. s.: Lamprocolius BF01
    |           |--L. chloropterus BF01
    |           |--L. ignitus D66
    |           `--L. splendidus D66
    |         Necropsar rodericanus OF05
    |         Heteropsar acuticaudus RN72
    |--+--Rhabdornis Reichenbach 1853 JT12, B94 [Rhabdornithidae JT12]
    |  |    |--R. grandis JT12
    |  |    |--R. inornatus JT12
    |  |    `--R. mysticalis JT12
    |  `--+--+--Aplonis JT12
    |     |  `--+--Scissirostrum dubium JT12
    |     |     `--Enodes erythrophris JT12
    |     `--+--+--Basilornis BKB15
    |        |  |    |--B. celebensis JT12
    |        |  |    |--B. corythaix JT12
    |        |  |    `--B. galeatus JT12
    |        |  `--+--‘Basilornis’ mirandus BKB15
    |        |     `--+--Sarcops Walden 1877 JT12, B94 [incl. Gymnops Cuvier 1829 B94; Gymnopinae]
    |        |        |    `--S. calvus JF06
    |        |        `--Streptocitta JT12
    |        |             |--S. albertinae JT12
    |        |             `--S. albicollis JT12
    |        `--+--Mino BKB15
    |           |    |  i. s.: M. coronatus A61
    |           |    |--M. anais BKB15
    |           |    `--+--M. dumontii BKB15
    |           |       `--M. kreffti BKB15
    |           `--+--Ampeliceps coronatus JT12
    |              `--Gracula Linnaeus 1758 JT12, B94 (see below for synonymy)
    |                   |--G. barita Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |                   |--G. cristatella Linnaeus 1758 L58
    |                   |--G. intermedia Hay 1844 [=Mainatus intermedius] M01
    |                   |--G. ptilogenys JT12
    |                   `--G. religiosa Linnaeus 1758 L58
    `--+--+--+--‘Cinnyricinclus’ leucogaster BKB15
       |  |  `--Saroglossa aurata JT12
       |  `--+--Onychognathus JF06
       |     `--+--Lamprotornis BKB15
       |        `--+--+--‘Lamprotornis’ cupreocauda BKB15
       |           |  `--‘Lamprotornis’ purpureiceps JT12
       |           `--+--+--Saroglossa spiloptera BKB15
       |              |  `--Neocichla gutturalis JT12
       |              `--+--Grafisia torquata JT12
       |                 `--+--Speculipastor bicolor JT12
       |                    `--+--Cinnyricinclus JT12
       |                       |    |--P. femoralis BKB15 [=Cinnyricinclus femoralis JT12]
       |                       |    `--P. sharpii BKB15 [=Cinnyricinclus sharpii JF06]
       |                       `--Poeoptera JT12
       |                            |--P. lugubris JT12
       |                            `--+--P. kenricki JT12
       |                               `--P. stuhlmanni JT12
       `--+--Sturnus Linnaeus 1758 BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
          |    |--*S. vulgaris Linnaeus 1758 CC10
          |    |--S. cinclus Linnaeus 1758 L58
          |    |--S. luteolus Linnaeus 1758 L58
          |    `--S. unicolor JT12
          `--+--+--Creatophora cinerea JT12
             |  `--Pastor Temminck 1815 BKB15, B94 [Pastorinae]
             |       `--P. roseus BKB15 [=Sturnus roseus JT12]
             `--+--+--Gracupica BKB15
                |  |    |--G. contra (Linnaeus 1758) BKB15, L58 [=Sturnus contra JT12]
                |  |    `--G. nigricollis BKB15 [=Sturnus nigricollis JT12]
                |  `--+--‘Sturnia’ philippensis BKB15 [=Sturnus philippensis JT12]
                |     `--‘Sturnia’ sturnina BKB15 [=Sturnus sturninus JT12]
                `--+--+--Acridotheres JT12
                   |  `--+--‘Sturnus’ cineraceus JT12
                   |     `--‘Sturnus’ sericeus JT12
                   `--+--Fregilupus BKB15
                      |    |--F. rodericanus FP64
                      |    `--F. varius OF05
                      `--+--Leucopsar rothschildi BKB15
                         `--Sturnia BKB15
                              |--S. albofrontata BKB15 [=Sturnus albofrontatus JT12]
                              `--+--S. sinensis BKB15 [=Sturnus sinensis JT12]
                                 `--+--Temenuchus pagodarum BKB15 [=Sturnus pagodarum JT12]
                                    `--+--S. erythropygia BKB15 [=Sturnus erythropygius JT12]
                                       `--S. malabarica BKB15 [=Sturnus malabaricus JT12]
                                            |--S. m. malabarica P02
                                            `--‘Sturnus malabaricus’ blythii P02

Gracula Linnaeus 1758 JF06, B94 [incl. Eulabes Cuvier 1817 B94, Mainatus Vieillot 1817 B94; Eulabetinae, Graculinae, Mainatidae]

Sturnus Linnaeus 1758 BKB15, CC10 [=Sternus (l. c.) B94; incl. Thremmophilus Macgillivray 1837 B94; Thremmophilinae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Austin, O. L., Jr. 1961. Birds of the World: A survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and fifty-five families. Paul Hamlyn: London.

[BF01] Bochkov, A. V., & A. Fain. 2001. Phylogeny and system of the Cheyletidae (Acari: Prostigmata) with special reference to their host-parasite associations. Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie 71: 5–36.

[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[D66] Dohrn, H. 1866. Synopsis of the birds of Ilha do Principe, with some remarks on their habits and descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 324–332.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[M01] Madarász, J. 1901. Madarak [Vögel]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 21–39. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[OF05] Olson, S. L., R. C. Fleischer, C. T. Fisher & E. Bermingham. 2005. Expunging the 'Mascarene starling' Necropsar leguati: archives, morphology and molecules topple a myth. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 125 (1): 31–42.

[P02] Patel, P. 2002. Possible new record of Sturnus malabaricus blythii in Valsad district, Gujarat. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 531.

[RN72] Rutgers, A., & K. A. Norris (eds.) 1972. Encyclopaedia of Aviculture vol. 1. Blandford Press: London.

Last updated: 15 July 2019.


Fieldfare Turdus pilaris, photographed by Arnstein Rønning.

Belongs within: Turdidae.

Turdus, the true thrushes, is a large cosmopolitan genus of omnivorous songbirds native to all continents except Antarctica and Australia. The majority of species are mottled brown in coloration, often with streaked or spotted pale underparts, but some species are darker in coloration. These include the Eurasian blackbird Turdus merula, the males of which have all-black plumage with a yellow bill and eye-ring. Females have more typical Turdus-pattern plumage, albeit reasonably dark overall. The song thrush T. philomelos, native to the western Palaearctic and introduced to New Zealand, is brown above and cream or buff spotted with black below.

See also: More than four and twenty blackbirds.

Turdus Linnaeus 1758 CC10 (see below for synonymy)
    |--+--Psophocichla litsipsirupa JT12
    |  `--T. mupinensis JT12
    `--+--+--*T. viscivorus Linnaeus 1758 CC10, JT12, M02
       |  `--T. philomelos Brehm 1831 JT12, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
       |       |--T. p. philomelos CC10
       |       `--T. p. clarkei Hartert 1909 CC10
       `--+--T. lherminieri BKB15 [=Cichlherminia lherminieri JF06]
          `--+--+--T. leucops BKB15 [=Platycichla leucops JF06]
             |  `--+--T. rufopalliatus BKB15
             |     `--+--+--T. leucomelas BKB15
             |        |  `--+--T. fumigatus JT12
             |        |     `--T. hauxwelli JT12
             |        `--+--+--T. albicollis BKB15
             |           |  `--T. assimilis JT12
             |           `--+--+--T. obsoletus BKB15 [=Planesticus obsoletus S18]
             |              |  `--+--T. rufiventris BKB15
             |              |     `--+--T. nudigenis BKB15
             |              |        `--+--T. maculirostris BKB15
             |              |           `--+--T. grayi BKB15 [=Planesticus grayi S18]
             |              |              |    |--T. g. grayi FS55
             |              |              |    |--‘Planesticus’ g. casius S18
             |              |              |    `--T. g. megas FS55
             |              |              `--T. haplochrous BKB15
             |              `--+--T. lawrencii BKB15
             |                 `--+--+--T. flavipes BKB15
             |                    |  `--T. reevei BKB15
             |                    `--+--+--Nesocichla eremita BKB15
             |                       |  `--+--T. amaurochalinus JT12
             |                       |     `--+--T. ignobilis JT12
             |                       |        `--T. maranonicus JT12
             |                       `--+--T. fulviventris JT12
             |                          `--+--T. olivater BKB15
             |                             `--+--T. nigriceps BKB15
             |                                `--+--T. fuscater BKB15
             |                                   `--+--T. chiguanco BKB15
             |                                      `--T. serranus BKB15
             `--+--+--T. merula Linnaeus 1758 BKB15, CC10 [=Merula merula CC10; incl. *M. nigra CC10]
                |  `--+--T. iliacus Linnaeus 1766 BKB15, M02 [=Arceuthornis iliacus L81]
                |     `--T. plebejus BKB15
                `--+--+--+-T. abyssinicus BKB15
                   |  |  `--+--T. helleri BKB15
                   |  |     `--T. roehli BKB15
                   |  `--+--T. olivaceus BKB15
                   |     `--+--T. ludoviciae BKB15
                   |        `--+--T. mandarinus BKB15 [=T. merula mandarinus VP89]
                   |           `--+--T. smithi BKB15
                   |              `--T. tephronotus BKB15
                   `--+--+--+--T. bewsheri BKB15
                      |  |  `--T. libonyanus JT12
                      |  `--+--+--T. infuscatus BKB15
                      |     |  `--T. nigrescens JT12
                      |     `--+--T. migratorius JT12 [=Planesticus migratorius S18]
                      |        `--T. rufitorques JT12
                      `--+--+--T. falcklandii BKB15
                         |  |    |--T. f. falcklandii HRS06
                         |  |    `--T. f. magellanicus (King 1851) HRS06
                         |  `--+--T. aurantius BKB15
                         |     `--T. plumbeus Linnaeus 1758 JT12, L58
                         `--+--+--+--T. pelios BKB15
                            |  |  `--+--T. olivaceofuscus BKB15
                            |  |     `--T. xanthorhynchus BKB15
                            |  `--+--T. swalesi BKB15
                            |     `--+--T. jamaicensis BKB15 (see below for synonymy)
                            |        `--T. menachensis BKB15
                            `--+--+--T. niveiceps BKB15
                               |  `--+--+--T. boulboul BKB15
                               |     |  `--T. simillimus BKB15
                               |     `--+--+--T. cardis BKB15
                               |        |  `--T. hortulorum JT12
                               |        `--+--T. dissimilis JT12
                               |           `--T. unicolor JT12
                               `--+--+--T. poliocephalus Latham 1802 BKB15, CC10 (see below for synonymy)
                                  |  |    |--T. p. poliocephalus (see below for synonymy) CC10
                                  |  |    `--T. p. erythropleurus Sharpe 1887 FT08
                                  |  `--+--+--T. celaenops Stejneger 1887 JT12, I92
                                  |     |  `--T. chrysolaus JT12
                                  |     `--+--T. pallidus JT12 [=Merula pallida S89]
                                  |        `--+--T. feae JT12 [=Merula feae S89]
                                  |           `--T. obscurus JT12 [=Merula obscura S89]
                                  `--+--+--T. torquatus Linnaeus 1758 BKB15, L58
                                     |  `--+--T. naumanni JT12
                                     |     |    |--T. n. naumanni VP89
                                     |     |    `--T. n. eunomus VP89
                                     |     `--T. ruficollis JT12
                                     `--+--T. pilaris Linnaeus 1758 BKB15, M02
                                        `--+--+--T. albocinctus BKB15
                                           |  `--T. rubrocanus JT12
                                           `--+--T. kessleri BKB15
                                              `--T. maximus BKB15

Turdus incertae sedis:
  T. bresciensis Giebel 1847 M02
  T. canorus Linnaeus 1758 L58
  T. daguae JT12
  T. mareensis [=Merula mareensis] S13
    |--T. m. mareensis S13
    `--‘Merula’ m. larochensis Sarasin 1913 S13
  T. orpheus Linnaeus 1758 L58
  T. polyglottos Linnaeus 1758 L58
  T. pritzbueri [=Merula pritzbueri] S13
  T. ravidus HSS13
  T. roseus Linnaeus 1758 L58
  T. rufus Linnaeus 1758 L58
  ‘Merula’ samoensis S13
  T. subalaris JT12
  T. subcinereus Sclater 1866 S66
  ‘Merula’ subobscura Salvadori 1889 S89
  T. terrestris Kittlitz 1831 I92
  T. ulietensis FP64
  ‘Merula’ vanicorensis S13
  T. virens Linnaeus 1758 L58
  T. xanthopus M03 [=Merula xanthopus S13]
    |--T. x. xanthopus M03
    `--T. x. vinitinctus M03 [=T. poliocephalus vinitinctus FP64]

Turdus Linnaeus 1758 CC10 [incl. Ixocossyphus Kaup 1829 B94, Merula Leach 1816 CC10, Planesticus Bonaparte 1854 CC10, Platycichla Baird 1864 B94; Ixocossyphinae, Merulinae]

Turdus jamaicensis BKB15 [incl. T. lereboulleti CC10, *Planesticus lereboulleti CC10]

Turdus philomelos Brehm 1831 JT12, CC10 [incl. T. ericetorum Turton 1807 (nom. rej.) CC10, T. musicus Linnaeus 1766 (nom. rej.) CC10]

Turdus poliocephalus Latham 1802 BKB15, CC10 [=Geocichla poliocephala CC10, Merula poliocephala CC10]

Turdus poliocephalus poliocephalus Latham 1802 [incl. T. badius Gray 1869, T. fuliginosus Latham 1802, Planesticus fuliginosus, Merula nestor Gould 1836] CC10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[FS55] Felten, H., & J. Steinbacher. 1955. Zur Vogelfauna von El Salvador. Senckenbergiana Biologica 36 (1–2): 9–19.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[FT08] Framenau, V. W., & M. L. Thomas. 2008. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean): identification and distribution. Records of the Western Australian Museum 25 (1): 45–85.

[HRS06] Hahn, I., U. Römer & R. P. Schlatter. 2006. Population numbers and status of land birds of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile (Aves: Falconiformes, Columbiformes, Strigiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Passeriformes). Senckenbergiana Biologica 86 (1): 109–125.

[I92] Iwahashi, J. (ed.) 1992. Reddo Deeta Animaruzu: a pictorial of Japanese fauna facing extinction. JICC: Tokyo.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[L58] Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Laurentii Salvii: Holmiae.

[L81] Long, J. L. 1981. Introduced Birds of the World: The worldwide history, distribution and influence of birds introduced to new environments. Reed: Sydney.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[S89] Salvadori, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea nella Birmania e nelle regioni vicine. XIX.—Uccelli raccolti nei Monti Carin a nord-est di Tounghoo, nel Pegù presso Rangoon e Tounghoo e nel Tenasserim presso Malewoon. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 369–438.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

[S66] Sclater, P. L. 1866. Descriptions of six new species of American Oscines. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 320–324.

[S18] Stone, W. 1918. Birds of the Panama Canal Zone, with special reference to a collection made by Mr. Lindsey L. Jewel. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 239–280.

[VP89] Viney, C., & K. Phillipps. 1989. Birds of Hong Kong 5th ed. Government Printer: Hong Kong.

Last updated: 15 July 2019.


Mocking cliff chat Myrmecocichla cinnamomeiventris, photographed by Derek Keats.

Belongs within: Muscicapida.
Contains: Cercotrichas, Muscicapa, Cyornis, Sheppardia, Phoenicurus, Monticola, Saxicola, Oenanthe, Ficedula, Larvivora.

The Muscicapidae, Old World flycatchers and chats, are a diverse group of insectivorous birds found in Eurasia and Africa. Members of this family have commonly been divided between the more aerial Muscicapinae (Old World flycatchers) and more terrestrial Saxicolinae (chats), with the latter previously regarded as more closely related to the thrushes (Turdidae). However, recent phylogenetic studies do not resolve these two groups separately but have them intermingled (Jetz et al. 2012, Burleigh et al. 2015). Notable members of the group include the European robin Erithacus rubecula, a small, stout bird with brown upperparts and a bright orange face and breast. A number of other Eurasian chats previously classified within the genus Erithacus are now placed in segregate genera such as Luscinia and Larvivora owing to polyphyly of the genus in the broader sense. The whistling thrushes of the genus Myophonus are relatively large chats found in southern and eastern Asia, with the males (and sometimes females) being a glossy blue or purple in colour.

Characters (from The Internet Bird Collection): Very small to small birds with short bill wide at base and flattened dorsoventrally, wide gape and well-developed rictal bristles, small and rather weak legs and feet, short to medium-length tail; plumage often dull, predominantly grey or brown, males in some genera brightly coloured.

Muscicapidae [Muscicapinae, Saxicolinae]
    |--+--‘Ficedula’ nigrorufa JT12
    |  `--+--Cercotrichas BKB15
    |     `--+--Alethe JT12
    |        |    |--A. castanea JF06
    |        |    `--A. diademata JT12
    |        `--+--Vauriella goodfellowi BKB15
    |           `--+--+--Namibornis herero BKB15
    |              |  `--+--Humblotia flavirostris JF06
    |              |     `--Muscicapa BKB15
    |              `--+--Bradornis BKB15
    |                 |    |--B. infuscatus JT12
    |                 |    `--B. pallidus JT12 [=Melaenornis pallidus JF06]
    |                 `--+--+--Fraseria cinerascens BKB15
    |                    |  `--+--+--‘Muscicapa’ caerulescens BKB15
    |                    |     |  `--‘Muscicapa’ olivascens JT12
    |                    |     `--+--Fraseria ocreata BKB15
    |                    |        `--Myioparus BKB15
    |                    |             |--M. griseigularis JT12
    |                    |             `--M. plumbeus JT12
    |                    `--+--+--Empidornis semipartitus JT12
    |                       |  `--Sigelus silens JT12 [=Melaenornis silens JF06]
    |                       `--Melaenornis Gray 1840 BKB15, B94 [Melaenornithinae]
    |                            |--M. annamarulae JT12
    |                            |--M. ardesiacus JT12
    |                            |--M. edolioides JT12
    |                            |--M. mariquensis [=Bradornis mariquensis] JF06
    |                            `--M. pammelaina JT12
    `--+--+--+--Myiomela JT12
       |  |  |    |--M. albiventris JT12 [=Brachypteryx albiventris BKB15]
       |  |  |    `--M. major JT12 [=Brachypteryx major BKB15]
       |  |  `--+--Cyanoptila cyanomelana BKB15
       |  |     |    |--C. c. cyanomelana VP89
       |  |     |    `--C. c. cumatilis VP89
       |  |     `--Eumyias JT12
       |  |          |  i. s.: E. albicaudatus JT12
       |  |          |         E. sordidus JT12
       |  |          |--E. indigo JT12
       |  |          `--+--E. thalassinus JT12
       |  |             `--+--E. additus BKB15 [=Rhinomyias additus JT12]
       |  |                `--E. panayensis JT12
       |  `--+--+--‘Ficedula’ monileger JT12
       |     |  `--Cyornis JT12
       |     `--+--Anthipes BKB15
       |        |    |--A. leucops [incl. Digenea albifrons Sharpe 1888, A. albifrons, D. leucops Sharpe 1888] S89
       |        |    `--A. moniliger Wald. in Blyth 1875 BKB15, S89 [=Digenea moniliger S89]
       |        `--Niltava Hodgson 1837 JT12, M87
       |             |  i. s.: N. oatesi S89
       |             |         N. ruecki FP64
       |             |         N. sumatrana JT12
       |             |--+--N. macgrigoriae BKB15
       |             |  `--N. vivida BKB15
       |             `--+--N. grandis BKB15
       |                `--+--N. davidi BKB15
       |                   `--N. sundara JT12
       `--+--+--+--Sheppardia BKB15
          |  |  `--+--‘Cossypha’ anomala BKB15
          |  |     `--+--‘Cossypha’ archeri JT12
          |  |        `--‘Cossypha’ caffra JT12
          |  `--+--+--‘Cossypha’ humeralis BKB15
          |     |  `--Erithacus Cuvier 1800 BKB15, M02 (see below for synonymy)
          |     |       |--E. cyane VP89
          |     |       |--E. rubecula (Linnaeus 1758) [=Motacilla rubecula, E. rubeculus] CC10
          |     |       `--E. sibilans VP89
          |     `--+--+--+--+--Cossyphicula roberti BKB15
          |        |  |  |  `--Swynnertonia swynnertoni BKB15
          |        |  |  `--+--Oreocossypha isabellae JF06 [=Cossypha isabellae BKB15]
          |        |  |     `--Pogonocichla stellata BKB15
          |        |  `--+--Cichladusa BKB15
          |        |     |    |--C. arquata JT12
          |        |     |    |--C. guttata JT12
          |        |     |    `--C. ruficauda JT12
          |        |     `--Stiphrornis BKB15
          |        |          |--S. erythrothorax BKB15
          |        |          `--+--S. gabonensis BKB15
          |        |             `--+--S. sanghensis BKB15
          |        |                `--S. xanthogaster JF06
          |        `--+--Pseudalethe BKB15
          |           |    |--+--P. choloensis JF06 [=Alethe choloensis JT12]
          |           |    |  `--P. fuelleborni JF06 [=Alethe fuelleborni JT12]
          |           |    `--+--P. poliocephala JF06 [=Alethe poliocephala JT12]
          |           |       `--P. poliophrys JF06 [=Alethe poliophrys JT12]
          |           `--Cossypha Vigors 1825 JT12, B94 [Cossyphinae]
          |                |  i. s.: C. heinrichi JT12
          |                |         C. natalensis JT12
          |                |--C. cyanocampter JT12
          |                `--+--C. albicapilla JT12
          |                   `--+--+--C. dichroa BKB15
          |                      |  `--C. heuglini BKB15
          |                      `--+--C. niveicapilla BKB15
          |                         `--C. semirufa (Rüppell 1840) BKB15, S05 [=Petrocincla semirufa S05]
          `--+--+--+--‘Luscinia’ calliope JT12
             |  |  `--‘Luscinia’ pectoralis JT12
             |  `--+--Phoenicurus BKB15
             |     `--+--Monticola JT12
             |        `--+--Saxicola JT12
             |           `--+--Oenanthe BKB15
             |              `--+--+--*Campicoloides bifasciatus B93 (see below for synonymy)
             |                 |  `--Cercomela BKB15
             |                 |       |--C. schlegelii JT12
             |                 |       |    |--C. s. schlegelii B93
             |                 |       |    `--C. s. pollux (Hartlaub 1865) [=Saxicola pollux] B93
             |                 |       `--+--C. sinuata JT12
             |                 |          `--C. tractrac JT12
             |                 `--+--+--‘Myrmecocichla’ cinnamomeiventris JT12
             |                    |  `--‘Cercomela’ sordida BKB15
             |                    `--+--Thamnolaea BKB15
             |                       |    |--T. cinnamomeiventris JF06
             |                       |    |    |--T. c. cinnamomeiventris S05
             |                       |    |    `--T. c. albiscapulata (Rüppell 1837) (see below for synonymy) S05
             |                       |    `--T. leucocephalus VP89
             |                       `--Myrmecocichla BKB15
             |                            |  i. s.: M. formicivora JT12
             |                            |         M. tholloni JT12
             |                            |--+--M. aethiops JT12
             |                            |  `--‘Oenanthe’ monticola JT12 [incl. Saxicola castor Hartlaub 1865 B93]
             |                            `--+--M. nigra JT12 [incl. M. stoehri Sclater ex Brooke 1993 (n. n.) B93]
             |                               `--+--M. arnotti BKB15
             |                                  `--M. melaena JT12
             `--+--+--+--Vauriella insignis BKB15
                |  |  `--Calliope BKB15
                |  |       |--C. calliope (Pall. 1776) (see below for synonymy) M01
                |  |       `--C. pectoralis BKB15
                |  `--+--‘Cinclidium’ frontale BKB15
                |     `--Myophonus Temminck 1822 JT12, B94 (see below for synonymy)
                |          |  i. s.: M. blighi JT12
                |          |         M. borneensis JT12
                |          |         M. eugenei S89
                |          |         M. horsfieldii JT12
                |          |         M. insularis JT12
                |          |         M. robinsoni JT12
                |          |--M. melanurus JT12
                |          `--+--M. caeruleus JT12
                |             `--M. glaucinus JT12
                `--+--Enicurus Temminck 1822 BKB15, B94 [=Henicurus (l. c.) B94; Enicurinae, Henicurinae]
                   |    |  i. s.: E. immaculatus JT12
                   |    |         E. sinensis Gould 1865 (see below for synonymy) S89
                   |    |         E. velatus JT12
                   |    |--+--E. schistaceus JT12
                   |    |  `--E. scouleri JT12
                   |    `--+--E. ruficapillus JT12
                   |       `--+--E. leschenaulti JT12
                   |          `--E. maculatus JT12
                   `--+--+--Ficedula BKB15
                      |  `--+--+--‘Rhinomyias’ insignis JT12
                      |     |  `--Heinrichia calligyna JT12
                      |     `--Cinclidium BKB15
                      |          |--C. diana JT12
                      |          `--C. leucurum JT12
                      `--+--Tarsiger BKB15
                         |    |--+--T. cyanurus JT12 [=Erithacus cyanurus T89]
                         |    |  `--T. hyperythrus JT12
                         |    `--+--T. indicus JT12
                         |       `--+--T. chrysaeus JT12
                         |          `--T. johnstoniae JT12
                         `--+--Larvivora BKB15
                            `--Brachypteryx Horsfield 1822 BKB15, B94 [Brachypteryginae]
                                 |--B. hyperythra JT12
                                 |--B. leucophrys JT12
                                 |--B. montana JT12
                                 `--B. stellata JT12

Muscicapidae incertae sedis:
  Xenocopsychus ansorgei JT12
  Pinarornis plumosus JT12
  Dioptrornis JT12
    |--D. brunneus JT12
    |--D. chocolatinus JT12
    `--D. fischeri JT12
  Oedon luscinia (Linnaeus 1758) [=Motacilla luscinia, Daulias luscinia] CC10
  Rhinomyias JT12
    |--R. albigularis JT12
    |--R. brunneatus JT12
    |--R. colonus JT12
    |--R. goodfellowi JF06
    |--R. gularis JT12
    `--R. oscillans JT12

Calliope calliope (Pall. 1776) [=Motacilla calliope, Erithacus calliope; incl. Calliope camtschatkensis Strickl. 1841] M01

*Campicoloides bifasciatus B93 [=Saxicola bifasciatus BKB15, Oenanthe bifasciata B93; incl. S. spectabilis Hartlaub 1865 B93]

Enicurus sinensis Gould 1865 [=E. chinensis, Henicurus chinensis, H. sinensis; incl. H. speciosus Swinh. 1861 (preoc.)] S89

Erithacus Cuvier 1800 BKB15, M02 [incl. Aedon Forster 1814 B94, Cyanecula Brehm 1828 B94, Philomela Swainson 1831 non Link 1806 B94; Aedoninae, Cyaneculinae, Erithacinae, Philomelinae]

Myophonus Temminck 1822 JT12, B94 [=Myiophoneus B94, Myophoneus (l. c.) B94; Myiophoneinae, Myophoneinae, Myophoninae]

Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris albiscapulata (Rüppell 1837) [=Saxicola albiscapulata; incl. S. humeralis ms, S. rufiventris ms] S05

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B94] Bock, W. J. 1994. History and nomenclature of avian family-group names. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 222: 1–281.

[B93] Brooke, R. K. 1993. Annotated catalogue of the Aves type specimens in the South African Museum. Annals of the South African Museum 102 (10): 327–349.

[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[JF06] Jønsson, K. A., & J. Fjeldså. 2006. A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds. Zoologica Scripta 35: 149–186.

[M01] Madarász, J. 1901. Madarak [Vögel]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 21–39. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[M87] Mayr, E. 1987. The status of subjective junior homonyms. Systematic Zoology 36 (1): 85–86.

[M02] Mlíkovský, J. 2002. Cenozoic Birds of the World. Part 1: Europe. Ninox Press: Praha.

[S89] Salvadori, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea nella Birmania e nelle regioni vicine. XIX.—Uccelli raccolti nei Monti Carin a nord-est di Tounghoo, nel Pegù presso Rangoon e Tounghoo e nel Tenasserim presso Malewoon. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 369–438.

[S05] Steinheimer, F. D. 2005. Eduard Rüppel’s avian types at the Natural History Museum, Tring (Aves). Senckenbergiana Biologica 85 (2): 233–264.

[T89] Takeshita, N. 1989. Nihon no Yachoo. Kogakukan: Tokyo.

[VP89] Viney, C., & K. Phillipps. 1989. Birds of Hong Kong 5th ed. Government Printer: Hong Kong.

Last updated: 15 July 2019.


Metallic starling Aplonis metallica, photographed by Ian Montgomery.

Belongs within: Sturnidae.

Aplonis is a genus of starlings found primarily on islands in south-east Asia, Australasia and Oceania. Members of this genus are uniformly dark-coloured as adults (juveniles may have pale underparts), often with a metallic gloss. Notable members include the metallic starling A. metallica, found between the Moluccas, Solomon Islands and northern Queensland, which has a forked tail and bright red eyes.

<==Aplonis Gould 1836 [=Aplornis Gould 1836] CC10
    |--+--A. cantoroides JT12
    |  `--+--A. minor Sarasin 1913 JT12, S13 [=A. atronitens minor S13]
    |     `--A. panayensis JT12
    |          |--A. p. panayensis R02
    |          `--A. p. sanghirensis R02
    `--+--+--A. insularis BKB15
       |  `--+--A. cinerascens JT12
       |     `--A. tabuensis JT12
       `--+--A. grandis BKB15
          `--+--A. brunneicapillus BKB15
             `--+--A. metallica JT12
                |    |--A. m. metallica M03
                |    `--A. m. circumscripta M03
                `--A. pelzelni JT12

Aplonis incertae sedis:
  *A. fusca Gould 1836 [=*Aplonis fuscus, *Aplornis fusca, *Aplornis fuscus] CC10
    |--A. f. fusca M03
    `--A. f. hullianus M03
  A. atrifusca JT12
  A. atronitens S13
  A. caledonica [incl. A. viridigrisea] S13
  A. corvina FP64
  A. crassa JT12
  A. dichroa JT12
  A. feadensis JT12
  A. magna JT12
  A. mavornata FP64
  A. mysolensis JT12
  A. mystacea JT12
  A. opaca JT12
  A. santovestris JT12
  A. striata (Gmelin 1788) [incl. A. obscura (du Bus de Gisignies 1839)] CC10
  A. zelandica (Quoy & Gaimard 1830) CC10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BKB15] Burleigh, J. G., R. T. Kimball & E. L. Braun. 2015. Building the avian tree of life using a large-scale, sparse supermatrix. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 53–63.

[CC10] Checklist Committee (OSNZ). 2010. Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, Norfolk and Macquarie Islands, and the Ross Dependency, Antarctica 4th ed. Ornithological Society of New Zealand and Te Papa Press: Wellington.

[FP64] Fisher, J., & R. T. Peterson. 1964. The World of Birds: A comprehensive guide to general ornithology. Macdonald: London.

[JT12] Jetz, W., G. H. Thomas, J. B. Joy, K. Hartmann & A. Ø. Mooers. 2012. The global diversity of birds in space and time. Nature 491: 444–448.

[M03] Morcombe, M. 2003. Field Guide to Australian Birds 2nd ed. Steve Parish Publishing.

[R02] Riley, J. 2002. Population sizes and the status of endemic and restricted-range bird species on Sangihe Island, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International 12: 53–78.

[S13] Sarasin, F. 1913. Die Vögel Neu-Caledoniens und der Loyalty-Inseln. In: Sarasin, F., & J. Roux (eds) Nova Caledonia: Forschungen in Neu-Caledonian und auf den Loyalty-Inseln. A. Zoologie vol. 1 pt 1 pp. 1–78, pls 1–3. C. W. Kreidels Verlag: Wiesbaden.

Last updated: 15 July 2019.