Orchomene amblyops, copyright University of Bergen.
Belongs within: Amphipoda.
The Lysianassidae are a group of marine amphipods characterised by a mitten-like terminal section on the section gnathopod (Barnard 1969).
Characters (from Barnard 1969): Accessory flagellum usually present and more than 3-articulate but occasionally vestigial or few in segments; peduncle of antenna 1 short and stout, articles 2 and 3 usually much shorter than 1 and occasionally scarcely distinguishable because of telescoping; pereon generally lacking processes, often urosomal segment 1 processiferous; body compact, chitin usually very smooth, porcellanous; mouthparts enormously variable, either chewing or piercing, often with reduction in mandibular molars, variable in position of mandibular palps; upper lip and epistome invaluable for identification, either or both often produced in variable configurations; maxilla 1 generally with 2-articulate palp but occasionally reduced or absent; maxilla 2 occasionally poorly developed; maxilliped occasionally with reduced plates and palps; gnathopods usually quite small, 2 mitten-shaped terminally, with article 3 elongate, article 5 generally with a "pineapple cushion", i.e., posterior margin bulbous and with microscopic texture of a pineapple, structure composed of scales or coarse setules, article 6 generally covered with coarse setules or tasseled setules; pereopods generally stout, occasionally prehensile; coxae usually long, first one or two or three occasionally reduced in size or hidden by following coxae; rami of uropod 3 lanceolate, outer often 2-articulate, inner occasionally reduced in size, rarely both absent; telson cleft, emarginate or entire, long or shorty rarely absent.
|--Lucayarina catacumba Clark & Barnard 1985 S86
|--Acontiostoma Stebbing 1888 B69
| `--*A. marionis Stebbing 1888 B69 [incl. A. magellanicum N38]
|--Paralysianopsis Schellenberg 1931 [incl. Austronisimus Barnard 1931] B69
| `--*P. odhneri Schellenberg 1931 B69
|--Charcotia Chevreux 1905 [=Waldeckia Chevreux 1906; incl. Ephippiphora White 1847 (preoc.)] B69
| `--*C. obesa Chevreux 1905 B69 [=*Waldeckia obesa B69; incl. W. zshauii non Anonyx zschauii N38]
|--Pseudorchomene Schellenberg 1926 B69
| `--*P. coatsi (Chilton 1912) B69 [=Orchomenopsis coatsi N38]
|--Aroui Chevreux 1911 B69
| `--*A. setosus Chevreux 1911 B69
|--Perrierella Chevreux & Bouvier 1892 [incl. Pararistias Robertson 1892] B69
| `--*P. audouiniana (Bate 1857) B69 (see below for synonymy)
|--Socarnopsis Chevreux 1911 B69
| `--*S. crenulata Chevreux 1911 B69
|--Adeliella Nicholls 1938 N38
| `--*A. laticornis Nicholls 1938 N38
|--Alicella Chevreux 1899 B69
| `--*A. gigantea Chevreux 1899 B69
|--Allogaussia Schellenberg 1926 B69
| `--*A. paradoxa Schellenberg 1926 B69
|--Amaryllis Haswell 1880 non Linnaeus 1753 (ICBN) B69
| `--*A. macrophthalmus Haswell 1880 B69
|--Ambasia Boeck 1871 B69
| `--*A. atlantica (Milne Edwards 1830) B69 (see below for synonymy)
|--Ambasiella Schellenberg 1935 B69
| `--*A. murmanica (Brüggen 1905) [=Ambasia murmanica] B69
|--Eucallisoma Barnard 1961 B69
| `--*E. glandulosa Barnard 1961 B69
|--Aristiopsis Barnard 1961 B69
| `--*A. tumidus Barnard 1961 B69
|--Danaella Stephensen 1925 B69
| `--*D. mimonectes Stephensen 1925 B69
|--Lepidepecreoides Barnard 1931 B69
| `--*L. xenopus Barnard 1931 B69
|--Thoriella Stephensen 1915 B69
| `--*T. islandica Stephensen 1915 B69
|--Crybelocyphocaris Shoemaker 1945 B69
| `--*C. tattersalli Shoemaker 1945 B69
|--Centromedon Sars 1895 B69
| `--*C. pumilus (Liljeborg 1865) [=Anonyx pumilus] B69
|--Azotostoma Barnard 1965 B69
| `--*A. fusta Barnard 1965 B69
|--Bathyamaryllis Pirlot 1933 B69
| `--*B. perezii Pirlot 1933 B69
|--Bathycallisoma Dahl 1959 B69
| `--*B. pacifica Dahl 1959 B69
|--Chevreuxiella Stephensen 1915 B69
| `--*C. metopoides Stephensen 1915 B69
|--Socarnoides Stebbing 1888 [incl. Acidostomella Schellenberg 1926] B69
| `--*S. kergueleni Stebbing 1888 B69
|--Eurythenes Smith 1884 [incl. Euryporeia Sars 1895, Eurytenes Liljeborg 1865 (preoc.), Katius Chevreux 1905] B69
| `--*E. gryllus (Lichtenstein 1822) B69 [=Gammarus gryllus B69; incl. Lysianassa magellanica O01]
|--Lysianella Sars 1882 B69
| `--*L. petalocera Sars 1882 B69
|--Tryphosites Sars 1895 B69
| `--*T. longipes (Bate & Westwood 1863) B69 [=Anonyx longipes B69, Tryphosa longipes N00b]
|--Alibrotus Milne Edwards 1840 (n. d.) B69
| `--*A. chauseicus (Milne Edwards 1830) [=Lysianassa chauseica] B69
|--Cebocaris Barnard 1964 B69
| `--*C. grutesca Barnard 1964 B69
|--Paralibrotus Stephensen 1923 B69
| `--*P. setosus Stephensen 1923 B69
|--Pachynus Bulycheva 1955 B69
| `--*P. chelatum Bulycheva 1955 B69
|--Koroga Holmes 1908 B69
| `--*K. megalops Holmes 1908 B69
|--Gainella Chevreux 1911 B69
| `--*G. chelata Chevreux 1912 B69
|--Paracallisomopsis Gurjanova 1962 B69
| `--*P. beljaevi Gurjanova 1962 B69
|--Euonyx Norman 1867 [incl. Leptochela Boeck 1876 (preoc.)] B69
| `--*E. chelatus Norman 1867 B69 [incl. Opis leptochela Bate & Westwood 1869 N00b]
|--Clepidecrella Barnard 1962 B69
| `--*C. cabinda Barnard 1962 B69
|--Crybelocephalus Tattersall 1906 B69
| `--*C. megalurus Tattersall 1906 B69
|--Cyclocaris Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--*C. tahitensis Stebbing 1888 B69
| `--C. faroensis Norman 1900 N00b
|--Derjugiana Gurjanova 1962 B69
| `--*D. insolita Gurjanova 1962 B69
|--Neoambasia Dahl 1959 B69
| `--*N. tumicornis (Nicholls 1938) [=Ambasiopsis tumicornis] B69
|--Paracyphocaris Chevreux 1905 B69
| `--*P. praedator Chevreux 1905 B69
|--Glycerina Haswell 1882 [incl. Glycera Haswell 1880 non Savigny 1818] B69
| `--*G. tenuicornis (Haswell 1880) [=Glycera tenuicornis] B69
|--Scopelocheiropsis Schellenberg 1926 B69
| `--*S. abyssalis Schellenberg 1926 B69
|--Ensayara Barnard 1964 B69
| `--*E. ramonella Barnard 1964 B69
|--Figorella Barnard 1962 B69
| `--*F. tanidea Barnard 1962 B69
|--Metacyphocaris Tattersall 1906 B69
| `--*M. helgae Tattersall 1906 B69
|--Kyska Shoemaker 1964 B69
| `--*K. dalli Shoemaker 1964 B69
|--Lepidepecreopsis Stephensen 1925 B69
| `--*L. biloba Stephensen 1925 B69
|--Menigratopsis Dahl 1945 B69
| `--*M. svenillsoni Dahl 1945 B69
|--Mesocyclocaris Birstein & Vinogradov 1964 B69
| `--*M. gracilis Birstein & Vinogradov 1964 B69
|--Mesocyphocaris Birstein & Vinogradov 1960 B69
| `--*M. longicaudatus Birstein & Vinogradov 1960 B69
|--Metacyclocaris Birstein & Vinogradov 1955 B69
| `--*M. polycheles Birstein & Vinogradov 1955 B69
|--Metambasia Stephensen 1923 B69
| `--*M. faeroensis Stephensen 1923 B69
|--Microlysias Stebbing 1918 B69
| `--*M. xenokeras Stebbing 1918 B69
|--Ocosingo Barnard 1964 B69
| `--*O. borlus Barnard 1964 B69
|--Paracallisoma Chevreux 1903 B69
| `--*P. alberti Chevreux 1903 B69
|--Paronesimoides Pirlot 1933 B69
| `--*P. lignivorus Pirlot 1933 B69
|--Paronesimus Stebbing 1894 B69
| `--*P. barentsi Stebbing 1894 B69
|--Phoxostoma Barnard 1925 B69
| `--*P. algoense Barnard 1925 B69
|--Podoprionella Sars 1895 B69
| `--*P. norvegica Sars 1895 B69
|--Podoprionides Walker 1906 B69
| `--*P. incerta Walker 1906 B69
|--Prachynella Barnard 1964 B69
| `--*P. lodo Barnard 1964 B69
|--Procyphocaris Barnard 1961 B69
| `--*P. primata Barnard 1961 B69
|--Pseudambasia Stephensen 1927 B69
| `--*P. bipartita Stephensen 1927 B69
|--Pseudoanonyx Kudrjaschov 1965 B69
| `--*P. caecus Kudrjaschov 1965 B69
|--Rifcus Kudrjaschov 1965 B69
| `--*R. auspicatus Kudrjaschov 1965 B69
|--Shackletonia Barnard 1931 B69
| `--*S. robusta Barnard 1931 B69
|--Socarnella Walker 1904 B69
| `--*S. bonnieri Walker 1904 B69
|--Stephensenia Schellenberg 1928 B69
| `--*S. haematopus Schellenberg 1928 B69
|--Tryphosoides Schellenberg 1931 B69
| `--*T. falcata Schellenberg 1931 B69
|--Vijaya Walker 1904 B69
| `--*V. tenuipes Walker 1904 B69
|--Onisimus Boeck 1871 [=Pseudalibrotus Della Valle 1893] B69
| |--*O. litoralis (Krøyer 1845) B69 [=Anonyx litoralis B69, Alibrotus littoralis N00b, Pseudalibrotus litoralis B69]
| |--O. brevicaudatus S00
| `--O. plautus (Krøyer 1845) [=Anonyx plautus] B69
|--Ichnopus Costa 1853 B69
| |--*I. taurus Costa 1853 B69
| `--I. spinicornis Boeck 1861 BD95 [incl. I. calceolatus Heller 1867 N00a]
|--Lepidepecreum Bate & Westwood 1868 B69
| |--*L. longicorne (Bate & Westwood 1861) B69, BD95 (see below for synonymy)
| `--L. umbo B69
|--Acidostoma Liljeborg 1865 B69
| |--*A. obesum (Bate & Westwood 1861) B69, BD95 [=Anonyx obesus B69]
| `--A. nodiferum Stephensen 1923 [incl. A. sarsi (Lincoln 1979)] BD95
|--Ambasiopsis Barnard 1931 B69
| |--*A. georgiensis Barnard 1931 B69
| `--A. faeroensis N38
|--Paralicella Chevreux 1908 B69
| |--*P. tenuipes Chevreux 1908 B69
| `--P. scotiae (Chilton 1912) [=Alicella scotiae] B69
|--Menigrates Boeck 1871 B69
| |--*M. obtusifrons (Boeck 1861) B69 [=Anonyx obtusifrons B69; incl. A. brachycercus Lilljeborg 1865 N00b]
| `--M. angustipes Gurjanova 1962 B69
|--Kerguelenia Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--*K. compacta Stebbing 1888 B69
| `--K. borealis Sars 1895 B69
|--Onesimoides Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--*O. carinatus Stebbing 1888 B69
| `--O. chelatus B69
|--Parawaldeckia Stebbing 1910 B69
| |--*P. thomsoni (Stebbing 1906) [=Nannonyx thomsoni] B69
| `--P. kidderi B69
|--Boeckosimus Barnard 1969 B69
| |--*B. edwardsii (Krøyer 1846) [=Anonyx edwardsii, Onisimus edwardsii] B69
| `--B. normani (Sars 1895) [=Onisimus normani] B69
|--Valettiopsis Holmes 1908 B69
| |--*V. dentatus Holmes 1908 B69
| `--V. multidentata Barnard 1961 B69
|--Hirondellea Chevreux 1889 [incl. Tetronychia Stephensen 1923] B69
| |--*H. trioculata Chevreux 1889 B69
| `--H. brevicaudata Chevreux 1910 B69
|--Pseudokoroga Schellenberg 1931 B69
| |--*P. barnardi Schellenberg 1931 B69
| `--P. rima B69
|--Paracentromedon Chevreux & Fage 1925 B69
| |--*P. crenulatum (Chevreux 1900) [=Centromedon crenulatum] B69
| `--P. manene HS01
|--Sophrosyne Stebbing 1888 [incl. Paropisa Stebbing 1899] B69
| |--*S. murrayi Stebbing 1888 B69
| `--S. robertsoni Stebbing & Robertson 1891 B69
|--Socarnes Boeck 1871 B69
| |--*S. vahlii (Krøyer 1838) B69 [=Lysianassa vahlii B69, Anonyx vahlii N00a]
| |--S. erythrophthalmus Robertson 1892 N00a
| |--S. filicornis Heller 1866 BD95
| `--S. obesus (Chevreux 1927) [=Socarnopsis obesa] B69
|--Pachychelium Stephensen 1925 B69
| |--*P. davidis Stephensen 1925 B69
| |--P. antarcticum N38
| `--P. oculatum N38
|--Nannonyx Sars 1895 B69
| |--*N. goesii (Boeck 1871) B69 [=Orchomene goesii B69, Orchemene goesii N00b]
| |--N. propinquus Chevreux 1911 BD95
| `--N. spinimanus Walker 1895 BD95
|--Parambasia Walker & Scott 1903 B69
| |--*P. forbesi Walker & Scott 1903 B69
| |--P. anomala (Nicholls 1938) [=Lysianassa anomala] B69
| `--P. rossi Stephensen 1927 B69
|--Stomacontion Stebbing 1899 B69
| |--*S. pepinii (Stebbing 1888) [=Acontiostoma pepinii] B69
| |--S. capense Barnard 1916 B69
| `--S. insigne Barnard 1932 B69
|--Normanion Bonnier 1893 [=Normania Boeck 1871 non Brady 1866] B69
| |--*N. quadrimana (Bate & Westwood 1868) [=Opis quadrimana, *Normania quadrimana] B69
| |--N. abyssi B69
| `--N. sarsi Stebbing 1906 B69
|--Tmetonyx Stebbing 1906 [incl. Hoplonyx Sars 1895 (preoc.)] B69
| |--*T. cicada (Fabricius 1780) B69 (see below for synonymy)
| |--T. exiguus (Chevreux 1902) BD95
| |--‘Haplonyx’ leucophthalmus Sars 1891 N00b
| |--T. nardonis (Heller 1866) BD95
| |--T. nobilis B69
| `--‘Haplonyx’ similis Sars 1891 N00b
|--Schisturella Norman 1900 B69
| |--*S. pulchra (Hansen 1887) [=Tryphosa pulchra] B69
| |--S. abyssi (Chevreux 1926) [=Pseudonesimus abyssi] B69
| |--S. adversicola (Barnard 1925) [=Lakota adversicola] B69
| `--S. rotundata (Barnard 1925) [=Lakota rotundatus] B69
|--Cheirimedon Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--*C. crenatipalmatus Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--C. femoratus [incl. C. dentimanus Chevreux 1906] B69
| |--C. fougneri Walker 1903 B69
| |--C. latimanus Sars 1895 B69
| `--C. pectinipalma Barnard 1925 B69
|--Anonyx Krøyer 1838 [incl. Chironesimus Sars 1895, Lakota Holmes 1908] B69
| |--*A. nugax (Phipps 1774) B69 (see below for synonymy)
| |--A. cicadoides Stebbing 1888 B69
| |--A. debruynii B69 [=Chironesimus debruynii S00]
| |--A. gularis CS77
| `--A. lilljeborgii S00
|--Tryphosella Bonnier 1893 B69
| |--*T. sarsi Bonnier 1893 B69
| |--T. abyssi Norman 1900 N00b
| |--T. angulata N00b
| |--T. barbatipes (Stebbing 1888) [=Tryphosa barbatipes, Uristes barbatipes] B69
| |--T. coxalis (Barnard 1962) [=Tryphosites coxalis] B69
| |--T. georgiana [incl. T. albina] N38
| |--T. hoeringii (Boeck 1870) [=Tryphosa hoeringii, Tryphosa hoerringii, Tryphosella hoerringii] N00b
| |--T. minima (Chevreux 1911) BD95
| `--T. nanoides (Lilljeborg 1865) [=Anonyx nanoides, Tryphosa nanoides] N00b
|--Lepidepecreella Schellenberg 1926 [incl. Paracyclocaris Barnard 1930] B69
| |--*L. ctenophora Schellenberg 1926 B69
| |--L. bidens N38
| |--L. cymba N38
| |--L. emarginata Nicholls 1938 N38
| `--L. ovalis N38
|--Hippomedon Boeck 1871 [incl. Elimedon Barnard 1962, Paratryphosites Stebbing 1899, Platamon Stebbing 1888] B69
| |--*H. holbolli (Krøyer 1846) [=Anonyx holbolli] B69
| |--H. abyssi (Goës 1866) [=Lysianassa abyssi, Paratryphosites abyssi] N00b
| |--H. denticulatus (Bate 1857) BD95 [=Anonyx denticulatus N00b]
| |--H. kergueleni PG98
| |--‘Platamon’ longimanus N00b
| |--H. massiliensis Bellan-Santini 1965 BD95
| |--H. oculatus Chevreux & Fage 1925 BD95
| `--H. propinquus Sars 1890 N00b
|--Lysianassa Milne Edwards 1830 (see below for synonymy) B69
| |--*L. costae Milne Edwards 1830 B69
| |--L. alba (Holmes 1903) [=*Lysianopsis alba] B69
| |--L. bispinosa Della Valle 1893 BD95
| |--L. ceratina (Walker 1889) BD95 [=Lysianax ceratinus N00a]
| |--‘Lysianax’ cubensis Stebbing 1897 B69
| |--L. heterodonta (Pirlot 1936) [=*Arugella heterodonta] B69
| |--L. hypocrita B69
| |--L. insperata Lincoln 1979 BD95
| |--L. longicornis Lucas 1846 E12 [=Lysianax longicornis N00a]
| |--‘*Pronannonyx’ minimus Schellenberg 1953 B69
| |--L. nasuta Dana 1853 [=*Shoemakerella nasuta] B69
| |--‘*Aruga’ oculata Holmes 1908 B69
| |--L. pilicornis Heller 1866 BD95
| |--L. plumosa Boeck 1871 BD95
| `--‘Lysianax’ septentrionalis Della Valle 1893 N00a
|--Podoprion Chevreux 1891 BD95, B69 [Podoprionidae]
| `--*P. bolivari Chevreux 1891 B69
|--Scopelocheirus Bate 1857 BD95, B69 [incl. Callisoma Costa 1851 non Agassiz 1846 B69; Scopelocheiridae]
| |--*S. crenatus Bate 1857 B69 [=Callisoma crenata N00b]
| |--S. hopei (Costa 1851) BD95 [=*Callisoma hopei B69]
| `--‘Anonyx’ kroeyeri Bruzelius 1859 [=Callisoma kroeyeri] N00b
|--Aristias Boeck 1871 BD95, B69 [Aristiidae]
| |--*A. tumidus (Krøyer 1846) [=Anonyx tumidus] B69
| |--A. antarcticus N38
| |--A. collinus N38
| `--A. neglectus Hansen 1887 N00b
`--Orchomene Boeck 1871 [incl. Orchomenella Sars 1891, Orchomenopsis Sars 1895, Tryphosa Boeck 1871] B69
|--*O. serrata (Boeck 1861) [=Anonyx serratus] B69
|--‘Orchomenella’ abyssorum [=O. chilensis f. abyssorum] N38
|--‘Tryphosa’ adarei N38
|--O. amblyops Sars 1895 B69
|--O. batei Sars 1895 B69
|--‘Tryphosa’ carinata Schellenberg 1926 B69
|--O. cavimanus [=Orchomenella cavimanus; incl. Orchomenopsis zschauii] N38
|--‘Orchomenella’ franklini N38
|--‘Orchomenella’ groenlandica B69
|--O. humilis (Costa 1853) [=Lysianassa humilis, Anonyx humilis; incl. A. melanophthalmus Norman 1867] N00b
|--‘Tryphosa’ kergueleni N38
|--‘Orchomenella’ macronyx N38
|--O. minuta (Krøyer 1846) B69 [=Anonyx minutus B69, *Orchomenella minuta B69, Tryphosa minuta N00b]
|--‘Tryphosa’ murrayi N38
|--‘Anonyx’ nanus Krøyer 1846 B69 (see below for synonymy)
|--‘Orchomenella’ nodimanus [=Orchomenopsis nodimanus] N38
|--O. obtusa (Sars 1895) B69
|--O. pectinatus Sars 1882 N00b
|--O. pinguis (Boeck 1860) [=Anonyx pinguis, Orchemenella pinguis, Tryphosa pinguis] N00b
|--‘Tryphosa’ pusilla Sars 1885 N00b
|--‘Orchomenella’ rossi [=Orchomenopsis rossi, Orchomenella chilensis f. rossi] N38
|--O. takoradia Barnard 1961 B69
`--‘Tryphosa’ triangularis N38
*Ambasia atlantica (Milne Edwards 1830) B69 [=Gammarus atlanticus B69, Lysianassa atlantica N00a; incl. Ambasia danielssenii Boeck 1870 N00a]
‘Anonyx’ nanus Krøyer 1846 B69 [=Orchemenella nana N00b, *Tryphosa nana B69; incl. T. ciliata Sars 1882 N00b, Orchomenella ciliata B69]
*Anonyx nugax (Phipps 1774) B69 [=Cancer nugax B69; incl. A. appendiculata Kröyer 1838 N00b, A. lagena Kröyer 1838 N00b]
*Lepidepecreum longicorne (Bate & Westwood 1861) B69, BD95 [=Anonyx longicornis B69; incl. L. carinatum Bate & Westwood 1869 N00b, L. mirabile Meinert 1890 N00b]
Lysianassa Milne Edwards 1830 [incl. Aruga Holmes 1908, Arugella Pirlot 1936, Lysianassina Costa 1867, Lysianax Stebbing 1888, Lysianopsis Holmes 1903, Pronannonyx Schellenberg 1953, Shoemakerella Pirlot 1936] B69
*Perrierella audouiniana (Bate 1857) B69 [=Lysianassa audouiniana B69, Aristias audouinianus N00b, Pararistias auduoinianus N00b; incl. Perrierella crassipes Chevreux & Bouvier 1892 N00b]
*Tmetonyx cicada (Fabricius 1780) B69 [=Oniscus cicada B69, Haplonyx cicada N00b; incl. Anonyx gulosus Kröyer 1844 N00b, A. norvegicus Lilljeborg 1851 N00b]
*Type species of generic name indicated
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[O01] Ohlin, A. 1901. On a new "bipolar" schizopod.
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[PG98] Probert, P. K., & S. L. Grove. 1998. Macrobenthic assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope off the west coast of South Island, New Zealand.
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[S00] Stebbing, T. R. R. 1900. Arctic Crustacea: Bruce collection.
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