Female Rostrozetes ovulum, copyright B. Eamer.
Belongs within: Oripodoidea.
Contains: Protoribates (Protoribates),
Protoribates (
Peloribates (Peloribates),
Lauritzenia (Incabates),
Indoribates (Haplozetes).
The Haplozetidae are a group of oribatid mites with well-developed, hinged pteromorphs. Members have been divided between separate families Haplozetidae and Xylobatidae or Protoribatidae based on whether the octotaxic system is composed of (respectively) sacculi or areae porosae, but this was not regarded as significant by Norton & Behan-Pelletier (2009). The Oriental species
Cribrozetes multiareolatus has the usual four pairs of areae porosae disassembled into 14–18 pairs of areae porosae rougly grouped in the original position. The dorsosejugal suture is absent in the genus
Perxylobates (Balogh & Balogh 1992a). Six pairs of genital setae are present in
Pilobates and
Pilobatella; other genera have less.
Characters (from Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009): Length 250–650µm. Subcapitulum diarthric; chelicerae chelate-dentate. Notogaster with octotaxic system of porose areas or saccules; pteromorphs well developed, with hinge; insertions of adductor muscles for pteromorphs evident on notogaster; posterior notogastral tectum absent. Podotectum II present; circumpedal carina complete. Genital and anal plates separated by more than half length of genital plate; aggenital setae present; postanal porose area absent. Femora III and IV each with one porose area; solenidion σ present on genu III.
<==Haplozetidae [Protoribatidae, Xylobatidae] NB-P09
|--Paraxylobates Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
| `--*P. imitans Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
|--Conozetes Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
| `--*C. arcualis Balogh & Mahunka 1969 S04
|--Bolkiah Mahunka 1997 S04
| `--*B. hauseri Mahunka 1997 S04
|--Borneozetes Mahunka 1997 S04
| `--*B. lanceolatus Mahunka 1997 S04
|--Cantharozetes Hammer 1961 S04
| `--*C. lucens Hammer 1961 S04
|--Setincabates Lee 1993 S04
| `--*S. hypersetosus Lee 1993 S04
|--Cribrozetes Balogh 1970 S04
| `--*C. multiareolatus Balogh 1970 S04
|--Trixylobates Balogh & Mahunka 1978 S04
| `--*T. bidactylus Balogh & Mahunka 1978 S04
|--Sicaxylobates Luxton 1985 S04
| `--*S. sicafer (Hammer 1968) [=Xylobates sicafer] S04
|--Baloghiella Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1960 S04
| |--*B. prima Bulanova-Zachvatkina 1960 S04
| `--B. granulata Bayartogtokh & Akrami 2000 S04
|--Baloghia Mahunka 1994 S04
| |--*B. juditae Mahunka 1994 S04
| `--B. spinifera Mahunka 1994 S04
|--Trachyoribates Berlese 1908 S04
| |--*T. ampulla (Berlese 1905) [=Oribata ampulla] S04
| `--T. chinensis Fukuyama & Aoki 2000 S04
|--Transoribates Pérez-Íñigo 1992 [incl. Lagenobates Weigmann & Miko 2002] S04
| |--T. lagenula (Berlese 1904) (see below for synonymy) S04
| `--T. agricola (Nakamura & Aoki 1989) [=Protoribates agricola] S04
|--Protoribates Berlese 1908 NB-P09, S04
| | i. s.: P. longipilis Sellnick 1931 S93
| |--P. (Protoribates) S04
| `--P. (Triaunguis) S04
|--Berlesiella Hammer 1979 S04
| |--*B. (Berlesiella) scutata Hammer 1979 S04
| `--B. (Comororibula Mahunka 1994) S04
| `--B. (*C.) truncata (Mahunka 1994) [=*Comororibula truncata] S04
|--Afroleius Mahunka 1984 S04
| |--*A. deformis Mahunka 1984 S04
| |--A. minor Mahunka 1984 S04
| `--A. simplex Mahunka 1984 S04
|--Tuxenia Hammer 1958 S04
| |--*T. complicata Hammer 1958 S04
| |--T. brevis Covarrubias 1967 [incl. T. brevisetosa Mahunka 1980] S04
| `--T. manantialis Hammer 1962 S04
|--Acutozetes Balogh 1970 S04
| |--*A. rostratus Balogh 1970 S04
| |--A. bornemisszai Balogh & Balogh 1986 S04
| |--A. chibai Aoki 1976 S04
| |--A. javensis Hammer 1979 S04
| `--A. nadchatrami Balogh & Mahunka 1974 S04
|--Pilobates Balogh 1960 S04
| |--P. (Pilobates) S04
| | |--*P. (P.) pilosellus (Balogh 1958) [=Protoribates pilosellus] S04
| | `--P. (P.) carpentanus Pérez-Íñigo 1969 (see below for synonymy) S04
| `--P. (Italobates Mahunka 1994) S04
| `--P. (*I.) incisura (Berlese 1916) [=Protoribates (Scheloribates) incisura] S04
|--Peloribates Berlese 1908 S04
| | i. s.: P. antillensis (Mahunka 1985) S07
| |--P. (Peloribates) S04
| |--P. (Aokibates Mahunka 1988) S04
| | `--P. (*A.) yoshii (Mahunka 1988) [=*Aokibates yoshii] S04
| `--P. (Tentaculozetes Balogh 1970) S04
| `--P. (*T.) loksai (Balogh 1970) [=*Tentaculozetes loksai] S04
|--Pilobatella Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
| |--*P. punctulata Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
| |--P. berlesei Bhattacharya & Banerjee 1979 S04
| |--P. maurensis Scull 1985 S04
| |--P. monstruosa Mahunka 1986 S04
| |--P. pseudovermiseta Corpuz-Raros 1979 S04
| |--P. schauenbergi Mahunka 1977 S04
| `--P. xena Mahunka 1977 S04
|--Vilhenabates Balogh 1963 S04
| |--V. (Vilhenabates) S04
| | |--*V. (V.) minutus (Balogh 1958) [=Peloribates minutus] S04
| | |--V. (V.) hyalinus Tseng 1984 S04
| | `--V. (V.) simplex Balogh 1970 S04
| `--V. (Phalacrozetes Aoki 1965) S04
| |--V. (*P.) sinatus (Aoki 1965) [=*Phalacrozetes sinatus] S04
| `--V. (P.) similis (Mahunka 1988) [=Phalacrozetes similis] S04
|--Setoxylobates Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
| |--*S. (Setoxylobates) foveolatus Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
| |--S. (Plenoxylobates Hammer 1979) S04
| | |--S. (*P.) ramosus (Hammer 1979) [=*Plenoxylobates ramosus] S04
| | |--S. (P.) curtiseta (Hammer 1979) [=Plenoxylobates curtiseta] S04
| | `--S. (P.) mayuloeus (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Plenoxylobates mayuloeus] S04
| `--S. (Polyxylobates Hammer 1973) S04
| |--S. (*P.) diversiporosus (Hammer 1973) [=*Polyxylobates diversiporosus] S04
| `--S. (P.) principalis (Berlese 1916) [=Protoribates principalis] S04
|--Lauritzenia Hammer 1958 S04
| |--L. (Lauritzenia) S04
| | |--*L. (L.) longipluma Hammer 1958 S04
| | |--L. (L.) furtadoi (Balogh & Mahunka 1974) [=Haplozetes furtadoi] S04
| | |--L. (L.) glabra Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1996 S04
| | |--L. (L.) insignis (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Haplozetes insignis] S04
| | |--L. (L.) loongchiensis (Tseng 1984) [=Haplozetes loongchiensis] S04
| | `--L. (L.) minimicoma (Beck 1964) [=Haplozetes minimicoma] S04
| |--L. (Incabates) S04
| `--L. (Magnobates Hammer 1967) [incl. Gymnozetes Calugar & Vasiliu 1983] S04
| |--L. (*M.) flagellifer (Hammer 1967) [=*Magnobates flagellifer] S04
| `--L. (M.) orghidani (Calugar & Vasiliu 1983) S04 [=*Gymnozetes orghidani BB92a]
|--Perxylobates Hammer 1972 [incl. Octodurozetes Mahunka 1993] S04
| |--*P. vermiseta (Balogh & Mahunka 1968) [=Xylobates vermiseta] S04
| |--P. barbatus Hammer 1972 S04
| |--P. berndhauseri (Mahunka 1993) [=Octodurozetes berndhauseri] S04
| |--P. brevisetus Mahunka 1988 S04
| |--P. coreanus Coi & Aoki 1993 S04
| |--P. guehoi Mahunka 1978 S04
| |--P. longissimus (Warburton 1912) [=Oribata longissima] S04
| |--P. mahunkai Bayoumi 1980 S04
| |--P. mayuloeus Corpuz-Raros 1979 C-R79
| |--P. obesus Bayoumi 1977 S04
| |--P. paravermiseta Mahunka 1976 S04
| |--P. sinensis Wen, Aoki & Wang 1984 S04
| |--P. sinlimes (Hammer 1971) C-R79
| |--P. taidinchani Mahunka 1976 S04
| `--P. vietnamensis (Jeleva & Vu 1987) [=Xylobates vietnamensis] S04
|--Magyaria Balogh 1963 S04
| |--*M. reticulata (Balogh 1958) [=Scheloribates reticulatus] S04
| |--M. agusana Corpuz-Raros 1991 S04
| |--M. annobonica Pérez-Íñigo 1982 S04
| |--M. atlantica Pérez-Íñigo 1983 S04
| |--M. breviseta Mahunka 1978 BB92b
| |--M. cancellata (Beck 1964) [=Haplozetes cancellatus] S04
| |--M. fenestrata Balogh & Mahunka 1974 S04
| |--M. filipina Corpuz-Raros 1979 S04
| |--M. florida Mahunka 1985 S04
| |--M. incisa Balogh & Mahunka 1974 S04
| |--M. javensis Hammer 1979 S04
| |--M. luzonica Corpuz-Raros 1991 S04
| |--M. mindanensis Corpuz-Raros 1979 S04
| |--M. ornata Balogh 1963 S04
| |--M. pulcherrima Balogh 1970 S04
| |--M. strinovichi Balogh 1970 S04
| `--M. triungulata Mahunka 1988 S04
|--Indoribates Jacot 1929 S04
| |--I. (Indoribates) [incl. Nixozetes Mahunka 1977, Sundazetes Hammer 1979] S04
| | |--*I. (I.) punctulatus (Sellnick 1925) S04 (see below for synonymy)
| | |--I. (I.) crassisetiger (Fukuyama & Aoki 2000) [=Nixozetes crassisetiger] S04
| | |--I. (I.) gregoryi (Balogh 1970) S04 [=Cosmobates gregoryi S04, Nixozetes gregoryi BB92b]
| | |--I. (I.) japonicus (Aoki 1988) [=Sundazetes japonicus] S04
| | |--I. (I.) javanus (Mahunka 1977) S04 [=*Nixozetes javanus BB92a]
| | |--I. (I.) multisetus (Wen & Zhao 1994) [=Sundazetes multisetus] S04
| | |--I. (I.) nobilis (Golosova 1984) [=Cosmobates nobilis] S04
| | `--I. (I.) panabokkei (Balogh 1970) (see below for synonymy) S04
| |--I. (Haplozetes) S04
| |--I. (Mancoribates Hammer 1961) [incl. Minasbates Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1996] S04
| | |--I. (*M.) rostropilosus (Hammer 1961) [=*Mancoribates rostropilosus] S04
| | |--I. (M.) acutirostrum (Hammer 1968) [=Lauritzenia acutirostrum] S04
| | |--I. (M.) rotundirostrum (Hammer 1968) [=Lauritzenia rotundirostrum] S04
| | `--I. (M.) sphaeroclava (Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1996) [=Minasbates sphaeroclava] S04
| |--I. (Philippizetes Corpuz-Raros 1979) S04
| | |--I. (*P.) philippinensis (Corpuz-Raros 1979) [=Nixozetes (*P.) philippinensis] S04
| | `--I. (P.) corpusrarosae (Mahunka 1987) [=Nixozetes (P.) corpusrarosae] S04
| `--I. (Triungulozetes Subías 2001) [incl. Mixobates Gil-Martín & Subías 1993 non Thor 1905] S04
| |--I. (*T.) triangulatus (Beck 1964) [=Haplozetes triangulatus] S04
| `--I. (T.) fusifer (Berlese 1908) (see below for synonymy) S04
`--Rostrozetes Sellnick 1925 NB-P09, S04 [incl. Carabozetes Mihelčič 1957 S04, Zaherizetes Yousef & Nasr 1976 S04]
|--R. ovulum (Berlese 1908) [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) ovulum) S04
| |--R. o. ovulum S04 (see below for synonymy)
| |--R. o. appalachicola Jacot 1938 (see below for synonymy) S04
| `--R. o. poensis (Mihelčič 1957) [=Carabozetes poensis, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) ovulum poensis] S04
|--R. aegypticus (Yousef & Nasr 1976) [=Zaherizetes aegypticus, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) aegypticus] S04
|--R. africanus (Yousef & Nasr 1976) [=Zaherizetes africanus, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) africanus] S04
|--R. angulifer Balogh & Mahunka 1979 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) angulifer] S04
|--R. bothulifer Balogh & Mahunka 1979 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) bothulifer] S04
|--R. carinatus Beck 1965 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) carinatus] S04
|--R. cristatus Balogh & Mahunka 1969 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) cristatus] S04
|--R. cubanus Balogh & Mahunka 1974 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) cubanus] S04
|--R. dimorphichaites Higgins 1996 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) dimorphichaites] S04
|--R. dispar (Balogh 1958) [=Peloribates dispar, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) dispar] S04
|--R. florens Balogh 1970 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) florens] S04
|--R. geminosetosus Balogh & Mahunka 1978 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) geminosetosus] S04
|--R. glaber Beck 1965 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) glaber] S04
|--R. heterotrichus Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1991 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) heterotrichus] S04
|--R. inornatus Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio 1991 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) inornatus] S04
|--R. irregularis Balogh & Mahunka 1969 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) irregularis] S04
|--R. komodensis Mahunka 1977 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) komodensis] S04
|--R. mammillatus (Warburton 1912) [=Oribata mammillata, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) mamillatus] S04
|--R. monstruosus Balogh & Mahunka 1969 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) monstruosus] S04
|--R. nagaii Mahunka 1987 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) nagaii] S04
|--R. nebulosus Beck 1965 PL17 (see below for synonymy)
|--R. perezinigoi Balogh 1995 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) perezinigoi] S04
|--R. pinguis Balogh & Mahunka 1978 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) pinguis] S04
|--R. polygonatus Balogh & Mahunka 1969 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) polygonatus] S04
|--R. pseudofurcatus Balogh & Mahunka 1968 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) pseudofurcatus] S04
|--R. punctatus Karppinen 1966 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) punctatus] S04
|--R. rimachensis Beck 1965 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) rimachensis] S04
|--R. schalleri Beck 1965 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) schalleri] S04
|--R. sexclavatus Sellnick 1925 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) sexclavatus] S04
`--R. shibai Aoki 1976 [=Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) shibai] S04
Indoribates (Indoribates) panabokkei (Balogh 1970) [=Cosmobates panabokkei; incl Nixozetes apoensis Corpuz-Raros 1979] S04
*Indoribates (Indoribates) punctulatus (Sellnick 1925) S04 [=Protoribates punctulatus S04; incl. Sundazetes crispus Hammer 1979 S04, Indoribates crispus BB92b]
Indoribates (Triungulozetes) fusifer (Berlese 1908) [=Protoribates (Scheloribates) fusifer; incl. Haplozetes (Mixobates) insularis Pérez-Íñigo & Peña 1996] S04
Pilobates (Pilobates) carpentanus Pérez-Íñigo 1969 [incl. Protoribates elongatus Mihelčič 1956 (n. d.), Pr. longior Mihelčič 1957 (n. d.) non Berlese 1908] S04
Rostrozetes nebulosus Beck 1965 PL17 [=Rostrozetes foveolatus nebulosus S04; incl. R. nebulosus tropica Beck 1963 (n. n.) B65]
Rostrozetes ovulum appalachicola Jacot 1938 [=R. foveolatus appalachicola, Trachyoribates (Rostrozetes) ovulum appalachicola] S04
Rostrozetes ovulum ovulum (Berlese 1908) S04 [incl. Peloribates areolatus Balogh 1958 S04, Trachyoribates areolatus B65, T. dorsalis Balogh 1958 S04, Rostrozetes flavus Woodring 1965 S04, *R. foveolatus Sellnick 1925 S04, R. geneuxi Mahunka 1985 S04, Trachyoribates nodosus Hammer 1958 S04, R. nodosus B65, R. pulcherrimus Balogh 1961 S04, Peloribates punctulatus Balogh 1958 S04, Trachyoribates punctulatus B65, R. punctulifer Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04, R. trimorphus Balogh & Mahunka 1979 S04]
Transoribates lagenula (Berlese 1904) [=Oribata lagenula; incl. Protoribates latus Mihelčič 1965, *Transoribates latus, P. pupula Berlese 1910] S04
*Type species of generic name indicated
[BB92a] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992a.
The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.
[BB92b] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992b.
The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 2.
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Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 508: 1–64.
[C-R79] Corpuz-Raros, L. A. 1979. Philippine Oribatei (Acarina). I. Preliminary list of species and descriptions of forty new species.
Philippine Agriculturist 62 (1): 1–82.
[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida.
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Acarologia 57 (2): 309–322.
[S07] Schatz, H. 2007. Biogeography of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) from the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica and Panama.
In: Morales-Malacara, J. B., V. M. Behan-Pelletier, E. Ueckermann, T. M. Pérez, E. G. Estrada-Venegas & M. Badii (eds)
Acarology XI: Proceedings of the International Congress pp. 151–167. Instituto de Biología and Faculdad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología: México.
[S93] Selden, P. A. 1993. Arthropoda (Aglaspidida, Pycnogonida and Chelicerata).
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The Fossil Record 2 pp. 297–320. Chapman & Hall: London.
[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002).
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Last updated: 24 February 2019.