Happy Saturday, peeps! I won’t bore you with the long drawn-out story of how this project finally came about, but I will tell you it was fraught with mishaps, trials & errors, and plain stupidity on my part. BUT….it is finished! Not quite how I envisioned it, but I can say that I actually finished something I started! It all began when I saw this fun project on the My Digital Studio blog (I hope you can see it HERE). I had a plain tote bag in my stash so I thought it would fun to make a Trick or Treat bag for Cassidy. I purchased the Toxic Treats Designer Template and after many attempts, this is the final project:

As you can see, the transfer paper didn’t always cooperate with me (upper left corner):

This part is a little better:

Different fabrics really take this particular transfer paper differently! I had gotten some of the muslin bags from the Holiday mini, so I shrunk the project down and made a treat bag:

Here are a couple of SU samples of treat bags…..again, I think my transfer paper is not the best after seeing theirs. And I will let you in on just ONE of my epic fails during this whole project creation:

Yes, I managed to iron on the transfer UPSIDE DOWN! So I added the “Trick or” at the top and did another one on the other side:

A wee bit of a save to my epic fail! I think I will try another brand of transfer paper for my next project…IF there is a next one! Enjoy!
Poor Cassidy has a nasty cold….she fell asleep sitting up on the couch:

She is so rarely sick, we hardly know how to make her feel better! It would be better if she could learn to blow her nose OUT!