WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Crismoss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crismoss. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This month's scores:
  • Gills: we're top of the table!!!
  • Simpsons: havent seen a singel episode. Can yu beleev it? They continew to expose me to Family Guy (kwite like Rupert tho). Also, hav seen Amerrykan Dad. Roger the Alien guy, in the attic. I'm keepin an eye on him.
  • Tesco: yep, been kwite a few times.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: Absolutely serspendid! Daddy cort a bad germ off wun ov the kids at skool. He is in his 3rd week ov coffing. Mummy startid coffing last week. Ever wun to get her full munny's werth, she has also been pooing so mutch she has to stop midway and flush, then carry on (I lissen owtside. Wat can I say, I'm a spy, it's wat I do). Granny has had a sor throte an weer wayting to see if she gets ill too. 
  • Overall Score: Not bad, intresting. 8/10 


 Iym jus popping in to wish evrywun a Merry Crissmoss an thank yu all for the grayte cards an pressies yu hav been sending wile my sekritry has been unabol to help me updayte my blog. 

 I hope yu awl hav a grayte time!!!!! 

Nose hugs!!! 

 Bob T Bear (esq)

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons:yes
  • Tesco: yes, fer petrol
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5 /10
  • Overall Score: 7.68/10

Just a kwikky, this.
Thank yu for awl yor messidges, an also for the cards that I've bin sent!
I am online wiv a mobile fone. I think they call them cell fones in Merryka. Watever it is calld, it issent very reliabol. It keeps goin off. I keep tryin to blog, an it ups an sez "No". It jus duzzent understand I'm a Bear wiv a publik.

Enyway. Crismoss waz grayte! Farther Crismoss DID kno ware to bring my stuff arfter all, an I got sum ace presents, inkloodin a book on the histry of pants!!!!

We went home Munday but had to come bak Tchewsday mornin becos Granny wassent well overnite. She has a big lump an a brooze on her hed, but she carnt remember if she fell or hit sumthing. She also has a big blak eye. I am giving her hed hugs an maykin lots ov tea.

Daddy is goin home tomorro but Mummy is goin to stay an mayke shor Granny is all rite. They keep gettin a bit soppy becos they miss eetch uther an Mummy is very tired. I think she wud like to be at home riding her bike an doin arty stuff reelly. But she sed, Granny has to come ferst. So me an Dilly will probly stay an help owt. I am a helpful Bear, arfter awl.

I will get my fotoes sortid an if I get a good blogger connekshun I will put them up as soon as I can.

I hope yu awl had a good hollyday. I am lookin forward to bein abol to visit yor blogs an see yor pikchers!

Happy New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Puttin up Granny's Crismoss tree

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No, but we thrasht Stockport 3-1 the uther day- HUZARR!
  • Simpsons: yes, 2 episodes- aint Crissmoss grayte?
  • Tesco: yes, we went reelly layte!
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 got Henry wen he waz pozin in frunt ov a mirror. Innist that Bear is sutch a pozer he dident see me comin eevn wiv a mirror in frunt ov him. Tsk! /10
  • Overall Score: 8.56932- it's gettin Crismossy!!!/10

Hurray! Weer at Granny's!!!!

We had to call a car doctor owt an put in a new battery (funny, I never knew cars ran on batterys like that bunny) an we had to drive a long time to avoid snow an aksidents, but we got heer layte Munday.

Soon as we got heer, we helpt put up Granny's Crismoss tree wile Mummy cookt a beef stew, wich waz scrum an mayde me feel awl warm an cozy.

This is Granny's tree, wich I helpt decorayte.
Sum ov the decoraytshuns hav Bears on.
(In fakt, all the best wuns do.

This is Granny's "crib" wich haz an awful lot ov dragons in it!!

Heer is our Advent Calendar. Yu get a pikcher behind eech windo, an they ar numberd 1 to 25. Yu open wun a day, startin on 1st December. Yewzly they stop at 24, but this wun haz an extra wun for Crismoss Day!

This is windo number 24, the big bloo wun. I bet that the pikcher will be ov peepol in a staybol. It yewzly is on day 24. Perhaps number 25 will hav Santa?

Thare issent as mutch snow heer but it is still enuff to mayke Miss Fluffy grumpy abowt havin to go owtside for a wee. Mr Scooter issent botherd. But sumtimes Mummy carrys Miss Fluffy down to the end ov the garden to her pee patch. Wen she carrys her she tuks her in under her jakkit to keep her warm an dry. Granny sez Mummy is spoyling her but Mummy jus sez that's wat cats ar for!

Heer Mr Scooter demonstraytes that no box is too small for a cat to fall asleep in.

Arnty Jo an Hazel cayme to see us today but I cuddent find the camera so I carnt show yu the Bear size caykes we had! They wer calld French Fancies apparently an so Henry, my French cuzzin, thort they wer awl for him! I soon showd him!!

Me an Dilly hav reseevd presents from Julie!!!!

Dilly wiv her present from Julie, under the tree.

Heer's mine! Julie yewsd speshol Bear payper! Wa-hey!

I do hope I get mor as well. I don't meen to sownd ungrayteful, Julie, if yor reedin this, but seein yor present for me has reelly got me in a gettin-presents mood now, an an an I just realized a terribol thing-


an eevn werse-


Oh my! Oh my! Now I am reelly worreed. I don't kno wat to do. Do yu think he will be in eny ov the shops still? Or will he be too bizzy an be wrappin stuff up? Maybe I cud go an see him in a shoppin sentor an tell him that I won't be home I'll be at Granny's an sorry I dident rite.

Enyway I AM a good Bear. I AM. I hope I do get stuff. I'd like sum choklit peanuts, an an an sumthing funny like a book on pants- hehe!- an an an oh I don't kno sum uther stuff for cheeky Bears. Maybe if he reeds my blog he will kno wat to bring me an ware to leev it....... do yu think?

I hope I can log on agen this week!!! This mobile internet connekshun issent very relyabol, so if I carnt get bak on heer, hav a grayte time, evrywun!!!! I'll be thinkin ov all my blogger pals :@} I tell Granny awl abowt yu, yu kno!


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Weer bak!!!



Weer bak! Horrayyyyy!!!!!!!!!

We got bak layte layte layte Therzdy nite. In fakt I think it waz mostly erly Fryday mornin. Enyway! Do yu kno, we wer in Ireland for 12 days AN IT DID NOT RAYNE!!!!!!! Arrr, tiz a mirrycoil, to be shor to be shor, eye.

Wen we got home we had a pile ov Crismoss cards to open an most ov them wer addresst to me an Dilly wich I waz very glad abowt as it meens Mummy an Daddy start to realize hooz important rownd heer. So, thanks very much, evrywun hoo sent us sum!

Daddy haz been a bit coffy for a long time an since we got home he now haz a full-blown cold, coff coff shiverry snotty, the lot. An now Mummy haz it too. She waz OK yestaday, an went into town for food an cold medsin. Then she got home an mayde sooper soop, wiv chiken an veggies an fennel an ginger an stuff. It sownds odd but waz yum. But I don't think it did her eny good, coz now SHE haz the cold bug too.

So, I am on rownd-the-clok tishoo-ishooin dewtees heer, an cud be kwite bizzy for a wile. I'm goin to sort owt all me fotoes as soon as I get a charnce an show yu lots ov good stuff, like the Crismoss puddin we had at Arnty Anna's, wich we set alite. Oh! An like the grayte truk I got for Crismoss!!!!

Meenwile, hope yu all had a good Crismoss an New Year! I'm off to see yor comments now...... sorry I dident get a charnce to blog from Ireland! I waz mostly up mowntens!!

Bye fer now!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Chop chop bizzy bizzy werk werk bang bang.


Good Lor!! I dident blog all week! Well that jus shows how bizzy I've bin! Er... yes. Sorry bowt that. I carnt reelly stop now to catch up, iver, as we hav to leev the howse at 6 to go catch a playne. Weer off to Ireland!!!!!

I'm a tad nervuss, but I'm goin armd wiv a poynty stik this time an a beerd (see pic, abuv) for a cunnin disgize. I intend to keep a low-ish profile. If I spot eny ov the herd ov nephews comin neer, I shall be reddy for them this time. Ho yes! No mor bear-nappin, thank yu very mutch! Enyway, Sam is comin wiv me, an heez well hard.

Chuck is comin too, heez never bin to Ireland, but we rekkon he mite hav a bit ov oirish in 'im as he haz a gingery bit on the end ov his tayle.

Well, I'll be shufflin off then. I'll be online over thare tho (they hav lektrissity an evrything over thare now!) so I shall be nippin in an chekkin on watcha all up to, an puttin in a few photo's ov stuff, an that sorta thing. Now I hav to go an pak.... hav a good wun, evrywun!!!!

Bye fer now!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A speshol pressie

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: yes. We playd Northampton (full nayme: Northampton Cobblers!) an we lost 1-0. Boooo!!!!!!!!
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Overall Score:I dident ware overalls, unless yu cownt my apron, wich I wor wen I helpt to mayke the banarnana cayke. /10

Mummy haz a frend calld Jo, hoo she met at Junior skool, a long long long time ago wen hardly enywun had a culler telly an the Queen still lookt pritty on stamps.

Well, Jo haz a littol gerl now, calld Hazel. They both cayme to vizit on Sunday. We haddent all seen eech other for aiges so we all exchaynged Crissmoss pressies an ate cayke, an it waz like Crismoss all over agen!

I gayve Hazel sum soks wiv Bears on them, an she put them on an ran abowt in them so I cuddent tayke a pikcher. But heer iz wat she gayve me, a Lisa Simpson keyring!-

We ate banarnana cayke, wich waz fantastik, mostly cos I helpt mayke it. I got the resippy from heer. It's eesy peesy to mayke, so nex time yer banarnanas get over-ripe, hav a go an mayke wun!

Arfter dinner an pressies we watcht a programme abowt skwirrols an I sed "I kno! Wy don't we go an feed sum skwirrols!" so we all went to the park an fownd sum to feed. We fed them hazelnuts an Hazel thort it waz funny coz that's like her nayme an I sed she waz a Hazel-nut but she still let me keep my pressie.

Hazel, feeding hazelnuts to the skwirrols in Colchester Carsol Park

This wun dident eet his; heer he is, berryin it!

-Wen he cayme bak for mor, he had mud on his nose an pors!

Then we went home an wotcht The Simpsons. It waz an ace day!

Bye fer now!


Dilly sed to tell yu that she haz fotoes ov the skwirrols too. (sigh)

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

25 fotoze for the 25th of Deesember

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: no: weekend off fer good bahyavior.
  • Simpsons: yes: a brillyent "Lisa is best out ov evrywun" episode.
  • Tesco: no, an she sneekt off to Saynsbury's agen, an then insultid The Bear's immense intellygense by pertendin she haddent been enyware. Huh.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8.5/10
  • Weekend Score: 8, on accownt ov that Simpsons episode. Wish I'd recordid it! /10


An thankyew fer yor payshunse. It haz tayken a long time to get Blogger to upload eny fotoze at all, let alone all the wuns I want to show yu! In the end I drayped the compewter box wiv lots ov pants an, arfter a few encurridging kicks, it gayve in an admittid that I waz boss ov it.

So. Heer we go then. My foto-jernol ov Crismoss Day.....

The tree sort ov recuvverd from the munching aphids, but endid up a bit thinner. Never mind. We jus threw mor an mor stuff on it till yu cuddent see all the gaps. This is errly Crismoss mornin....

This is the Crib that Mummy mayde, owt ov clay....Wen we cayme downstairs we fownd our soks an pressies....

This waz my sok:

This is wun ov my fayvrit pressies, a Poo chart! I shall do a post all abowt this layter, by speshol reekwest ov Stanley!

I also got sum speshol Spy Pens an sum choklit Peanuts!

This waz Dilly's sock:

She got a new ribbon, a Freddo Frog bar, a pink wind-up bug. But her fayvrit pressie is a "pwinsessy sofa-bed". It lifts up an she puts all her stuff in the bottom ov it, wich meens bows, mostly, reelly. It's very pink (urrrgh) but it keeps her owt ov my way!

Sam got a pullover an a hat:

He luvs his "Beanie Hat". He thinks it maykes him look cool. He keeps yewsin werds like 'dood' an 'hangin'. As in, "Whare's my tea hangin, dood?" an then he trys to mayke his paws clik.

The Windowsill Bear Familee got sum Bear gingerbred. There wer three bits, in the shape ov a big Daddy Bear, a meedium Mummy Bear, an a littol Baby Bear. LBBBJ waz a bit mift at the size ov the smallist. Dilly staulked the bow.

Mulligan Tyre Bear got a Hunny Stik an kwikly hid it from LBBBJ.

Grayum got the jumper an soks he wontid...

He has worn it ever sinse, exsept I did mayke him tayke it off wen Gillingham playd Nottingham Forest the next day (full nayme: 'Nottin-scum Forest-not-fit-for-a-Bear-to-poo-in') as it looks a bit like their kit. Speshly wiv that tree on it.

Ov all the pressies Daddy got, our fayvrit waz a box ov mini choklit bars. They wer mor our size, reelly!

I got this bloo hoodie fer Crismoss too!

Amung Mummy's pressies waz this new bag. Heer I am tryin it owt fer size. I like the culler. Not shor abowt that flower tho.

We broke off pressie openin for a wile wen Mummy spottid a Bob-Robin in the gardin. He lookt like he cuddent fly. He sat on the grarss fer a long time so Mummy went owt to arsk if he waz allrite. He let her pik him up. She sed his wings wer ok, but his tayle waz a bit floppy. So she brort him in...

Me, Daddy an Granny put him in a box an drove him to a Mergensy Anmol Hopsikol neer our howse. A laydy opend the door an sed, "Oh! A robin! An on Crissmoss Day!" an took him in.

(Mummy waz worreed bowt him, but rang them a few days layter an they sed he waz ok. They sed he waz littol an they had to wayte fer his new tayle fethers to grow bak befor he goze owt to play agen. They wer feedin him werms.)

As well as Granny, my Unkol David an Arnty Stephanie cayme, an brort my cuzzins Alex an Dominic. Heer they ar, playin wiv Granny.

Mummy cookt.....


There waz lots ov food...

...tho Grayum preferd to sniff owt a few simpol Beary snaks.

It's apparently a big compliment to the cook wen all yor gests ar comatose on the sofa arfter dinner!

We Bears rowndid off the day wiv a good Bedtime reed! (Hey! Grayum's warin Sam's Beanie Hat!)

Tomorro I'll tell yu abowt wen we went to Granny's howse an took the massarge chair wiv us for the Sheppey Bears to try out!

Bye fer now!

Friday, January 04, 2008


Overall Scores for Larst Year:
  • Gills: sor most ov the home matches, an wunce my blogger frends startid wearin bloo stuff on match days, we startid to do better. Speshly pants, I yet agen stress- wearin bloo pants on match days reelly duzz help, so if yu dident get eny fer Crismoss, get owt in those Janury Sales soon as pos an stok up on em.
  • Simpsons: sor lots ov them, but we don't get Sky, so I dident see the new wuns. But I don't care. The oldest wunds ar akchewly betta, cos in the start credits yu see Lisa ride her bike over a bump in the road an for 0.136598 ov a second yu see her pants. It mite not seem much, but beleev me, it's werth it. I'm gettin kwite nifty on that paws button....
  • Tesco: Daddy haz a loyalty card for Tesco but continews to occayshunly ferget wat loyalty meens an so I sumtimes catch him shoppin sumware else. Mummy duzzent hav a card at all an I'm not lettin her ride the trolley till she gets wun.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: I think yu will agree I remayne the Champyun in this sport ahem/10
  • Averridge Day Score: 8.197321746537973174876100000000001/10

Heer's me, sellybraytin New Year by Big Ben just arfter midnite, wiv lots ov firewerks, in among the crowds ov thowsands.....

Oh, allrite then, it's me in frunt ov the telly! HEHEHEE!

We dident go owt for New Yeer. In fakt, for the sayme reeson for me bein a bit absent rownd heer- Mummy has had a bad bug, wun that so menny peepol hav had it's been on the news. She has been sik an pooey an sed she felt like she had been run over by a horse. A BIG horse, she stresst, like bein run over by a littol wun wood jus be a bit itchy. So me an Dilly hav been carfterin her. I eevn gayve her self-ishooin rites over the tishooes. I'm a very helpful Bear. She is feelin better today but is worreed the rest ov us will catch it. Hope not.

The man on the telly sed weed get snow today, an I waz lookin forwerd to maykin a SnowBear, wat wiv Mummy bein vertikol agen. But we dident get a singol flake ov snow. I rekkon Mrs Nesbitt, up north, got it all. If so, pleez send sum down heer!

I hav to say "Happy Berfday" to my arnty Christina in Ostraylia cos it's her berpday today. Well, yesterday in Ostraylia. Well, 4th Janry. Wich is today. Well it's today heer. Over there it's yesterday allreddy. So I misst it?? But it's today where I'm sayin it, but yesterday where I'm sayin it to. Ohhh my hed herts. This is like Time Travol.

Enyway! As fer Crismoss, oh wow, I've got so much to tell yu all, it's tickerling the inside ov my hed! I'm gonna sort owt my foto's tonite an tomorro, an then come bak an show yu all.

Wa-heyyy!!!!!!!!!! Heer's to another grayte bloggin yeer, me fello bloggeroos!!!!!

Bye fer now!