I Got Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: no
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: no
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
- Day Score: 7.26498/10
I hid wun ov the plastik flys in the shugar an Daddy dident spot it. He had his Weetabix for brekfurst this mornin an got a shok!!! He waz harf way throo an a fly startid to float to the top ov the milk! HAHAHAHAH!!!*** *** *** *** ***
Mummy is doin anuther get fit campayne an this meens she is eetin low-carb. All we hav in the kitchen is a bit ov sallad, ham, eggs an harf a buffallo. Not mutch else. The good side ov this is that she dident get to eet eny ov my berfday choccie!!! In fakt, I hav eeten so mutch choklit this week, my farts smell ov cocoa.
I was sittin on my own admirin this fakt yesterday wen Mummy sed, "Come on evrywun, let's go for a walk!" (this is anuther part ov her get fit campayne- walkin.) so we drove off to a playse calld Marks Hall, ware thare ar miles ov woods to walk throo, an fansy gardens to play in an a cuppol ov lakes to sit by an think deep Bear thorts.
Yu can reed abowt Marks Hall heer, on thare website.
This is me waring my entry stikker-
I took lots ov fotoes so I'm goin to sort sum owt an put them on heer nex time!
Bye fer now!