Hogs, Knees an a boomzyay!!!!
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: no- but weer playin tomorro so pleez remember to ware yor luky bloo underpants!!!!!
- Simpsons: yes,an Family Guy, too, wich waz reelly rood! HAHAHAHA!
- Tesco: no
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9 d'oh!/10
- Day Score: 7.49628/10
Ferst, I MUST tell yu abowt a grayte new blog calld "Dear Teddy". It is run by three Bears an they ar collektin storys abowt peepol's old toys. If yu hav an old toy, say, from childhood, get a foto ov it, rite a littol story abowt it an send it over to them an they will feecher it on thare blog. Heer is their link.Important note on toys:
If yor not shor wether yor Bear is reel or not, let me remind yu agen that it is in the knee department that yu can be shor. If it's got knees, it's reel. If not, it is a Teddy-traynor-bear. Theez are toys that LOOK like reel Bears but ar given to littol children to trayne them in the art of carfterin a Bear an bein a sponsibol Bear adopter. They go throo alot- like bein wayved arownd by their legs an bein chewd an dribbold on. Wen the child is a bit older THEN they can be considerd for a trooly REEL Bear, yu see, wen they've got over the chewy dribbly stayge.
In his nite box we gayve him wun ov Mummy's softest old jumpers, a hot-warter-bottol, sum food an sum warter. Oh! Also a newspayper (I thort he waz a bit too yung to reed that but I dident like to say enything). Well! Dispite this box ov joy he got a bit restless an startid tryin to scrabbol owt ov his box. Mummy waz distrest abowt this so Daddy rang up sum -oviossly nice but pertenshally kwite MAD- peepol at The British Hedgehog Sossyetty for advice, an they sed that littol hogs kwite like a littol cuddol in a towel.
Mmmnyum nyum nyum comin owt for a bit ov corned beef...