Maykin Granny larf
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: No
- Simpsons: no, I am tryin to get Granny to watch this but so far she prefers to hav the news on. Weird.
- Tesco: no
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: I got Dilly. She sed my scor waz 2 but reelly it waz 10. I shud hav known sheed say 2. But I waz desperit an she waz the ownly wun up for a gayme /10
- Overall Score: 7ish/10
I am tryin to mayke Granny smile. She is a bit down cos ov havin been ill. She sez she feels angry at herself for bein ill an is awl annoyd. Mummy is a bit down too, but Daddy is comin to see us today an that will be nice cos he is bringing Grayum an Sam too.
Heer is a joke I told Granny today. Mummy sed I shuddent tell her cos it is rood, but I told her enyway cos I kno that Grannys do like the rood wuns reelly, jus peepol think they don't, but they do. So heer it is. If yu hav a Granny, mayke shor yu tell her this wun. See if she larffs like my Granny did! Mine neerly choket on her tea!
A man walks into a bar wiv a steering wheel between his legs.
The barman sez to him,
"Do yu kno yu hav a steer ing wheel between yor legs?"
The man sez-
"Yeah, I kno! It's drivin me nuts!"
The barman sez to him,
"Do yu kno yu hav a steer
The man sez-
"Yeah, I kno! It's drivin me nuts!"
Oh boy I neerly split my beads wen I herd that wun. I carnt wayte to tell Sam!
Then I showd Granny this website: Compare The Meerkat.
Hav a look. Clik on "movies". Thare is wun ov out-takes from the advert the meerkats do on tv. It's well funny.
If yu hav eny jokes I can tell Granny, let me kno! I think she feels better wen sheez larffin!
Bye fer now!