WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label jumpers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jumpers. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wow! New jumper!!!

Easter scores:
  • Gills: yes, we playd Wickham Wanderers, hoo wandered all over the playse to try to distrakt from the fakt that they ar CHEETIN SCUM. They wun 1 - 0.
  • Simpsons: no. But I did see the film Antz. That waz kwite good.
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 20 (got Sam an Grayum at the sayme time) /10
  • Overall Score: 7.68329 /10


Wen we got bak from Lincoln thare waz kwite a bit ov post waytin for us all, but the most important envelope waz for me. Lynda told me the uther week that she had fownd a nittin pattern for a Bear jumper an I hav bin chekkin the letterbox regularly ever since cos it's exsytin to get a new jumper, it is.

Well heer is wat I cayme home to!

Do yu like Lynda's littol Easter Chick card, too?
(An issent that wol on the cushon a bit scarey?!)

It's nice an roomy on the arms, for wen I haff to flex me mussols an go FWAH! at sumwun.
OR! For wen I haff to smuggol scooby-snaks upstairs to the pant dror.

It's a perfick shayde ov Gillingham bloo!
Look how it matches me shorts!!

We Bears luv our jumpers!
THANK YU so much, Lynda!!!

Weer off to Granny's howse today, an won't be bak till tomorro nite. I'm goin to giv her the copy ov the nittin pattern yu sent, so she can do me anuther wun! Hehehe!

Bye fer now!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Holiday Bears!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8, but I rekkon Sam cheetid /10
  • Day Score: 7.13698/10


Today I thort I wud tell yu abowt sum ov the grayte Bears I met on my travols larst week.

The ferst wuns wer in a Craft Senter in a villidge calld Longnor. They wer an odd mix. Mummy calld them Ekletik. But I dident see eny wires.

Heer they ar: (clik for a bigger look- wun ov them is a monk, an eevn had a bald patch!!)

This wun waz a hiker. He offerd to lend me his map but I told him we wud probly stik to the car, cos ov the clowds owt thare...

Then I met this chap. He waz in charge ov the fudge! Wat a grayte job! Hehehe! I bort sum from him. It waz ginger flayvor, an had lumps ov ginger in it. It waz yum!In a playce calld Ashbourne, we fownd this Bear Adopshun Senter (it also has a website, heer!):

(note to Phytheas: look! See that Bear far-rite? I think he is smaller than yu!)

Inside, theez Bears wer praktissin their Synchronized Sittin on sum stairs. I sat wiv them for the foto an a chat. They wer sorry to hav mist the Olympik event, but keen to get in trainin:

Mummy arskt the laydy if thare were eny clothes my size. She showd us to a shelf whare thare wer sum jumpers. It waz a bit embarrissin cos sum ov the wuns she showd me wer green an pink, an wun had a hart an eevn a flower on it. Pah! She dident kno hoo I waz! I sed to her, I'm a boy Bear! She jus smiled an sed I waz cewt. But I do ferroshus, an I think Mummy shud hav poyntid this owt.

Enyway, I venchully got this wite Aran jumper. It's kwite nice, all soft an snug.

Wotcha fink?

Arfter I tryd it on I wontid to keep it on, so Mummy had to tayke me to the cownter an pay for it thare. She told her, "He wud like to keep it on." an the laydy sed that waz OK, an that it soootid me.

Bak at the hotel, I fownd that the uther Bears had sortid owt sum Scooby Snaks!!!- So I had to chaynge bak into my hoody cos Mummy sed I shuddent get crums on my new jumper. (Naaaaag, naaaaaaag, naaaaaaag!)Nex time, I'll show yu sum views ov hills, rain, sheep, hills, sheep, rain, hills, hills, sheep an hills. Oh, an rain.


Bye fer now!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Bearly Compensayshun

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no, an weer runnin owt ov stuff- an yewsin the UHT cow joose in the tea agen. I don't kno. I shall hav to distrakt them nex time they parss that stuff in the shop. If they dident hav eny they wud hav to go shoppin fer cow joose. I meen, we can be owt ov food an nuthin happens, but not abol to hav cups ov tea? That's seeriuss.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 6.39621/10


Well peeps, Gillingham lost it. Weev been relegaytid.

For thoze ov yu that don't follo football an don't kno wat that meens, let me explayne:

wun day yu ar playin in the park wiv the big boys, wiv proper goal posts an teams an a posh new ball wiv a pattern on it an oranges to eet at "half time". Then, nex day, yor not allowd to joyne in wiv them. Insted, yu hav to play wiv the smaller boys. Theez fellas don't hav proper goal posts, they roll their coats up in a ball an yewz them insted. An they hav to borro sumwun else's ball. An they always bring a dog. An at sum poynt, wun ov them will hav to go home for his tea, an so his team substitutes him wiv the dog, hoo scores the winnin goal an then runs off wiv the ball leevin yu to explayne to the big boys that yu don't kno whare it went. An then yor scared to tern up next week in cayse they're waytin for yu an want to arsk yu for their ball bak agen.

So thare. Now yu kno. That's wat bein relegaytid is like. An Gillingham has been.


Me an the uther Bears hav been tryin to looz ourselves in Beary things an tryin not to think too hard abowt it. It's not eezy for a Bear not to think hard. Weer good thinkers, yu see. Wunce a thort is in a Bear Brayne it gets nerchured an tikkold an it enjoys bein in thare so much it starts to gro. So it's not eezy if yu don't want to think it.

Lukkily we fownd sumthing good on tv:

Bears on tv! Hurray!

We allso fownd a grayte story on Lynda's Blog, abowt this littol fello:

It's a grayte post. Do go an hav a look!

Bye fer now!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

We've all got colds agen

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: too snotty/10
  • Day Score: 6.94321/10


Weev awl got colds agen. I havent posted since Munday cos I've been on extended Tishoo-Ishooing dewties. I'm a really knackered Bear.

At least Mummy finally washt Grayum's jumper so he cud keep warm (AND give me my jumper back). I took this pic of it on the washing line with sum of my parrent's jumpers:

(Grayum's is the wun in the middol)

Anyway. Laytest news is that Daddy's quit his job as a Teacher. So we're goin out today to buy him a new soot, for wen he tries to get a new job. Apparently this is wun ov the Four Times In Life Wen Yu Buy A Soot. The other three being Marrying, Burying, and Trying to Look Good In Court.

I'm goin along because, when a shop sells soots, they yewsually hav an underpant section too, so I'll go an giv it a Dam Good Frolicking. Jhee jhee jhee.....

Bye fer now!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Gorilla Jumper

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10/10
  • Day Score: 7/10


Mum was in a mood arfter the postman sed sumthing silly to her. I keep telling her though, if yor going to go to the door wen yor on yor own, TAKE THE BEAR WITH YOU. I may LOOK cute, but I do fer-ro-shus too, yu know, an I'll protekt yu. Peepol won't hang around at the door very long if they see yu bringing me to talk to them.

Enyway, being wound up an angry has a strange effect on gerls, I've noticed, so ferst she got hungry and had pork chop, broccolli an mayonaisse fer breakfast, then she went shopping. I went wiv her to remind her that she has the upkeep ov a small Bear to think about.

She endid up buying jumpers in a sale. They were all redewst to £5. She got all eggsited wen she found wun that yewst to be £50. "WOW! Look, Bob!" she sed to me in the changing room (I like changing rooms, me) "This yewst to be £50!" Yes, Mummy, but it looks like it came off a gorilla. Never mind, she bort it enyway, an 4 mor.

I wuddent mind but none of them are Bear coloured, and one of them is suspishussly pink.

I am going to hav to monitor the front door more carefully around postman time.

Bye fer now!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Jumpers For Bears!

Weekend Report:
  • Gills: yes, an we won!
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes, evenchewally
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: too bizzy/10
  • Weekend Score: 8/10

Horray! The jumpers I ordered off Ebay arrived an if I do say so myself I do look smart. I hav wun each in blue, yellow an red. AND I hav my own leather backpack now, so I can carry my own stuff wen I go away:

They also sent an angel outfit AN I'M A BOY! so I gayve that to Dilly. She's been Angel Gabrielling awl weekend. There was a teacher outfit so Grayum took that, as he is a teacher ov the game "Bear! Not-A-Bear!" (retired). THEN right at the bottom ov the package I found a dress-up costume ov a reindeer. Wy on earth wud I want to dress up like a reindeer? Mummy sed I might want to at Crismos but it'll take a lot of ale before I do, I can tell yu. Good greef! I'm a Bear!

I took the whole package wiv us wen we went to Granny's. I arsked her wat she thort ov my new stuff but she jus larffed. Onistly, I can hav whole conversations wiv Granny where all the werds are on my side and on her side is all larfs. Daddy sez she jus issent yewst to such inteligently eloquent yung Bears. I think she jus duzzent take me serriously.

Enyway, me an Daddy escaped an went to futball where Gillingham beat Chesterfield ( I believe their full name is Shysterfield Scum City) by lurring them into a false sense of security by losing 1-0, then scoring two goals in extra time so there, take that yu silly chest-in-yer-name fools.

Then we awl went shopping fer cards cos it's Mummy's berfday on Wednesday. As yewsual my card is best cos it's got bears on. Carn't say more as she might read this.

Bye fer now!

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no but mummy went to a non-Tesco shop. And she has a Loyalty card! Onnistly I don't think humans no der meaning of der word loyal.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Day Score: 7/10


Well Wendzday woz a kwyet day. Grayum an I jus hung out an wotcht telly really. Sept fer wen mummy did der woshing- dere were lots ov pants an so wen she hung dem out we sat on der bak ov der sofa an wotcht dem all darnsing in der wind heheheh hehehe pants are so funny.

Enyway I don't think yu an Grayum hav been formally introduced. He yewst to be a teacher in the game ov "Bear! Not-a-Bear!" but heez old so heez retired now. Akchewally I had a email yesterday from Mousie askin wether bears retire an if so, how old ar dey wen dey go. Well Mousie, we don't really retire, we jus sleep more. For sum ov us dat means staying on der bed awl day. Others mite like to moov to der attik an liv in a box wiv books an other bears. Grayum likes to hang out wiv other bears, speshally me. Here we are hanging out in our jumpers:

me an grayum

and here we are wen we swoppt hehehehe:

Crismos 2005

I'll tell yu mor about the game "Bear! Not-A-Bear!" another day.

Bye fer now!