WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label My nose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My nose. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Important Annowncement re My Nose Day

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: yeah, but we lost so don't go there.
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yeah! Sam came too, an had his ferst ever ride in the trolley!
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 7.3984210/10


Hey! Do yu do enything on St Parick's Day??? I do. My nose haz a Irish Flag on it, arfter all. Me an Daddy will be shairin a Ginness an toastin sum Soda Bred (note to self: chek the hunny supplys...)

Well! Today I have discuverd sumthing VERY important:



It shud be on Munday, but nex week is "Holy Week", leedin up to Big Choklit Sunday. An as the religuss amung us will kno, this sellybrates the day wen the Disypols mist the shops (wich had closed erly cos it waz Sunday) an wer embarrasst to discuver that they dident hav eny choklit for wen the Boss popt over arfter lunch. But it waz OK in the end cos the Boss sayeth unto the butter 'behold choklit!' an lo! It chaynged into choklit. This is ov corse where the tradishun ov choklit at Eeaster comes from. Enyway, I digress.... so the church haz sed that yu carnt hav a big Saynte's day in Holy Week, so they ar goin to hav it on Saterday insted!

So! St Patrick's Day iz offishully March 15th this yeer.

I've bin swottin up on this fenominom, an discuverd that the laarst time they had to moov St Patrick's waz in 1940, an the NEX time they will hav to do it will be in the yeer 2160! So it reelly is goin to be VERY speshol this yeer!

Mummy won't be joynin in cos she sez it's silly to, if yor not Irish, wich she issent. Well. There waz sum Irish discuverd wen she did her famly tree, but she werkt owt that this meens she iz abowt 6% Irish. Thus she is entitold to 6% of a pint ov Ginness. Heheheee. WIch is abowt all that is left arfter me an Daddy hav been in there. Enyway she will be bizzy bakin soda bred for us Irish folk. Hahahaa.

Dilly wants to join in too, cos ov bein green. I'm goona let her. It's all bowt bein nice, issent it? Besides, I've never seen an amfibian drunk. Wat culler duzz she go wen sheez sik nex day?

Heer is a wee kwiz to get yu in the mood-

You're 75% Irish

You're very Irish, and most likely from Ireland.

(And if you're not, you should be!)


Giv it a go!

Bye fer now!