WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Bear intervews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bear intervews. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Heer at larst!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons: Yes
  • Tesco: No
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8/10
  • Overall Score: 7.5/10

WOW it's bin aiges since I've bin on heer! Weev awl bin so bizzy. But at larst I hav got the pewter to myself. Hurray! Yu must hav awl thort I'd gon off an hybernaytid or sumthing!

Granny haz finerly got her bungalow up the road from us. Heer she is, standing in frunt ov it:
Dits ownly a littol playce. Dit ownly looks big heer becos she is a pokkit Granny.

She is stayin wiv us for a wile, till evrything is ok at the bungalow. Thare waz a leak under the sink an Mummy fownd owt it needid a new sercol ov rubber calld a washer. So she went to the plummer shop wiv the pipe in her hand an sed, "I need a new washer for this bit, pleez." an the man lookt her up an down an realized she dident hav a willy an so she probly dident noe enything abowt plummin an sed to her, "Wat yu need thare is a new washer, deer."
So Mummy sed, "Er, yes. Do yu hav wun to fit this bit an this bit?"
an the man sed, "Oh, yu won't need wun for that bit, deer, just that bit."
So Mummy ownly got wun for part ov it, cos the man sed that waz awl she needid. An then Mummy fittid it under the sink an ran the warter, an wen she chekt it, the ownly bit still leakin waz the bit that the man sed wud be awlrite. An now I hav to finish the story becos she sed I shud not rite wat she sed abowt him. HAHA.

We ar goin to the bungalow agen today an I am goin to help finish unpakkin an tidying for Granny. I'm a helpful Bear.

Also she is still wonderin if her Bears hav enuff room thare. I told her, I intervewed awl her Bears, an the wuns that parst ar allreddy at my playce. If yor sayin that mor mite need to moov owt, then I need to set up sum second intervews becos kwite frankly sum ov them wer kwite up themselves. They dident seem to see the sense ov doin my rools. Wun ov them eevn sed hoo waz I to tell him wat to do!!!!

Bye fer now!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Intervewing Bears

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: we playd MK Dons (full nayme; Milton Keynes Franchise Scum) an got a 2-2 not-a-looz. Then wen we got home, Granny had fownd an old video of us playin an winnin agenst Charlton (full nayme; cheetin non-Kent squatter scum) an it waz gratye to re-liv the memory an do a sellybraytory darnce up an down Daddy's arm.
  • Simpsons: no- Granny duzzent put this on. I think the yello skin confewses her.
  • Tesco: yes- went wiv Mummy, Daddy an Granny. I waz abol to demonstrayte to Daddy how grayte it is to shop wiv Granny - as she is very slow an likes to go from wun side of the shop to the uther an then bak agen and then off bak agen and agen. Daddy syed alot.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8 wassent expektin that /10
  • Overall Score: 7.63216/10

Granny is moovin nex Therzday, to a littol bungalow neer us. She sez thare won't be room for awl her Bears thare, so sum ov them ar goin to come an liv wiv us.

I hav been bizzy intervewin all the Bears to see hoo is comin wiv us an hoo is goin to liv wiv Granny. Arfter awl, thare's rools in my howse. Thare's no room for anarkists. Anarky leeds to confewzion an mess. An if yu hav confewzion an mess, how ar yu goin to find yor emergensy hug pants in a storm?

To be onnist, I havent eevn menshund it to the reelly old sleepy Bears. I think they wud be ok wiv Granny. I think LBBBJ mite be too mutch for sum ov them. An bein intervewd mite just mayke them jump.

Today I hav been intervewin a cuppol of llamas. Granny reelly duzz liv wiv sum weirdos.