Granny's Howse
- Gills: yes: we playd Milton Keynes (not eevn a reel teem, that wun) an got a not-a-looz, but then they won on penolties. An that, well that's jus cheetin.
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: yes
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
- Day Score: 8 ish/10
So whare waz I? Oh yes.... the day arfter Crismoss Day. In the UK we call this Boxing Day. I'm not shor wy. Sum peepol think it's becos in The Olden Days, wen evrythin waz in blak-an-wite, all the servants ov all the posh peepol had to werk for them on Crismoss Day, but on the next day they wer given boxes ov stuff. In the boxes wer things like bits ov cayke that the posh peepol had left over. Well that's wun theery. There ar others, but I carnt member them at the mo. Duzzent matter. On Boxing day we wer all at Granny's howse, no matter wy it waz calld that.
We desydid to form a kew but Merge seemd to be enjoyin it alot.... in the end we all jumpt on.
Dilly an the Sheerness Dragons (ov hoom I'm shor there ar far too menny- this is just a few ov them!) got together to watch a film calld "Dragonheart"......
She also went to a playse calld Rochester, an sor the Carsol. Sheez goin to put that trip on her own blog, but heer's wun pikcher from the trip that I don't think sheel post, so I've nikt it-It's a shop windo! I wish I'd gon wiv them, cos this playse looks grayte!
Heheee! Bye fer now!