Piratey Day 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry an Ben be arskin for a Pirate Theem WEEK, an not just a day, arrrrr, so heer be anuther piratey post. I be needin to updayte ye all wiv cakeyness an walkin the plank arrrrnyway, so it be just fine! Arrr!
Ferst heer be a speshol pikcher ov me ol' matey Asta, hoo be no scurvy dog! Wat a fine booty ov a cur she be! Arr!
Wat a fine pirate wench she maykes!!!! Thanking ye for the fotoes, Asta!!!
Beanie be sending me sum reel treszure! He be a'visiting the Mary Rose, that grayte Tchewdor ship, in Portsmouth. He be finding me sum akchual coynes from time past. It be all silvery an ruff rownd the edges, bein all spesholly for pirates an al'. It be a grayte treszure an very good o' Beanie to send it, but it be mine now, AAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks, Beanie!!!
Me crew an I be pillidging the galley, an bringing bak Bakewell Tarts, eech wiv a cherry eye-patch, arrr!
Walk the plank!!!!
Sum ov me crew not be swabbing decks hard enuff, so I be havin 'em walk the plank!
Ferst up be Zed, he be keen.
Zed not be in the britest cabin, an be wondring wat to be doin wen he
reech the end ov the plank!Arr! Jump off, ye scurvy grape!
Arr! Zed be landing in the biskit barrel!
Now uther crew Bears be wanting to walk the plank too!
BHS Bear-
....an LBBBJ....I be cowntin 3 pirate Bears in the biskits! Thare not be being menny biskits soon!
Now................... ware be Dilly-Frilly-Knickers???? Arrr! Grayum Farting-Cutlass be a'finding 'er! Get down the plank, ye wench!Yarrrrr!!!
Blither me eye! She be tayking off!
I be fergettin the wench can fly!
Blast yer eyes! I be foiled!
By the way, do ye be having time for yesterday's quiz? I be sailing bak on the morro wiv thee arnser for ye! Arrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!