Pant-Cape Tchewsday frolics!
Latest scores:
- Gills: we playd York an got a nil-nil not-a-looz
- Simpsons: No
- Tesco: Yes, mummy needid choklit
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 /10 got Daddy agen
- Overall Score: 7.76569/10
Well lots ov yu hav had fun an frolics wiv Pant-Capes!
Heer ar sum fotoes that yoov bin sendin me-
Ferst this is Bertie, hoo livs wiv Bumblevee. Heer he is pre-lorch:
an..... oh deer!
Bertie had grayte fun lornching off diffrent playces but got a bit cort up eech time!
Go hav a look at all his frolics heer! Bertie, wen yu hanged yorself I hope yu dident get hurt!
Next heer is Alexander Mackenzie Bear, Sandy for short!! He deesydid to onnor 2 tradishuns wiv his Pant-cape. Ferst, he is waring wat we call PANTS over heer, bein underpants. But he is also waring wat they call PANTS over the uther side ov the pond, wich is trowzers. The Internashonal-Pant-Combo resultid in a very long cape indeed! Very impressiv, I'm shor yu'll agree!
Wa-hey!!!!!!!!!!! Go see mor heer!!!
Now to Jerry an Ben.
Um, well they sed they will look for sum bigger pants an hav anuther go, cos theez wuns keep fallin over theyer faces like this an they carnt see wer to jump. It's a helth an safety ishue, peepol, be seeriuss! (Tho pants-on-heds is a grayte gayme in itself!)
Now over to Ostraylia to see Woolley Bear, hoo livs wiv Feronia. Woolley Bear has a fine snouty face so is mor arrodynamic than me an duzz sum exslent lornches in pants. Heer's wun-
OK time to show yu how I got on!
Alexander MacKensie Bear sent me theez fine pants! (Oh hek, Sandy, did I properly thank yu?? I do hope so..) Arnt they grayte? They ar flarge pants so come wiv the added bonus that yu can hardly see me in them:
I hav sayved the next athleet to the end cos of his very speshol effort! I'm shor yu will be imprest!
This Bartie, hoo livs wiv Granny K. (clik link for full event cuveridge.)
Bartie yewsd his Daddy's long-johns an dident just jump, he absayled down the washing line!!!
Heer he is, reddy to off (stop looking down, Bartie, stop looking down!)-
Till then, happy frolicking!!!!!