WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Bumblevee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bumblevee. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pant-Cape Tchewsday frolics!

Latest scores:
  • Gills: we playd York an got a nil-nil not-a-looz
  • Simpsons: No
  • Tesco: Yes, mummy needid choklit
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 /10 got Daddy agen
  • Overall Score: 7.76569/10

Well lots ov yu hav had fun an frolics wiv Pant-Capes!

Heer ar sum fotoes that yoov bin sendin me-

Ferst this is Bertie, hoo livs wiv Bumblevee. Heer he is pre-lorch:
an..... oh deer!
 Bertie had grayte fun lornching off diffrent playces but got a bit cort up eech time! 
 Go hav a look at all his frolics heer! Bertie, wen yu hanged yorself I hope yu dident get hurt!

Next heer is Alexander Mackenzie Bear, Sandy for short!! He deesydid to onnor 2 tradishuns wiv his Pant-cape. Ferst, he is waring wat we call PANTS over heer, bein underpants. But he is also waring wat they call PANTS over the uther side ov the pond, wich is trowzers. The Internashonal-Pant-Combo resultid in a very long cape indeed! Very impressiv, I'm shor yu'll agree!
Wa-hey!!!!!!!!!!! Go see mor heer!!!

Now to Jerry an Ben.
Um, well they sed they will look for sum bigger pants an hav anuther go, cos theez wuns keep fallin over theyer faces like this an they carnt see wer to jump. It's a helth an safety ishue, peepol, be seeriuss! (Tho pants-on-heds is a grayte gayme in itself!)

Now over to Ostraylia to see Woolley Bear, hoo livs wiv Feronia.  Woolley Bear has a fine snouty face so is mor arrodynamic than me an duzz sum exslent lornches in pants. Heer's wun-
(note hat to keep ears warm as the air racing past them)
 Oooff! He did a mid-air flip an landed belly-up! Go Woolley!!!

OK time to show yu how I got on!
Alexander MacKensie Bear sent me theez fine pants! (Oh hek, Sandy, did I properly thank yu?? I do hope so..) Arnt they grayte? They ar flarge pants so come wiv the added bonus that yu can hardly see me in them:
  getting reddy....
an off!!!
 Oh! Hallo Dilly!
Did yu want a go?
Yu can borro my pants, if yu like-?
 No? Oh allrite then...
Hehe Daddy Windowsill Bear likes theez pants.
They ar a perfick fit!!!
 Hehe they eevn hav a tail vent!!
I hav sayved the next athleet to the end cos of his very speshol effort! I'm shor yu will be imprest!
This Bartie, hoo livs wiv Granny K.  (clik link for full event cuveridge.)
Bartie yewsd his Daddy's long-johns an dident just jump, he absayled down the washing line!!! 
Heer he is, reddy to off (stop looking down, Bartie, stop looking down!)-
go Bartie go!!!!
 Hehe! A soft-ish landing in the snow, an his smile is restored!
Hehe! Well if yu still want to hav a go, let me noe ware to find yor fotoes (link or email!) an I'll do anuther updayte at the weekend. 

Till then, happy frolicking!!!!!

Bob T Bear (esq)  

Monday, February 11, 2013


Latest scores:
  • Gills: weer 2nd on the taybol. We wer ferst, then we had a gayme on TV an lost. Think the goallie got a bit nervoss.
  • Simpsons: No
  • Tesco: Yes we went to the big shop an I had a ride in the trolley. Spottid a small boy thare hoo had brort a cuddly crocodile wiv him. Carnt think wy. Urged Mummy to report the parents for Bear Deprivayshun but she sed 'Shush'. 
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 /10-got Daddy twice
  • Overall Score: 7.9326/10

I hav popt in to warn yu awl that tomorro is PANT-CAPE TCHEWSDAY!

OK I shud hav given yu mor notiss, I realize that now. Oops. Never mind! All yu need is a big pair of pants an a sense ov fun!!

Wear yor pants as a cape, and spring off from sumware, showting "Horray! Easter Eggs in 40 days!!"
(AN mayke shor yor Mummy taykes a foto ov yu, befor she goze an cooks yu pancakes for tea.) 

Heer ar a few pic's from previuss Pant-Cape Tchewsdays:

Wooley, hoo livs wiv Feronia, in his pant cape

Bernie, hoo livs wiv Bumblevee, gets reddy to lornch in his pant-cape

Tango, hoo livs wiv Beanie, sporting a fine bloo-pant-cape

Asta has just had an operayshun so carnt tayke part this yeer, sheez a bit ouchy.
But heer she is in fine flite, in 2011.

For LOTS mor exampols ov Bears an not-a-Bears hoo took part befor, go to this link:

PLEEZ tayke part this yeer if yu can!
Post on yor blog an let me noe. I'll put a linky on heer wiv wun ov yor fotoes. Or emayle me a foto heer. 
I will put up foto's on Thursday an updayte at the weekend too.
Hav a grayte Tchewsday an enjoy yor frolics!!!!
Bob T Bear (esq) 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pantayshus advice.

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no: em, hope theyer doin a bit ov trayning
  • Simpsons: yes: Lisa waz eevn mor luvly than yewzal!
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: Grayum sed he got me an he dident. I sor him comin. I did. So thare. He dident get 10/10. He did not. It waz NOT a serprize at all. I knew he waz thare. So thare. So. Gayme serspendid dew to serten silly persons not gettin the rool, naymely, that yu hav to mayke sumwun jump. If they wer just abowt to jump enyway it duzzent cownt.
  • Day Score: 7ish/10


Hehehe!! Bumblevee haz sent me sum grayte pant fotoes! Looks like the Bears at her howse hav grayte fun! Hehehe!!! Carnt wayte for Munday's gallery. Don't ferget to send yor pik in!!!! Heer's my emayle agen.

Meenwile, heer is a pantayshus funny that all yu workers owt thare mite like to mayke a note ov. It mite come in handy in the fewtcher if yu ever want an extra day off:

Akchewlly, underpants-too-looseness is kwite a dayngeruss condishun. Did I ever tell yu wat happend to Daddy in the Tesco carpark wun day????

-The elastik on his underpants was reelly loose, an just as we got owt ov the car it finerly gayve up the goste an releest the sed pants on a slow but shor deesent. BUT! Daddy, ov corse, waz warin trowzers. So! The pants crept downwards as far as they cud, then they met up wiv the crotch area. Now, yu'd think that that's ware they wud stay, wuddent yu? But no! They wer enjoyin their littol advencher so mutch, they deesided to leev just their gussety bit thare, an let the wings carry on down eech leg. Evenchewly they got up sutch a momentum that Daddy's trowzers wer bein tugged downward as well.

I cannot begin to describe wat this tern ov events did to Daddy's walk. Think Charlie Chaplin wiv hemmeroydes, warin flippers an walkin throo thick snow.

But still, Daddy faythfully continewd wiv our trip rownd the shop. He brayvely held on to the shopping trolley an did the best he cud. All went reesonbly well, all things -an pants- considerd, till he told Mummy abowt wat waz happenin. At that poynt we had to call it a nite an come bak home, coz she cuddent stop giggling.

Kwestchun: Hav yor underpants ever let yu down??? If so I'd lov to heer abowt it. All in the nayme ov syentiffik reeserch, yu understand!!! Wa-hey!

Bye fer now!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crarfty Challenge

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10/10
  • Day Score: 7/10


Time to show yu wat a few peepol did for the crafty challenge!

Lynda waz ferst, an mayde this monster wiv an odd sok!

We had a diskushon bowt odd soks. There ar 60 millyun peepol in this country. If evrywun lost just 2 soks a yeer, that's 120 millyun missin soks. They must be SUMwhare. How cud yu miss a pile ov soks that big? Yu'd think they'd be markt on a map.

Next, Bumblevee mayde this wee doggy, calld Henry. I think he's fab.

Enywun else do enything? I think thare wer sum butterflys bein drorn, but I carnt remember if yu finisht them. If yu hav dun sumthing an I've fergotton, pleez forgiv me (I'm a bizzy Bear ov menny sponsibilitys) an send me yor link!!! I'll add the foto heer.

Bye fer now!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thanks for theez!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score:9.5/10
  • Day Score:7ish /10


I seem to hav been collektin awards an it's time to say thankyu proply an parss them on!

This wun cayme from Koobuss:

This wun cayme from Asta: This wun cayme from a.bananna:

Now I'm ment to parss theez on, but this is the bit I find reelly diffcult. I hav tons ov fayvrit bloggers. Jus look at the list ov links to other blogs at the rite-paw side ov this blog. Charnces ar, yor there! If yor there then yor allreddy wun ov my all time fayvrits. I think yor so good that I want others to find yu an appryshyate yu too. That is wy I put yor link there.

So I won't worry my furry hed abowt parsin theez owt evrywhare. Yu all allreddy diserve them!!! In fakt, if yu fansy wun, jus put it on yor blog an say that I gayve it to yu! Meenwile I'll do wun iffishul wun eech:

I giv this wun ...............to Alex L, hoo yewst to be calld Pope Terry. I can tell he maykes me think, as wen I reed his blog I end up skratchin my hed wiv my fut.

I'll giv this wun ...................
to Lynda/Granny K cos not ownly do I like to vizit her blog, but it duzz mayke me grin wen she vizits me! (oh! Not that this duzzent upply to others too- oh deer! Do yu see the trubbol I hav?)

An I giv this wun..........................

to Bumblevee. We ownly fownd eech other reesently an I am reelly glad we did!

I'm thinkin ov startin my own award jus fer non-hewman bloggers! Wat shall I call it? The Golden Frolic? heheheh!

Enyway, weer not up to mutch today as Mummy's old bones ar hertin, so we Bears ar mostly huggin her, or runnin up an down her bak. Dilly is in charge ov brewin tea. Hope to all be bak on form tomorro!

Bye fer now!