WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label parsol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parsol. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

New hat!!! I got a new hat!!!!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: yes, we playd Luton (full nayme: Stinks -So-Much-They-Naymed-It-Arfter-A-Toylet)
  • Simpsons: yes- wun we haddent seen befor!
  • Tesco: yes
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: fergot abowt this. Waz dedycaytid to my hat, pritty mutch./10
  • Day Score: 8/10 (new hat)


I do luv it wen we get parsols!!!This wun waz from Mrs Nesbitt!!!! HURRAYY!!!!! it waz addressd to Mummy, but I hung arownd just in cayse... Mrs Nesbitt likes me, an yewzly puts sumthing in thare fer me!!!

Hmm.... lots ov seeds for the garden..... I waz very pleezd to note that marrygolds wer inkloodid...
Mummy waz pleezd wiv theez teezol wuns, as she sez they will attrakt berds, like goldfinches. I'm not that into berds, but goldfinches ar pritty cool-An... oh!! Heer we go!!! HAHAHAAA!!!Bob size pegs fer Bob size pants!!!!An an an.... oh boy! A pressie!
Wotizit?Ooo! A hat!!!Oh!
I had it on inside owt!!!!
This is better!
Now.... wat else?
A littol book that Mrs N mayde for Mummy, abowt gardnin;An sum flowery stik things.
I mite put wun ov thees nex to the marrygolds wen I plarnt them, an rite 'Bob' on the bak:Mummy mayde this card to say thank yu. I rote on the inside, eevn if it waz a bit too pink.
As fer the hat, it's so brill, I kept it on to watch The Simpsons in.This is my hat ov choice now. Yu may remember my uther wun:
Now, I do like the bloo culler ov this wun, but it offen falls off my hed if I hav to run abowt suddenly. The new wun haz a nice under-me-chin type strap, so this won't happen. Huzarr! THANK YU, Mrs Nesbitt!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thankyu, Stanley an Stella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 7.216/10


Look! Look! Look wat the PostBear brort to us today!!!!!

It's a parsol from STANLEY & STELLA of GOOBERSTAN!!!!!!!!

It's to both ov us. But it's reelly well rapt an Dilly is too yung for sizzers:

Wayte a minit!! Lots ov PINK stuff inside! Dilly got all eggsytid...

Hurrayyy!..... fotoes ov Stella an Stanley! An.... oh deer Lor, pink stuff! Dilly lay abowt in it goin worra worra worra....

They sent lots ov crarfty stuff, too, an Dilly injoyd inspektin eech beed individewlly an gayve eech wun her approoval:

Stella mayde her a necklace wich waz a pink ribbon an a silver bone wiv a sissy hart on it...tsk! But Dilly luvs it!Hmmmm.... wat else is in heer? Must be sumthing not pink in heer!!!

OH WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look wat book they sent me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wa-heyyy!!!!!!! Capten UNDERPANTS!!!!! Oh my! A sooperheero in PANTS!!! I jus KNEW thare wud be wun!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

They sent us sum magnets for the frunt ov the fridge, too! Wun haz Stanley's goober face on it, an the uther is ov a sleepy Bear wiv a cup of tea!

I got that Bear as a pin, too! Mummy reelly likes this, cos he has a sleepy cat on his lap!

We both got grayte letters from Stanley an Stella....

Oh wow! Wat a fantastikly pantayshus parsol! Thank yu SO MUTCH, STANLEY AN STELLA!!!! Yu ar grayte buddys. Wat a brillyent surprize! This is wunderfulabewlistik! WA-HEYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm goin to study my new book now.....

Bye fer now!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Woooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!!!! (an I don't meen that in a scary way, eevn tho it's halloween!)

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes- I nippt rownd to the littol wun to get Mummy a can ov chikn soop. She still issent well- STILL not eetin choklit.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: serspendid dew to snottiness in the howse /10
  • Day Score: 7 ish/10


Well, we finally got owt to collekt my parsel! WA-HEYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I took the card an sum I.D.-

Mummy showd the card to the laydy inside an then introdewst me. The laydy then arskt fer my ID. Wen she waz lookin at my parssport she shook her hed an sed, "I don't beleev this!" but I ashord her that it waz genuin. She showd it to the man in there, an sed that I'd com fer me parsol. "Well," he sed, "heel hav to sine fer it!" but she went off an got it an gayve it to me. Mummy arskt her if I did need to sine, an ashord her that I COOD sine, coz I'm a clever Bear, me, but she sed I dident need to THIS time, but will hav to NEX time. I told them this wuddent be a problem. I carnt understand wy they'd think this wud be a problem! Enyway. I got it!!!!!-

WOW! This waz alot bigger than I thort it wud be, not that I knew wat it wud be!!!! (Do yu see whare the Postman rote my nayme down the side there? HEHE!)I cuddent wayte to get it home an rip it open!!!

Oh my!!! If theez wer pants, they wer gonna be HEWGE!!!!

WAYTE!!! This waz a T-Shert wiv dragons on it!!! WOW! Dilly haddent expektid a pressie too!

Wat next?

An...an.... an.... OH MY! OH MY!!!

"THE PANTS OF PEACE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They come in their own Pant-Shaype cayse!!! WA-HEYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAND NEW PANTS TO FROLIC, an HOWZAT for a new over-nite bag????? WA-HEYY!

...........an hoo is all this from????

CALAMITY JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wooohooo!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, CJ!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! Wat a grayte serprize! It wassent eevn our berfdays!!!!!!!!!