Makin my Crismoss Cards
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: Yes, we got a nil-nil dror wiv Bradford. (That's a not-a-looz)
- Simpsons: YES!!! YES!! I akchewly sor The Simpsons! Woohoo!!
- Tesco: Sadly not. I think I mite hide Daddy's Weetabix, then weel hav to go. He carnt liv withowt Weetabix.
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 /10 -got Mummy in the bath. Hers, not mine, ov corse. Don't worry I cuverd my eyes. Enyway thare wer lots ov bubbles.
- Overall Score: 8ish/10
I deesydid to hav a paw at maykin my own Crismoss cards to send to my frends. Mummy gayve me a bit ov lino, wun ov the bits we bort in Lundon wen we met up wiv Beanie the uther month. I've never dun lino cuttin befor, hav yu? Heer is how yu do it-
Ferst yu dror a pikcher ov three hansum Bears.
Now, yu need to get this pikcher on the lino BAK-TO-FRONT so that it comes owt the rite way wen yu print it. So yu hav to scribble all over the pikcher wiv pencil, wich seems like sakrilidge, but fear not, gentle artist....
Then yu rub the pikcher onto the lino by tracing throo on the bak. Oh look! Thare's me, bak-to-front! Yu can tell, from my ears!
Then yu get a
This nex bit waz my fayvrit. Yu skwirt paint on sumthing smooth, then spred it owt wiv a rolly thing calld a brayer. I choze sum brown paynt. It waz like playin wiv meltid choklit.
Next yu yewz the brayer to roll sum paynt onto the lino, an gently put the lino down onto sum payper. Then yu get yor Mummy to peel the lino off gently, and... tah dah!!
He he he! Look! It's me, Sam an Blooberry!!!
Do yu think it's a good likeness? Weer the Three Wise Bears!
Then I choze lots ov diffrent cullerd paypers from Mummy's stash, an mayde all my
As to hoo I send them to, well, if I sent yu wun larst yeer, I shud still hav yor address so I can send yu wun ov theez. If yu've never told me ware yu liv but wud like a card, emayle me yor address an I'll send yu wun!