WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label x-ray masheens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label x-ray masheens. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Holliday dee-brief (heheheee...that sownds like PANTS!) part wun


Hooz that Bear? Grayum finds a Bear size mirror at Granny-Ireland's howse.

Well, we mayde it bak! Wa-heyyy! An I hav sum foto's to show yu. But ferst, a kwik werd abowt Grayum. As yu may recall, he fergot to blink wen we went throo the x-ray at the airport, an it wipet his memory.

Well, Phytheas sergested that it wood all be put rite agen wen we went BAK throo the x-ray masheen on the retern jerney. An he waz rite, a bit. He has got SUM ov his memory bak, but he also seems to hav pikt up sum ov sumwun else's memory from the masheen as well. So now he is a bit dazed, carnt remember wat food he likes, an thinks he waz a fyter-pilot in the second werld war.

I advized him to reed the post he did abowt himself to see if eny ov it cayme bak. Oviossly this dident say enything abowt bein a fyter-pilot, but he sez that it woodent, wood it, coz it wud hav been top seekrit. Ohhhhhh gooooood gawwwwwd.... looks like weer left wiv the rayvins ov an ex-pilot bear now. Hey ho. Never mind. It's still Grayum. Sort ov.

Grayum, revising.

Tomorro, weer all off to my other Granny's howse, an we won't be bak till very layte on Saterday. So I'll get the Ireland foto's sortid tonite, an put them up tomorro mornin, ok? Now, I'm off fer tea an Oirish Soda bred, wiv sum ov my Oirish Granny's home-mayde marmalade on it. Mr Paddington wud be prowd.

Bye fer now!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Interim Mishon Report


I waz wolkin parst Grandad-Poppa's study an lookt in an sor that heed left the compewter on! Wa-heyy! So I thort I'd log an interim mishon report...

We all arrivd safely yestaday an it's raynin. This is no grayte serprize, an I pakt my Duffol Coat (bein a Bear wiv wun eer bak an wun eer forward, I am always reddy fer all evenchewalitys).

So far we havent dun much exsept mostly eet cayke. Today we went fer a littol drive to sumwhere ELSE an ate cayke. Insted. It waz rayning there, too.


Grayum fergot to close his eyes as we went throo the X-ray masheen at the airport, an it wipet his memory. I had to explayne to him hoo we all are, where we wer all goin an hooz a Bear an hooz a not-a-bear. Trubbol is, he wontid to praktiss it on evrywun on the playne. We neerly got thrown off half way over the Irish sea. Hope I can mayke a brakethroo wiv him befor we fly bak on Wenzday. Maybe a few short sharp serprize nose-hugs will help. I'll stake him out tonite.

Mummy's ok but weev fownd 2 big spiders so far. Wun was waring jack-boots, the other waz in the kitchen wiv a nife an fork. Sheez a tad nervuss.

Dilly is eggsited cos evrything's greeeen, wich is good, too as she just sort ov merges in an I don't hav to see her.

I'll try to nip in agen sumtime. If not, I'll see yu Wenzday!

Bye fer now!