At larst! I am now abol to bring yu the video ov me an Dorothy darnsin.
We went to the park at the carsol heer to feed the skwirrols. We had no idea thare wud be a brass band playin! (Yu carnt see the bandstand very well in the vid, but it's the rownd blak thing neer the wite van!) Well, a Bear can never resist a good beet, so we had to hav a boogie!
Then I showd Dorothy our carsol. Yewzly I tayke pikchers ov it from the uther side, so yu can see the way in. But Dorothy preferd this view ov it, rownd the bak. Thare wer mor trees thare, an she sed it wud be better for findin skwirrols.Then we went off to sertch for skwirrols...
It haz bin HOTHOT HOT heer- 90 degrees F in London, an neerly that heer, too, as weer ownly 55 miles from London. So the skwirrols stayd in the trees till layte arfternoon, wen it waz cooler.
Look! Thare's wun! Thare!
See it?Closer....
Heer's Mummy helpin Dorothy feed wun:
Heer's part ov the original town wall. The Romans bilt it:
Heer's me an Dorothy scaylin the town wall an pertendin to be members ov the Iceni tribe, attakin the town an drivin owt the Romans an burnin all theyer stuff (they did, yu kno):
We hav finerly arraynged Dorothy's next trip. Sheez goin to go an stay wiv my Arnty Fiona in Scotland, not far from Edinburgh. Wile sheez thare, they ar all goin on holiday to Cornwall. It will be a very long drive so Dorothy will get to see lots ov playces on the way!
But befor then, I hav to sho yu her pic's from wen Daddy took her into werk wiv him. Ha! Next time!
Bye for now!