WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label skwirrols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skwirrols. Show all posts

Thursday, July 02, 2009



At larst! I am now abol to bring yu the video ov me an Dorothy darnsin.

We went to the park at the carsol heer to feed the skwirrols. We had no idea thare wud be a brass band playin! (Yu carnt see the bandstand very well in the vid, but it's the rownd blak thing neer the wite van!) Well, a Bear can never resist a good beet, so we had to hav a boogie!

Then I showd Dorothy our carsol. Yewzly I tayke pikchers ov it from the uther side, so yu can see the way in. But Dorothy preferd this view ov it, rownd the bak. Thare wer mor trees thare, an she sed it wud be better for findin skwirrols.Then we went off to sertch for skwirrols...

It haz bin HOTHOT HOT heer- 90 degrees F in London, an neerly that heer, too, as weer ownly 55 miles from London. So the skwirrols stayd in the trees till layte arfternoon, wen it waz cooler.

Look! Thare's wun! Thare!
See it?Closer....
Heer's Mummy helpin Dorothy feed wun:

Heer's part ov the original town wall. The Romans bilt it:
Heer's me an Dorothy scaylin the town wall an pertendin to be members ov the Iceni tribe, attakin the town an drivin owt the Romans an burnin all theyer stuff (they did, yu kno):
We hav finerly arraynged Dorothy's next trip. Sheez goin to go an stay wiv my Arnty Fiona in Scotland, not far from Edinburgh. Wile sheez thare, they ar all goin on holiday to Cornwall. It will be a very long drive so Dorothy will get to see lots ov playces on the way!

But befor then, I hav to sho yu her pic's from wen Daddy took her into werk wiv him. Ha! Next time!

Bye for now!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A speshol pressie

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: yes. We playd Northampton (full nayme: Northampton Cobblers!) an we lost 1-0. Boooo!!!!!!!!
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Overall Score:I dident ware overalls, unless yu cownt my apron, wich I wor wen I helpt to mayke the banarnana cayke. /10

Mummy haz a frend calld Jo, hoo she met at Junior skool, a long long long time ago wen hardly enywun had a culler telly an the Queen still lookt pritty on stamps.

Well, Jo haz a littol gerl now, calld Hazel. They both cayme to vizit on Sunday. We haddent all seen eech other for aiges so we all exchaynged Crissmoss pressies an ate cayke, an it waz like Crismoss all over agen!

I gayve Hazel sum soks wiv Bears on them, an she put them on an ran abowt in them so I cuddent tayke a pikcher. But heer iz wat she gayve me, a Lisa Simpson keyring!-

We ate banarnana cayke, wich waz fantastik, mostly cos I helpt mayke it. I got the resippy from heer. It's eesy peesy to mayke, so nex time yer banarnanas get over-ripe, hav a go an mayke wun!

Arfter dinner an pressies we watcht a programme abowt skwirrols an I sed "I kno! Wy don't we go an feed sum skwirrols!" so we all went to the park an fownd sum to feed. We fed them hazelnuts an Hazel thort it waz funny coz that's like her nayme an I sed she waz a Hazel-nut but she still let me keep my pressie.

Hazel, feeding hazelnuts to the skwirrols in Colchester Carsol Park

This wun dident eet his; heer he is, berryin it!

-Wen he cayme bak for mor, he had mud on his nose an pors!

Then we went home an wotcht The Simpsons. It waz an ace day!

Bye fer now!


Dilly sed to tell yu that she haz fotoes ov the skwirrols too. (sigh)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Just fer a larf, today!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes, the littol wun. Mummy needid to replayse my choklit peanuts. AGAIN.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 I'm jus so darn good at this/10
  • Day Score: 7.829/10


Heheeehehe! I thort I'd put this video heer cos it mayde me larf!

Hav a look at this skwirrol! I rekon heez a spy in traynin.

I also enjoyd doin a good skank to the mewsik!

Monday, August 06, 2007

The Cheeky Kinsley Skwirrol

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 7 it was very hot, so I mostly stayd in the shayde an soopervized stuff/10


I shall continew wiv my holiday de-pant. (Hehehe. OK, de-breef.)

On anuther day, we went to a playse calld Kinsley. This is it:
It has a spring an lots ov cleer warter, so they hav lots ov fish calld trout. They grow them. An wen they ar big enuff, they catch them an sell them in ther shop. Heer ar sum ov the fish, blissfully ignorant an thinkin they ar alreddy in fishy heven:
Anuver thing they grow is skwirrols.

In England, we yewst to hav lots of red skwirrols. But lots ov yeers ago, sumwun let their pet grey skwirrels from Merryka out into the wild. Now we hav mostly grey skwirrols ownly (but they ar still nice, an I go an feed wun in the park at home. He's calld Charlie.) This is becos the grey wuns ar better at findin food (this is wy they ar fatter) an also they carry a bug that red wuns get hert by.

At Kinsley they grow red wuns in a safe enclozure. Wen ther is a medsin to fite the bug, red skwirrols grown like this will be let into the wild so weel hav lots ov red wuns agen. Horray!

Most ov them wer shy, but this littol fella poppt out to say hello an waz kwite cheeky:
I thort he lookt a bit weaselly (but in the nicest possbol way): He let Mummy stroke his nose:
But mostly he liket eeting:
Mummy took this wun (mor eeting) to show his toes. She's obsesst wiv toes, that wun:
Then we walkt up the hill to the woods, wich waz good timing as I waz burstin. Unfortunately the woods lookt a bit too wet fer a small Bear in need ov a good poo:
so I jus had to leeve my mark another way (hehehe):
I fownd a soft patch behind a bush layter on, wen the others wer in the shop. Wen I cayme bak, I sor Mummy being pesterd fer a bit ov lunch:
Did YU kno that geese lyke sammon keesh an parsnip crisps? No, neither did I.

Mor tomorro!

Bye fer now!

p.s. I think Dilly is startin her holiday blog today. As I sed befor, doo go, but remember, yu'll never get those minits bak. Hehheeee...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Visit!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: too bizzy entertaynin (I'm a very entertaynin Bear)
  • Tesco: no (an I bet they wud hav liket it too)
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: see "Simpsons" /10
  • Day Score: 8.537692/10

It was fun havin Arnty Anna an Littol Kevin to stay. Me an daddy met them at the trayne stayshun an insted ov comin strayte home, we went to feed hazelnuts to the skwirrols at Colchester Carsol. Heer's wun....

I spottid this cunnin Bear Bush wyle we wer there an was very pleezd to see it was surrowndid by marigolds (but nun ov them as big as my wuns).

Wen we got bak Arnty Anna showd us lots of foto's ov her famly in Ireland, incloodin this wun ov her MAD cat, Lily. This wun is her as a kitten. Apparantly, she tryd to get in this pot wen she was a bit bigger an broke it gettin out.

Then we had dinner an CHOKLIT CAYKE. Unfortewnitly, most ov the other Bears wer still in hydin, so I had to eet theirs. Ahem.

Wen it was bedtyme, I arskt Littol Kevin if he had rememberd to bring a Cuddly, as he was ownly 6, an I waz goin to arsk arownd fer a volunteer if he had fergotten. But he sed, "Ah, no, akchewally, I hav wun in my bag...." so I went off to meet whoever it was.

I thort it mite be a Bear, or a monkey, or a rabbit or sumthing. But it was a Dolphin calld Dolphi. I was a tad nervuss at ferst cos wen he waz ownly harlf way out the bag he lookt like a Killer Wayle.... I'd never met a reel lyve Dolphin befor, so I dident kwite kno how to greet him. But I settold on a pat on the fin....

(I fergot to arsk if it waz ok to put their foto's on heer, hense I had to chop off Littol Kevin's hed.) (Ownly in the foto.)

Arfter we awl went to bed, Mummy stayd up an drew a pikcher ov Littol Kevin's sister, from wun of Arnty Anna's foto's. Wat do yu think?

I am so tyerd now I cud hybernayte! HAHAHAHAHAHA! (bit ov Bear hewmor there).

Bye fer now!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 8/10


Dit was another warm day yesterday (what's happened to autumn? Did dey ferget it?) so mummy went into town an fed der skwirrols in der park.

a Not-A-Bear ov skwirrol type genus >

I've notist dat mummy seems to like a lot ov Not-A-Bears, espeshally der stoopid wuns. Take deez skwirrols fer instance. She givs dem two hazelnuts at a time. Sheez been doing this all summer. Dey eat wun, den run off and bury der uver wun in the flower-pots round der band-stand. Den dey run bak fer more. Now, not all deez skwirrols are dis year's batch, so they must hav dun this larst year, an der year befor, too. So how come they don't realize dat der counsil will com and empty all der flower pots an tayk dem away at der end ov der summer? About 70% ov wot dey have skwirroled away fer der winter iz going to be nicked by der counsil workmen eny day now. An der magpies yewsually nick der rest. See? Not the sharpest pointy stick in der forrest, are dey?

Dits like granny liking English Bull Terriers cos deyer ugly an she sez she feels sorry fer dem. (Maybe I hav uncuvered der reeson wy my parents adoptid my little sister.)

Enyway, mummy ended up wiv muddy skwirrol foot prints all over her cos wun partikularly gluttonous wun kept climbing up her fer mor hazelnuts. Now if I did that wen she got der choklit peanuts out I'd be told off, but not der skwirrols, oh no, she thort dat was cute! Dit's species-ist, I tell yu.

Bye fer now!