- Gills: no
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: no, an food levels ar so low Mummy is startin to eet the lettuce. This is seeriuss.
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 5 (I let him get me) /10
- Day Score: 7.458123100000000006 /10
Weev been bizzy showin things to Sam, hoo is continuing on his Mishun To Discuver Things.
We took him into town so that he cud discuver mono-sillabik bus drivers, kews, Crismoss lites an puddols. We liv in Colchester but Daddy waz goin to Chelmsford fer sumthing so we tagged along too.
Sam issent in the fotoes cos the camra still spooks him. He dident get to see menny owt in the wild Alaskan rivers. Mind yu, he wuddent hav got to see menny sofas, either, an he seems to hav tayken to them very well indeed.
Mulligan (I hav sinse diskuverd his full nayme is Mulligan Tyre) haz been reedin up abowt football but sez he still prefers golf cos it's a much slower gayme, wiv inbilt toylet fasillyties all rownd the pitch, wich iz far mor soootid to an older Bear.
I dident heer enything from my Arnty in Scottyland, but Mulligan will be leevin us on Monday to deliver their Crismoss parsol. We ar goin to put in a note abowt him. A bit like the wun Paddington had, but mor informativ. I did arsk if he wud like to tayke sum pants wiv him, an he is mullin it over. He sed heed like sum shortbred fer the jerney, tho, sertenly....
Look wat my frends Stanley an Asta gayve me!!!
Issent that nice?
I hav been thinkin ov hoo to parss it on to. There ar lots......... I think I will chooz my frend Phytheas, an Rachelle for all her pronking Pacas, an Meanie coz he maykes me giggol (he is as scattalogikal as me!) HEHEEHEHEEE! Oh! an Sandy cos she finds lots ov funny fotoes. An Pope Terry coz he always leevs comments that mayke me larf. Spaulding Bear an Teddy, too, cos they like to play air gittar to The Hoo. Oh! An Mrs Nesbitt! An an an oh! Oh! An I HAV to inklood Plumpiemousie! She haz lots ov littol blogs all leedin off wun big wun, an they ar all grayte!
There. That's probly too menny but I carnt help bein serrowndid by Bears an Not-A-Bears hoo mayke me smile. I also carnt help being popular. (Teheheeeheheetehehee!)
Bye fer now!