Proof for Dilly! - Bears arnt dirty!!
Latest scores:
- Gills: Weer doin brillyently an we ar top of the taybol. Promoshun is almost in site- I can sniff it, it is almost vizibol... sniff sniff yep!
- Simpsons: I miss Lisa but Mummy an Daddy still prefer to put on Famly Guy. II do like Stewy an Rupert tho.
- Tesco: Ownly been to Littol Tesco laytly so no trolley rides. But convinced Mummy to tayke short cut throo the woody bit so I can hav a poo.
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: This was serspended for ages cos they wer all snotty! But I got Daddy the uther nite and he was so serprized he fergot to giv a scor. So I shall scor myself. 10/10
- Overall Score: 8ish/10
I wantid to show yu this grayte video wich Blue sent me. It is proof that we Bears ar NOT DIRTY SO THARE DILLY, PUT THAT IN YOR DRAGON SNOUT AN SMOKE IT
Did yu see him moonwalking? I can do that.
Bob T Bear (esq)
(characterful, not dirty)