WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Bears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bears. Show all posts

Friday, February 01, 2013

Proof for Dilly! - Bears arnt dirty!!

Latest scores:
  • Gills: Weer doin brillyently an we ar top of the taybol. Promoshun is almost in site- I can sniff it, it is almost vizibol... sniff sniff yep!
  • Simpsons: I miss Lisa but Mummy an Daddy still prefer to put on Famly Guy. II do like Stewy an Rupert tho.
  • Tesco: Ownly been to Littol Tesco laytly so no trolley rides. But convinced Mummy to tayke short cut throo the woody bit so I can hav a poo.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: This was serspended for ages cos they wer all snotty! But I got Daddy the uther nite and he was so serprized he fergot to giv a scor. So I shall scor myself. 10/10
  • Overall Score: 8ish/10

I wantid to show yu this grayte video wich Blue sent me. It is proof that we Bears ar NOT DIRTY SO THARE DILLY, PUT THAT IN YOR DRAGON SNOUT AN SMOKE IT


Did yu see him moonwalking? I can do that.


Bob T Bear (esq)
(characterful, not dirty)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Intervewing Bears

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: we playd MK Dons (full nayme; Milton Keynes Franchise Scum) an got a 2-2 not-a-looz. Then wen we got home, Granny had fownd an old video of us playin an winnin agenst Charlton (full nayme; cheetin non-Kent squatter scum) an it waz gratye to re-liv the memory an do a sellybraytory darnce up an down Daddy's arm.
  • Simpsons: no- Granny duzzent put this on. I think the yello skin confewses her.
  • Tesco: yes- went wiv Mummy, Daddy an Granny. I waz abol to demonstrayte to Daddy how grayte it is to shop wiv Granny - as she is very slow an likes to go from wun side of the shop to the uther an then bak agen and then off bak agen and agen. Daddy syed alot.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8 wassent expektin that /10
  • Overall Score: 7.63216/10

Granny is moovin nex Therzday, to a littol bungalow neer us. She sez thare won't be room for awl her Bears thare, so sum ov them ar goin to come an liv wiv us.

I hav been bizzy intervewin all the Bears to see hoo is comin wiv us an hoo is goin to liv wiv Granny. Arfter awl, thare's rools in my howse. Thare's no room for anarkists. Anarky leeds to confewzion an mess. An if yu hav confewzion an mess, how ar yu goin to find yor emergensy hug pants in a storm?

To be onnist, I havent eevn menshund it to the reelly old sleepy Bears. I think they wud be ok wiv Granny. I think LBBBJ mite be too mutch for sum ov them. An bein intervewd mite just mayke them jump.

Today I hav been intervewin a cuppol of llamas. Granny reelly duzz liv wiv sum weirdos.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Look wat the Post Bear brort me!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes- it waz a Crismoss speshol. Duzzent reelly go wiv this time ov yeer, but duz go wiv this time ov wether.
  • Tesco: yes. I waz riding in the trolley on the way bak to the car wen it startid rayning reelly hard an I had to dive under the bred to shelter.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Day Score: 7.83962/10
  • Daddy's bak: he is still walkin like an old man wiv poo in his pants, but he is goin to the doctor tonite. Stanley, I put in yor rekwest for a video ov his walk, but he refewsd!


Look wat the Post Bear brort me! It's a pakkidge from WSPA, the peepol hoo help Bears. That triangewlar thing is akchewly a munny box. Yor ment to put yor spare pennys in it, then send WSPA watever yu get alltogever. I've been goin rownd the howse collektin pennys for it. I went down the sides ov the sofas wiv a wooden spoon an fownd 59p. Normally Mummy sez that enything that ends up thare is hers, but I sed that today it is for the Bears!

I fownd 18p on the bedroom flor an 83p, 2 elastic bands, sum chewin gum and 3 Euros in the littol bowl ov stuff neer the fone. I'm shor the Bears wud enjoy the elastic bands as they cud mayke cattapults wiv them, but I'm not shor if they chew gum.

Chek owt WSPA's website to see how they help us Bears an uther anmols. But if yu do, pleez mayke shor thare ar no yunger cubs arownd to see, as sum ov the stuff thare mite scare them. Never mind. I am glad we ar helpin a littol bit!

Bye fer now!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Ok! Mor fotoes!!!

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: YEYYYY!!! WE WUN AGEN!!!!!! Thank yu, evrywun hoo wor their lukky bloo smalls!!! Wa-hey!!
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes, the littol wun. We went for a littol walk throo the bak layne to the shop, past the trees. We had to tayke a torch cos it issent lit rownd thare. I wantid to mayke sum shadow anmols but Mummy sed it waz too cold to stop. But I had my big coat on! Sheez so old sumtimes.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Overall Score: 7.73986/10


Rite! Larst time I left yu all owtside the door ov the kidnappers howse. Heers wat went on inside.....

Ferst ov all, I locaytid the room ov the cheef kidnapper. This chap goes by the nayme Owen, an the letters Eoghan. HA! Fownd it. Then I shook my naykid furry reer at it. TAYKE THAT!!!Wa-heyy! That dun, I dedicaytid my time to important stuff, naymely, investigaytin wat Bear stuff they had in the howse!!!

They had a big tree wiv lots ov enormuss lites on it-
...an look wat else I fownd on it!
Wa-heyy! It's a Bear tree! Look!An anuther!An anuther!Wa-heyy!

Heer is Daddy (heez the wun on the rite) talkin to wun ov the nephews. This is the littlest wun. His nayme is Callum an he is ownly 3! Enyway, Daddy is arskin Callum wat his fayvrit thing on the tree is.......an it ternd owt that Callum had his very own Bear on the tree!!
Callum sed he luvs Bears, so I stuk wiv him an avoydid his bigger bruthers!

Meenwile.... Chuck an Dilly hid in the Crib:
(Dilly never got spottid. Can yu see her?)

Callum arskt me to watch The Simpsons Movie wiv him:
Then he showd me his model of Santa's werkshop:
An THIS is a gen-yu-in foto ov me gen-yu-inly tayken by Callum, aiged 3 an 3/4:He waz a good lad, an grayte fun, but this is wat I lookt like arfter 18 hours in Callum's howse:
"Hellllppppppp mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cheeky Bears!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: we playd on Saturday an lost 7 - nil!!!! It waz agenst Shrewsbury (full nayme Shrewd cheetin scum town). It waz terrerbol. An jus goze to proov that they wer cheetin, coz utherwize how wud they hav got 7? Enyway. Lukkily Mummy had replayst my choklit peanuts that sheed skofft in the week, so I waz abol to hav lots ov consolaytory munchies.
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 910
  • Day Score: 7.421/10


Oh boy! This mayde me larf and larf! This is from an emayle that Mummy's frend, Beth, sent her from Maine. This is wat the emayle sed:

A family that lives on the outskirts of Anchorage, Alaska, decided to build a sturdy, colourful playground for their 3 and 4 year old boys. They lined the bottom with smooth-stoned gravel all around to avoid knee scrapes and other injuries. They finished building it one Friday evening and were very pleased with the end product. The following morning, the mother was about to wake up the boys and have them go and play in their new play centre. This is what she saw from the upstairs window:

Jus look at the wun on the slide!!!! WA-HEYYY!!!!!!!!! Cheeky Bears!!!!! HAHAHA!

Oh boy! Wat fun!


Mummy is still sleepy an aykey. I keep maykin her cups ov tea. Tonite weer havin curry for dinner, so maybe that will spark her up a bit. Hope so!

Bye fer now!