WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label bed rule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bed rule. Show all posts

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April 1st! Quick! Hide!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: YES! We won! No, it's not an April Fool joke!
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes: pettrol
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: oops fergot /10
  • Day Score: 8.5293r /10

Now look, I know it's April the 1st, but I kid yu NOT- Mummy has just roasted a chicken, at 4am, and is now sitting here munching on wun ov its legs.

The REALLY scary thing is that she duzzent seem to think this is weird in eny way. She even offered me a bit.

Sheez gon all nocturnal agen. So I'm carftering her. Me an Dilly do shifts thru the night. We don't leave Daddy alone in bed, of course, that wud be breaking the Bed Rule.

I'm a bit worreed that this will be just the ferst in a long list of weirdness today.

So I've decided to hide. I won't say where, as this is the ferst place they'll look fer clues (Not-a-Bears are sooooo predictable). Becoz, kwite frankly, I'm just too machture for their silly goings-on.

Anyway, if I do get bored, I can always jump out at them an get a 10/10 score for nose hug suprizisity.

frankly, I'm jus too matchure fer April 1st

Good luck, all. And bye fer now!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Bear Rules

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no (wich is poor coz we needid to go an exchange der kettle we bort cos it's defunct)
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Day Score: 7.3116/10

Well I think it's time to explain about Bears And Rules.

Bears are loyal and onnist. They hav a code of conduct called the Bear Essenshols(not be confused wiv the Bear Nessessities damn yu, Walt! Thats wot yu get wen yu leave a mowse in charge!). In this code are rules to help liv a simpol life (sum bears wud say that just livin among yu Not-A-Bears made it a simpol life enuff. I cuddent possibly comment. I hav my sponsor to think ov). Here are jus some of the Bear Rules:

    • a car shud always hav a navigaytor on the dashbord;
      bears mayk the best ones. Yu can also have reverse-navigators in ther bak window. Fer sum reason, nodding dogs do this rarther well.

    • tishoos need to be isshooed by trayned bears. Female Not-A-Bears may help themselves on occazon, but Male Not-A-Bears NEVER get there in time.

    • there must be at least 2 in the bed at a time an wun ov them shud idealy be a bear.
Well thats enuff to be going on with. But if I cover something to do with a Bear Rule at any time I will highlight it with this picture ov my nose: Byeee!