WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label poo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poo. Show all posts

Monday, September 24, 2012

Been carftering....


I have bin very bizzy an this is wy- yu see, sumthing very sad happend- Mr Scooter left us to go to Cat Heven. Mummy sez he is at a playce calld Raynbow Bridge now wiv his sisters an lots ov uther animals hooz bodies dident werk eny mor. 

I wonder if he has met Miss Peach yet. He was very shy but I'm shor he will get over that now cos theyer ar no nasty peepol thare, an wen I arskt abowt the dogs, Mummy sed theyer all vegetarian wen they get up thayer, so no worries on that score. He'll be disappoyntid if he has to be a veggie tho, as he was a good mowser. Perhaps they will just all play nicely. I meen it wud be tuff on the mice if they get thare, go "Phew!" an then get loads of re-serviced moggies dissending on them.

ENYWAY so I hav had lots ov tishoo ishooing to do. I eevn mist Pirate Day, but that's ok, as it wuddent hav bin the sayme wivowt a ship's cat.

Today we went to a garden senter to get sum flowers to cover his old poo patch(!). Gess wat they wer selling?????? -Bags of horse poo!!!!!  Daddy explayned that sum peepol like to put it on theyer roses (?????) but wat I want to noe is HOW do they get the horses to poo in the bags????? I arskt Tango, Beanie's frend (we text eech uther, yu noe) an he sed he duzzent noe ither, but it wud be a grayte new Olympik Ekwestrian sport. I think heez on to sumthing!! Much more fun than all that prancing abowt.

In the end we dident get very much cos it was rayning hard, but we got sum winter pansies that shud last till March, an we just hope that Scooter issent offended by the werd 'pansy'. I was careful to steer Mummy away from the pink wuns. I felt I owed him that much. I meen, yu don't expect to put in all those yeers of pooing just for yor territory to go all pink, do yu?

(THANK YU for all the message last time, BTW, an all yor admiring glances. I new yu'd like that, yu cheeky beggars. HAHAHAHAHA!)


Bob T Bear (esq)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hehehe my best present ever!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons: YES!!! An wun episode was all abowt Lisa! Altho, she was acting a bit weird.
  • Tesco: No. Mummy went to Iceland an bort Chikn for dinner, then had to throw it away cos it was rank. Serves her rite, reelly.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5 /10
  • Overall Score: 8ish /10


Well, we had a fine Crismoss, did yu?? The food was yum an Father Crismoss dident let us down!

Rather than do a long blog of lots of fotoes for yu I'm mayking a slide show of the day- our presents, an also sum piktchers I took today ov the lites in Colchester Hi Street.

MEENWILE! Heer is a littol vid ov Zed dancing to a Bear-sized radio that Father Crismoss left us an also a look at my most fayvrittest best present ever! Can yu gess wat it was??? TEEHEE!!!!

Bear hugs!
I'm off to werk on the slide show.....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wat's dust?

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: We play today so pleez ware yor lukky bloo pants!!! (Remember they ar lukkyest wen worn on the hed but still cownt on yer bum )
  • Simpsons: No. An don't think I havent mayde a note of it.
  • Tesco: Yes! A ride in thr trolley at larst!!
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score:10 I am THE champ!!! /10
  • Overall Score: 7.700000000007/10

I sor a grayte cartoon the uther day that was a pikcher ov a town wiv peepol walkin abowt in it,an evrything had brown blobs on. An the werds underneeth wer "Is it just me or has evrything got poo on it?" Heer is a link to it, if yu want to see it!

Well, arfter that, I was havin a deep think, as a Bear is wont to do, bein as we ar deep thinkers (we don't just poo in the woods, yu noe, we can do a deep thunk thare too, an eevn simewltayneussly) an I thort, "Hey, wat it did? Wat if evrything DID hav poo on it??" An then I thort, "Hey! Wat if it DUZZ??? Wat if DUST is reelly the POO ov sum INVISIBOL ALIEN CREETCHER???"


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Alpacas an drorabol caykes.

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons:yes; Bart got a restraining order to keep him away from Lisa. Servs him rite! Leev Lisa alone!
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8 /10
  • Overall Score: 7ish/10

Oh boy! I missed my blog's 3rd anniversary! It waz on September 28th! Ha! Here is a link to my very ferst post if yu want to hav a luk! It haz my gradewayshun foto on it. Ahhhh. Those wer the days. Hehe!

*** *** *** *** ***
We had a nice time at Granny's for a few days!
We took her to an Open Day at an Alpaca Farm!
Eevn tho it's ment to be Ortum, it was hot hot hot! Speshly if yor cuverd in ferr. The pacas wer all shayved so they wer ok. We like alpacas. They had lots thare.... get reddy for lots of paca fotoes!I like the way this wun is havin a lie down!
Slurp slurp slurp...
Abowt to play "Paca, not-a-paca!"-
This wun is defnitly larffin-
Hullo Mummy! (We tryd to get a pic ov Granny but she wuddent keep still!)Wen they shayved them they dident shayve thare tails an thare bottoms look reellybig now, I think!
"Wy hullo thare!"The bit left on top ov thare heds is calld a "top-knot" but the man sed that in Merryka they call it a "bonnet". Oh boy. Dilly went on an on abowt that wun. Sheez mor bonnet-obsesst than a Jane Austen convenshun.
They wer selling theez masheens to peepol hoo keep alpacas. It suks up all the poo. It's a Poover! Hahahaha!!! A Poover, geddit?? HAHAHAH!!!!They had stuff for sale mayde from wool an felt. I bort Granny sum soks mayde from alpaca-wool, cos her feet hurt wen they get cold an alpaca wool is very warm. I told her to put her new soks in her top drorr so that she will find them wen it gets cold. Better still, I sed, put them in yor pant dror, cos then yu will notiss them evry mornin, cos hoo wuddent notiss sumthin fluffy in yor pants? -An then, yu see, yu will remember them wen it gets cold. I'm a very helpful Bear.

*** *** *** *** ***

Bak at Granny's we had a grayte cayke. It's calld "Battenburg Cayke". I don't kno wy it's calld that. It has diffrent cullerd sponge skwares stuk together wiv apricot jam, then sum almondy marzepan rapt all rownd it.Daddy sed that at the end ov skool term he arkst the children in his clarss wat cayke they wud like to hav as a speshol treet on thare larst day. Wun littol boy put his hand up an sed, "I don't kno wat my fayvrit cayke is calld but I can dror it!" an he drew this wun, an evrywun knew wat he ment!!!

Wat's yor fayvrit cayke? (I kwite like carrot cayke.)

Bye fer now!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10!! /10
  • Day Score: 7/10


Wa-hey! Dorothy Bear arrived today!
We all introdewst ourselves an had sum good chattin.
Do yu think thare is a famly resemblance?
I think we may be distant cuzzins!
Dorothy haz her own jernol. Warever she goze, she gets peepol to rite in it abowt whare they liv.
At the frunt ov the book it shows whare she comes from. WOW! Dorothy comes all the way from Kansas! Hey! Issent that whare yu go if yu want to find Oz? That must be wy sheez calld Dorothy!

We went owt an plarntid sum flowers to welkum her. They ar snapdragons (Dilly choze them!).
We had to chooz whare to put them. Mummy sed it waz all up to us. So we thort this spot, in frunt ov the foxgluvs wud be ok. It waz lookin a bit empty.
Dorothy was a bit distraktid by the foxgluvs, wich ar gettin very big. I told her that the beez like them, an she waz lookin for beez. Bears like beez. But thare wernt eny today.
Heer I am givin Dorothy a piggy-bak ride cos she dident want to get muddy. I waz goin to lend her my boots but I cuddent find them. I hope I havent lost them agen.
Dilly waz worreed becos wun ov the snapdragons is droopin.
So I did a poo to help fertilize it. This is shor to help!
Dorothy seemd orfully shokt at this, for sum reezon!
Ta-daarr! All our own werk!
We hope they will flower befor Dorothy leevs us in a cuppol ov weeks' time.

Tomorro we ar off to Granny's howse for the weekend. I hope it stays sunny, then we can tayke Dorothy to the seaside an eet ice creem. I wonder wat her fayvrit flayver is? I did arsk her, but she is still tryin to desyde.

Bye fer now!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no, but weer off errly tomorro to que up for our Wembley tikkets for next week's gayme. Mummy sed she mite not que up, she mite go shoppin insted. Tippykol gerl. Arfter that weer goin to Granny's an won't be bak till SUnday nite.
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no, an she went to the Co-Op. Wich duzzent eevn hav trolleys.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10! Huzzah! /10
  • Day Score: 7.63987/10


Hedgehog poo!


I gess this is his way ov sayin thankew for the munchy food we bort him!

That's all, reelly. Jus thort I'd pop in an share that wiv yu.


*** *** *** *** *** ***

Don't ferget to send me pic's ov yor fayvrit pants for my berfday "I'm A Sellebritty Get Me Sum Pants To Wear!" gallery. (See Wendzday's post for mor detayles!)

Monday, March 02, 2009

Granny's howse, for cayke, cats, Unkol Roy, Mexico an oodols ov poo!!!!!

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: yes, ma an Daddy went to see them play Bournemouth (full nayme: Born mouthy scum) an we thrasht them 1 - nil!!! Hurray!!!
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 360 - all the Bears at Granny's howse had compleetly forgotten all abowt this gayme so I waz abol to catch them all an apply eech an evry speshol rool /10
  • Overall Score: 8.2/10


This is a Bear pikcher that Mummy drew for me today, cos I sed she had been doin lots ov sissy stuff, an wy dident she do mor Bear stuff? I think it's brill. But Mummy wants me to tell yu that she "ownly coppeed it from a book." D'oh!

I waz goin to blog on Saterday but we went to Granny's an I had a lie-in befor we went, so I dident get hav time to do it. I did heer the uthers get up, well sort ov. I SORT OV herd them, I jus thort it waz hapnin in my dreem. Duz that happen to yu?

At Granny's, we met up wiv Unkol Roy, hoo is Mummy's littol bruther. Well, she calls him her littol brother but he is 6 feet tall and she issent. But she sez, he is still littol to her cos she yewst to push him arownd in a pram.
We wantid to meet up wiv Unkol Roy cos he waz off to Mexico!!!!
It's troo. He left at 6am yestaday to fly to Mexico City. He haz a gerlfrend now hoo comes from thare, an he is goin to liv wiv her famly an werk thare teechin English.

I gayve him a big hug. My hugs hav an odd affekt on Unkol Roy. He trys to duk into his jumper an avoyde me. But I just linger arownd his showlder an wayte fer him to come owt. He carnt stay in thare forever or heel suffercayte. So I get him in the end! Huzarr!!! Hehehee.

This is Unkol Roy leevin for Mexico at 6 on Sunday mornin an lookin not at all scared.

This is Granny wiv Unkol Roy. She is standin on a step an he is bendin his neez. Utherwize yu wud never be abol to get them in the sayme foto. Grannys ownly come in minacher, yu see.

Becos he went so errly, arfter he had gon, we all went bak to bed!!!

Heer ar the cats in their new beds, wich Mummy gayve them as an errly berfday present (they will be 16 on the 23rd.)

Mr Scooter an Fluffy.Mr Scooter.

So we throt Sunday wud be a layzee day arfter that. But it wassent!!!

Oh boy!!! It waz soooo funny!!! I neerly berst my beads!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thare is a man-hole cover in Granny's garden, and Granny cayme in an sed, "I think sumthing narsty is comin up rownd that man-hole cover." So we awl went to the bak dor an had a look. An shor enuff, thare waz sumthing VERY narsty! So we had to get a number from the Yello Paiges for a speshol poo-pipe engineer to come owt an look.

Wen he got thare, he liftid the man-hole cover AN IT WAZ FULL OV POOEY STUFF!!! HEHEHEHEEEEEEEEE!

He had to open up uther man-hole cuvers, too, and get a long pole and stir it (an I dident eevn kno peepol did that for a job - I thort scattology waz just a hobby). Then he got a long hoze an sprayed lots ov warter throo a hi presher thingy an it all washt away. He had to go next dor an look at their poo too. WOW! Wat a grayte job!

In the end he sed that sumwun in the street had put things they shuddent down the toylet. He fownd plastik bags an eevn a garden trowl down thare. (My God- how constipaytid wer they that they needid a garden trowl????)

It awl got cleend an sortid in the end, but he charged £206. All the grown-ups agreed that, altho yu cud hav bort a lot ov cayke an uther nice stuff wiv that mutch, it waz still a bit less than they expektiod so it waz OK.

I am just dayzed that yu can get to ware a speshol soote, drive yor own van, inspekt uther peepol's poo, AN get payd for it!!!!!! Wow, Unkol Roy, look at the fun yu mist!!!