Weekend's scores:
Gills: no: weekend off fer good bahyavior.
Simpsons: yes: a brillyent "Lisa is best out ov evrywun" episode.
Tesco: no, an she sneekt off to Saynsbury's agen, an then insultid The Bear's immense intellygense by pertendin she haddent been enyware. Huh.
Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8.5/10
Weekend Score: 8, on accownt ov that Simpsons episode. Wish I'd recordid it! /10
An thankyew fer yor payshunse. It haz tayken a long time to get Blogger to upload eny fotoze at all, let alone all the wuns I want to show yu! In the end I drayped the compewter box wiv lots ov pants an, arfter a few encurridging kicks, it gayve in an admittid that I waz boss ov it.
So. Heer we go then. My foto-jernol ov Crismoss Day.....
The tree sort ov recuvverd from the munching aphids, but endid up a bit thinner. Never mind. We jus threw mor an mor stuff on it till yu cuddent see all the gaps. This is errly Crismoss mornin....
This is the Crib that Mummy mayde, owt ov clay....Wen we cayme downstairs we fownd our soks an pressies....
This waz my sok:
This is wun ov my fayvrit pressies, a Poo chart! I shall do a post all abowt this layter, by speshol reekwest ov Stanley!
I also got sum speshol Spy Pens an sum choklit Peanuts!
This waz Dilly's sock:
She got a new ribbon, a Freddo Frog bar, a pink wind-up bug. But her fayvrit pressie is a "pwinsessy sofa-bed". It lifts up an she puts all her stuff in the bottom ov it, wich meens bows, mostly, reelly. It's very pink (urrrgh) but it keeps her owt ov my way!
Sam got a pullover an a hat:
He luvs his "Beanie Hat". He thinks it maykes him look cool. He keeps yewsin werds like 'dood' an 'hangin'. As in, "Whare's my tea hangin, dood?" an then he trys to mayke his paws clik.
The Windowsill Bear Familee got sum Bear gingerbred. There wer three bits, in the shape ov a big Daddy Bear, a meedium Mummy Bear, an a littol Baby Bear. LBBBJ waz a bit mift at the size ov the smallist. Dilly staulked the bow.
Mulligan Tyre Bear got a Hunny Stik an kwikly hid it from LBBBJ.
Grayum got the jumper an soks he wontid...
He has worn it ever sinse, exsept I did mayke him tayke it off wen Gillingham playd Nottingham Forest the next day (full nayme: 'Nottin-scum Forest-not-fit-for-a-Bear-to-poo-in') as it looks a bit like their kit. Speshly wiv that tree on it.
Ov all the pressies Daddy got, our fayvrit waz a box ov mini choklit bars. They wer mor our size, reelly!
I got this bloo hoodie fer Crismoss too!
Amung Mummy's pressies waz this new bag. Heer I am tryin it owt fer size. I like the culler. Not shor abowt that flower tho.
We broke off pressie openin for a wile wen Mummy spottid a Bob-Robin in the gardin. He lookt like he cuddent fly. He sat on the grarss fer a long time so Mummy went owt to arsk if he waz allrite. He let her pik him up. She sed his wings wer ok, but his tayle waz a bit floppy. So she brort him in...
Me, Daddy an Granny put him in a box an drove him to a Mergensy Anmol Hopsikol neer our howse. A laydy opend the door an sed, "Oh! A robin! An on Crissmoss Day!" an took him in.
(Mummy waz worreed bowt him, but rang them a few days layter an they sed he waz ok. They sed he waz littol an they had to wayte fer his new tayle fethers to grow bak befor he goze owt to play agen. They wer feedin him werms.)
As well as Granny, my Unkol David an Arnty Stephanie cayme, an brort my cuzzins Alex an Dominic. Heer they ar, playin wiv Granny.
Mummy cookt.....
There waz lots ov food...
...tho Grayum preferd to sniff owt a few simpol Beary snaks.
It's apparently a big compliment to the cook wen all yor gests ar comatose on the sofa arfter dinner!
We Bears rowndid off the day wiv a good Bedtime reed! (Hey! Grayum's warin Sam's Beanie Hat!)
Tomorro I'll tell yu abowt wen we went to Granny's howse an took the massarge chair wiv us for the Sheppey Bears to try out!
Bye fer now!