WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label calamity Jane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calamity Jane. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010

OK so far.....

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: Poo! We playd Swindon on Saturday (full nayme: Swine town Scum) an they cheetid an we endid up loozin 3-1. Eevn Mummy warin her lukky bloo pants cuddent sayve us agenst the reprobaytes.
  • Simpsons: no, Granny issent reelly into this. Don't kno wy. She sez she duzzent understand wy they ar all yello. Duzzent seem to be abol to get over that bit.
  • Tesco: no. An I am DYIN for a troley ride.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9 (granny K got me over the internet an I reelly wassent expektin that) /10
  • Overall Score: 7.63987/10

We cayme home larst nite. Mummy calld Granny layte larst nite an Granny calld her this mornin to let her kno she waz still ok. So, so far, ok......

Mummy has pakt a bag an put it by the dor in cayse she has to go bak to Granny's kwik-farst!

Me, I am gettin up to dayte wiv the uther Bears. OH! An openin my post! Yu won't beleev wat Calamity Jane sent me! HEHEHE!!! I must get sum fotoes. I'll be bak an show yu! HAHAHAA!
I had sum Crismoss cards, too. Thanks! I'll foto them too.
I'm off.... werk to do..... bak soon!!!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Crismoss Eev, worry, panic an luvley cards!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no, but weer playin on Boxin Day, so I hope yu all get bloo pants fer Crismoss, if yu havent got eny alreddy!
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: been too bizzy for this, wich is the reezon I wassent reddy wen Grayum got me, an it duzzent cownt, an he DIDENT get a ten agenst me, cos I wassent playin it at the time. Ok?/10
  • Day Score:7 ish/10
  • Advent Calendar Pikcher: I thort weed get a bayby in a shed today, but no! Just mor yellowy glowing children hangin arownd singing. I hope we get a better wun next year.


Well it's neerly heer! But I've had a very worrying fone call from my cuzzins in Ostraylia this mornin! Over there, it was 10 o' clok at nite so they wer all gettin reddy cos Father Crismoss starts his rownd over there. BUT! They sed that they had set up a big net an wer gonna catch 'im! They sed they've tried it befor an this yeer they rekkon they'll do it, an then get evrywun's pressies.

Bear, Duck an Dog. They liv wiv my Arnty Christina in Ostraylia an they're up to sumthing.

Duck an Mr Woo, another conspiritor.

Oh no! Wat if they suckseed? Wat'll happen to my choklit peanuts??? Wat'll happen to yors? Oh my!

Enyway, sum good news today- look at this grayte card we got from Calamity Jane!!!

WOW! Bears!

Issent it grayte? THANKS, Calamity Jane!

An our Crismoss tree mite be ok, too: I took advice from my good frend Stanley an hung sum ov Daddy's stinky old sox on it!

Theez trusty old smelly Guard Socks shud finish off the aphids nicely.

It's a bizzy day, Crismoss Eev, so I'm off to help Mummy mayke Mince Pies. Sheez gonna put sum port in them! Heheheee! So helpin her is probly the ownly way I'll get to tayste them! Ha!

Happy Crismoss, evrywun, Bears an Not-a-Bears evryware!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Woooo Hoooooooooooooo!!!!!! (an I don't meen that in a scary way, eevn tho it's halloween!)

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes- I nippt rownd to the littol wun to get Mummy a can ov chikn soop. She still issent well- STILL not eetin choklit.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: serspendid dew to snottiness in the howse /10
  • Day Score: 7 ish/10


Well, we finally got owt to collekt my parsel! WA-HEYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!

I took the card an sum I.D.-

Mummy showd the card to the laydy inside an then introdewst me. The laydy then arskt fer my ID. Wen she waz lookin at my parssport she shook her hed an sed, "I don't beleev this!" but I ashord her that it waz genuin. She showd it to the man in there, an sed that I'd com fer me parsol. "Well," he sed, "heel hav to sine fer it!" but she went off an got it an gayve it to me. Mummy arskt her if I did need to sine, an ashord her that I COOD sine, coz I'm a clever Bear, me, but she sed I dident need to THIS time, but will hav to NEX time. I told them this wuddent be a problem. I carnt understand wy they'd think this wud be a problem! Enyway. I got it!!!!!-

WOW! This waz alot bigger than I thort it wud be, not that I knew wat it wud be!!!! (Do yu see whare the Postman rote my nayme down the side there? HEHE!)I cuddent wayte to get it home an rip it open!!!

Oh my!!! If theez wer pants, they wer gonna be HEWGE!!!!

WAYTE!!! This waz a T-Shert wiv dragons on it!!! WOW! Dilly haddent expektid a pressie too!

Wat next?

An...an.... an.... OH MY! OH MY!!!

"THE PANTS OF PEACE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They come in their own Pant-Shaype cayse!!! WA-HEYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAND NEW PANTS TO FROLIC, an HOWZAT for a new over-nite bag????? WA-HEYY!

...........an hoo is all this from????

CALAMITY JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wooohooo!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, CJ!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! Wat a grayte serprize! It wassent eevn our berfdays!!!!!!!!!