WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label hunny is yum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hunny is yum. Show all posts

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Nice Day Trip

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: time off
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yay twice! Wunce fer petrol an wunce fer oats fer the berds. (Mummy maykes them brekferst owt ov oats, froot an fat. No wunder we hav so menny noizy yung starlins in the garden!)
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 got Daddy as he waz fallin asleep /10
  • Overall Score: 7.10693/10


We awl got in the car yestday an went off to The Essex Food Show at Cressing Temple Barns. This is a "Nites-Templar" site from the twelfth centry an has 2 big barns still there from medeevol times. Mummy wantid to go cos she likes histry, Dilly wantid to go so she cud dress up like a medeevol laydy, an me an Daddy wantid to go an get sum cayke.

Heer's me an Dilly in our speshol seat in the car, navigaytin:Heer's me by wun ov the medeevol barns:

This is wat they look like inside:

I fownd hunny!

I fownd a Bear sellin likorish:

This Bear had his own Choklit stall. He maykes it himself, wich is wy he is warin an apron. I offerd to lik his paws but he sed no.

We fownd a kwyert corner ware peepol wer rayzin munny for a animol sanktry. They had sum wols, wich had been reskewd. This is a Littol Wol. He is calld Pip.

He waz carfterd becos he had been hert by a car. He's ok now tho. He haz a frend calld Skweek hoo waz also hert by a car, an they liv at the sanktry together. They like to be held an cuddold. Mummy held him an sed, "Wud yu like to meet him, Bob?" an I wassent shor. Big wols eet small brown furry things. But as I waz the sayme size as this wun.....

I jus tryd not to look too small an mowse-cullerd.

Then we walkt rownd the Tewdor Gardens..... They ar mostly full ov herbs. Heer is a giant fennel (the fluffy leevs an the yello flowers). Mummy waz a bit worreed cos she plarntid sum fennel larst week. She dident kno they got this big. Can yu see me?

This tree waz very cumfterbol. It waz oviossly grown for small peepol to sit in the middol ov! Can yu see us?This waz my fayvrit plarnt tho:
Did yu see wat it's calld? HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bear pants! Wa-heyy!

Dilly iz goin to post her own pikchers. They'll be full ov flowers an stuff tho. Go an see them if yu like, but remember, yu'll never get thoze minits bak.

Bye for now!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fabuloss Bayker Bear Biskits

Yesterday's scores:

  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: yes: walkt there wiv Mummy. She haz a MP3 player now, so we hav wun ear-plug eech an jog along in time to The Travelling Willberrys.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: wy, 10, ov course /10
  • Day Score: 7.8951000001 /10

The other nite Daddy had mayde a cup ov tea fer evrywun an Mummy sed, "Hmmmm, wat that needs is an oaty biskit!". So she went to the biskit barrel but fownd ownly crums. Not shor how that happend but Grayum had crums down the frunt ov his jumper an waz lookin pritty shifty. Trubbol wiv old Bears is that wen yu arsk them if they kno enything abowt missin biskits, they pertend to hav memry loss an jus arsk yu wat a biskit is.

Never mind. Bob to the reskew. I wanderd owt in the kitchen an climed the shelvs an chekt the ingreedients:

90g or 3 1/2 oz rolled oats -chek
150g or 5 oz holemeal flowr -chek
225g or 8 oz soft lite brown shoogar - chek
65g or 2 1/2 oz desicaytid coconut - chek
100g or 4 oz margareen - chek
2 taybolspoons ov hunny - mmmmmm chek!
1/2 teespoon bicarb ov soda - chek

So off I went to werk, maykin yummy biskits. Heer's how, if yu want to, too:

Heat the uven up to 180c/350f/Gas 4.

Mix up oats, flowr, shoogar an coconut in a big bowl.

Melt the margareen an hunny in a small pan.

Mix the bicarb ov soda wiv 1 teespoon ov warter an stir it into the hunny an margareen stikky mixcher. Yum. Add to the oaty mixcher.

Then either drop teespoons ov the mixcher onto baykin trays, an spayse them owt an splodge them into rownd shaypes, or fill up a whole tray like I did, an get yor Mummy to scor lines into it wiv a big nife.

Put them in the uven fer abowt 20 minits, but sit on a chaire by the door an keep an eye on them. Yu'll need to get Mummy to tern the tray rownd harf way throo.

This is mine arfter they wer cookt:

An this is mine arfter we had startid to eet them:

If yu do them thik enuff they ar a bit like flapjaks at ferst, bit chewy, wich is nise as it adds a bit ov intrest for a thortful Bear as he partaykes. Put them sumware air-proof wen they're cool. The longer they ar there, the crunchyer they get. By day 4 yu need to dunk them or suk them or brake a tooth. Hehheeeee. They're yum!

Bye fer now!