Is thare no end to a pare ov pants' talents????
- Gills: no
- Simpsons: no
- Tesco: yes- went wiv Arnty Jo an Hazel an Mummy an left Daddy behind cos the gerls wantid to browse an we wer there for neerly 2 HOURS!!!! An an an Arnty Jo parkt on the uther side ov the car park so I got a extra long ride in the trolley. It waz ace.
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 (got Daddy) /10
- Day Score:7.87629/10
Yesterday waz grayte cos Arnty Jo an littol Hazel cayme up cos she had a day off skool an we all went an had a piknic neer the carsol. I took sum fotoes an I'll put them on heer nex time. Grayum enjoyd it. He neerly ate evrything.
Larst nite, I waz goin upstares to bed, reflektin on wat a grayte day it had bin, wen I got a bit ov a shok!!! I thort a burgler waz waytin rownd the corner for me! Or or or maybe a mad Bear merderer or sumthing!
Bein Brayve, ov corse, I wassent fayzed. I jus calld for Daddy to come an hav a look wiv me.
Well! It ternd owt that it waz a Pant Shadow!!! Mummy an Daddy had left the washin at the top ov the stairs an the downstares lite mayde this shadow owt ov the pants!
Wa-heyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arnt pants brillyant??? HAhahahahahah!
Rite! Weer off to Granny's for the weekend now. Weer taykin terkey an appol pie, wich in Amerryka wud meen a holiday, but weer just tryin to empty the freezer.
Thanks for all the messidges abowt the awards. I'll attend to them wen I get bak! I hav to go an pak. They sed it mite thunder this weekend so I need to tayke my Emergensy Hug Pants, Number Wun Pare.
Bye fer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!