WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label pant shadows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pant shadows. Show all posts

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Is thare no end to a pare ov pants' talents????

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes- went wiv Arnty Jo an Hazel an Mummy an left Daddy behind cos the gerls wantid to browse an we wer there for neerly 2 HOURS!!!! An an an Arnty Jo parkt on the uther side ov the car park so I got a extra long ride in the trolley. It waz ace.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 (got Daddy) /10
  • Day Score:7.87629/10


Yesterday waz grayte cos Arnty Jo an littol Hazel cayme up cos she had a day off skool an we all went an had a piknic neer the carsol. I took sum fotoes an I'll put them on heer nex time. Grayum enjoyd it. He neerly ate evrything.

Larst nite, I waz goin upstares to bed, reflektin on wat a grayte day it had bin, wen I got a bit ov a shok!!! I thort a burgler waz waytin rownd the corner for me! Or or or maybe a mad Bear merderer or sumthing!

Bein Brayve, ov corse, I wassent fayzed. I jus calld for Daddy to come an hav a look wiv me.

Well! It ternd owt that it waz a Pant Shadow!!! Mummy an Daddy had left the washin at the top ov the stairs an the downstares lite mayde this shadow owt ov the pants!

Wa-heyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arnt pants brillyant??? HAhahahahahah!

Rite! Weer off to Granny's for the weekend now. Weer taykin terkey an appol pie, wich in Amerryka wud meen a holiday, but weer just tryin to empty the freezer.

Thanks for all the messidges abowt the awards. I'll attend to them wen I get bak! I hav to go an pak. They sed it mite thunder this weekend so I need to tayke my Emergensy Hug Pants, Number Wun Pare.

Bye fer now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!