WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label tradishun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tradishun. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2007

World Toylet day!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: yes, leest sed the betta (see yestaday's scors)
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: too bizzy /10
  • Day Score: 7.40000002 /10

Today iz World Toylet Day! On this day we remember all thoze peepol hoo havent got toylets. Ther is a website all abowt it, heer. There is seerioss stuff on the website, but also sum fun stuff, like, a kwizz calld "Wat Type Ov Toylat Payper Ar Yu?". Me an Mummy ar ded leevs, apparrently. Still, that's kwite appropryet fer a Bear hoo likes to poo in the woods!

Speekin ov wich, I kno it is TRADISHUNOL for me to poo in the woods, but it issent always possibol in this day an age.

It's a bit like Crismoss Puddin. Now, it's TRADISHUNOL to mayke yor own Crismoss Puddin. But nowadays, most peepol jus buy wun. In the sayme way, it's TRADISHUNOL for me to poo in the woods. But mostly I yewz a pot plarnt. It's the sayme sort ov thing, reelly, an less charnse ov a nettol.

In our howse we hav 2 toylets. Peepol think that it's so ther's wun fer wen yor upstairs an wun fer wen yor downstairs. But reelly it's cos if Daddy duz a poo, it puts that toylet owt ov akshun fer sevrol hours. Not that this happens very offen. As a spy I am big on observayshun, an I hav observd that Mummy duz on averridge 4 pooes a day but Daddy ownly manidges that in a week. Still, probly just as well, given the state ov the ozone layer, eh?

Enyway, wen yu go off for yor poo today (if yu havent allreddy, or if yor dew another wun, or, if yor like Daddy, rite this down an sayve it fer Wenzday) spare a thort for all thoze peepol in the werld hoo don't hav toylets, an if yor Bear, all thoze Bears hoo still hav to brayve the nettols.

Bye fer now!