WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Callum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Callum. Show all posts

Monday, February 02, 2009

Ok! Mor fotoes!!!

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills: YEYYYY!!! WE WUN AGEN!!!!!! Thank yu, evrywun hoo wor their lukky bloo smalls!!! Wa-hey!!
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: yes, the littol wun. We went for a littol walk throo the bak layne to the shop, past the trees. We had to tayke a torch cos it issent lit rownd thare. I wantid to mayke sum shadow anmols but Mummy sed it waz too cold to stop. But I had my big coat on! Sheez so old sumtimes.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10
  • Overall Score: 7.73986/10


Rite! Larst time I left yu all owtside the door ov the kidnappers howse. Heers wat went on inside.....

Ferst ov all, I locaytid the room ov the cheef kidnapper. This chap goes by the nayme Owen, an the letters Eoghan. HA! Fownd it. Then I shook my naykid furry reer at it. TAYKE THAT!!!Wa-heyy! That dun, I dedicaytid my time to important stuff, naymely, investigaytin wat Bear stuff they had in the howse!!!

They had a big tree wiv lots ov enormuss lites on it-
...an look wat else I fownd on it!
Wa-heyy! It's a Bear tree! Look!An anuther!An anuther!Wa-heyy!

Heer is Daddy (heez the wun on the rite) talkin to wun ov the nephews. This is the littlest wun. His nayme is Callum an he is ownly 3! Enyway, Daddy is arskin Callum wat his fayvrit thing on the tree is.......an it ternd owt that Callum had his very own Bear on the tree!!
Callum sed he luvs Bears, so I stuk wiv him an avoydid his bigger bruthers!

Meenwile.... Chuck an Dilly hid in the Crib:
(Dilly never got spottid. Can yu see her?)

Callum arskt me to watch The Simpsons Movie wiv him:
Then he showd me his model of Santa's werkshop:
An THIS is a gen-yu-in foto ov me gen-yu-inly tayken by Callum, aiged 3 an 3/4:He waz a good lad, an grayte fun, but this is wat I lookt like arfter 18 hours in Callum's howse:
"Hellllppppppp mmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!"