WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label ponys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ponys. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Holiday log part 2: animols

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no. Mummy went to the co-op insted. I refewsd to go. Arfter all, they've got a Tesco Loyalty card. (As hav I.) Duzz loyalty meen nuthin to her? I onnistly don't think so. She eevn tryd to bribe me wen she got bak, wiv co-op choklit.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9.5/10
  • Day Score: 6.83621/10


Ferst ov all, heer's a foto from my beer seereez that got left owt from yesterday's post. I think Mummy waz edittin wen I wassent lookin. Hehheeee....HAAAAAA! Bottoms up!!!!

Enyway... on to part 2, animols.

Animols hav rite-ov-way in the New Forest, across all the roads an traks evrywhare. Thare ar ponies (all diffrent sizes an cullers), deer (ditto), cows (boy an gerl wuns an sum so hairy yu cuddent tell) an in the ortum there ar also piggys. They let the piggys owt in the ortum to roam free an eet the haycorns, cos the haycorns ar bad for pony-tummys, yu see.

Watch owt, Daddy! Cow at 3 O clok!!!

"Wy, hellooooooooooooooooo thare!"

We sor lots ov ponys wondrin abowt. They can all roam free. Wunce a yeer they ar rowndid up, all 4,000 ov them, an chekt by pony-doktors (theez ar peepol hoo want to help ponys, not ponys in wite coats an glarssis). But arfter their helth chek they ar let free agen. They hav littol cotton collars to show they've been chekt an theez fall off arfter a wile but sum we sor still had them.

I luv the chestnut brown wuns. I think it's a grayte Bearish culler.

Sum ov them wer frendly, but we wer told not to feed them as they ar mostly wild.

We red that the New Forest Ponys hav been in the Forest for hundreds ov yeers. WOW! I had no idea that ponys livd that long!

Now they think they ar a diffrent breed all ov their own. They ar mor musselly an they hav thik hair, like fur. It is fuzzy an fluffy an keeps them warm owtdors.

This wun waz goin shoppin. We layter sor her goin along the street lookin in the shop windoze. The laydy in wun shop just wayved at her. Maybe she waz a regular.

We sor donkeys too! Just wondrin abowt, nibblin stuff.

An deer.....

Theez wer my fayvrit ponys as they wer mor my size. They lookt like "Thelwell Horses". Hehehe!

Arent they fat???? I wunder if it is pies or if it is eevn smaller horses inside......

We sor lots ov berds too, but Dilly wants to blog abowt theez. Sheez got to go owt wiv Mummy now, but they mite blog layter. But I did jus want to show yu this happy duk!!!

I think it is luvly that there is sumwhare whare animols come ferst an hav rite-ov-way over evrywun! Eevn on the biggest roads the top speed allowd waz 40mph. A lot ov playses it was 10 or 20 an yu wer told to be very slow wen yu sor animols. I think evrywhare wud be better if animols cayme ferst like that. An thare wud be lots ov intrestin poo arownd too. HAHAHA!

Tomorro, I'll post pikchers ov the woods, inkloodin a big Giant Sekoyya that I gayve a wee help to.

Bye fer now!