WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Bear Hotel And Spa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bear Hotel And Spa. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Holiday Log part 5: the Bear Hotel and Spa! Wa-heyy!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: serspendid dew to genrol snottyness in the howse
  • Day Score:6.893250001/10


Daddy went bak to werk today but Mummy's virus is 36 hours behind his. This meens that today she haz moovd on to the lots-ov-poo-an-feelin-percewliar stage. Next will be a dry coff an then feelin hungry. Then the urge to go an teech lots ov 7 an 8 yeer olds. Second thorts, that bit mite jus be Daddy. Hehehee. I've spent most ov me time on the windosill wiv the Windosill Bear Familee, owt ov the way. I gave Mummy an Daddy self-ishooin priviledges over the tishooes. I hope they remember that that's a tempry priviledge. I am arfter all the trayned an designaytid tishoo-ishooer.

Ho hum.


Enyway, on wiv the final part ov my holiday log, the Bear Hotel an Spa!

This amayzin playse can be fownd in Beaulieu:

Thare ar sum playses in the UK that hav naymes that yu don't kno how to pronownce until yu get thare an arsk wun ov the locals. Mummy thort this waz pronownced Bowloo. Daddy thort it was Bewley. I fergot to arsk the local Bears, so I still don't kno. I hav herd ov Bewley tho. I hav never herd ov Bowloo. So I rekkon it is Bewley. This is an exslent playse for Spy Bears to hang owt tho, issent it? Cos eevn if peepol fownd owt whare they were, they still wuddent kno whare it waz.

Just rownd the corner we fownd this Bear Adopshun Centre. Can yu see that big Bear in the windo? That is the biggest Bear I hav ever met!!!!

Inside I waz introdewst to Bartie Bristle's Bear Hotel and Spa.

I dident chek in, I just vizitid. We wer lookin rownd the shop an the laydy arskt if I wud care to vizit the hotel wiv the uther Bears.

She showd me to a nice room, wiv a view over the New Forrist, an a bottol ov Bubbly:

Look at all the rooms! Look at all the Bears!!!

Peepol can chek their Bears in heer, an they can hav a steem barth (not blinkin likely, I told them), a fluff-up brush, an appoyntment wiv a Bear Doctor for eny new stitchin an stuff, an then sum relaxin wiv the uther Bears till it's time to go home.

I playd sum footie:...an a nice cup ov tea an sum hunny caykes:This big pot sed it waz a hunny dipper so I felt oblyged to dip for hunny:
The Cheef Bear is calld Bartie Bristle Of Beaulieu: Heer he is, sittin on the sayme sine as me an Dilly did! -he haz a page on FaceBook. I don't hav a FaceBook page so I carnt vizit it, but if yu hav wun, pleez pop in an say hullo for me coz apparently they hav lots ov fun there!

Bye fer now!