WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label Wat to do if yu don't hav lukky bloo pants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wat to do if yu don't hav lukky bloo pants. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons:yes
  • Tesco: YES Mummy had sum photo's printed thare. The man forgot to charge her and she sed to him, I havent paid. She sed she cud ov got away wiv that, but that wud be steelin an I wud hav had to disown her and mayke her sleep in the car.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8 but it shud hav bin a 10 but Mummy waz bein deliberetly contenshus an I cuddent be arst, troof be told/10
  • Overall Score: 7.265/10

Well yu noe wat? Yu liv an lern, don't yu. Yu liv an jolly well lern hoo yor frends ar!!!!

Thoze ov yu that ar still my frends (i.e. yu dident tayke Dilly's side yestaday-puh!) mite be intrestid to heer abowt tomorro's footie match for Gillingham! We will be playing LINCOLN hoo ar Northern Dodgey Franchise Scum. Julie, ware ar yor loyaltys goin to lie? With the team ov a small, loquayshus, loyal an frendly Bear, or with a town like Lincoln just cos they ar up the road from yu. Ay? Ay? I shall expekt a pant inspekshun report from Mr Julie. Bloo wuns, pleez. Bloo from evrywun, pleez!

Me an Daddy ar going to the match an we ar droppin off the gerls at a big shopping senter on the way, ware they can get lost an look at shooz an stuff for hours. Thayer weird!

Bye fer now!

Friday, August 06, 2010


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No- see below!!!
  • Simpsons: no :@{
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10- got Mummy hahaha /10
  • Overall Score: 7.56/10

The new football season starts tomorro! An I've got my tikket book!!!!


PLEEZ pleez pleez ware yor most speshol lukky bloo pants tomorro!

We want this to be a reelly grayte season, an it probly will be cos our fayvritist capten ov all time, Andy Hessentaylor, has come bak to be our manager! Dit will be so grayte to see him agen, heez my hero! I carnt wayte to go tomorro an sing all our charnts. We ar playin agenst Cheltenham (full nayme: Cheltenham-Horses-Play-Better-Scum).

Heer's wat to do if yu don't hav eny lukky-bloo-pants yet:

  1. wear bloo pants tomorro
  2. if Gillingham win tomorro, theyer lukky
  3. if not, they ar jinxt. Burn them.
  4. wear anuther bloo pair nex match day
  5. see 2 and 3 till they werk
  6. wear the sayme pair wenever we play
  7. washin them ferst is opshunal but bare in mind that luk is cewmewlativ

Persons hoo don't ware pants (Shrinky) can ware sumthing else bloo insted an apply the sayme rools.


Bye fer now!!!!!