WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".
Showing posts with label grandad-Poppa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandad-Poppa. Show all posts

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: yes, an me an Daddy went to watch- waheyyy! Gills wun 2-nil agenst Chester (full nayme, Chester Chester stik it up yer vest yer) so thanks to evrywun hoo wor their lukky bloo pants for us!!! OH! OH! An I must tell yu- I sor 2 uther Bears at the football, too! HEHEHE!
  • Simpsons: no
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: ooops, fergot, too bizzy.. /10
  • Day Score: 7.83261/10


Daddy flew off to Ireland this mornin, to vizit Granny-Ireland an Grandad-Poppa.

Mummy cuddent go cos she haz no foto-ID. Yu need foto-ID to get on the playne to Ireland from heer. Mummy duzzent hav a drivin lysence yet an her passport went owt ov dayte, so she cuddent go. I did offer to go along an identify her, an poynt at her an say "DIS IS MY MUMMY!" but aparrently that wuddent be enuff.

To be onnist, I tayke offence at that. It meens they ar dowtin my werd as a Bear. Huh!

I wuddent ever go to Ireland wivowt Mummy, ov corse: Daddy haz a menny an varreed record ov parental soopervizion:

  • throwin me owt ov bed an then sayin that I jumpt
  • hurlin me towards the fireplace an then sayin that I jumpt
  • droppin me in a muddy puddol in a carpark an then sayin that I jumpt
  • droppin me as he got owt ov the car, leevin me in the roade so that I got run over, an then sayin that I jumpt
  • droppin his spagetti boolonayze on me an then sayin that I jumpt

Yu may hav notist a theem formin heer, an to this I wud just like to add a small note, wich I hope Daddy piks up at sum poynt:


  1. Thunder
  2. Darnsin

I hope this cleers this up. I shall not say enything further. I shall not poynt the furry digit. I shall meerly leev it to yor own intellygent conkloozions. Ahem.

My littol sister is allreddy up to no good. I knew I say, I say I jus KNEW she wud start to play up as soon as Daddy waz away.

Enway......... I shall rize abuv it. (But NOT JUMP.)

Bye fer now!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

It must be Grandparent week!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: no
  • Simpsons: yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: we've all bin too bizzy reedin the brillyent Captain Underpants book that Stanley an Stella sent us!! /10
  • Day Score: 7.84291/10


Oh deer! In fakt, oh deer oh deer! Becos thare ar 2 things to say "oh deer" about. So, do I say "Oh deer, oh deer." together, like that. Or, do I say "Oh deer!" then paws, an then say "Oh deer!" agen. Or, perhaps, do I jus say "Oh deerS" an leev the number open???? Hmm... skomplicaytid stuff, is langwidge.

ENYWAY. My ferst "oh deer" is that it seems I did not blog all week. No post since Sunday, an I wassent eevn on a nice hollyday sumwhare. Criminol! SO I am sorry bowt that.

My secund "oh deer" is that I may hav offendid sum peepol in my larst post. I meen...a week an ownly 8 comments? C'mon, guys. That feels like a suttol way ov sayin sumthing like, "Now look heer, yu cheeky yung Bear [at least, I wud HOPE that yu wud capitolize 'Bear', no matter how annoyd yu ar wiv wun ov the speesheez], now look heer, I serpport that fine Mr McCain an I don't think it's funny that yu ar rood abowt him."

If this is the cayse, then I do apologize.

Look, I'm ownly littol. I don't meen to be rood to enywun. Well, that's not striktly troo: Koalas. Koalas I HAV to be rood to, becos they go arownd tellin peepol they ar Bears an they're not, they ar silly beak-nosed-tree-huggers that poo soup on torrists' heds an eevn fall asleep mid-streem. But uther than them, an the odd cheatin scum opponent footballer, I don't meen to upset enywun.

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Just remindid me of a camel, s'all. :@}

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Granny-Ireland an Grandad-Poppa went to Rhodes for 2 weeks an ownly went bak home to Ireland on Thursday. BUT! They flew into London on Wendzday, an rang me up an sed, "Hullo thar, wee fella! Wud yee be wontin to com to Lundon for a wee dinner then?"

WOW! Dinner in Lundon wiv Granny-Ireland an Grandad-Poppa! Brillyant! I waz so exsytid! I put my newest an bestest jumper on an ran to the car!!

It waz grayte to drive rownd Lundon at nite. We sor all the faymuss bits all lit up an glowin! Then we all met up at a littol Italyun place near Victoria called L'Arco. The food waz yum! The dizzerts wer sooper-yum!

Heer's me an Dilly wiv Granny-I an Poppa:

I'm a bit big-eyed cos Grandad-Poppa had an espresso an I tryd sum ov it. It's weird stuff. Sort ov the grayvy ov the coffee werld. I dident blink agen till we wer harf way home.

Mummy an Daddy? Oh, yeah. They wer thare too. But ownly cos I'm too small to reech the peddols in the car. Jhee jhee jhee!

They talkt abowt us all goin to Ireland at the end ov the munth for a holiday. Wenever an wharever we go on hollyday it's allways cold wet an rainy, so we mite as well. HAHAHAHAHA! See, told yu I'm a cheeky Bear!

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Weer off to our uther Granny's today, the wun that's Mummy's mummy an carfters Mummy's cats cos they like her big garden.

It will be the ferst time we see them all since Orgust an Mummy carnt wayte to see Fluffy an pik her up an sniff her toze. (Lor, sheez weird.)

So wa-heyy! 3 Grandparents in 4 days! At leest the English wun knows not to strayten my eers owt, like the Irish wun kept doin. Mummy had to explayne to her, I'm a spy, an I need to be reddy for all evenchewalitys, an that means WUN ear forwerd an WUN ear bak!!!!!

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Gillingham ar playin today- kik off 3pm British Summer Time. Pleez hav yor bloo pants at the reddy an on in time. If yu get cort short an ferget till the larst minit, don't panick, jus put them on yer hed. It's funny, but waring them on yor HED seems to be EEVN lukkier than waring them on yor bottom-an-bits. Try it! Get on a bus in the rush-hour an thare won't be a seat in site. But don a pair ov lukky bloo pants on yer hed an TAH-DAAH! Instantly, peepol moov owt ov the way for yu. It's MAGIC!

Bye for now :@)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Holliday dee-brief (heheheee...that sownds like PANTS!) part 2


Okidokey, it's time fer sum fotoes abowt our trip to Ireland!

Heer we all ar, at London Heathrow airport, all pakt an reddy to go:

Heer is Granny an Grandad-Poppa's howse in County Clare:

This is the view from that window at the far rite. It waz rayning! But in the distance is a lake surrowndid by hills. It's grayte fer woods rownd heer, an therefor very good fer Bears. Me an Grayum sneekt owt fer sevrol jolly good pooes.

I spent sum time investigaytin indors.....

Granny-Ireland an Grandad-Poppa yewst to be fharmasists, bak in the days wen Daddy waz yung. Wen they sold their kemist shop they kept the big bottols that had been in the windo. They ar full ov cullerd warter an Daddy sez that evry now an then, Granny chaynges the cullers rownd. I wontid to sergest that she jus switch the bottols rownd, but thort it best not to:
They hav lots ov fotoes. This wun shows wun ov my littol cuzzins. This is the wun hoo goze by the nayme ov "Owen" an the letters "Eoghan". Enyway, this is him meetin Tiger Woods an arskin him to sine his hat. Wich he did.

They also hav an intrestin lite:
We went to see Arnty Anna:
Arnty Anna is alot prittyer than this foto sergests. But never mind; it's a good wun ov me.

Lots ov Bears liv in Arnty Anna's howse. But that wun on the far rite, the not-a-bear, that's Arnty Anna's littol gerl, Yolanda. Sheez ok. Sheez nice to Bears. Wun ov the Bears heer haz an eyepatch cos his eye fell owt wen he fell down the stairs. But she ashord me he wassent poosht.

Ther wer also lots ov dragons at Arnty Anna's, an Dilly has got theez fotoes, fer her blog, wich is good, cos then I don't hav to hav silly dragon pikchers on mine.

Littol Kevin likes sea creatchers. Wen he cayme to vizit us a few months ago, he brort his pet Dolfin, "Dolfi". This week he introdewst us to sum ov Dolfi's frends, incloodin Crabby an Lobs the Lobster.

William waz bizzy doin homewerk, cos wen he sed he cuddent do it cos he cuddent find a pensil, I gayve him mine. Heheheee! He cayme bak fer a foto, tho:
Wun day it dident rayne so we went to Limerick, wher the littol funny poems com from. Dilly waz happy cos ther waz a carsol. Heer it is, wiv me, Granny-Ireland an Mummy, standin in front ov it:
On the way bak I spottid Tipperary! Heer it is, jus over there. Yu see? It issent a long way at all. Yu shuddent beleev evrything yu heer in songs, yu kno.
Grayum waz a tad nervuss at the airport comin home, an huggd his foot. It always helps to hug yer foot:
I manidged to distrakt him wiv the help ov sum airport Bears I fownd:
soon we wer reddy to go:

We flew over the lake that Granny an Grandad-Poppa's howse is on:
me an Grayum wayved, but I don't kno if they wer lookin:
then I got on wiv helpin Daddy wiv his suduku. As yu can see, there issent much room heer. They sor me an Grayum, an put Mummy an Daddy in the Small Bear seets by mistayke:
I knew we wer gettin neer the end ov our jerney wen we flew over Windsor Carsol an Dilly startid darnsin up an down the aisle....
As soon as we landid, Grayum waz eeger to get off the playne, an the rest, as they say, is histry. Or to be mor presise, it's on yestaday's post, hehe.
Well my frends, that's it! I'm off to see my other Granny today an I'm goin to see Gillingham play tomorro- DON'T FERGET TO WEAR YOR BLOO PANTS!!!!!

Bye fer now!