Letter to Santa
- Gills: no - but I'm goin to see them play today- IT'S BLOO PANTS SATURDAY, PEEPOL! So pleez don't ferget to ware yor bloo stuff, speshly pants. Mummy, this meens yu. No excewsis.
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: no
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 20 - LBBBJ tryd to sneek up behind me, an wen I spottid him he pertendid he waz arfter Grayum insted, so I warnd Grayum too, an we both got him, wich meens we both get to invoke the Dubbol Yor Scor rool /10
- Day Score: 7.83921/10
Have yu ritten yor letter to Santa yet? This is mine. Ov corse, the reel wun's got my address on it. But I had to blot it owt heer, wat wiv bein a spy an all:
The address yu hav to send it to in the UK (he haz regonal offissis, apparontly) is:
Hurrayy! I'm postin mine today.
Weer off to Granny's this mornin an tomorro, I'm meetin up wiv PHYTHEAS!!!! Wa-heyyy! Weer meetin up in Ashdown Forest. That's not far from wher Winnine T. Pooh (esq.) livs! Anyway weer meetin at the Ashdown Forest Llama Park. I hope we get lots ov good foto's for Rachelle! I hope they do good cayke in the cafe, too. This is goin to be so eggsytin, I hope my bum duzzent burst!
Bye fer now!